
Photograph via //r/Soulnexus

Soulnexus is a sub where Spiritual individuals gather to discuss the nature of the Universe and Ourselves.

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Soul Nexus is a sub where Spiritual individuals gather to discuss the nature of the Universe and Ourselves. As always - it is up to the individual to use discernment and only use that which they find here, if it resonates with them.

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Spiritual Lessons

"The Event"

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Live Schumann Chart (Tomsk)

NOTE: Post Flairs have been added for your convenience

Quick break down for flairs:

DAE = Does Anyone Else?

PEx = Personal Experience

- The rest are pretty self explanatory.

Peace and Love to you All!

~ ♡ Mod Squad


117,342 Subscribers


What's the point of being able to choose if its already been chosen?

Genuine question.

10:03 UTC


The Gentleman

Hi there everyone! I want to share something profound that happened to me when I was a teenager. First and foremost I'm on mobile so sorry for any formatting issues. Secondly I'm posting to multiple subs so sorry if this is a repost for you.

I grew up in a haunted house in a town near Seattle. The houses of my suburb were surrounded by evergreens and large rhododendrons which each home seem private and secretive. Another day I'll make a post for my other experiences. Spooky stuff happened to me all the time but never to any of my family members. I saw shadow people, Astral projected (but cannot any more sadly), had an "imaginary friend" who manifested to me as real as another person. I also had a terrifying year where a Demon tormented me. At times my friends would see the phenomenon as well.

When I was a Kindergartener (5-6 in the States) I met my best friend Lenore. We became friends till the end. Thick as thieves we were each other's rocks until the age of 16. Lenore suffered from severe depression and suicidal thoughts despite being a straight A student, artistically and musically talented, and popular. Not to mention she was absolutely gorgeous. Her family was comfortable with multiple vacations per year, some of which I was invited to. It just really goes to show that mental illness can strike anyone from any background.

She had witnessed some of the spooky BS that went down at my house as she was there frequently. My mom was closer to her than her own. My home was a short walk away from our high school and tucked away in a quiet cul-de-sac. Therefore it was a frequent hang out spot for my friends. Especially since my mom was mellow and welcoming.

One day in June I was walking to my house with Lenore. The weather was sunny, warm, and clear. Quiet, beautiful, and unassuming. As we walked side by side down a long straight street Lenore suddenly stopped in her tracks. I looked over at her. Her face was blanched white, her eyes wide open and her mouth open wide in an "O" shape. She was staring down the street.

I followed her gaze to look at the crossroads at the end of the road about a half block away. At a light pole stood a peculiar man. Dressed in a black tuxedo, black top hat, cane and cape was a tall man. When my eyes found him he flourished his cape, tipped his hat, bowed, and then disappeared in a flash. Lenore looked at me flabbergasted. We both agreed we had seen the figure.

The next three nights I dreamt of The Gentleman. He appeared to me in the darkness next to a gondola and told me that he would take me to the Other Side if I would just pay the price. Each night I pleaded with him saying I needed to live. He was never pushy. He never scared me. He was calm, quiet, and seemed calm and understanding. He just said he would offer his services if I ever needed them after telling him no.

On the fourth day Lenore ended her life. I never dreamt of The Gentleman again. I wonder if he visited her the same way he visited me? Was his offer too much to handle for someone so deeply sad and scarred? Has anyone else seen him?

I am severely damaged by my friend's death. Please reach out if you are hurting to the point of wanting to end it all. Life is hard. Everyone is struggling. You are all loved and important. Thank you for listening to my experience.

08:53 UTC


I just made a fool of myself

Today felt weird. 04/03/2024.

The day was much longer than normal. It felt like time slowed down I even brought it up with a couple of my coworkers. I went home extra tired, I ate, took a shower, and fell asleep at 5pm. I woke up 2.5-3 hours later thinking it was the next day. It just so happened to be numerically identical to the time I normally get up. The outside evening sky looked like morning sky. I didn't notice that the day was the same because I was rushing, thinking I had overslept. I drove like a bat out of hell to the job site 20 minutes away from my house, saw the construction site empty, got on the group text to ask where everyone was at.

