Is something isn't working the way it should be in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Stuck on a quest with no idea how to continue? Anything you're unsure of regarding Skyrim? Post here and maybe we can help.
Something isn't working the way it should? Stuck on a quest with no idea how to continue? Anything you're unsure of regarding Skyrim? Post here and maybe we can help.
Please select the appropriate platform flair for your post, e.g., [PC], [Xbox Series X/S], [PS5], to indicate which system you're playing on, as this helps in the troubleshooting of platform-specific bugs or issues. Please make your post title as descriptive of the issue as possible.
Include evidence of research. Look at the respective UESP Wiki articles for the quest, item, or NPC first. Add all info you've researched and tried so far. Include links to other posts or websites you've already looked at.
If you have mods installed:
Some problems might be mod-specific. To troubleshoot, try disabling half of your mods and restarting Skyrim. Repeat this process until you find the offending mod. Post here only after you've tried troubleshooting your mods this way and include your mod list and load order.
When the issue you encountered has been resolved, please edit your post to include how you solved it so that others who are having a similar issue can learn from your experience.
PC players should see the PCGamingWiki Skyrim article, which lists fixes and advice for many common Skyrim PC issues.
Hello all. I'm really hoping I can get some help. I play on Xbox One, and started a new playthrough. The first one since the update back in Jan of this year. I've never had an issue with the Fish Hatchery and creation Club fish but on this playthrough I am. They creation club fish simply won't spawn. And I can't find any posts or articles anywhere online that cover just CC fish. I've tried rebuilding the house and Hatchery via a previous save, making my pets from the Pets of Skyrim stay at my home. Waoted over an in game week at Lakeview Manor, adding 1 CC fish, 2, and all of them. Not a single one with spawn. I even tried uninstalling Skyrim all together, and reinstalling it since I saw an old reddit post from a few years ago that said that makes it work again. Nothing. It spawns every regular fish just fine but refuses to do the CC fish. Did the new update screw up the Hatchery for CC fish? I don't know what else to try. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This whole ordeal started like 4-6 years ago. I was playing skyrim and I get a little bug or smth. (the memory is very foggy) and now I can't type when I press the windows key. That was fine and I could deal with that but up until a couple months ago, I was playing skyrim and a similar thing happened. Now I can't use my windows key AT ALL. I'm convinced that the problem stems from it because:
The game has always been janky
I could never use windows key while in skyrim
both instances happened from the game crashing
Please help not being able to use windows key sucks ahh
Hey all, been playing skyrim for a while and was working on the solstheim quests. Eventually got to the point where I needed to unlock the bend will shout. I already have dragon souls in my inventory, but when I went to unlock it it said I didn't have any. Went back and loaded from an earlier save to check it wasn't that, but it still wasn't working. I don't have any mods installed and I've already tried restarting the game and that didn't help either. Really trying to not completely reset from the beginning cause I've got over 100 hours built into this run.
Also tried killing another dragon. It gave me the soul, but said I still didn't have any souls when I went to learn the shout again.
I wanted to make my in-game time more similar to my real-life game time. So I spent 500 days in seconds with the "set timescale to 999999" command. Could this cause any REAL problems? Break some quest or something?
No comment like "commands break the game.", because I already know that in general this is a myth.
opening the game normally through Steam doesn’t give me this problem but it means i lose out on a lot of my mods, but i’m willing to revert to unmodded if this is unfixable
I have a character i made that only shows up in "show all saves" and dosent have a character save file. Does anyone know a fix?
I have an issue where I cannot launch Skyrim SE from MO2. It launches fine from the SKSE icon in Windows, but when I launch from MO2, it will CTD from the Bethesda logo. I have tried a clean install, new install of MO2. I have removed all mods except a crash logger and address library now, but it still won't make it to the main menu from MO2 launch.
This all started after the Windows update in early November. I updated my VRDist files, I have checked for everything that could have changed with the update, but to no avail.
Crash log here: https://pastebin.com/CjgKbXHL
It's an Exception Access Violation, but I do not know how to resolve it.
I have no mods except the Address Library and the Crash Logger, it is otherwise a clean install.
