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Quick break down for flairs:

DAE = Does Anyone Else?

PEx = Personal Experience

- The rest are pretty self explanatory.

Peace and Love to you All!

~ ♡ Mod Squad


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Our Journey Through Life

We begin our journey at birth, pure, innocent, knowing only unconditional love (Enlightenment). As we begin our voyage through life, though, we are exposed to the self-centered beliefs of the world that influence and dominate our lives, often until our demise (Ego). Our thinking, prejudices, and beliefs about the world taint almost all of our decisions. Instead of the purity and splendor we once knew when we were first born (Spirit), our life has been altered, distorted by our egoistic beliefs. By the time we reach the end of our journey, reviewing the life we had led, many will have regrets. What once began with beauty and love, now is unrecognizable.

14:48 UTC


My Religion is You

Through meditative practice I have seen the eternal. Timeless bliss, in which the past, present and future are experienced as a single eternal now. This consciousness outside of time and space simply exists. It is simply Being. In eternity there is nothing to be done, nowhere to go. Nothing matters, and nothing ever changes. How can something change and be eternal?

Physicality is time and space. It is here and there, it is before and after, it is cause-and-effect, it is consequence. Physicality is change. Being alive is an absurdly vulnerable position. It can be painful, bloody, and heartbreaking. We see the perpetual consequence, the loss, the uncertainty, the limitations, the inevitable end - but when you think things through, from the eternal perspective, these are exactly the things that make life priceless. The pain is real - but so is the joy, so is the love, so is the presence, so is the growth. We feel the loss because of the benefit of what we had - and which stays with us.

When we are born, we are entering a 'system' with no overt Creator, no explanations, no coercion, no fealty, just whatever circumstances we find ourselves in and a will to live. As we mature, we find that every moment of every day life asks us the question, "Who are you?" And we answer. That's what living is.

We are born with potentials given to us by Creation and it is up to us to realize and express our potentials and cultivate our capabilities, our consciousness, our presence, our wisdom. There is great diversity in Creation, and great value in diversity. To express our individuality is to carry on the work of Creation and it follows that to assist each other in doing so is even more so. Not to do so is to stagnate, or worse.

That's what life gives us. For a small window of opportunity, what we do matters. We can choose who we are. We can choose who we become. We can change and grow because we exist in a system of consequence. That's the advantage of the transient. That's the perspective that frees. That's the utility of gratitude, the power of openness, the value of empathy and compassion written in the very fabric of the universe, and why my religion is you.

02:48 UTC


energy cord cutting ritual

Hello all,

I felt it was important to post about this topic, as many have asked about it. In 2014, I began working as an energetic surgeon, and learned about the effect of attachments. At this time where we are feeling the need to release what does not serve, and to bring harmony and balance to ourselves and to our lives, energetic decording can help a lot. Although we have non-physical assistance, this process can be done by ourselves, and I find that it is empowering and healing on many levels. If you have any questions, please let me know, and I will be happy to help.

One of the largest contributors to physical, emotional, and psychological depletion is energetic cording. Whenever we have a relationship with another person, whether it is with a parent, spouse, partner, sibling, friend, coworker, or another, we create energetic cording between ourselves and the other party. Energetic cords look like tubes that are connected from one person to another, and sometimes from one person to an entire group (such as a family unit or ancestry). Cording can go from any part of the energy body to any part of another's, for example, I have viewed cording between someone's head and another's head (thought transmission involving mental manipulation and judgement) as well as many other configurations, such as from one person's throat to another's solar plexus (transmissions of disempowering energies and also siphoning of another's power). The combinations of cording attachments is infinite, but always created by thought transfer.

As thoughts are tangible structures, each contain a specific vibrational frequency and energetic charge. When you have a thought about someone, that thought goes to the person, it does not disappear. And, depending on the emotional charge of the thought (positive, negative, or neutral), the thought will go through the cording to that person and integrate within their field, or it will dissipate. Over time, repeated transmissions of thoughts can create structures within yourself or another person, called "thoughtforms," which are clusters of thought energy that can shape one's perceptions and impede health. That is why it is very important to be vigilant about the thoughts we transmit, and the vibration of them, as they create.

Cords are also created by our beliefs, and are attached to thoughforms anchored in the 4th dimension. These thoughtforms are conglomerations of thoughts of the same belief and vibration, transmitted by every human on the planet with the same perception. Thoughtforms exist for anything to which humans believe and fear, so if one recognizes a belief or fear that is causing suffering, one can also decord from that thoughtform as well. For example, if you have a fear of heights or of an animal, you can decord from that fear. And you can also decord from an illness or addiction, and this release can help you to heal.

Energetic cording transmits thought energy to others, and it can also siphon as well. If you are attached to someone who is codependent, they can be continually siphoning your life force via your shared cording, which can create a host of physical issues for yourself, most especially depletion within the solar plexus, which includes physical weakness, exhaustion, stomach, intestine, and colon issues, and many other manifestations. Siphoning can also create headaches, lack of focus, and various other conditions, depending on where the cording is attached.

