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Quick break down for flairs:
DAE = Does Anyone Else?
PEx = Personal Experience
- The rest are pretty self explanatory.
~ ♡ Mod Squad
Active sunspot AR3878 erupted AGAIN on October 31st. Producing an X2-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a spray of hot plasma emerging from the blast site. A pulse of extreme ultraviolet radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere. Causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean. Ham radio operators noticed loss of signal below 25 MHz for as much as 45 minutes after the flare.
He assured me that my sins are forgiven and that he has great plans for me and that I will be with him forever in heaven filled with and surrounded by his amazing eternal love and peace. But I am still so full of anger and rage to be living here on this weird physical planet full of pain and suffering that I don’t wanna be on anymore
Hello beautiful souls,
I wanted to gather your thoughts and insights on the topic of thought forms and egregores emerging from the collective energy within the EDM scene. It seems like there's not much knowledge or discussion out there on this subject.
I've personally experienced this with a particular label and artists, though I won’t mention names at this time. In the past, I was quite naive about these things, but I've since progressed further along my own journey. Along the way, I’ve encountered many of the false lights various constructs that feed into the loosh machine.
If this resonates with you, please share your experiences—I’d love to connect and hear your perspectives.
I kindly ask that this space remains respectful and open, as this is not just about drug-related or negative experiences. Infinite love and gratitude to all. 🙏🏾
The many waters of sensitivity are delicate by nature. But there is more meaning besides delicate waters. These waters have traveled a billion of miles and so beyond our natural comprehension in.terms of a spiritual or delicate voyage.
Sensitivity is a great teacher that isn't indifferent. Our hearts are more receptive towards things that aren't indifferent. A sensitive lesson can teach you quicker than a hard lesson.
If your sensitive then there are pearls within your sensitivity that can help guide you in this world . And every pearl is different and depends on the day and the clam in which the pearl resides in. Some pearls to your surprise may be hard as a rock but even those rocks have pearls beyond its interior.
There are an infinite amount of pearls that all share a common lining or thread that is destined or designed to help you navigate the Teflon seas of this beautiful Pacific Ocean.
Don't feel bad if you are naturally sensitive but let the pearls of your sensitivity act as teachers, guides, and wisdom for you and to further expand your sensitivity and to make it enlightened or more mature.
Life is sensitive itself but has great oearls of wisdoms that span the years of when the big bang formed.
Let your sensitivity speak to you and listen with your heart and go from there .
There is considerable debate with regards to what is the truest perspective. Many people have come to a conclusion that there is no objective truth and there is only subjective truths, but ironically those same people tend to claim that their perspective (no objective truth) is better than others, however they may try to coat it.
There are ways of determining what is true and what is not true. There are ways to determine what comes from an ideology or dogmatic rigid thinking, and what is actually free from ideology and cultish thought.
One good indicator is if there is no pressure to get you to conform or be converted to a collective conformity. If your entire group believes the same thing, and they want you to believe it too, then that is not truth, that is peer pressure or peer pressure adjacent.
When the message is simply " know thyself" and there is no judging or wanting to prove you wrong, then that is going to be more true than someone who is trying to loudly proclaim who you are and what your motives are.
The symptoms of truth are when you feel empowered and inspired. When you are not suffering and you feel in harmony with the universe, then know that your perspective is more true than someone who suffers and feels disconnected. Misery loves company and there are lots of miserable people that will want to win you over to their perspective so that you can be miserable together.
It is common sense that Truth and Love are both positive. They make you feel good. Anyone who tries to claim that love and truth are neither positive nor negative, goes against proveable common sense. When you believe something you can't rationally prove, that tends to be more ideological.
Love is what everyone needs, even the people who say they don't. Truth is inspiring to everyone, even to those who say it isn't. The reason that these statements are true is simply because only those minds who don't yet truth and love would disagree.
It happens all the time. Life suffers extreme quantum amounts. It's been fighting for billions of years And continues to fight but all of its hope that it continues to give becomes very tired and weak.
Those who are hope enthusiasts and have enough hope to give eternity hope . Give some of you're hope towards those who need it. Don't tire yourself out but disburse any extra hope that you have for others.
You can lead horses to the hope water and you can give them water bottles or samples.
Let you're hope fly forever in the air of the earth and give it to those who need it as well.
