
Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss one of the greatest TV Dramas, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.

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Any episodes/seasons you had to skip and why?

I usually love watching the show and recently I have been rewatching all the seasons with my partner and we are currently on season 15, usually I am not very overwhelmed with the episodes/plots however the last episode of season 14 and any episode of season 15 involving suspect William Lewis was just TOO MUCH and I know stuff like this happens in real life and all, but I feel like they kept dragging out the episodes with him in it. And how it was so hard to get Olivia and all his other victims justice, and it was so taunting and infuriating omg I just had to skip them. What dod you guys think about the episodes involving him, and which ones did you guys have to pass if any?

02:08 UTC



so I’m in the middle of a rewatch (so that means i’m vaguely familiar with who each perp turns out to be) and i’m realizing that Benson & Stabler are such smug assholes to sooooo many suspects that turn out to be innocent 😂 and i’m thinking do they ever apologize to the people they suspected in the beginning and absolutely terrorized lmaoo

01:28 UTC

01:13 UTC


Is that Katy Perry

I was just watching s.19, ep 11, Flight Risk. There’s a woman in the front row of the grand jury who looks a lot like Katy Perry. The camera kept going to her, even though she had no lines. I can’t find any record of her having appeared on the show, but does anyone know if she did an uncredited cameo? It does look like her, and the woman does have screen presence.

00:03 UTC


So were Yates and Rudnick both inspired by Norman Bates (Psycho)???

Think about it…

Carl Rudnick = Man who crossdresses = Norman dressing up as his mother whenever he kills people

Greg Yates = Yates is of course incredibly similar to the surname Bates,

And obviously, all three of them are serial killers.

Coincidence, or no??? Even just a little bit?

23:44 UTC


Help me find this episode

It's either about free speech, radio personality, or white supremacist. There is a guy who chooses to be his attorney/defend the racist but at the end they found the defending attorney kills him.

I know it is not the episode with an undercover white supremacist or the one with actress from my My Fat Greek Wedding.

19:46 UTC


Stocks & Bondage

USA is showing season one. We’re up to Stocks & Bondage. Watching this ep, I always wonder why they didn’t use V. Craig Heidenrich more. I always have felt this is a great perfect.

Fun ep!

18:31 UTC


After being molested as child, woman becomes a cop and arrests her assaulter 16 years later

14:54 UTC


Jill Hennessy as a SVU ADA

She played the ADA Claire Kincaid on the original Law & Order, but I always thought she would’ve been great as an SVU ADA. Something about her style and her strong morales would’ve been great. Obviously it was impossible for her character to move to SUD (no spoilers), but I thought she would’ve fit in with the early casts so well. I wouldn’t trade Cabot or Novak for her, but plenty of the other ADAs

1 Comment
13:32 UTC


Jackie Walker

So obviously being falsely accused and imprisoned changes you aloe but I feel like it’s strange how angry Jackie Walter is towards everyone and here’s what I mean by that As a pre k teacher and a decent human being wouldn’t you immediately report any child sexual assault you are told about??? Even if it’s against a co worker? Like when a child tells me they’ve been touched in their private’s I’d immediately believe and report them, they’re children and have to be protected yknow?? So I understand he’s angry but shouldn’t he also have some understanding aswell? And the boys were so young I wouldn’t blame them.

13:23 UTC


"It was just a mistake" - Stop letting people get away with saying this

Reposting this as a longer rant from the episode thread. I just watched 26x02 where the judge raped his 8 year old stepdaughter - and he said "It was a mistake", citing all the work he did as a judge. Those two things are unrelated.

Rape is not a mistake. A slip of the tongue is a mistake. An accident is a mistake.

Premeditating a crime. When you of all people should know that children are incapable of sexual consent. Is not a mistake. It is an intentional act. Not even one you tried to atone for, as you clearly didn't get the victim any help or therapy afterwards, blamed all her behavior on her, cut her off.

Some cases are murkier. Adult parties are both drunk, or the like. But cases with 1) children and 2) intentional premeditation (spiking the drink, not listening to No, ignoring discomfort) are not. mistakes.

We need to change the narrative with which assault is spoken of. No more minimizing the assault or accusing the victim of lying as a first defense. It's not 'just a mistake'. It's not 'something that will ruin his future for a night of fun'. It's a crime. Any crime is like that - you shoplift or rob a bank or hit someone and you get jail time, ruining your future for a few minutes of crime, isn't it? You're hurting someone. (Call it out when you notice your homies talking like this)

And it is so, SO hard to be believed. By the police, by the system, by everyone calling you a liar or an attention seeker when you just wish that it had never happened to you in the first place, when you are the one who wishes the most that you weren't on that stand, that you were never harmed. Some lie - that's true in all cases. Going back to the example above - people fake robberies for insurance, stage elaborate scams. Sexual assault is one of the most common crimes and one of the least likely to be charged.