I feel like a total nutcase!

I'm not in a good headspace. Things have been off all week. I can't explain it. I feel like time is speeding up and slowing down.

01:11 UTC


Be yourself


Speak your truth. Be unique, stand out from others. Don’t be afraid to be different. You may lose friends, you may feel like you don’t fit in, but that doesn’t matter. What is important is you being the closest you can to your highest self, your unique fingerprint. You will find like minded people in time, don’t sacrifice your authenticity for superficial friendships. Being yourself is absolutely the best thing you can be.

23:24 UTC


Eclipse Meditation

this is an invitation for a mass meditation happening on the exact moment of the eclipse in the USA, wishing for prosperity and a better future for all of us, with the USA as the center.


everyone is welcome and i hope to encourage others to participate

studies have shown that mass mediations do have a measurable effect on our environment (link below)


thank you and have a bright day

1 Comment
19:37 UTC


Good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people?

Doesn't look like it always but yes it does. Yes it does happen. You reap what you sow. And the other way around happens too. Yes, because this is a duality realm we are living in and you cant just have one thing. You're gonna get both sides here.

So sometimes bad things happen to good people, so they can break their old thought-belief structures about toxic goodness, and grow stronger out of them with some 'integrated shadow' badness. And sometimes good things happen to bad people, so they can break their old thought-belief structures about badness and learn something about goodness, love and kindness.

18:23 UTC


3rd dimension / acrylic on canvas

18:21 UTC


Sending good thoughts & energy?

Do you all think that sending positive thoughts and ‘energy’ to someone makes a difference? let me know what you think and for those who do, could you please send a kind stranger like myself some positive energy? I’ve been in this very draining battle with my neighbors and I hate confrontation.

Everyday I wake up with anxiety knowing I have to deal with them. Moving is not an option atm plus I LOVE my space other than their constant hostility. There is no mending things, I just want peace in my own head to not harp on it so much. I try to read wise words, play love frequencies like 528hz, & even pray for their peace(selfishly in hopes it’ll give me peace) but nothing seems to work. Everytime they try to get under my skin, I let them. I don’t want such negative people to have power over me and my day. I need positive vibes& energy to overtake my home to the point where these people can not bother me no matter what. How do I do that? Mind over matter can be hard to follow at times.

17:26 UTC


SpreadTheLight another sub to share music, art, links, etc to raise vibrations!

I made a sub the other day r/SpreadTheLight I'd like to invite people in this sub to join and contribute to it.

I've been active in the starseed community on reddit for past ~yr and I wanted to make another sub where people could post as much of whatever music, art, links to meditation, self help guides, etc. whatevert helps to inspire, express oneself, and lift emotions.

The idea is that this new sub wouldn't have any intense in depth convesations or debate about beliefs or thoelogy or therapy, just links to uplifting content and light conversation. That way it can act as complimentary to other spiritual communities such as starseed community and this one and will help to spread positivity.

I want to share with other spritual communities on Reddit and invite you guys to join and make posts.

The idea is that it would be welcome to everyone and wouldn't be associated with any one group, and would just act as a complimentary place where you can share any links to positive things or come looking for something to lift your spirits. That way it can help spread positive vibes and allow us to freely share lots of links without hesitation of any music and art and self help advice etc things that are positive and loving, while allowing/balancing space in other subs for more in depth conversations.

I appreciate if you join and contribute!

Looking forward to seeing more people spreading more love and positivity. :)

16:25 UTC


What’s the meditation technique people use to see visuals like on mushrooms?

I’ve been meditating for months but I rarely get any significant visuals, mostly just tinty green/blue like dots/pixels on my white walls. But nothing like I see on mushrooms or LSD. My technique is breath, hold, exhale; 4-8-7 seconds. It activates my pineal gland but it’s only a feeling. I also listen to this:


And when sleeping I use this: https://youtu.be/AYQaMUAaWPY?si=v95ONGwA4EMkv3Vb

The latter tends to give me more closed eye visuals but I also microdose so I’m not sure it’s just the vibrations.

