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Canadian Socialism is a place for socialist news and discussion in Canada.

«Canadian Socialism» est un lieu pour les actualités et les discussions socialistes au Canada.

Canadian Socialism is a place for socialist news and discussion in Canada.

«Canadian Socialism» est un lieu pour les actualités et les discussions socialistes au Canada.

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3,524 Subscribers


Worried about the future

It's pretty likely that Trump winning, despite his fascist rhetoric is going to embolden our conservative party into taking actions more extreme than they already have been. Any thoughts on this

18:04 UTC


Socialist YouTube creators focused on Canada?

I am a comrade working on moving to Canada from the US and it seems more difficult to find Canadian socialist stuff online, is there any socialist Canadian creators similar to Socialism For All (S4A) but with a focus on Canada instead of the US?

16:38 UTC


what does the rcp actually do

hello. i am in winnipeg, where the rcp is not active, so i do not have any body i could ask this to locally. i am wondering if somebody could please explain the operational line of the organization. what is actually happening right now, how does that work fit into the broader strategic orientation. not asking for hot takes or whatever. preferably only comments from ppl with actual insight into the work of the org, as objective as possible, tho id also be interested to hear testimonial of lessons learned thru involvement with the work, if there's been like, principle takeaways for any of u. thanks in advance

09:07 UTC


Any source for tracing the zio lobby money trail in Canada and the US?

*Disclaimer that I shouldn't ever have to make but do because the Western world lives under a propaganda narrative that is divorced from historical facts, truth and justice: I oppose zionism, the racist, genocidal state of "Israel" it produced, and I stand with the Palestinians, Lebanese and all other Arabic people in West Asia who have been brutally dehumanized, oppressed and murdered by the zionist regime and the US and West that has always used "Israel" as a proxy in West Asia. I support the end of the entire zionist occupation in Palestine (and the zionist occupation is moving forward with its plans to occupy all of Palestine and the lands of several other countries in West Asia. THAT ALL SAID, I do NOT hate Jews and consider all Jews who are not zionists to be equal to all other people in the world. "Israel" and zionism have NOTHING legitimate to do with Jews and Judaism. Therefore, I am never an antisemitic person, because my quarrel is not with Jews; it is with zionists. Many antizionists are Jews, and the majority of zionists in the world are white christian fundamentalists.


I'm trying to track down the funding sources for some of the many Jewish-specific organizations and companies that exist to promote and encourage more production of Jewish-content books, especially books that are about or include sections about the Holocaust, in the North American publishing industry. I work in the industry and the publisher I work for produces a disproportionately high number of specifically "Jewish-interest" books by Jewish authors compared to books related to any other identifiable group, especially minorities. And they work the Holocaust into their nonfiction books regardless of the books main topic. I know from the inside that there are purchasers and reviewers that are strictly Jewish by name and focus which will purchase bulk quantities of these "Jewish-interest" books to distribute. It is clear to me that the publishers pursue that easy money, but I'm quite certain they also support zionism in general. And after years of privately knowing what's going on, I want to have the evidence to support my claim, that the zionist lobby is heavily involved in publishing and, more important, many publishers are cognizant of that and are happy to oblige that lobby when there is money to be made.

For starters, is there any source with a compilation of names of known zionist organizations that are directly linked to "Israel"? At least that would be a start, and then I could follow the funding trail from one of the orgs in the publishing world back to a known zionist entity. There are so many of these front orgs that aren't directly linked to the genocidal zionist colony, so people have to follow the money trail for each one.

As an example of some of the orgs I want to look into: JP Library (created by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (and see this zionist page on the PJ Library website, with a button to it on the homepage that has the "Israeli" flag on it), the Association of Jewish Libraries, Jewish Book Awards, Jewish Book Council, Canadian Jewish Literary Awards, The Jewish Review of Books Foundation, etc.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

20:33 UTC


Are there any ML or MLM comrades in the Durham region that would be interested in forming a reading group?

Basically what the title says. I want to see if there are any other comrades that would be interested in creating a reading group? just want to start making connections with likeminded comrades!

1 Comment
22:55 UTC


Elon Musk Makes Nearly One Million Times What His Average Middle-Skill Factory Worker Makes

15:29 UTC


Thoughts on Socialist Action?

For the last few months I've been a somewhat active member of Socialist Action, a trotskyist organization in Canada that is essentially an extension of the Socialist Caucus in the New Democratic Party. My rationale for joining was that I thought working within the NDP was a great strategy for building a genuine workers party, and I still see the utility in it. I started off very excited to get involved, but started to feel that SA's messaging and strategy didn't do them any favours in attracting more people to the organization. The posters they produced and I was expected to distribute were just meaningless buzzwords and slogans of saying "the right thing" as socialists yet in an incredibly alienating and unconvincing manner. Shoving slogans down peoples throats like "disarm, defund, disband the police; end the apartheid israeli regime, leave the imperialist NATO organization, etc., etc." without substantive arguments to back them up is definitely not an effective strategy to attract working people, just one to organize already educated leftists. And a leftist echo chamber that just revolves around theory clubs, movie nights, and passing meaningless motions ignored by a broader audience is exactly what I wanted to avoid. The fact that I was the only member in my city also highlighted its meaninglessness to the conditions of my direct community.

For these reasons I decided to depart from the party to focus more on community organizing in my city, but the response from the party leader of my departure that said something along the lines that I was "turning my back to Canada's only chance at true revolutionary change" and that "future generations will judge us from the detrimental decisions we make today" left a sour taste in my mouth. I want to be part of something meaningful, but I struggle to see Socialist Action as the organization it claims to be. Yet for some reason, I'm second guessing my decision.

What are your thoughts? Have you encountered Socialist Action before and if so, what are your thoughts?

03:57 UTC


Might add X more countries

12:48 UTC


New book on unions as a force for economic democracy. Free PDF...

19:53 UTC


Canada plans to put tariffs on China's EV produce, all the while claiming to make steps towards green energy dependency

06:52 UTC


Any marxists from Sarnia, Ontario area?

I've been trying to find some marxist folks in my area who are interested in getting together for some meetups. Anyone from Sarnia here?

1 Comment
19:10 UTC

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