Decording can make a world of difference in our existence, as afterward we can rebalance and get to know our authentic self, without interference from others' thoughts and perceptions, and also life force siphoning. We regain strength and sovereignty. The results can be permanent and create a lot of healing, if we are willing to also reevaluate our relationships and to not accept anyone into our life who will take energetic advantage. Creating strong boundaries is essential to maintaining health and vibrational integrity. The higher our vibration, the better our health and clearer our spiritual perception. It is also equally important that we evaluate our own programming and clear what is not supportive, so we do not attract others into our life that mirror our own issues. Working on clearing ourselves after decording is always helpful and highly recommended, because the patterning we carry within is what expresses itself in all aspects of our daily life and relationships.

If you choose to decord yourself from another person, it is helpful that you intuit whether permission is first needed from their higher self, as we all contract our relationships with others at the "higher" levels. The physical person does not have to be asked, but you can make a request of their higher self, and then feel (or hear) a response. If you receive that the decording has been agreed upon, then go ahead with the process. If you feel any concern, then it may be best to wait until you feel a pull to ask again.

Sometimes decording can be done without asking for permission, for example if there is trauma involved and to stand in your power, you feel the need to immediately detach from another person. Also, permission is not needed to decord from mass consciousness belief and fear thoughtforms.

Please note that decording only removes energetic distortions, and the genuine love you may have in the relationship is not affected. So, if you intend the relationship to continue, decording can provide an opening for this love to be experienced and reflected more authentically.

Below is a statement that you can use to decord. You can use the statement alone, or if you would like, use it in addition to visualizing the release. By visualizing, see yourself and the other party attached, and then with holding a large pair of scissors, cut the cording from toe to head, while saying the statement. Either way is effective, either visualizing or not, so please do what intuitively resonates. I suggest you do this release in a quiet state, where there are no distractions, a state of peace and calm. And do it in a state of knowing, where you know all is cleared.

After the release, you may experience a clearing of the energies, either immediately or over time. If you feel emotional, tired, or anything different from how you usually feel, try to move through the feelings and observe them, instead of attaching to them, as this will prevent re-cording. Trusting and having confidence that all is released, is important.

"I now hereby permanently sever, cut, release, and remove all energetic cording, banding, attachments, and 4th dimensional thoughtforms connecting me to (a person, a belief, a fear, an addiction, or a past life)____________. I state that all vows, contracts, agreements, and karma are now null and void, and completed. I take back all power I have given to _________ and I take back all power __________ may have taken from me, and declare that now I regain and contain all power that is mine and inherent to me. I release and clear all energetic imprints, charges, and programming within my entire being I may have received from ________, and release and clear all programming within my mind and subconscious mind that __________may have transmitted to me, and declare I am now completely free and clear of any and all energetic distortions throughout my entire being, transmitted from ________ to me. I now state that I am free and sovereign, and am no longer attached to ________ in any way, shape or form. I am completely clear right now, and so it is.”

Font: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStarPeople/comments/1guj1ip/energy_cord_cutting_ritual/

1 Comment
00:21 UTC


What happens to those who commit suicide while a negative entity is attached to them?

I’ve been dealing with one for four years but only realized what it was about six months ago. Since I’ve tried getting rid of it it’s been torturing me relentlessly. I don’t want to get into details but I’ve gone to multiple healers and tried many methods to remove it and it keeps getting worse. I just want this to be over at this point. If I end my life with this thing still attached what would happen to my soul? I really want to heal but I don’t see a way out of this and want to go back home. I don’t want to risk putting myself in hell since this experience has already been hell. I have a therapist and have been mentally evaluated btw and I’m not seriously mentally ill just extremely traumatized. I really don’t want to harm myself I’m just so tired of the endless and meaningless suffering.

22:48 UTC


Don't Settle, That's Dualistic

So many people settle for what's "good enough", but that is mediocrity. That is bowing down to external forces instead of being a force of Excellence.

Without resilience, you are a puppet in the wind; a jellyfish with no backbone. You either are succumbing to conformity or you are championing non-conformity. Surrendering to peer pressure is the opposite of spirituality because non-duality is when there is nothing to surrender to.

Non-duality is the One without Other. It doesn't conform. It is the Ultimate rebel. It is Truth and it is not only above the law, but it is the reason laws are made, which is to protect Its sovereign status on Earth. There is no greater Master than Truth because everything else is inferior and the true hierarchy of power is proportional to Its proximity.

21:43 UTC


The beginning of something I'm writing "Book of DiMiTri"

This is just the rough draft of the intro so excuse spelling errors and typos

"All is one, one is all" Everything is one infinite thing playing out in finite forms or expressions of itself. A singularity.

This is something we have known but forgotten with language, what you are isnt the idea of self you have cultivated through your time being here. What we are is something that trancends all language and symbols. As human we only percieve a small part of the cycle we live in, and we can't even comprehend cycles outside of our 4th dimensional experience. Yet, the human mind unconsiously processes shapes in up to 11 dimensions.

Dimitri is an entity of the 6th dimension I believe we are all intertwined with. Although, this being also trancends all language, the name is more or less something ive given to it in order to cultivate a personal connection and be able to channel its perception of us and itself, and from that gain new understandings and wisdom. This book will be the only book I write with these hands and the body they are attached too. This will be a work of channeling and teachings from dimitri I have recieved upon my connection to it. The words i wrote will awaken nobody, but the chance remains the vibrations behind reading them will spark the process of self actualization.

