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Welcome to /r/SNSD; a subreddit dedicated to the K-Pop girl group, Girls' Generation (소녀시대 / So Nyuh Shi Dae / SNSD). News, images, videos, music and questions are welcome~! New subscribers, please read the sidebar before posting or commenting.
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I know I’m super late to the game, but I want to watch! Am generally only able to find episode 1 with English subs, but can’t find both episodes. Help please!
I went to Soshified channel and noticed a lot of their old videos especially with fans have been deleted or privated.
One video I remember vividly is a DJ podcast featuring 4 of behind the scene team members titled "How sinful is SNSD". That was a really funny and kinda nostalgic video from Lion Heart era that I used to rewatch here and there, is privated.
I know there are people faces in the video and not everyone is comfortable keeping a up a video on internet from their teen years obsessing about Kpop idols.
But still, it's sucks.
Hi, my SNSD favorite song list contains 149 songs, including Japanese versions and sub-unit songs. Maybe I'm not strict enough, and I don’t narrow it down enough, but I can listen to all the songs in my playlist just fine; it’s just that I like some more than others. Somehow, for every group, there’s this one extremely popular song I dislike. For SNSD, it’s the song "I Got a Boy."
It’s regrettable that I like older songs, but I have to live in this time.
I was wondering, approximately how many SNSD songs you like?
Here are 10 Songs i like a lot, in random order and not necessarily my top 10.
Its hard to limit it to only so few songs.
Anyone know which magazine or event they took this photoshoot and the year also, cause I have rarely seen this look before
just curious because i think they do have their fair share of really good line distributions and horrendous line distributions hahaha
imo some of the songs with the worst line distributions are usually from their earlier days but here's some i find to be "the worst"
-beautiful stranger
-the great escape
-lets talk about love
-dancing queen
-one last time
what i consider as "the best" or just fair lol
-snowy wish
-ooh la la
-lion heart
-oh! (but if you don't count tiffany's adlibs and/or taeyeon and sunny's leading parts it's even better)
-lucky like that
-its you