You live in a universe that is bound by duality, which in essence is positive and negative energy, but the idea of a dual nature of creation isn’t wholly correct as reality is actually triune in nature – positive neutral and negative energy. These energies are angelic (positive) activating (neutral: can be either positive or negative) and demonic (negative).
In your Ancient Vedic culture, these energies are known as universal qualities or the three gunas. These gunas are known as sattva (angelic) rajas (neutral or activating) and tamas (demonic). These universal qualities are present throughout the entirety of creation – there are sattvic foods, rajasic foods and tamasic foods, music, movies, TV shows, video games, planets, even the very galaxies in the physical universe are bound by these gunas.
Your Milky Way Galaxy is rajasic (neutral) in quality. This means the beings inhabiting the stellar systems within it are capable of choosing either positively or negatively in any situation. The beings within tamasic galaxies are bound solely to animalistic qualities, ruled by the lower chakras without any possibility of evolving beyond. When they are ready, their souls will reincarnate into a rajasic galaxy to continue its climb up the evolutionary ladder. The beings in the sattvic universes are those who are done playing the game of ego-motivation and live in harmony with divine forces. These planets and realms are as close as you’ll get in experience to the higher astral worlds in the physical universe.
Galaxies themselves evolve. The Milky Way Galaxy is Ascending and all the beings within it are given an opportunity to choose harmony (sattva) over segregation (tamas). Today, we remind you to simply make the choice to choose harmony, to choose goodness, compassion and kindness. The quality of your life is determined by the tiny choices you make each moment – situations are powerless without your reaction to them.
When we say angelic, we mean that which raises your frequency, demonic is anything that lowers your vibration.
If you’d like a Starseed Astrology Reading whereby I help you connect to your otherworldly counterparts, message me. The readings are not free but are of the highest quality.
-Rei Rei
Words fail but the experience is that the Soul is like a flame and usually a small one - that fits within the eyebrows (ordinarily and not gross-physically but in the physical-ether).
So there is no need to leave the body - it doesn't matter leaving or staying in the body - it doesn't mean anything because the only way to do anything is to first find and live in the Soul - it is the Soul that uses the body and mind - the Soul can leave when it awakens - or else it may leave mechanically (unawakened).
So this Soul is of that quality of a flame/fire. It is made of the Light but in the physical level it is a warm light - that's what it feels like here on Earth - it is a warm Light - but it is different for everyone - so I experience it as a warm flame that is burning from within and it has a depth that extends into what we may call the fourth dimension (but that is not always the case) - something extends but usually it is not very conscious so most of the time with people it is just a small 3D flame substance that constraints / rolls up into itself - it doesn't want to go out into the 4D because it is concentrated here and wants to be in the concentrated form.
Eventually through life Soul formation takes place and then it extends and opens and connects back and makes the links and takes forms and still it allows more variation - now anything can happen and your Soul may be what you want it to be... in the inner space that is...
Once found we have to hold it - conscious is the process of soul formation - NEW BIRTH.
New Birth - is the formation of a Spiritual Soul - a Spiritual Being is now formed - our Soul now completes a critical step - a major step in Soul-evolution - a fully conscious Soul has now formed.
But that New Birth is painful for the body and the mind and that is why it is so slow - we take the pain slowly.
The Essenes, They are the home, the tribe, the foundation of Yeshua and his family and direct support system.
They developed a practice known as “deep inner listening.” This contemplative practice goes way deeper than ordinary “listening”.
In the gospel of Thomas; one of the key texts in Gnostic literature, Yeshua says, “Let him who has ears hear,” meaning that those who are ready to receive hidden truths can “hear with their inner ears” and be open to a deeper understanding.”
Yeshua’s teachings were layered, with meanings accessible only to those who are spiritually receptive or open to insight. It’s an invitation for listeners to look beyond the surface and understand the spiritual or mystical truths behind his words. This saying often appears after parables or teachings that require reflection to grasp fully. (He used parables a lot to actually share complicated quantum theories.)