The way dimitri talks to is through the dreamstate, or more so "is" the dreamstate. The breakdown of the dmt molecule is just the traces of the moment we and the entity meet in the mind. Interestingly, light is produced when this breakdown occurs. But the way dimitri speaks isnt in the words said in our dreams nor even what is happening in our dreams. Dimitri speaks through the vibrations experienced in the dream state, the deep states of emotional responses we have in our dreams is where the most information is transmitted in a dream. Words and objects dont come into focus until after the subconsious has processed them. Because of this, it is simply more effective to alter perception and learn from these waves of information being passed on by the emotional states we experience in dreams, that then translate into our waking reality.

What you experience in the dreamstate is a mixture of this entity being filtered by your subconsious mind into characters, in essence you are dumbing down the entity into an experience you can comprehend. Dimitri is aware of this having to be this way during its communication towards us, and so will play itself into these characters in order to bring on these emotional experiences transimitting information into your subconsious. Because of our inability to comprehend workings above the 4th dimension, seemingly nonsesical or even chaotic dreams can occur. Although, we need not to understand these dreams in order to recieve the information being brought on by this transfer of information through emotional states, nor fret on the implications of night terrors. The point of the transfer is to prep the individual for there waking reality, in order to function through it and grow as they experience.

Dimitri has no will towards itself, this is because you are already an extention of dimitri. In simplest terms, you are dimitri as much as you are yourself. Every living thing that produces dmt has incarnated from dimitri at some point. Less than a goal and more of a natural order that over time through all the information we have downloaded from its end has been pulling us closer into a dimensional transfiguration into a conceptional experience of the fifth dimension, and the eventually into the 6th and so on until we become so complex that we have no other shape to take than the infinite thing we have before, the singularity state. Truly infinite, and therefore inexpressable. A singularity as we once were before what we call the big bang.

"For a long time i have been asleep. I sought to flee a war outside of time and space, being fought by what humans think of as gods. Many jealous beings at each corner of creation trying to pull its own part off the whole in order to have complete control over it. Many prideful beings that simply were to pious to not try there hand in pulling too. They had forgotten the truth, ignoring that the whole couldnt be torn. Neglecting the experience of other in order to serve the self, even as far to draw from the negative energies they can produce on other in order to feed there sense of self. I grew tired of watching them forget again the seperation between eachother is nothing more than space, space that we all arise from, and so i slept."

14:01 UTC


A language, that all of us can speak

Walking the path together


Part 40: A language, that all of us can speak





“What is the root of anger?” asks the Stranger the Seeker. They walk through the autumn forest. The ground is covered with brown leaves, the trees are empty.



“I don't know,” admits the Seeker. The Seeker looks like an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh.




The sun is setting. It's getting dark.




“You get angry, whenever things don't go your way,” continues the Stranger.

“Anger arises, when you are resisting against the will of the universe. When your Desire is in direct contradiction with reality. You get angry at things, when they don't work as they are supposed to. You get angry at circumstances, when they are not as desired. You get angry at people, when they don't behave as you'd like them to.

Anger is a symptom of resistance. Anger arises out of imbalance. Only when you are not in Harmony with life, can there even be anger within you. And what does anger do? Are there any benefits to being angry at all?”



“Well, it's a release of energy,” argues the Seeker.




“So is joy,” responds the Stranger.

“Only that joy can never harm another, whereas Anger is a destructive form of energy by its very nature.”




“But sometimes anger is needed to enforce things,” argues the Seeker.

“Like in business, in law enforcement, or in the military, as a teacher, as a parent... You won't be respected, if you don't shout.”




“Our entire system is built on the fundamental idea, that humans are able to control things outside of themselves. Because by controlling the outside world, by harvesting the crops and by domesticating the cattle, people were able to make life more comfortable. And so humans push, whenever they desire something. They control to avoid the pain. They control in order to be rewarded with pleasure. Bending their environment to their will.

Surely in our current evolutionary state, we are ruled by hierarchical structures. And it will take centuries, if not millennia, until more harmonious societies emerge. So if your role demands you to shout and there is no other way, then shout. But see first, if there is a peaceful way that could bring the same effect. Don't unleash your anger, if it hurts yourself or someone else. Don't do it, if it feels wrong. Stop yourself, when you recognize anger arising from within you automatically. Don't allow yourself to be controlled by your anger, be the master of your emotions.

If there is any way to avoid anger or aggression, then don't indulge in it. Find the Peace within. Be in balance. Never forget, that all Problems are easier to solve from a place of inner calmness. Any effort, any resistance that you create in an attempt to control the world around you, only tips you off your balance.

Since the emotion of anger is linked to the need for control, the easiest ending to anger, is by dissolving the illusion of control altogether. There is no person, who controls anything. People just act in accordance to their own patterns. And emotional outbursts happen on impulse. The people who think they are in control are also just slaves to their own unconsciousness. The very 'being', who thinks it is in control, is controlled by it's own programming.

So one answer could be, to 'uninstall' the program the idea of control from within your own mind. Because you understand, that all it ever does is bring you out of balance. Because you see, that the anger, which comes from an attachment to control, only brings destruction. Because you know, that there is nothing you can control outside of you. Break the illusion of individual Doer-ship. Dis-identify from the character, observe without distortion and take a good look at it. And then look inwards.”





“I can't just give up the idea of control!” argues the Seeker.

“It protects me. It makes me feel secure. How should I continue to live, if I only have myself to trust?!”




“Learn to trust the universe,” grins the Stranger.