People are prone to calling victims liars because 'they know how much you can ruin someone's life with an accusation' - why do you think an accusation is so impactful? Maybe because it happens so often that it is believable.


07:51 UTC


A little bit of a tear jerker. Season 17, episode 19

I have to admit, it was quite sad seeing Richard Belzer's John Munch walk out of the door, at the end of the episode Fashionable Crimes. He seems like such a cool dude. That had to be a little rough, for the cast of SVU as well. It's always nice when he, and other past SVU members show up.

1 Comment
06:10 UTC


Ok so I’m babysitting and they don’t have many streaming channels so I’m watching a free channel and had to laugh!

It was Dallas Roberts who plays Dr Yates on SVU playing Lionel Dahmer….gave me the creeps lol! Great actor and definitely plays this role well!

06:06 UTC


If you enjoy George Huang

Check out r/ProveMewong

04:16 UTC


How many eps?

sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer anywhere!
does anyone actually know the number of episodes for this season?

everytime I google it, I just seem to find a lot of websites stating that there will only be 12 episodes this season? does anyone know if that's correct?

that seems crazy, bc it would mean that next week will be the last episode. surely not? :((

04:03 UTC


Bart Ganzel's lawyer (season 13/14 spoiler)

does anyone remember this lawyer? barry?

!i just rewatched Undercover Blue, where he defended Cassidy when he was accused of rape - how was he allowed to do that considering how involved he was with Ganzel? !<

!Ignoring the strange concept that he was even allowed to continue practicing law, I'm shocked that he was also allowed to defend Cassidy on this kind of charge!<...and why did nobody say anything during the episode?? i have so many questions. am i just confused??

02:30 UTC


Which episodes in Season 26 are good?

Longtime SVU enjoyer but I stopped watching in the middle of the Maddie episodes, and SVU has been going more downhill for me since they replaced Kat Tamin and had a rotating cast of detectives. (Don't get me wrong, it would be interesting to have multi-episode issues centred around one victim, but that wasn't the right case for it. And it was more about Benson's reactions and trauma than Maddie herself.) Are there solid episodes in Season 26 you'd recommend watching?

Something with a good storyline, minimal stupid reactions (why would you be so surprised hearing someone was raped when they're coming to SVU? Or surprised when a victim hides details?), good acting & writing, minimal weird team dynamics that distract too much from the story itself (why are two captains working in the same department on the same case?)

I'd really like to enjoy SVU again.

Edit 1: Yall were right about episode 2 - phenomenal, classic SVU!
Edit 2: Welp I'm bingeing the season now, firmly back in an SVU kick. Thank you!

02:25 UTC


Olivia benson boyfriends

I started rewatching SVU. I am now on season 13 and I feel like I might’ve missed this episode but I am looking for the episode where she goes on a date with a guy and they’re making out and he tries to play out a R fantasy with her because he thinks that since she works for SVU she’s into that.

1 Comment
01:36 UTC


S20 just started- Noah

Is Noah just a really annoying kid or? The almost of times this kid has almost died or gotten taken is insane.

21:02 UTC



I once saw an article where the author compiled a horoscope for the participators of SVU.

He listed the zodiac signs of Fin, Casey, Barba, Cragen, Alex, Melinda, Amanda, Stabler, Carisi, Munch, Huang, and Olivia.

The author of that article named the following data:

Aries: Fin Tutuola

Taurus: Casey Novak

Gemini: Rafael Barba

Cancer: Donald Cragen

Leo: Alex Cabot

Virgo: Melinda Warner

Libra: Amanda Rollins

Scorpio: Elliot Stabler

Sagittarius: Dominick Carisi

Capricorn: Olivia Benson

Aquarius: John Munch

Pisces: Dr. Huang

But it is known that Olivia's birthday is February 7, 1968, which means she is an Aquarius, not a Capricorn.

And Stabler is born on October 22, 1966, which means he is Libra, not Scorpio.

And the others also have the wrong dates.

Finn is born on March 11, 1961 or 62, which means he is Pisces, not Aries.

Cabot is born on May 31, 1968, which means she is Gemini, not Leo.

Novak was born in September, which means she is not Taurus, but Virgo or Libra...

And who knows the birthdays of other SVU participants?

18:10 UTC


Season 19 episode 7

The actress in this episode was amazing!!!

That’s all I’ve got to say😅

1 Comment
17:01 UTC

15:21 UTC

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