In this article I dive deeper into all of this so if you feel called to read it continue reading below...
read here
Everything everyone has, is, and will think is recorded, as well as Everything Everyone did, does and will do. Some call it the Akashik records or Book of life. It is my understanding once a soul becomes Adept at Astral Projection they can access these archives at any moment in time. Much love Brothers and Sisters
I Find I make very beautiful Lyrics, Singing, and Music while In a dream state. Do any of you make music While lucid dreaming or astral projecting? Much Love Brothers and Sisters 😇 🙏❤️ https://soundcloud.com/kai-radiance/algiz?in=kai-radiance/sets/bestofme
For the 3rd day in a row, energetic protons are raining down on Earth. It's an S2-class radiation storm. The protons were accelerated by X-class solar flares on 10/24 & 10/26. As a result, a shortwave radio blackout is underway inside the Arctic Circle. And cameras on spacecraft are being fogged. This could continue for at least another 24 hours.
If ever at all you’ve had the experiences where you’ve met loves from previous lives in this life time and they’ve cursed you, what do you do to remove them, keep them out from your life? Especially when what you’ve done already to remove them doesn’t work? Thank you in advance.
With full disclosure We will gain access to technologies that will allow us to create foods out of nothing, resulting in us no longer needing to slaughter our innocent animal family. Having access to the healthiest foods known to all, and having no mouth left unfed. Much love brothers and sisters 😇🙏❤
Demons have their own agendas and selfish natures. They don't help others out of kindness, or they wouldn't be demons. Satanists, for example, tend to not believe in unconditional love.
To the hedonist, things are usually very objectified because their interest is very sensual and tends to not go beyond that.
On the practical level, the biggest difference between the demonic and the godlike is that the latter feels complete and is not in it out of selfish motive, because they are already overflowing with what everyone knowingly or unknowingly wants.
While the shadow world can often peddle in desire, fear and toxic negativity, the Supreme realm is all about love, truth and feelings of inspiration. It is an extremely positive place and where the denizens of hell have no jurisdiction.
Earth can appear to be a battleground between the forces of heaven and hell, but actually it is a very one-sided affair. Only one side always wins in the end. No matter how dark is the night, the Sun never stops shining.
Gratitude is such a powerful energy to BE in because it's the energy of already having received. Saying Thank You is how you close the deal, so to say. You say Thank You when you have received and not before you've received it. When you put the intent out to have something, add the energy of gratitude because you already have it. There really is no need to wait. It's all a mind game with yourself and the energy of gratitude is a way of BEing that reflects that you already have the thing you want or need. The thing you think you don't have but really already do. If we are already part of the Source creator, then we are already perfect and already have access to everything we could ever want and need. We just need to realize it through the practice of the energy of Gratitude. So be in gratitude for realizing the thing you want or need and it will be with you and you will embody it in the now moment.
We often don't realize that we are the reincarnated mystics and priests/priestesses, druids and spiritual teachers from times in history where it was normal to have a certain level of reverence and respect..
Especially when entering someone's sacred temple and their mystery school..
In this blog I dive deeper into what that could possibly look like for you and what boundaries we often don't feel like we are allowed to set, that are actually crucial for your online spaced if you want them to thrive as your online modern day mystery school...
I felt called to share this with you!
So, I quit my job two years ago after having had my spiritual awakening five years before that. I resolved to never work a 9-5 again or go back into corporation lifestyle because it was eating away at my creativity and spirit. And I have been called for something else. The calling has been there for a while being persistent, and I finally decided to act upon it.
Ever since, my life has been a hell. It’s been two years now and nothing changed, everything just keeps getting worse and new problems arise. Bear in mind that I had two major dark night of the soul experiences before that, but they taught me a lot, they taught me to trust and let go because everything eventually works out. So I quit my job with a really positive mindset; wasn’t even afraid or worried because I knew it will workout well. After all, I’m taking a leap of faith and deciding to honor my truth and so I went in with grace.
Now I knew it wouldn’t be easy since there will be new blockages and traumas surfacing because I’m in a process of releasing and shifting to a completely new reality. Which was still fine by me as I’ve danced with the suffering ling enough before that and I just knew that betting on myself and trusting the journey I’ve been led to can never go wrong. I exerted all my efforts on my creative work which have been calling soon after my awakening. I didn’t expect things to go so bad because I had already healed from so much and broke many limitations I had. But, regardless at first I remained light and worry-free. I rejected even another two job offers in my major which are very well-paid because I wanted to honor my calling and devote myself to it.