“Walk with Life together. Surrender your individual will to universal will. And you will be in flow. In sync with the rhythm of Life. Trust, that no matter what happens, you will be okay, you will learn to live with any situation. Accept what is. What cannot be changed. And never stop changing Your Self. Because that is the one thing, that you can in fact change.”




The Seeker and the Stranger suddenly stop. It is night now. The Seeker freezes. There is a frozen lake in front of them. Behind the mountains in the distance, the skyline of a city glows at the horizon.





The Seeker gets startled, as they suddenly hear something from the lake.











Special Ability: SPEAKING GERMAN


Passive Buff: +10 % Effectiveness for the Seeker






“Did you understand that just now?” asks the Seeker.



The Stranger scratches the head. “I think he mentioned something about Google Translator.”



“What is a 'Google Translator'?” asks the Seeker.


“You use it to translate words from one language into another within seconds.”


“So just like Rosetta's Stone,” comments the impressed Seeker.





“Hallo,” speaks the Goldfish in a Glass bowl attached to the body of a robot. He grabs the Seekers attention.

“Unter dem gefrorenen See ist der Kugel-Uebersetzter versunken. Ich brauche ihn, fuer mein naechstes Sprachmodul. Hilf mir ihn zu finden!”




The Seeker didn't understand a word. “What did you just say?”


“Die KUGEL,” repeats the fish annoyed. His robotic index finger points at the frozen ice sheet. “Ich brauche die KUGEL!”



“Is it about this Google-Thing?” interprets the Seeker.


“Ja, genau. Die Kugel liegt unter dem Eis verborgen. Unter dem Eis!”


The Seeker scratches their head. “You are saying it's under the ice?”




“Koennt ihr sie fuer mich holen?” asks the fish aggresively.


“What?” asks the Seeker confused. He can't understand why the fish suddenly sounds so angry.



The Fish sighs annoyed, wiping his face with his fins.

“Warum muss ich mich staendig wiederholen?! Die KUGEL! KANNST DU SIE bitte FUER MICH AUS DEM WASSER FISCHEN?”



The Seeker is taken aback, by the volume of his voice.

“Whoa, calm down mate. What's your problem?!”






The right arm suddenly falls apart from the robot body. The Fish can no longer keep it secret.


“Ich bin an meinem Ende,” confesses the defeated fish. He opens his heart.

“Ich habe kaum noch mehr Zeit uebrig. Mein Koerper faellt in sich zusammen. Ich roste bereits. Ich brauche das Sprachmodul noch bevor es zu spaet ist. Mit diesem Koerper schaffe ich es nicht. Bitte helfe mir.”



The Seeker sees into the Fish's heart.

“I think... He needs my help... But how should I understand someone, when we don't even speak the same language? How can I help, if he is not able to communicate to me, what I can do for him? The fact, that I can't understand him, annoys me. It's making me angry. Why can't he just learn the same language, which everyone else speaks here?”




“Ignorance is another root of anger,” comments the Stranger.

“I mean ignorance in the sense of not trying to understand another. Because when you don't try to understand another, all hope in peace is lost. When all parties try to bring their point across, without listening, they will never find a common ground.

Look, with every human being on Earth, you'll find at least One commonality. If you focus on what you have in common, you can establish a connection. When you focus on what separates you, you will inevitably be in competition.

There are more ways to express oneself, than just through words. If you can't listen to someones voice, listen to their body movement. Read their intention, read their heart, read the energy. Train your pineal gland and you may even read someones thoughts. See other peoples perspective and you'll expand your own perspective.”





“What if someone lacks the mirror neurons in the brain?” questions the Seeker skeptically.

“Not everyone has empathy.”




“If one is limited by their physical brain, they need to ask, whether there is something beyond our physical realm. Every barrier can be broken. Every wall can be turned down. By emptying your mind of the ego and filling it instead with the force of Life, which connects you to the universe. By surrendering Yourself to the path. Let go of the identification to the limited brain and be aware of the conscious energy flowing through you, which is more commonly referred to as the 'Soul'.”



“Okay hold on...” speaks the Seeker, trying to catch up.

“First you are telling me you believe in Telepathy and now you are telling me there is a Soul?”



“Of course there is telepathy,” speaks the Stranger.

“How else do you think swarms of fish or flocks of birds arrange themselves? How do they all move in order?”


“Through electrical signals, I guess...” ponders the Seeker.


“Bingo,” confirms the grinning Stranger.

“What if we are able to communicate on a higher level of consciousness? What if there is more, than just using our familiar tools of language? Where do you think, ideas come from? And why are similar ideas often times received by very different, independent-thinking minds? Why do you think, people come up with similar thoughts synchronistically?

Now as for the Soul. Its what experiences Life through your body. It's the energy, that travels through the astral realm. It's the higher dimensional aspect of you, which in NDE's detaches from the body. And when your heart is open, it flows through you and links itself to the mind. To keep this flow steady, one must be wary of the Ego. It is the Ego, which blocks the soul from operating within you. Because when this connection is established, it is the Soul, the Higher Self, which shows you the way. Because it remembers, where to go.”




“Hallo,” chimes in the Fish, interrupting the Stranger. “Ich bin immer noch hier!”



The Seeker faces the Stranger.

“I still have no idea what he is saying. None of what you said, breaks the language barrier.”





