
Photograph via //r/Pixiv

Anime, manga, and video game fan-art artworks from Pixiv (ピクシブ) — a Japanese online community for artists.

pixiv - It's fun drawing!

This subreddit is your destination for Pixiv related discussions, help, questions, and generally the best of Pixiv.

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Posting guidelines:

  • This is a subreddit for sharing Pixiv artworks and for everything else related to Pixiv. If you want to start a discussion, feel free to do that.
  • Question, request, promo and recommendation posts are allowed.
  • Flairs are available for users, feel free to use them.
  • Reliable image-hosting sites like Imgur are preferred for fast loading and use with RES.

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Does pixiv has sound videos?

Just as the titles says, i wanted to know how to search sounded videos.

1 Comment
13:02 UTC


How long for pixiv staff to reply?

I had my account suspended despite never posting any works. I highly assume it's because my google account was hacked, I have changed passwird and everything since them, but I have sent an inquiry and no reply yet. How do I get my stuff back

1 Comment
07:41 UTC


Here are 2 extremely useful Extensions to make your Pixiv browsing (and bookmarks sorting) better. (PC users only)

These extensions are available for Chrome or Brave browsers. I have no idea if they are available on other browsers.

First, an extension called Bookmark Image Browser, it lets you browse your bookmarked photos through the browser itself without having to save it to your PC. This is not limited on Pixiv, but can be used on any photo from any website.

Install it and pin it on your toolbar.


Go to the artwork you want to save. Right click on it and you'll have to options: 'Open link in new tab' will give you the full resolution of the photo. 'Open image in new tab' will give you the compressed resolution of the photo.


Once the photo has been opened in a new tab, bookmark that page and select which folder you want to save it in.

DO NOT bookmark the page itself. The URL should be like what's displayed above.

Click on the 'star' icon in your toolbar and open the extension's UI and locate where you saved your bookmarks. It will display every photo that was saved in that bookmark folder, and it also functions like a gallery.



Second, an extension called PixTag, it lets you bookmark Pixiv artworks and tag them without loading to another webpage. It can also open its own viewer and pre-view from the artwork's thumbnail.


Very straightforward UI.


Clicking on 'Input Tag' will open another UI where you can select your own unique tags. I censored it due to NSFW tags. But your own tags will be displayed there. It's perfect for people with OCD and finds Pixiv tagging extremely slow.


Hovering on thumbnails will show you this option where you can preview them without leaving the current page. Don't worry, that button is invisible until you hover on it.


This viewer can also preview animated works, iirc.

Lastly, you can also sort out your tags from your Pixiv bookmark page much faster, at least in my opinion. Again, censored NSFW artworks xD.



And that is it. I hope these suggestions will make your browsing and sorting a bit easier. PixTag, especially, was a game-changer for me since I find Pixiv's own bookmark sorting feature so extremely slow and annoying.

PixTag is not perfect, but the creator listens to suggestions and bug reports if you write a review/comment in its Webstore page.

If these extensions helped you, do give them a 5-star rating.

07:06 UTC


Can I make a new Pixiv account? Is the old one salvagaeble?

I have an old account on Pixiv, but I posted some uncensored content and got the vast majority of my stuff forcefully privated.

I don't know if I got shadowbanned or if I'm going to be restricted, so I was wondering if I should just start over again. I am a small time amateur artist who sucked at drawing, so it's not like I had anything, but my account was attached to an email I check regularly so I prefer to keep using that email.

If I do make a new account, as long as I censor it, I'm allowed to post my old stuff again without repercussions, right? I don't know what other sites allow me to make the stuff I want to make, so Pixiv is my only hope of putting myself out there.

04:37 UTC


Help can't look at tags with more than 165+ pages (please help)

Hi, I'm not sure what's going on but a few hours ago before I shut down my laptop I was able to view 250 pages, all the sudden when I came back in I can't look at it, its just error, invalid request. I tested with other bookmarks and can't see anything with more than 165 pages. Can someone tell me what I've done wrong?

I already restarted my laptop and log out and log back into my account and I can't find any helpful pages. Also what does error 400 mean I'm not good with computer science (I decided to do a page inspection) what should I do?



02:16 UTC


Artist Fanboxes

I recently found an R18 artist whose artwork I really enjoy. However, I only have paypal to pay with and apparently pixiv won't allow paypal anymore or soemthing.

Any alternatives? How do ya'll pay for your subscriptions? Thank you!

