
Photograph via //r/Rainmeter

A place to ask for help with rainmeter, but don't forget the official forums (https://forum.rainmeter.net/index.php) and unofficial discord (https://discord.gg/rainmeter) are your best bet!

Download Rainmeter Here: Versions 4.0 and above are compatible with Windows 7 and above. If you are on a lower operating system, you will need to install the 3.3.3 legacy version.


Subreddit Rules

  1. Be civil and respectful. No exceptions.

  2. All questions must be solely about rainmeter. Anything regarding general customization (like icons, fonts, and wallpapers), other tools/programs (like spotify / r/spicetify and taskbarx), and so on is not allowed.

  3. Suite showcases are not allowed. Please use r/desktops, deviantart, the forum's 'Share Your Creations' area, or the discord's 'showcase' area instead.

  4. Asking for specific skin recommendations and/or identification is allowed, but things like skin requests and asking for a skin to be fixed is not. Simply asking for ideas, if something exists, and/or the like does not qualify as specific.

  5. All skins shared here must be free of charge, must be your own work or your own edits (which must be changed enough to warrant a separate release), and any skins claimed as original creations must actually be completely original.

  6. Providing all links, properly formatted code, and detailed information on everything from the beginning is required. If you want help, don't be lazy.

  7. Don't repost or ask something that's easily searchable. Search is your friend. This sub is not a replacement for google. If we can find an answer somewhere with a quick search or by actually reading any author's notes and/or docs provided, so can you.

  8. Advertising, self promoting, ranting, shitposts, memes, rankings, etc posts of any kind are not allowed.

  9. Any post that does not follow these rules will be removed and continued failure to follow them will result in a ban. Also, these rules are subject to change as needed.

  10. Just to have a full list: don't forget to get off of reddit ever once in awhile. Go outside, get some fresh air, and have a good day.


319,775 Subscribers


Help with finding a skin

Hello everyone, i've been using rainmeter for a while now but, have recently changed computers and wanted to create a new skin. Only problem is, i can't find the visualizer i used previously, and i don't have the old computer anymore to search it up. It was a visualizer with different effects that you could choose out of, i remember one being rain all over the screen, strobing lights popping in and out and a meteor shower visualizer but, i can't remember the name for the life of me. Does anyone know the name of the visualizer? Many thanks if you do find it.

16:54 UTC


Question about tracking FPS in a skin!

Good evening!!

I was curious if anyone knew how to pull data/track FPS from Windows Task Manager/Game Bar.

These programs are generally always running in the background regardless, and using RTSS to get the data from seemed redundant if there's already a way to access this information via those sources. I know that Nvidia's GeForce experience has this data also, as you can track FPS in the Nvidia overlay if it's enabled, yet I can't figure out how to pull data from that source either.

Having multiple programs that can track FPS already built in makes it seem odd to get RTSS specifically just to also track FPS in Rainmeter.

I've been looking around for information on how to do this, as it seems it should be entirely possible, but haven't had much luck in my search.

Is anyone familiar with this, or have any suggestions on the matter? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

05:02 UTC


Rotate an image around desktop every 24h

I have a little planet PNG. I want it to go around a star on the center of the desktop every 24h, as a clock. How might I do this?

03:57 UTC


Get DNS then test ping on that DNS.

Hi guys,

I'm making a general info skin that also includes info about Network, I successfully get the DNS using SysInfo Plugin (SysInfoType=DNS_SERVER) but I need to use the result as an input to the Ping plugin.

I used the SetVariable with the AfterFinish on the first plugin, but it didn't work.

Any help please?

12:58 UTC



I have been trying to find some way to add todoist into my setup? I've tried looking on the internet in general and the only thing I managed to find is esoteric for my current experience level (none)

20:16 UTC


Pushing Rainmeter Skin via Group Policy

Is there a way to push Rainmeter and a specific skin through GPO? Our organization was using BGInfo but it is super buggy and all we need displayed is the computers host name, so I created a skin for that. Now I have no idea if it is able to be pushed out or not, does anybody know?

15:17 UTC


Important r/rainmeter updates and news

Hello everyone,

After some discussion and a curveball (which I will explain later), it’s been decided to simplify things and partly change how this sub operates in order to better serve the rainmeter community.

Going forward, this sub will become a help only space. The weekly thread and the rainmeter requests sub will be retired and all questions can simply be posted in this main sub. Skins can also continue to be shared here, however all suite related posts will be redirected to r/desktops, dArt, or either the forums or discord showcase areas - all places that have long served the same purpose and, in many ways, are better options. But, while the forums, the discord, and/or a creator’s individual page for their skin would be the better options in regards to asking for help, we will continue leave this sub open both as an archive and for those who might not know those other places exist.