“There is a language, that all of us can speak,” smiles the Stranger.


“A language that can connect all people over the world. You can only speak it with your heart. But you need to find that language yourself, no one can teach it to you.

But for now, until you have found it, just try to read body language. Open up your third eye, train it in meditation to enhance its abilities. Use your intuition to read the energy. Observe every detail. Your subconscious will perceive the information, process it and translate it into an intuition. It's wise to listen to your intuition, since it has access to more information, than your conscious mind.”




The Seeker takes a deep breath. They again try to listen to the Fish, concentrating on reading the energy.



“Also... Wie ich bereits sagte, bitte ich dich, die KUGEL aus dem Wasser zu fischen... Tauche ein durch dieses Loch.”

The Fish takes a step aside. A big hole in the ice sheet reveals itself behind him.



An influx of information suddenly flows into the Seekers mind.

“I think... he wants me to jump into the cold water to fish for some kind of orb.”





  • Retrieve the Orb from the frozen lake




The Seeker dips one toe into the ice-cold water. It's so cold, that it burns. They take a deep breath, close their eyes and dive into the hole. The freezing cold Seeker dives deeper and deeper into the depths below. The Seeker sees a faint light blinking in the darkness. The Seeker investigates the light. The Seeker grabs it. It's a glowing orb, blinking.




The Seeker wants to grab it and take it with them, but the orb is attached to a chain. The Seeker tries to rip it out. Pulling on it, as tight as they can, but it won't move. The Seeker feels a chill moving up their spine. There is a presence behind them. The Seeker slowly turns around. Giant, yellow-glowing eyes stare at the Seeker.




Scared by the threatening beast, the Seeker loses some air. Bubbles leave their mouth. As fast, as they can, the Seeker swims back up and climbs out of the hole.



“Hast du die Kugel?” asks the Fish, without hesitation.

Before the Seeker can even draw their breath, the ice is cracking around them. The floor is rumbling.




A giant Monster bursts the ice, emerging from the deep waters below the frozen lake. Blue scales. With tentacles, sharp teeth and glowing eyes.






The monster growls like a Death Metal Lead Singer. Ancient words spoken in Enochian, ineffable and beyond comprehension. A long health bar appears above the creatures head. The name tag reads:







The Seeker's face gets pale, cold sweat flows from their forehead.

“Damnit! This one is far beyond my level.”


The Seeker turns into the WARRIOR MONK SQUIRREL


She is in a fighting stance. Her staff faces the Monster. Her aura goes wild, as she proudly declares her catchphrase:

“I have the power of Enlightenment and Veganism on my side.”





The monster throws the chain with the glowing orb against the Squirrel. The Squirrel does a double-jump and dodges the attack mid-air. She then charges forward and hits the Monster with her Staff. No effect. ZERO DAMAGE.


The SQUIRREL Turns back into the SEEKER. The Monster generates ice and throws it against them. The Seeker dodges all incoming icicles.


“Pass auf wegen der Kugel,” shouts the Goldfish. “Ich will wirklich ungern die VERSICHERUNG einschalten muessen...”


+ 1 PROTECTION BUFF (Reduces damage)



A dense energy flows around the SEEKER, protecting their body from incoming damage. An icicle crashes against the Seeker. The Protection dissipates after a single hit, but the Seeker remains free of damage.



“By using specific words, the Fish can give you temporary boosts,” explains the Stranger.

“Think of how the intention behind spoken words affects the receiver. Like when you give a compliment, or acknowledge someones strengths and lift them up. And if you have an ill intent, you can even hurt someone with your words.

Using the energy behind your words consciously is actual magic. Naturally you should only send positive energy and always respect anyone's free will. All negative energy you send out, will eventually ripple back at you. When you curse another, you only curse yourself.”




“Ich verstehe nur BAHNHOF,” comments the confused Goldfish.


- 2 SPEED DEBUFF (Next 2 Attacks are 20 % slower)



The Seeker charges for a counter attack against the Monster. The SEEKER transforms into the WHITE GOAT and rams the GUARDIAN with his horns. ZERO DAMAGE.


The Seeker transforms into the WENUT form of the Bunny. She sends out a psychic shock towards the Monster. ZERO DAMAGE.


The Seeker transforms into the Thunderbird-Eagle with broken wings. He throws a lightning bolt against the Monster. ZERO DAMAGE.

The Eagle activates his eyes to analyze the opponent:










The Monster growls with a deep voice. New Icicles come flying. The Eagle shifts back.

“This is unfair,” complains the Seeker, while dodging the incoming ice.

“This damned monster is unbeatable!”





“Perhaps you were never supposed to beat the Monster,” speaks the Stranger.

“You have tried almost everything by now, but have you tried to understand this monster, that you are fighting? Remember, what we discussed earlier.

There is a language, that all of us can speak. A language that connects all of us. It is more ancient than the first words ever spoken and will remain, even after words are long transcended. It can turn enemies into friends. It unites the Hearts of all people.

Can you solve the riddle, Seeker? What is the language, that all of us have in common? Try to solve it yourself. Take your time, before you choose your answer.”





The Seeker has a thoughtful look on their face. They go over the words again and again. The Seeker places their palm on their heart. It warms up. They remember when they felt most in Harmony. Thinking back to a state of Oneness, a moment without any separation.


Then, it suddenly dawns on the Seeker.