Did I not go too deep with my method ? Or are there any open eye methods?

Thanks, love ✌️

13:12 UTC


Stop making it matter

I was stressing myself out about something I have pretty much no leverage on, and a thought struck me. I'd been stuck on a loop of "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter" for weeks and it finally just resolved at stop making it matter. Or, in other words, "stop manifesting that stress, by intentionally turning it into matter".

It's not always that simple, obviously, but maybe this will resonate with someone else who also needs to hear it.

12:14 UTC


A.D. Anno Domini is Latin for "Year of Our Lord"

This means that every year before and after 2024 belongs to Christ. You are in his House and the House always wins. Fortunately, He lives in each heart and there is no escape from Him.

To answer who He is, is to answer who You are. For to think yourself separate from Him is like trying to carve the heart from your own chest.

To think this Truth is anything but good is to have tainted preconceptions about not only yourself, but the wondrous unquantifiable potentialities that exist untapped within the Core of You.

09:06 UTC


Be steady


Be steady. Know that you will be hit with good days and bad days. Good weeks and bad weeks. Stay steady, stay unbiased. Know that you should be constantly flowing between good and bad, high and low. Don’t panic if you have a bad day, when you do that you cling to that feeling. Accept that you are having a poor experience, and move on. Flow.

1 Comment
07:26 UTC


The "All Seeing Eye" is plural, not singular. (But also singular in the having infinite observers report to one conciousness)

The All Seeing Eye is plural, yet also unifies. If you have observers(AkA eyes) at every single part of the universe, this will collapse the quantum wave of uncertain inifinty. In other words, schrodingers cat and heisenbergs uncertainty principal would already have a location coordinate because it is being observed by so many points of reference. Something not being observed has infinite possibilities all at once, until there is an observer, in which the infinite wave collapses into one point.

TLDR: having infinite observers that report to one conciousness in the universe would create one singular time line, due to infinite observations collapsing all quantum waves.

This came all to me tonight. Enjoy

00:52 UTC


why do we get certain desires?

if our desires are coming from our higher self, why do we get certain desires? why do we have to experience certain things

04:54 UTC


No matter who disagrees, the Dao is a harmonizing force of Greatness that permeates the physical and the non-physical.

Those who claim that it is beyond concepts of good and evil, are fools, because when you are in harmony with the Dao it is a good experience. The same is true with love and inspiration.

01:29 UTC


Harmony is Good

No matter who disagrees, the Dao is a harmonizing force of Greatness that permeates the physical and the non-physical. Those who claim that it is beyond concepts of good and evil, are fools, because when you are in harmony with the Dao it is a good experience. The same is true with love and inspiration. These are all good experiences. When you experience disharmony with the Dao is when you can succumb to the dualistic forces of negativity, ignorance and corruption.

01:21 UTC


People don't know anything and they are not even open to a possibility that there could be something Spiritual or Higher that is independent of the physical reality!

Wasted a few hours everyday over a few weeks on visiting parents who appear religious on the outside but truly don't believe in anything higher than the physical reality!

Forget about it, people will never understand.

Stop wasting time trying to convince people or even open their consciousness to a higher possibility.

It will not be fun and they will simply make you feel like you are all faking it.

So just agree with them: I simply agree now to avoid arguments!

I say there is no Spirit. Matter is the sole reality. There is no Source or Creative Consciousness. Everything is just a result of chance-mutation and everything has come from Nothing! So please leave me alone because I have some work to attend to!

Kind Regards

00:21 UTC


Spiritual and self help saying "we are not our thoughts".

Before you start reading I'd like to write down this particular thought:

I can see how we are not our thoughts when we are in our meditative state, when we are pure consciousness, emptiness, nothing essentially.. But I cannot see how we thoughts/emotions/memories are not apart of us in the psychical realm. We use our body/mind to interact with the world. There are traces of our personality in our minds. We connect to people's minds, we enjoy people that think alike a lot of times. And every body/mind is unique, no one can repeat the exact same body/mind we have. My conclusion and reflection is that we are universal (meditative state, oneness of being, pure consciousness), as well as an individual (body/mind, our unique tastes, unique goals, unique likes and dislikes) - and our thoughts/mind are apart of who we are in human/psychical experience. Every single of us (or most) use our mental faculties to interact with each other, to do our work, to find suitable partner who understands our mind, body and soul, and in such all make a part of who we are.

