Discuss, share, and get help with this unique breed of dog. The Shih Tzu is the perfect pet for many people!
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One pooped pup but even tired he is just so photogenic.
It was spa day for Link and Zelda today
We have a almost 8 months old shihtzu and he bites alot. Not all the time but whenever we are making his food he gets too excited and ends up biting us i dont know what to do. I try telling him no but he wont stop. Thats him begging for food. We feed him 3 times a day but his tummy is never full and gets crazy when he sees food
Do you have a blended fur family? We do! Here are Faye’s older sisters!
Before! I dropped her off at 1. She is stinky and she destroyed one of her Catahoula sister’s beds last night…. So, I’m cleaning up and washing her toys and I’ll post an after when I get her home. She’s 18mos old. A mini Shih (per vet) and we go every six weeks so she can get used to grooming. I highly recommend this to anyone with a puppy!
She has like five different colors! White, cream, brown, black, gray. The roots of her hair on her back are gray/ashy, paws are tan, face black, chest white. She couldn’t pick one color to be so she chose all of them! 😂
So I currently have a 3yr old male and I am looking to adopting or buying another one to keep my boy company. For those that have 2 , what is your experience with having 2 males or a male and a female? I don’t know whether 2 males would get along better than a male and a female. Thank you
or newest What We Do in the Shadows cast member?
Hello! I have an 18 month old F shihtzu who get regular grooms but we are perplexed at the amount of eye seepage. I won’t call it tears because it hardens fast and takes forever to get soft to remove. Baths do it best, and we have eye wipes, eye flushes and warm wet washcloths. I’ve heard good could cause these and it could be an allergy. I wanted advice from other Shih parents. What does your dog eat? We have two older large breed dogs that are eating the same brand but we know a change needs to be made. Our vet pushes what they sell the Prescription diet.
He loved all the kids!
Hello, my fellow Tzu lovers! I adopted my first Tzu back in May. She has terrible eye boogies. Sometimes I catch them before they dry and goop up her face and she lets me pull them out. The boogies are thick, white, and stringy. At the moment she has dried goop on her face and I have no idea how to get it off. I have tried the wipes, softening them to try and wipe it away but I honestly don't know what to do. And her face smells. Any tips? Even the fur between her eyes is crusty. TIA, Oh, and the shelter told us she does great with baths and grooming but when I bathe her at home she fights me the whole time, even jumping out of the tub and making a soapy run all through the house. She will shiver and act terrified but she has been to the groomers twice since May and they said she did great. I just want to know how to get this gunk off of her face and prevent it from coming back.
I am so heartbroken and feel so helpless, my 13 year old girl has just been diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease. We have been given canned Royal Canine renal food but she hasn’t touched it so far today (diagnosis yesterday).
I am so scared to lose her and keep crying. Can anyone offer some advice/support? I just can’t believe it, was expecting that she just had a tummy bug, not this.
Caught me taking pics of him as he sleeps on my arm.
Yes, thats her sister sleeping comfortably at the back.
Yes, my arm is numb after this night.
Help. I’ve spent probably $500 on toys the last 3 months and my sweet Gaston would rather go collect everyone’s shoes and play with them.
I’ve tried the Kong, the Hol-ee Roller, and all kinds of random toys from every store I go in.
Please send your recommendations as they would be appreciated.
She’s my parent’s twelve year old cutie. 🥹
We all love the cute photos where our Tzus are nicely groomed and camera ready. But let's be honest - Tzus can also be super awkward, have bad hair days, and be hilariously grumpy - so here's a safe place to showcase those not-so-glamorous photos :) Vote for your favorite!