Thank you.
Hello. A fresh installation of Skyrim Legendary Edition shows the initial short intro video, but then the menu appears without any fonts and with a black background. At that point, nothing can be done. I tried installing mods that change fonts, but it didn't help; the menu remains frozen. I was considering buying Skyrim SE, but I'm afraid I might encounter the same issue. I tried looking for help online but couldn’t find my specific issue. If anyone knows what to do, I’d be grateful :)
I'm at the part where I need to talk to Commander Maro, but he's nowhere to be found. I go to the quest marker, and they're simply not there. Oddly enough it still tells me to inform the guard of Astrid's death too, even though I've already done so... I've tried a few commands here and there, but nothings really worked here. I've done some research on how to use commands to simply finish the quest, but I cant even seem to figure that out.
Just an edit, I figured it'd be important to note I've already installed ESSEP, so if this was something that should've prevented this, then I'm not too sure what it could be. No mods are effecting this, as I tried to load a much earlier save (without any quest mods) and they were still missing from Dragon's Bridge.
Hello everyone, I encountered the problem that grass is flying in the sky on top of the textures, does anyone know how to fix this? Because of this, the FPS drops quite a lot.
I couldn’t find any answers on the forums in my language)
I’ve been playing the new DLC creation that came out called “Truth In Legends” and everything was working fine until I got to the end of the dungeon where you fight the final boss. He has an animation that’s supposed to pick you up and when you find him he’s supposed to be on his knees, but for me he just stands still and when I interact with him I’m forced to be stuck in place. I tried changing my load order and disabling any mod that could even barely be the reason for it, but I’m still stuck.
I just defeated the Troll and the Bear in Gunmar's recruitment quest, but he won't talk to me to advance the quest to the point that he will go to Fort Dawnguard. I have tried quitting the game and coming back, as well as shutting down the console.
For a little background information. I have mods such as DDC, splendor, drastic dragon loot and really absorb dragon souls. I have tried the fight at Kynesgrove with and without the mods not changing anything as far as I’m aware.
The problem started occurring maybe around when I was level 20 ish (32 now) after I killed a few dragons atop of mountains at word walls and some random spawns in the wild. I noticed I weren’t absorbing the souls and they weren’t burning up which my first few kills had done. After which I felt a bit cheated and went to the chest room to give myself 2 dragon souls through the buttons guilty I know.
I’m now on blade in the dark and made my way upto kynesgrove killed the big bad dragon and who would’ve guessed it didn’t absorb the soul well… I’ve found out this then breaks Delphine as she now won’t begin her dialogue, anytime I try to she goes ‘gods above look at that’ what am I looking at Delphine nothing happened..
I have no clue what it could be I’ve looked up online for people with the same bug and they all seem to say it will fix itself after a few kills or after a certain amount of time but it seems to have carried on for the greater part of 10 levels for me and I’m stuck :/
PS: I know miraak steals souls of you but I believe that’s only on solsteim and surely wouldn’t interrupt a main story quest.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Does anyone have an idea on what causes fps drops when looking specifically in this direction a certain distance away from the whiterun stables? I've done some testing with different mods and I haven't really found anything. I use happy little tress, Cathedral landscape, Whiterun has walls redone with no added npc's and no added clutter, cathedral weathers and lux and community shaders with only light limit fix. My pc is a 10400 and a 3070..not the best computer I know. I've also played around with bethini but that doesn't really change anything for me. I get 60fps on riverwood bridge looking at the blacksmiths, I know that's a location where you get fps loss, its just outside of whiterun.
Been to countless caves/camps ect. Got the mission in beginning of gameplay and now trying to do it (level 62) read a lot of different locations online and failed to find it at any, have no way point when mission is active, Merida's statue will not talk to me, been to solstheim, any suggestions appreciated!
Picture shows here. Idk what I'm doing wrong. Keep getting that error message for days. Was wondering if someone can help me. So I can get TrueDirectionalMovement going. :( Thank you! ^_^ I just bought the game so been having issues. Apologies. Currently on 1.5.97 ty. :)