I have been reading about this self-help and at the same time spiritual concept, and it has i don't how to feel about it. Things I enjoy immensely always find a way to transfer from my emotions to my thoughts, and I always found it helpful towards the journey of self discovery. We have so many complex systems that work as one whole now tell me how does that not shape or personality and who we are.. So every single thing that my thoughts tell me I enjoy, is a lie? Every observation I have in the outside world where: I meet a random person and I like them and I think to myself that I really do like them, then everything I think to myself in any kind of a situation is false, and it has nothing to do with me? Even the way we write, what we write about has traces of our personality - and it comes from our thoughts.. I find it impossible to believe that our thoughts are not connected to our personality/individuality in any way. In a lot of ways they guide us towards our interests, our hobbies, our relationships, so how can none of it be apart of who we are? I'll give you an example I see something I like, then I have a thought that the thing I see looks astounding, and then that same thought produces an emotion that makes me feel good, and at the same time I discover what I like. So tell me how how the thoughts we have are not stepping stones towards ourselves.

I see a point in not identifying with our bad or intrusive thoughts, as a part of self-help when your in therapy or as a form of not identifying with thoughts that lead as astray. But we shouldn't discredit all our thoughts as not being a part of ourselves, they play an important part in forming our identity, just as our feelings and behavior. They are all interconnected Even buddha himself came to a realization of The Middle Way - a balance between attachment and detachment, of being in this world and being out of it...

Why this phrase can pose danger when applied to daily lives as a general rule, and can even cause dissociation:

○ Before your discovered your interests and hobbies, you had an emotional feeling about a particular thing then thought to yourself "I really like this, I want to do it again", the emotion got translated into your thought - some parts of your thoughts helped you find your likes/dislikes and are as such - a part of you.

○ Before you do most of the things in everyday life - whether make a new friend, call your current friend, make food that YOU find tasty, what do you do? You think about how good it tasted in the past and that you want to make it again. Your thoughts were again apart of YOU and what YOU like.

○ When you search for a new job, and you want to find something that's aligned with your own desires and wishes, what do you do? You THINK about it and based on the THOUGHTS, and the ones you'll listen to (the ones you follow: and are again apart of YOU and your personality) will play a huge role in your life direction.

○ Through a psychological test where students wrote random thoughts on a piece of paper, psychologists acquired many traces of their personality - just based off that, and it was mostly accurate.

We are not all of our thoughts but many of our thoughts tell us about who who we actually are/they help us discover about or wants/preferences, about what we don't want and so much.

○ Where we currently are in life is a place where we travelled to based on the thoughts we chose to work with.

○ A new person we like and speak to regularly makes us feel a certain type of way - then that emotion gets transferred to our thoughts: "I want to go out with this person, they make me feel good about myself, I like how many simillar things we share" - based on our thinking we pursue that interest.

I just think that quote is not completely valid (has some truth in when it comes to self-help and mediation practice or when you're experiencing bad thoughts but is not entirely right, - and that thoughts, emotions and genetics are one of many parts that make us who we are. We have thoughts about our interests, likes, our love lives, if we didn't follow up with any of our thoughts we wouldn't develop any of the things i just mentioned.

Some of our thoughts tell us nothing of ourselves and are indeed intrusive, and cause nothing but harm. But a lot of them are connected to our emotions, our personality/personal tastes, our inner drives and play an equal role as many other things (emotions, genetics, family cirmustances, etc.) that play a role and give shape to what we are.

Are some of our thoughts part of whole we are - our genetic makeup and our nature? Do they play a role in shaping personality? Do they tell us something about our values, beliefs, and bottom line: ourselves? I feel like thoughts/thought patterns, emotions, genetics, etc... All play a role in shaping who we are.