But no matter what I did or how I reacted to the reality I was presented with, it just kept getting worse and worse. I had a good amount save up and now I’m almost broke. I broke up with my very loving girlfriend midway because I wasn’t really there for her or letting her in anymore because I was thrashed into survival and didn’t have much capacity for love. I moved in back with my family because I had to save money which made me even more negative being a toxic environment. That brought up even deeper blockages and traumas. Nonetheless, after almost giving up, I accepted and continued trusting, I let those too be felt and released and have been living peacefully with my family. I completely surrendered to the process and stopped trying to change anything or do anything because it felt that’s what my journey was leading me to.
I continued reacting and being better than what I was dealt because I have had learned that the hard way before. But I still keep getting more problems and my decisions keep hurting me and those around me. It’s just something feels wrong, there seems to be a mismatch between who I am and the reality I’m getting. My life is continuously trying to push me into survival no matter how creative or graceful I be. I choose to empower myself, that was a hard bet I took on myself, and a major leap of faith, but life is just trying to disempower me in every way. I was very detached from the ego and outcome, stayed like that for the first year after quitting. Then I was forced back into this survival approach. Now, I can understand why that would happen, whether spiritually or even just psychologically. We can even go into the concept of egregore or demiurge but this stretched beyond reasonable means.
I have no idea what’s happening. I used to be able to see the patterns in everything happening to me, understood how I attracted such experience, why it was there, and what it was trying to tell me. But this time, it just seems meaningless, no dots are connected no matter how I look at it or approach it. Anyone care to share what they think?
Your spirit is your true self. I dont know, but have u ever noticed a childs behaviour? Its actually very egotistical usually. Its me me me me me me. The paradox of having an ego is to actually have less ego. Taming the me me me me me me mentality. Fill me on in this. What are your thoughts about this subject.
I also see we basically are two persons. Our soul, our being, and our personality. I think we should embrace this more. And not thinking of urself as just one (idiot :p)
We are creator gods, we are curious, we are basically enthusiastic beings, willing to explore new perspectives and creations.
We are all brilliant; we just need to wake up and realize it and start making conscious decisions, getting rid of all sloppy thoughts and make decisions based on intentions that come from clear thoughts.
This principle is rooted in Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2 , which shows that mass and energy are fundamentally interconnected. Mass can be thought of as "frozen" or "condensed" energy or light, and energy can manifest as mass. In essence, they're two forms of the same underlying reality, and one cannot exist in isolation from the other in the physical universe. Even light that is thought to not have rest mass, it exhibits an effective mass through it's energy
See: `Consciousness is Every(where)ness, Expressed Locally: Bashar and Seth´ in: IPI Letters, Feb. 2024, downloadable at https://ipipublishing.org/index.php/ipil/article/view/53 Combine it with Tom Campbell and Jim Elvidge. Tom Campbell is a physicist who has been acting as head experimentor at the Monroe Institute. He wrote the book `My Big Toe`. Toe standing for Theory of Everything. It is HIS Theory of Everything which implies that everybody else can have or develop a deviating Theory of Everything. That would be fine with him. According to Tom Campbell, reality is virtual, not `real´ in the sense we understand it. To us this does not matter. If we have a cup of coffee, the taste does not change if we understand that the coffee, i.e. the liquid is composed of smaller parts, like little `balls´, the molecules and the atoms. In the same way the taste of the coffee would not change if we are now introduced to the Virtual Reality Theory. According to him reality is reproduced at the rate of Planck time (10 to the power of 43 times per second). Thus, what we perceive as so-called outer reality is constantly reproduced. It vanishes before it is then reproduced again. And again and again and again. Similar to a picture on a computer screen. And this is basically what Bashar is describing as well. Everything collapses to a zero point. Constantly. And it is reproduced one unit of Planck time later. Just to collapse again and to be again reproduced. And you are constantly in a new universe/multiverse. And all the others as well. There is an excellent video on youtube (Tom Campbell and Jim Elvidge). The book `My Big ToE´ is downloadable as well. I recommend starting with the video. Each universe is static, but when you move across some of them in a specific order (e.g. nos 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) you get the impression of movement and experience. Similar to a movie screen. If you change (the vibration of) your belief systems, you have access to frames nos 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 etc. You would then be another person in another universe, having different experiences. And there would be still `a version of you´ having experiences in a reality that is composed of frames nos. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc. But you are not the other you, and the other you is not you. You are in a different reality and by changing your belief systems consciously you can navigate across realities less randomly and in a more targeted way. That is basically everything the Bashar teachings are about.