A subreddit to have your appearance rated out of ten by redditors. Make a post today to receive tips and advice on how to look your best!
What Does Reddit Look like? How Do I Look? Rateme is the place to find out! r/Rateme is where you can not only be rated on your appearance but also get tips from awesome redditors on how to look your best!
Rule 1: Include your Age and Gender in the title. Example: [M25] or [27F]. Non-binary or non-gender conforming posters may say so in their title: either X or NB. No one may harass trans posters for identifying as a gender other than their biological sex.
Rule 2: You must be 18 years old or older to submit content.
Rule 3: Please use imgur, or upload the images directly to reddit, for all images posted to the subreddit. Do not click the green "Share to Community" button on Imgur. Doing so will allow unwanted Imgur users apart from this subreddit to view and comment on your album. (You don't want that!)
Rule 4: Do not share or request personal information of any kind. Screenshots taken from other social media must have all identifying information including usernames and place names removed.
Rule 5: Offer constructive advice to other users. Be polite and courteous to other users. Insults, personal attacks, lewd comments, or trolling will not be tolerated. If you receive an offensive comment on your post, click the "Report" button under that comment. The moderator team will be alerted and take appropriate action. Likewise, all posts requesting "roasting" or inviting insults will be removed at the moderators' discretion.
Rule 6: This is a Safe For Work community. Nudity or sexually suggestive content is not allowed. Please mark any shirtless or revealing photos as NSFW.
Rule 7: Photos submitted to the subreddit must be your own.
Rule 8
All submissions must include a photo verifying the consent of the person being rated. Please include at least one photo in your submission of you holding a handmade paper sign with your exact reddit username. All posts are manually approved by a moderator.
Submit a link post! - Upload through Imgur, and submit it to Reddit! Again, Do not click the green "Share to Community" button on Imgur. Doing so will allow unwanted Imgur users apart from this subreddit to view and comment on your album. You don't want that!
Tell us a little bit about yourself, and post more than one picture. You can add a comment to your post if you're looking for anything specific.
What you consider your 'good picture' might be less attractive to others, and what you think looks terrible might actually be flattering. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, making ratings subjective!
If you see something say something! If you see an offensive comment on another person's post, click the "Report" button under that comment. The mod team will be alerted and take appropriate action.
Don't trust anyone who PMs you as a result of your post with a proposition involving money or soliciting additional pictures. There are plenty of creeps on Reddit who try to screw people over, but don't feed them, report them.
Limit one post per month unless you've radically changed your look somehow. Let other people have a turn.
Try providing a clear representative picture of yourself. This means no extreme closeups or crazy filtered pictures.