A subreddit to discuss political science. Political science is the scientific study of politics. It deals with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Postings about current events are fine, as long as there is a political science angle. Rationality and coherent argument are encouraged, whereas ideological flamewars are strongly discouraged.
A subreddit to discuss political science. Political science is the scientific study of politics. It deals with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Postings about current events are fine, as long as there is a political science angle. Rationality and coherent argument are encouraged, whereas ideological flamewars are strongly discouraged.
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Must be political science related
Political science is the scientific study of politics. It deals with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Posts must fall under this criteria.
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For more specific discussions within political science see:
/r/IRStudies - study of international relations
/r/Comparative - study of comparative politics
/r/Geopolitics - study of how factors such as geography, economics, military capability and non-state actors affects the foreign policy of states
/r/PoliticalPhilosophy - the discussion of political philosophies and theories
/r/AskSocialScience - general academic social science for questions and answers
For college or university applications see:
For current affairs related political discussion and debate, try r/PoliticalDiscussion - this sub is well moderated, and manages to keep discussions relatively civil.
Whence comes the notion that a dedicated minority always gets its way (politically) in the face of an indifferent or non-caring majority? I know I encountered it somewhere in my political science classes, but don’t know who formulated the concept. And also, is it just a rehash of Mead’s famous bumper-sticker idea that the only thing that changes the world are a small group of dedicated people?
The US-China relationship has been all over the news lately, and I want to get a better handle on it.
I figure the best way to understand what's going on (and what might happen next) is to learn more about the leaders - you know, their backgrounds, what they believe in, and what drives them.
For example, As an outsider, Trump's moves often seem random to me, but I've heard people say his actions actually make sense if you know where he's coming from and how he thinks.
Any good books or videos you'd recommend to help me figure these leaders out?
According to Arendt, in her 1963 book, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, evil becomes banal when it acquires an unthinking and systematic character. Debating that Evil can manifest in systems and procedures that normalize inhumane actions.
Arendt's argument was controversial because she suggested that great evil isn’t always driven by hatred but by a lack of critical thought and moral responsibility.This idea reshaped how we understand atrocities, showing that ordinary people can commit them through blind obedience
“Arendt observed Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi officer who organized the logistics of the Holocaust, and concluded his actions were driven not by deep-seated hatred but by a lack of critical thinking and mechanical adherence to bureaucratic procedures.”
The banality of evil is less about grand acts of malevolence and more about the mundane, everyday choices that, when left unchecked, perpetuate harm.
I’m a freshman student right now planning to major in PoliSci with the long term end goal of campaign management as a career. I’m currently in community college and will be transferring in the Fall most likely and what I’m wondering is if I should be looking at just the “best PoliSci colleges” or specifically colleges where campaign volunteer opportunities will be widely available, given that the 2028 presidential election will be going into full swing my senior year it’s tempting to want to go to college in a state like Iowa or NH that are crucial in the presidential primaries and that will have gubernatorial elections before 2028 as well. Any thought on this?
I’m a junior in high school right now and I’ve been very interested in political science and economics for a while now. I’ve been maintaining good grades, getting an internship, teaching myself all about the topics to help me get to my of one day working in foreign politics/economics. Despite this being my dream and doing what I can to eventually get there I’m very worried about going any further into this specifically when it comes to applying to colleges. Since I’ve been looking at economics and politics so much I’ve seen talk about how many jobs AI is taking and how white collar jobs are the first to go. Would somebody who works in this industry advise a young person to pursue this field even with AI advancements? Do you think there will still be jobs, especially entry level ones, in a few years?
I find myself wanting to know more about anything and everything in PoliSci, but there are a lot of papers, most of which are very long, and I am already bogged down with assigned readings from my university. Ideally, they do in depth discussions of papers or books. Bonus points if they focus on IR or International Policymaking.
Due to the Russia-Ukraine war, Ukraine is unable to hold elections, so the term of the incumbent President Zelensky has been extended. In the case of a large-scale war, a major disaster, or other situations where elections cannot be held, can the terms of the U.S. President, the Senate, and the House of Representatives be extended?