As an enlightened master once said:

You have to be both: individual and universal. And you have to be very flexible and fluid between these two. It should be as easy as when you come out of your home, out of your house. When it is too cold inside you come out, you sit in the sun. When it becomes too hot you go in. It creates no problem; you just go in, you come out. There is no problem – it is your house.

P.S.: I am not saying it is not beneficial to separate ourselves from our thoughts when they negative or incorporating it in a mindfulness practice... or trying to convey my opinion as the only right one. What I am saying is that this quote on its own negates thoughts as a part of our functioning as human beings.

I will be feel grateful if you can help me in any way with your answer (in showing me how/if) our thoughts are part of our personality and ourselves and play a role in shaping our uniqueness as humans and also guide us towards certain directions in life (interests, hidden talents, romantic inquiry, etc. if we decide to act on them).

09:38 UTC


Words matter


Careful with your words. Be careful with the way you view yourself. It’s all in your head. If you tell someone you are sick, you will be sicker. If you think you cannot do, then you will not do. Always give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Always view yourself in the highest possible light, you will act accordingly.

1 Comment
23:39 UTC


Help or advice needed.

I was attacked and framed and have no idea what to do about this . It was demonic and I felt my soul leave. My family are abusive physically and psychologically. They physically attacked me, by pulling my hair, spitting ay me and physically holding me down then called the police on me . I spent the night in a cell and feel completely brainwashed and powerless. I saw their eyes go black and ive lost chunks of my hair and feel immense pain and loneliness. I've been dragged to a low place and need help from this.

23:19 UTC


Quick question: Did you experienced a change in your clothes wear when you had your spiritual awakening?

Like I had to change all my polyester clothes to 100% cotton because it was starting to itch every time and got several raches.

22:42 UTC


I wrote a sci-fi novel with the archetypal hero journey + an alien empire to talk about spirituality, meditation, and mental wellness. I hope it introduces people to the spiritual nature of the world.

Wow! You made it here. Thank you. It really means the world to me that you wanted to learn about me and my book. I can't wait to go on this adventure with you. There are a few things I want the readers of the world to know. Through this exciting adventure, I want to talk about some important things. I want people to come away reading it more compassionate and feeling more connected to Humanity than they were before. I want to discuss the difficulties of loving people who are struggling, because so many people I love dearly are struggling. I want people to see more connection. I want people to realize we are all one and the same, we’re in this together. Our shared myths and legends show just that, they connect us with other adventurers across time and space. Maybe these stories have clues, and maybe if we follow those clues, we’ll learn more about who we truly are. I don’t know why I felt for so long that I had to write this story. I only knew I had to, and so I did. I hope this book can make the world a better place, I hope it can be an inspiration and a solace to struggling people. If it makes just one person sit down and try to meditate while they're in a difficult time, or to try and write a story to process their own life, I will consider this a fantastic success. Ten years of effort, well worth it.

20:36 UTC


I wrote a sci-fi novel with the archetypal hero journey + an alien empire to talk about spirituality, meditation, and mental wellness. I hope it introduces people to the spiritual nature of the world.

20:35 UTC


Can the inner child actually become an adult? Or are we basically split forever?

18:16 UTC


Attitude Towards the Experience -

Attitude Towards the Experience -

Those familiar with my work will often see me mention various “Crucial Factors” pertaining to the efficiency and productivity of an Individuals Process of Awakening and Self-Initiation into life’s many mysteries… With that said, here I will describe and present yet another one of these highly essential factors…. I call this one “Attitude Towards the Experience” (A. T .T .E).

This is one aspect of the process, which has a direct and very significant effect upon the Overall quality of an Individuals experience… as well as upon their ability to get the most out of any given situation, no matter how seemingly fruitless or mundane the circumstance may be…

Navigating the current system that is in play, can very easily become discouraging in many ways if one does not make the necessary adjustments within their everyday lives… perhaps even especially for the Awakening Individual who can begin to see just how far the endless suppression and control of knowledge and life in general, has truly gone.