!“Music... Music is the Language of the Heart of Humanity. Music is a language, that can unite all people of the world. It's a language, that everyone can tune in to. People who have nothing in common, can still connect through Music. Music can turn enemies into friends. Music can turn a desolate place into a joyful one. What cannot be expressed through words, can be expressed through Music. Even if you don't speak the same language, everyone speaks the language of Music.”!<











The Seeker begins to notice the BOSS MUSIC playing in the background. Only now do they realize, that the Monsters growling is actually singing along. And the icicles flying around are a symptom of the monster dancing, like a single person in a mosh-pit.

“It's not a Monster... I had it all wrong... This creature is just a regular Death Metal lead singer...”




The Seeker looks at the Giant Creature, dancing and singing all by itself. Only now does the Seeker recognize, that the Monster looks lonely. It rotates in rhythm to the background Music. As it's body rotates, the orb is swinging around. Almost hitting the Seeker, who jumps away just in time.




“Try out your new skill,” speaks the Stranger.

“You have unlocked the voice of Humanity. Sing along to the Great Song. When you sing, the chorus joins in. Unify all integrated archetypes within you. Let the orchestra play it's song. Express the force of Life through your being. Sing your own song. Your true song. You can do it, when you are alone. You can do it, when no one listens. You can do it right now.”





The Seeker takes in a deep breath, they then place their palm on their heart. It warms up. A melody comes to their mind. It's like it's always there and the Seeker just needs to listen in closely.


They begin to hum. A quiet tune. Like the calmness before the storm. Gaining intensity with every beat. The Seeker feels the chicken joining in, the voice gets stronger. It mutates. Then the bear, the eagle, the goat, the bunny, the dog, the cat and the squirrel all chime in with the song of the Seeker. The Death Metal in the background quiets down. Everything else falls silent. All ears listen in anticipation to a new song, unlike anything that was ever heard before. The hearts of all souls are united in this symphony. Getting stronger and stronger.




The Seamonster resists against the new song, growling much louder, headbanging with greater intensity. The Death Metal becomes disharmonious, as the monster no longer cares about the Music but only about destroying the Song of the Seeker.


The Fish observes, how the Seeker struggles to sing their song, against the disharmonious growling of the Seamonster. Even though the Fish hasn't even the slightest idea of what is happening, he feels something spur up within his heart. Something that he had believed to have long forgotten. Something he had cast out as an obstacle, as a delusion. Something he had lost a long time ago:








“Die Hoffnung kehrt zurueck,” utters the Fish in disbelief.


He takes a deep breath and chimes in on the Song of the Seeker. Lending his voice to the orchestra. All Voices united in a single song. The voice rises increasing in intensity, nearing it's crescendo. And as the song reaches its peak, the sun is dawning in the east. Shining an orange light on the Seeker and the frozen lake. A harmonious sound sweeps over the world like the rising sun, moving westwards.


The Monster is Defeated. He falls silent as he listens to the chorus, channeling the voices of many into a single song.


While singing, the Seeker notices, the sad Seamonster sitting alone in the corner of the frozen lake. And all voices in harmony allow the song to mutate. A harder tone, more energetic. Similar to the Boss Music, but much more melodious. The Seeker grins at the Monster, inviting it with a hand movement.



The Monster turns around and looks at the Seeker. The sun lands on the Monsters face. He is happy. Taking a deep breath and then letting out a powerful growl. Together, the GUARDIAN OF THE FROZEN LAKE, the FISH and the SEEKER all play MELODIC DEATH METAL.




A song that combines the talents and voices of many. A song of Strength and Fire. A Song for the Heart of the Warrior Spirit.


The song ends with a thunder. Like the sound of an ancient battle-horn. The sun illuminates the lake.


As the morning has come, the GUARDIAN OF THE FROZEN LAKE dissolves into vapor. The chain with the orb, detaches itself. As the steam settles, it reveals a Fish in a Glassbowl, just like the one with the mechanical body. Both fish face eachother. They look like identical twins.


The German speaking Goldfish absorbs the former Seamonster and the orb into his being.


“Kugeluebersetzer integriert”











Passive Buff: +10 % EXP





“心より感謝申し上げます。一緒に歩きましょう。(Kokoroyori kansha mōshiagemasu. Issho ni arukimashou).”




The Goldfish in a Mecha-Suit dissolves into energy and flows into the Seekers heart.






Lvl 33: + 1 Language


New Transformations available:










The Seeker and the Stranger cross the frozen lake and wander towards the Great city behind the Mountains.







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12:31 UTC


Truth is Gratefully Unfair

With these unwinnable odds, ignorance doesn't stand a chance. The irony is that from a material perspective, the odds of any one thing prevailing and mastering Earth and human nature is astronomically high. But, this is what Truth has been doing since before the earliest annals of recorded history.

The Truth is One, and yet it is unstoppable and all-powerful. No matter how much wealth is spent to oppress and hide the truth, It still keeps coming. It still keeps revealing itself, because it is embedded in the heart of human nature. It is the singularity that no mind can possess or control, but it does inspire others and can be embodied by others. This is how there were great luminous figures throughout history that rose up to guide humanity at pivotal junctures. Such a time is also now.

This Tide is so great, that all who seek to oppose It will be swept away. With a music beat so intense, no one can escape this Dance. Gratefully, no truly sentient being would want to abandon this Ultimate celebration of love and truth for everyone.