Hi everyone! I'm an undergraduate senior political science major with a minor in public administration and policy. I am set to graduate this spring and initially planned to attend law school. Particularly, I've found a love for constitutional law and environmental advocacy. I believe the right to a clean environment can be argued with our constitution. WELP! That dream feels so far away with the new federal administration. I'm not trying to spark any debate about politics here, but other people in my boat, how are y'all feeling out there? I am struggling with burnout as it is and everything I've studied extensively feels utterly useless. I don't want to spend my life struggling in law school over this stuff or trying to reverse the orange man's insane policy for the next decade. I've done everything right and gotten multiple internships at non profit environmental organizations and have spent my college career leading groups of young climate advocates in lobbying meetings with legislators. What the hell was all that for???? I'm pissed off and I want a revolution but it also feels meaningless as I've learned "too much" through my education. I'm trying hard to motivate myself to finish with good grades but it just feels ridiculous when the current political landscape is changing everything. I just want to know I'm not alone in this and if anyone has any tips to maintain motivation during these trying times, please let me know. I need help before I become a full-fledged extreme agrarian anarcho-communist. Everything I am passionate about and have dedicated my short life to has been set on fire, then spit on, and then kicked around like a ragdoll. I just need to finish this damn degree.
The White House supposedly rejoined the Geneva Consensus Declaration. The resolutions for house and senate have been introduced according to congress.gov. The declaration honestly scares the hell out of me with its Gilead verbiage. I seriously fear the Handmaid’s Tale is their goal.
Does this mean we’ve already rejoined? What is the point of a resolution if it’s not law-binding? What could this actually do?
After graduating political science/international politics, I now started my first job as MP advisor/assistant. My first month is ending and since I'm not fired yet, it's time I get rid of all the people complaining about my empty office room. I have this big white empty wall and I was thinking of putting some posters/pictures in frames on it.
I'm Belgian, working on foreign affairs-defense and a social democrat. I was thinking of:
- Democracy Index World Map
- UN Human Rights Declaration
- Some graph on (world) inequality? Something with development cooperation?
- Some oldskool 1920s or something political advertisement
- Political cartoon?
- Back to the roots and some politicology theory? Or maybe Overton window?
- Popper's Paradox of Intolerance cartoon?
- Moon landing picture
- ...
Any ideas/feedback?
Im a history major, recently getting into polisci. I just read “How Democracies Die” and “The Tyranny of the Minority” by Levitsky. I am looking for similar books, exploring the workings and shortcomings of liberal democracies. Any suggestions?
According to my twitter feed political activism and this declassified CIA manual on how to dismantle fascism has gone viral
I presume we're also about to see the emergence of new technical tools in political activism beyond just publications.
Do you guys have any ideas on what those forms of digital activism might be?
Hi all,
I’m an Aussie graduate who studied justice theory particularly around performative activism in my undergrad honours thesis (if you’re curious, it was on the impact of young adult dystopian fiction on sense of justice in youth).
I’ve been out of uni working in the non-profit sector for a few years now but the changing political climate has sparked my interest in polisci again, and I’m particularly interested in how rallies become intersectional (i.e. Women’s/feminist marches adopting pro-immigration interests. Or, closer to home, how the survival day/anti Australia Day rallies involved a lot of Palestinian messaging).
I know this is not a new phenomenon, and also not unique to the left or right, but I’m curious about literature around its history, why it happens, or just any interesting perspectives.
Not for any thesis or studies, just personal research for the moment.
Let me know if you have any suggestions!
I'm looking at the Northeastern University online program:
M.S. in Global Studies and IR: https://cps.northeastern.edu/program/master-of-science-in-global-studies-and-international-relations-online/
...and at some Kings College London programs:
I'm really just looking to learn; I've already got a master's in another field, but love studying IR, and was thinking that at some point maybe I would be interested in a career in it. Right now, I'm just looking for a program that would teach me a lot.
Any thoughts?
As much as I don't mean to be a shill, preprints don't work as a means of community engagement/revision, so, if anyone does happen to be interested in reading my (four pages) article about my expectant post-History in the dialectic necessity of Artificial Intelligence's decomposition of Gramscian social Hegemony and post-Information as a result.
To make myself very clear, I am not asking for anyone to "do my homework", I instead don't believe that Preprints websites support a perception of whatever impact an article should have. A lot of articles are structured around a interpretation with respect to a discussion about events and ideas, and even if this is specifically personal, then it is still valuable. If you wish to read the entire thing, it is below.
Hey everyone!
I've been trying to get into the field of decentralization and local development for a while now, but honestly, getting into these types of jobs in my country is really tough. I've been working in higher education here for several years, and I think I'm pretty good at it. I usually manage innovative educational projects focused on research and strengthening these areas (my country doesn’t have a great research index compared to others, and even less so the university I work at).