Though, with this ever-growing Awareness and In-depth perspective on such incredibly rare areas of life, comes a very real responsibility, you might even say a Necessity, for the Individual at hand to Apply and Integrate these rare insights into the different areas of their lives and conduct, in a healthy and beneficial way… as opposed to letting them drive one to any variety of unstable and unbeneficial mental states/Conditions (Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Paranoia etc.)… which is something I have seen all too often.

After one’s idea of “Reality” is shattered, which is an absolute must on the path of Awakening… it is then Important to Assimilate this deepened Perspective… One must begin to rebuild and reprogram their daily conduct, Attention and decision making, in accordance with these various degrees of Insight… and do so in a manner which reflects a Passionate and Inspired Outlook towards the process… even within all the darkness and chaos which surrounds the present age… in the sense that “we have now identified the issue and can begin to transmute this into growth, through proper Thought and Action.

For the freshly awakening Individual, who is in the midst of their first in-depth assessments of the “state of the world”, it is quite easy to feel overwhelmed by this energy of suppression and deceit which governs so efficiently a society, which at first glance, screams “Lost Cause” …

However, it is important for one to realize that despite the Mass Ignorance and Lack of Awareness… despite the unbelievable depth of the Corruption and Deceit… those Individuals who are capable of coming to these In-depth realizations, hold the potential to play a hugely significant role… you could even say a “Divinely Significant” role towards ushering in the New Age and bringing the Collective into a much more Efficient and Spiritually Aware state of Existence…

One who finds themselves in this rare position, will soon realize the Intimate and fascinating relationship between their Internal Nature, and the World around them… As Above, So Below… As Within, so Without… Ones Experience is a direct product of their own Internal Conditions (Spiritual and Psychological) whether they be perspectives, attitudes, emotions, habits, addictions, depression, anxiety, pessimism or any other of a wide range of Internal phenomena… therefor when an Individual begins to embody this deepened perspective and Increased co-creative potential, they will begin to see more and more of that which they regularly give their energy and attention to, expressed outward in their daily experience… the Internal, reflected outwards, in an Intimate and precise fashion.

Attention and Effort towards any particular Emotion, Internal Condition, Thought, perspective etc**., attracts and yields direct experiences which are of like resonance…** The Individual who is susceptible to depression, actively feeds, encourages and brings forth like-phenomena into their lives when they give in to it… and the same goes for all different manner of Influence and energetic resonance, at both ends of the spectrum… One with a natural (spiritual and mental) resilience to outside influence has a great advantage in this area.

It is Important for one to not spend time dwelling upon “in the wrong light”, the endless nonsense which surrounds them… no matter how downright flabbergasting it might be at times… it is important to not “Take offence” to this deepened perspective into the majority of the worlds Ignorant state of being… but to instead carefully observe, analyze and Integrate the many present Insights pertaining to how and why this lack of awareness has come about, its wide variety of manifestations within everyday life and how one can begin to participate in the deceptive tactics as little as possible within their own behavior... less and less each day.

The degree of an Individuals “Presence of Mind” within any given moment, greatly determines their amount self-control and Awareness of their own Conduct… as well as their ability to extract Knowledge and Insight from within any given Experience/Circumstance. Therefor the Individual who embodies an unsavory attitude and deminer towards their daily lives, and who is highly susceptible in nature to outside Influence, misses out on endless Insight and opportunity… simply because they do not believe or even consider, that it could possibly be present within such a mundane existence… and is thus living a much less in-depth and lower quality of life, as compared to the Awakening Individual who is constantly looking for opportunities towards growth and development within every situation… even within mundane social Interactions and the chaotic work flow… keeping an optimistic outlook towards the experience as a whole, hardships and ALL…

Every Sentient being… especially One who finds themselves on a dedicated path of awakening, should view their overall experience of life, as if it were the absolute most Intimate and Important Relationship which they will ever take part in… and indeed it should be**... this relationship should take priority**, for it is the source and cause behind all else that they will perceive in this life.

Bond with this Experience… with its darkness and its light… show it Love, Compassion, Patience and Genuine Effort, and this will Indeed make its way into being reciprocated within ones life… However, treat it with dread, doubt and neglect… then this too will be reciprocated.

Much Love

Gage Timothy Kreps Ramirez-

13:55 UTC

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