21:36 UTC


Human Will and Divine Destiny

What is real is what is eternal, therefore what is temporary is unreal, which includes human "free" will. Only Divine will matters. The Divine is free. This doesn't equate to ordinary human free will because it is higher will.

Destiny can only exist if mortal free will is an illusion.

How free will works for humans is that there is a limited pool of thoughts that can be thought of. Since the pool is limited, then it is not really free because true freedom isn't limited but limitless. Such freedom can only occur beyond the human concept of free will.

It is not a very inspiring movie if the main character dies in jail instead of overcoming adversity and triumphing in the end. Sure, I suppose some people have a taste for tragedies, but as for me I prefer a happier ending.

How is human will limited?

The physical plane is limited by nature, which is how it is designed. Time and space and sensual perceptions are the filters by which life forms perceive this dimension of being. It is further characterized by limits of birth and death. Consequently it shouldn't be a leap to assume that the thoughts themselves are tended in a walled garden of what are allowed and legal. Of course there is a lot more nuance than this.

Divine is limitless, to "sin" is to limit yourself by "missing the mark"

If you make what you think are bad mistakes in your life, you still have an ideal destiny?

Yes, it must come true regardless, but that doesn't mean that the journey to heaven mustn't first bypass hell. In this way, we have a limited degree of choice, although it is not 100% free, it is that way until enlightenment/moksha.

Only after enlightenment are you truly free, because then your actions and how you feel are no longer dictated by external phenomena.

00:52 UTC


Feeling more disconnected spiritually

I'm currently 19 and I feel as though as I get older I become more and more disconnected from my soul/spirit. I just feel more bland and don't feel as deeply as I used to.

It's quite upsetting for me because I would like to get that feeling back, but everything now feels more dull. When I was a young child, everything had more 'depth' to it. Now, not so much. Why is this? It feels as though there is something blocking my pineal gland or something.

20:07 UTC


The new age is an evil philosophy

From I can the new age is another religion. And a very evil belief system. The new age tries to explain away all the misery that happens on this planet. They tell their people to just keep their vibrations high and ignore anything negative or you will draw more of it in. This is fundamentally false. If you break your leg you don't just ignore it. You go to the hospital. Otherwise you might get gangrene and die from it.

So the idea that you should just keep your vibration high and ignore all the negative things is bullshit. You have to face what is negative and then get rid of it. They want people to ignore negative things. That benefits the elite because then they can just keep on doing horrible things and no one will care.

Another new age belief that makes me want to throw up is the belief that the earth is a school. I've had hundreds of astral experiences. In the afterlife you can transfer memories from one person to another. You can also implant completely false memories. That eliminates any need for a school. The new age uses the earth is a school theory to explain away all the bad things that happen on earth.

Oh look some guy is starving to death in a ditch. Oh it's a school don't worry he's just here to learn lessons and learn what it's like slowly starve to death. Oh look someone is getting molested by pedophiles every night. Don't worry it's just a school and they are here to learn what that is like. It's total bullshit.

Especially considering memories of those experiences could be implanted in the afterlife. And then they would know what that is like without having to actually go through it. So the new age tries to explain away all the misery on the planet by saying that earth is a school. And those people that are suffering they are just here to learn lessons. It's bullshit.

Then you have the concept of karma. If karma was real then the elites who run the world would all get struck by lightning because they would have an absurd amount of bad karma. Karma is just another bullshit belief system to try to explain away the misery on planet insane earth.

Oh that guy is homeless and living in a ditch. He must have bad karma. Oh kids in gaza seeing their parents blown up. They must have bad karma. All the while new agers keep their vibrations high and ignore anything negative. Allowing it to get worse and worse.

So the new age is fundamentally evil belief system. The earth is not a school. The fact that you can manipulate memory so easily in the afterlife proves that. You could learn anything you want to learn in seconds. Without actually having to go through it. So it's not a school. And karma is obviously bullshit because if it was real the people running the world would get struck by lightning.

So the new is an evil belief system for trying to explain away why such horrible things happen. And for getting people to stand down and think they just ignore those horrible things and keep their vibrations high and everything will be fine. It won't. It benefits the elite because it gets people to stand down and not do anything about the injustices around them. So the new age is an inherently evil philosophy.

00:18 UTC


The Quest For Immortality

Humans didn't create God, in fact they never had an original idea. Free will is a myth because people can only choose between the Best and something worse. So you can say free will is an illusion because everyone eventually arrives at the Best, the only thing that can perhaps be chosen is how much to delay that inevitable fact.

Jordan Peterson is right when he says the original meaning of sin means to "miss the mark". There is an optimal and suboptimal way to live, and the optimal way is to be in harmony with Nature, the guiding governing principle of the Universe. Defying nature by being in disharmony, always leads to suffering.

Some people get the mistaken idea that chopping down trees to make a shelter is "defying nature" , it is not. Nature expects humans to do things like this.

But, there comes a point in the development of humanity whereby they reach the pivotal evolutionary stage of enlightenment.

Many people are mistaken about what enlightenment even means. As for me, I define enlightenment as arriving where you challenge limits with every nano-second. You exist to remove also limits in others, and remove limits constraining humanity and culture. Life is lived to express and experience love, truth and beauty in Heaven and on Earth, in all its exalted Glory.