I’d really like to focus on this field, but I have no idea what path to take to contribute from a political science perspective. Does anyone here have experience or work in this area? I usually work with engineers and sociologists, who deal with quality and process assurance, but I’d love to contribute as well. Should I take a diploma or a course? I'm finishing a master's in Government and Public Affairs, which could give me some leverage in this field, but I’m not sure how political science fits into it.
Looking forward to your thoughts. Thanks a lot!
Just want to make sure if all of the following are correct:
Liberal democracy is a system of government based on the ideals of liberty and equality. Liberty, also referred to as freedom, is defined as commitment to liberty rights of the individual aka negative rights. These rights are in general more protected compared to socio-economic positive rights. Equality is defined as equality before the law between citizens. And this entails universal suffrage of all adult citizens as well as commitment to the rule of law where everyone is subject to the same laws including constitutional prohibition against legal discrimination on the grounds of immutable characteristics such as race and ethnicity.
All of the above are based on the premise or assumption that the common man by nature has free will, moral agency and individual autonomy to be:
The primary exceptions to this are underage people and those deemed to be criminally insane and institutionalized.
While early liberals in the West placed restrictions on political participation according to gender, race, ethnicity, and property and educational qualifications, the gradual move towards universal suffrage and equal protection cemented fundamental liberal values and the premise regarding human agency they are based on.
Much of the opposition to liberalism and liberal democracy mainly contest the premise that the average person has individual agency such as in the structure vs agency debate in social sciences.
If the people that are supposed to enforce the laws don't wanna do that. Is the legislative organ powerless ?
I mean, I know the major ones, but, there are ones I know less about (e.g. anarcho-capitalism) and there are, for sure, ones I don’t know about.
I decided to go back to school, and the only thing that felt like a fit based on my interests was political science. It seemed more relevant than my other interests like history, anthropology, music, etc. I’ve always been fascinated by politics. I found a program that sounded really good, the seminars seem amazing, and I want to seriously advance my research skills
So I took the last five months to get the application together. I finally felt like I had some purpose and direction in life. But I finished the application and have yet to submit it.
Basically I took all my time in those five months only doing the application. I have barely started actually trying to find out if this is a good fit for me. I have no plan in place. I just assumed I would get the masters and figure it out later , but reading posts on the grad school sub has me in extreme doubt about doing that.
So what is a good plan for political science? What direction do people go? Im totally ignorant. And what is worse, in spite of my major interest in history and politics, I’ve never taken a political science course in my life. I can’t believe all my plans have been shifted so fast. I no longer feel confident in applying. So I probably won’t. Maybe next year. So I guess I’m trying to start planning for then, now that my application is done.
tl;dr - finished poly sci application after five months of intense work. Major doubts now at the finish line. I have no actual plan. I don’t think three days is enough time to form one.
I interviewed UK climate campaigner Roger Hallam for The New Republic about his plan for replacing election-based democracy with Citizens Assemblies on the sortion model, and how the idea—backed by a disciplined mass movement—could provide the basis for a peaceful revolutionary movement. https://newrepublic.com/article/190400/roger-hallam-prison-climate-activist-defeat-trumpism
Yes, this seems far-fetched but I've yet to encounter any better ideas.
I’m an undergraduate student who studies political science for my minor. I’m just wondering, where do find I good* sample papers that I can use as guidance, particularly research papers for political science that are excellent. I genuinely have no idea what to look up. I’m speaking specifically to student samples, because I do know about peer reviewed journals and academic rights and such, but like really good student sample writing of research papers in Political Science. Or even English as well.
Hi, I just graduated recently and I'm currently studying for the LSAT. Any ideas on what kind of jobs I could probably aim for temporarily at the moment? I don't really have any work experience.
I have been struggling to come up with a way of modeling political, social and economic beliefs and came up with this 3 axis model. What do you all think and feel free to comment on where I put people!
I’ve always wanted an opportunity like this and having classes 4 days a week with multiple homework assignments, I don’t want to say yes only to have to quit because of my workload.
Hey fellow polsci enjoyers.
As a german, it is a natural question to ask oneself why and how democracies fail and how to guarantee their stability, and i feel like the best way to learn about politics is to do them.
So, i made a server where all members' goal is to build and maintain a democracy. What strategies could i implement and which ones have historically been successful?
By the way, if you want to join, feel free ;)
Discord: https://discord.gg/KKYU26jn