
Photograph via snooOG

This is a sub dedicated to European socialists and the development of socialism in Europe. Relevant to it are all news regarding socialism in Europe and all events in general that influence European socialism and socialists in Europe, be they ideological or regarding their material conditions.

This place is dedicated to the advance of Socialism on the European continent.

Socialism is the working class's control over the means of production.

Guideline for civil discourse

  1. The socialist cause is the liberation of the working class, not of nations or nation-conglomerates (EU i.e.).. treat it as such.

  • We fight for the workers, remember. The DPRK i.e. brutally oppresses the working class.
  • Racism isn't welcome, goes for 'cultural' racism too

    • Yes, we can and should criticize Islam. No, Muslims are not terrorists that steal our jobs. No, Judaism isn't capitalism.
  • No personal attacks

    • Keep it civil. You can disagree without wishing each other death and misery.
  • No sexism

    • Misogynist (and racist) slurs will result in a temporary ban.
  • Non-socialists are welcome

  • Topic Sub
    Area Regional Subs
    Scandinavia /r/arbetarrorelsen
    Norway /r/venstresiden
    German Language Area /r/Arbeiterbewegung
    Belgium /r/Unite
    Romania /r/Stanga
    Russia /r/nnovosti
    Ireland /r/theIrishleft
    UK /r/BritishCommunists
    Spain & Portugal /r/Comunismo
    France /r/nuitdebout
    Outside of Europe
    Rojava /r/rojava
    Canada /r/Canadian_Socialism
    NYC /r/NYCSocialism
    Michigan /r/MichiganSocialists


    1,387 Subscribers


    Beginning in May 1968, a period of civil unrest occurred throughout France and later Europe, lasting some seven weeks and punctuated by demonstrations, general and wildcat strikes, and the occupation of universities and factories. It was lead by workers, unions, students, communists and anarchists.

    1 Comment
    18:00 UTC


    In commemoration of Italy's liberation from fascism

    1 Comment
    03:50 UTC


    David Graeber: The Weaponisation of Labour Antisemitism

    02:55 UTC


    Catalans, Kurds & Chileans marched together in 🇳🇴 Oslo on Nov 30th, to show solidarity with each other and demand the end of the oppression in their respective countries.

    13:39 UTC


    The former French PM Jacques Chirac has died today. While press is selling him as a peaceful man who opposed Iraq invasion, he was one of the main responsibles behind Afghanistan invasion, the Haitian coup d'Etat and military invasion of Ivory Coast to mantain it as a french colonial subject.

    18:08 UTC


    /r/LeftEurosceptics is a subreddit for Marxist opposition to the EU.

    For starters I am an American and I made the sub on the fly when discussing the EU with some European comrades on discord. We made this sub in response to Resolution 2019/2819 recently passed by the European Parliament in Strasbourg. This resolution is an anti communist resolution declaring communism as a totalitarian ideology, calling for restriction of communist symbols, and placing as much blame for starting WWII on the USSR as on Germany.

    My comrade linked to me some resources about the EU's problems in the Eurosceptics subreddit but lamented over how many fascists there were there. So /r/LeftEurosceptics was born.

    I've been working the past few days so I haven't had much time to put anything there, but I am looking for mods. Please DM me if you live in Europe in general or the EU specifically and you're interested in joining our mod team. If you are not a European, that's okay as well. Feel free to shoot me a DM and we might bring you on if you have any particular passion or modding experience.

    Thanks so much for reading, comrades.

    22:20 UTC

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