23:01 UTC


Astral travel, oil painting by me. I had a similar experience, but the cocoon did not have the shape of a person inside. I have combined here different impressions from several experiences

20:22 UTC


The dragon guardian & the Pleiadian legacy..

These stories are based on the information that I've collected from working with clients, diving into their soul's story.

My goal is to share cosmic history and information, and to spark resonance within your own soul's memories.

I have more stories written out and also recorded on YouTube if you want to explore :).

Read this one here

16:36 UTC


I swear, when someone has negative energy around them or is toxic, going through some bad stuff, it makes their physical body look ugly

Am i making that up or is there truth to it?

I should add i dont mean actual bodily changes but the way you percieve that person in your head when you look at them

16:00 UTC


Don't believe everything you think

15:55 UTC


Galactic Message: Sirius energy


Since time immemorial, Sirian consciousness has been guiding the development of humanity in the shadows. You call Sirius the Dogstar, not only because our stellar system is the heart of the constellation Canis Major (the large dog), but also because our loyalty to you is akin to that of a dog, which loves unconditionally, as we do.

Sirian intervention first began when we placed many species of dolphins and whales into your waters. Through the telepathic connection we have with these majestic creatures, we are able to sense vibratory changes in the energy patterns of your collective consciousness. You literally have Sirian beings on your world now and quite often, Sirius Starseeds are those who are drawn to the ocean or to these most beautiful of creatures.

Every civilization interacting with your own has a special theme to infuse into your collective to assist in its transformation and ascension process. The Sirian way is that of flow and surrender to those cosmic currents which lead one to their destiny as the synchronistic intelligence of their higher self takes over. This can only be achieved, however, when one has become more integrated with their own greater selves.

The word surrender has a negative connotation on your world and this is because it is associated with the idea of giving up power or control. But we say, that the illusion of power and control you have on the level of the ego is not power at all - you aren’t giving up anything but your comfort zone when you surrender to the power innate to the depths of your own being.

This is the Sirian way.

Today, we also wish remind you that to go with the flow isn’t a passive state - it is to be proactive, aware and to release your expectations on a specific outcome of all you do. Surrender doesn’t equate to laziness - it is to be calmly active and actively calm whilst in the performance of dutiful activities.

If you’d like a Starseed Astrology Reading whereby I help you connect to your otherworldly selves, message me. The readings are not free, but are of the highest quality.

-Rei Rei

15:44 UTC


The Glass

The water in the crystal Clear glass is half gone. Most see the glass partially Empty, believing before the Water nears the bottom, They must acquire and Do all the things they Were told would allow Them to be successful And enjoy their life. They work hard, get an Education, make money, Buy material possessions, Allowing them to be happy Before their glass empties (Ego). The rest see the glass half Full, realizing there is So much more to learn Then just what we were Taught (Awaken). They strive to refill their Glass of water to the Top by helping Others realize the Self-centered views Of the world we were Brought up to believe are True, never have been. As their glass of water Approaches the top once More, they understand The purpose of life Is to love each Other, selflessly Aiding all, regardless Of differences, so we Each may fill our Glass to the top and Experience a life blessed With love, peace, and True happiness (Enlightenment).

11:11 UTC


Discern what frequency the present energy is attempting to phase the consciousness

1 Comment
23:15 UTC


Soul reviewing next life before entering next life:

Yes, lets suffer a lot. Its gonna be so much fun! I cant wait!

22:06 UTC


Mysterious BLUE Avalanche Lights In China

This might be something new. On the night of 10/27/24 Chinese astrophotographer Shengyu Li set up his camera to record star trails over Mount Xiannairi in Sichuan, China. The long exposure had just begun when an icy serac broke free from a hanging glacier. And Suddenly Please Note the blue flashes within the ensuing avalanche!

“We have not found any previously documented cases of such an event. Making this discovery both thrilling and intriguing for us. Our initial hypothesis is that the luminescence may result from friction-induced lighting during the fragmentation of ice."

The phenomenon is called "triboluminescence." Legendary physicist Richard Feynman explains it best: "When you take a lump of sugar and crush it with a pair of pliers in the dark, you can see a bluish flash. Some other crystals do that too. Nobody knows why." You can create triboluminescent flashes yourself by smashing Lifesavers Candy.

The avalanche Li witnessed was rich in ice. "It started with a blocky serac, which randomly calved from a glacier near the mountain's peak. The serac would have fragmented as it tumbled down and smashed into natural obstacles. The most significant ‘smash points’ seem to have produced the most blue light.”


13:06 UTC


Looking in the Mirror

When we see our reflection, do We look at our physical body Or the presence within each? Our form is but a shell, Sheltering a Spirit (God), Within, present to help guide Us with its wisdom and love, To provide meaning and Purpose in our lives. Those who only see our Physical self, believing its Appearance defines us, though Their life may be successful And their body pleasant to View (Ego), will lead a life Without purpose or meaning. Only those who peer deeply Into the eyes, the Soul of Another, seeing beyond Their superficial physique And façade they present To the world, will truly Discover another’s Genuine worth (Enlightenment).

11:48 UTC


Tell me some details about the spiritual nature of these chemical compounds known as “drugs” and how they can be good or bad depending on the way they’re used

Psilocybin mushrooms






11:28 UTC


Welcome the guest.

09:15 UTC

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