As for that curveball, well… it’s not something I’d generally like to share openly online, but while everything else was going on, earlier this week I was also diagnosed with a very serious and rare disorder. First and foremost, I am not dying! That doesn’t make it any less serious though and, as much as I would love for it not to, it will affect my ability to moderate this sub as time goes on. There’s no specific time table for anything just yet and I realize this all sounds very cryptic, but it’s a private matter and I’m trying to convey what I feel comfortable sharing right now.

With that in mind, and yes with all the reddit nonsense in mind too, I have decided to move all the guides and information I’ve created for this sub over the past few years into a github repo to ensure that it will both remain available to anyone and everyone that needs it and that it will not be lost no matter what reddit does. At the moment, it’s a mess - as I’m sure you can imagine, I’ve been extremely busy and stressed as of late - but I hope that it will continue to grow and serve as a valuable resource just as it has in the pass.

Anyways, I know that my health is of little concern to most of you, so getting back to the sub stuff: please take a moment to read the new, simplified list of ten sub rules that have been posted in the sidebar. The sub will remain in a restricted state for the rest of the weekend and will open again for regular posting on June 26th. I sincerely hope that the transition into a new chapter for this 12 year old sub goes well and that all of you are doing well also.

Thank you and have a good day/evening.

05:35 UTC


Weekly Help & Discussion Thread (Week of June 11, 2023)

Welcome to the weekly help and discussion thread! This is here for everyone to ask basic questions, start general discussions, and more. No comment or question is too small or too big, just keep anything you share relevant, related, and within the rules.

>> For skin recommendations/identifications, please go to r/rainmeterrequests.

Basic FAQ

04:01 UTC


Weekly Help & Discussion Thread (Week of June 04, 2023)

Welcome to the weekly help and discussion thread! This is here for everyone to ask basic questions, start general discussions, and more. No comment or question is too small or too big, just keep anything you share relevant, related, and within the rules.

>> For skin recommendations/identifications, please go to r/rainmeterrequests.

Basic FAQ

04:01 UTC


Rainmeter able to 'measure' things like joystick axis values to create a meter to display?

Been looking into various ways to create some sort of on-screen display for joystick positioning for a flight sim seat project. There's an ancient AutoHotKey script for it that appears to just create a really basic cross-hair 'dot' in a small overlay window, but I've done some of my own (admittedly basic) Rainmeter programming and figured there ought to be a way to do with RM. But so far some basic searches haven't found a starting point for me.

I have a flight seat with twin sticks, pedals, and the like and would like to create onscreen meters that I might put in front while recording game sessions perhaps, or off on side displays in my HAL-9000 project (in-case 2 screens). Gratutious pics for reference:

The seat project overview:


HAL's gallery - not much changed since this first reveal, although he needs a new vid card and some replumbing soon:


Any suggestions to help kick me off from a cold starting point? I didn't see anything likely at first glance in the Plugin list. Did see it can register behavior from mouse actions so I'm hopeful....

16:33 UTC


Weekly Help & Discussion Thread (Week of May 28, 2023)

Welcome to the weekly help and discussion thread! This is here for everyone to ask basic questions, start general discussions, and more. No comment or question is too small or too big, just keep anything you share relevant, related, and within the rules.

>> For skin recommendations/identifications, please go to r/rainmeterrequests.

Basic FAQ

04:01 UTC


Weekly Help & Discussion Thread (Week of May 21, 2023)

Welcome to the weekly help and discussion thread! This is here for everyone to ask basic questions, start general discussions, and more. No comment or question is too small or too big, just keep anything you share relevant, related, and within the rules.

>> For skin recommendations/identifications, please go to r/rainmeterrequests.

Basic FAQ

04:01 UTC


Simple main monitor setup


Hey I made this quick setup, but I'll probably change some things later. maybe add a visualizer.

I decided to post it because I realized that I was proud of some old setups that I can't see anymore bc I didn't save them.

Clock and Launcher: Spectrum V3 (the creator doesn't support it anymore and it does have some problems, but easy to fix)

Player: Modular Players

Taskbar: TaskbarX (rainmeter skin x64)

Wallpaper: Letter on the Steam Workshop.

05:35 UTC


Weekly Help & Discussion Thread (Week of May 14, 2023)

Welcome to the weekly help and discussion thread! This is here for everyone to ask basic questions, start general discussions, and more. No comment or question is too small or too big, just keep anything you share relevant, related, and within the rules.

>> For skin recommendations/identifications, please go to r/rainmeterrequests.

Basic FAQ

04:01 UTC

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