Celebrating silent movies by making GIFs out of them
Submissions should be gifs made from silent movies
For the purposes of this subreddit, including some sound effects or even brief segments with speech (example Modern Times) does not disqualify a movie from being considered silent. Movies released in sound and silent versions (example Blackmail) are also allowed.
Please use Imgur, Gfycat or Reddit uploads
Automod will remove submissions not from those sites, in an effort to prevent spam. If there is another gif hosting site you think should be allowed, please let mods know.
Please identify the movie gif is from
This can be either in title, or as a comment on your post. Please also try to include the year it was released. Mods will add flair for filmmaker/star if applicable.
You can also post albums containing gifs
Albums can also include non-gif images and gifs made from things other than silent movies, if these are used to provide context to some silent movie gifs. Example, it would be fine to post gifs from the sound version of Ben-Hur alongside gifs from the silent version for a comparison, or post a gif of scene and then a photo showing how scene was shot.
Buster Keaton gifs are exempt from first rule
If you want to make gifs from Keaton's sound movies, or his appearance on the Twilight Zone or whatever, more power to you. This also applies to Chaplin and Lloyd, and other silent stars at discretion of mods
Jacques Tati gifs are allowed on his birthday
Jacques Tati's birthday is October 9
Follow @silentmoviegifs on Twitter for more silent movie gifs and related content
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