20:48 UTC


Is there any way to search/filter for artist who have open commissions?


I’m looking for a way to search for artists accepting commissions. I have already reached out to many artists by email. But most of them either have no responded or just aren’t accepting commissions. So I was wondering if there was as a way I could filter. Since I saw some artist have a “accepting commissions” notification.

Thank you!

1 Comment
16:41 UTC


Using BOOTH to ship to the US for the 1st time, Would really appreciate some guidance

So I want to order this figure (nsfw-ish) when it's released, but I just want some straight forward clarification about what I should do get to the US properly since I've seen conflicting comments about whether BOOTH ships outside of Japan or if there might be payment conflicts based on what method I use (I use Paypal and Visa mainly).

It's listed as using "Anshin-BOOTH-Pack"

I know of services like Japan Rabbit, would they be a good middleman to handle this?

Again, I'm very new to ordering stuff from BOOTH and I'd like to know what's the best route.

11:06 UTC


How to download pixiv request?

Pixiv states the request was finalised, where can I download the final files?

I offered a large amount for a PSD request of an artwork, which the artist accepted, but I can not find where the download button or links are.

Please help, thank you.

1 Comment
09:38 UTC


JCB gift card PIN

Is it possible to purchase a virtual JCB card pin to use at checkout on fanbox and fantia?

I am getting annoyed, as pixiv blocked my main account's ability to pay due to "suspicion of fraudulent activity", after my bank blocked the payment. I went on and allowed the payment after getting the message that the bank blocked the card, but pixiv then blocked my ability to pay.

Would a virtual JCB gift card pin work on fanbox or fantia?

23:22 UTC


How to find a picture on pixiv?


I noticed that not a single search engine returns images from the pixiv site

Is it possible to search by image on pixiv?

If not, can anyone tell where this picture is from and where is the full resolution.

18:00 UTC


Not able to send a picture via pixiv messages to my client.

Hello everyone i finished my client’a requested image but when i try to send it,it doesn’t upload . There is a blue bar that shows that it is uploading but when i clock send nothing appears in the chat

1 Comment
15:49 UTC


Pixiv mechanic question about filter tags in bookmarks

When I go in bookmark, this is the only tag I have. Are there anyway to find specific pictures I have liked?

13:34 UTC


How do you search for something that isn’t a tag?

pls help

12:58 UTC


I can't create an account in pixiv.

I've already tried google, facebook, etc, but none of them worked I've also tried on other days, but it still didn't worked Do you guys know how to solve this issue?

10:07 UTC


Pixiv is acting up by not showing any picture I find. I've encountered this issue before a while ago. Does anyone know how to fix it?

23:29 UTC


What is wrong with the algorithm??

Well I have uploaded some arts recently(All of them are commissions of my oc),but the views are just terribly low,I even just uploaded a lewd piece but it got less than 5 views after 1 hour,I don't really get how

Even my poorly drawn arts of my game character gotten 10 likes so far(They were uploaded 1 year ago)

06:22 UTC


Anyone having trouble trying to subscribe to a NFSW artist in Canada

I have been having trouble trying to subscribe to a creator because it says payment failed, and I want to know if anyone else is having the same trouble as me and if they have a solution to this problem. (P.S. I have been trying to use my debit card.) 

05:35 UTC


Double checking and archiving (NSFW)

I've been hearing about Pixiv's recent TOS changes and have been archiving as many pictures as I can. I need to double check for priority's sake, what tags are they blocking for the US and UK again?

EDIT: If you feel like you don't want to post it here, feel free to DM me instead.

00:22 UTC


I have several questions about Fanbox.


If a subscriber signs up on July 5, will they be charged next August 5 or do they only have 26 days left in the month of July?

fanbox is Patreon the same with subscriptions?

If they pay me in yen through Paypal, is it automatically transferred in dollars?

If someone can clear my doubts, thank you.

16:22 UTC


Is there a way to fix this? I changing the password for my Pixiv account but it still be incorrect

16:41 UTC


I changed my password, I actually changed it, but what happened is as shown in this picture, is there a way to fix it? I've looked everywhere but can't find it.

1 Comment
16:36 UTC


Pixiv Requests

Hi there. I wanted to know if its safe to take nsfw requests in pixiv since paypal hates nsfw. Like when i receive the payment paypal will notice and proceed to ban my account. Like i dont want to lose my account. Or its better to open a fanbox or suscribestar?

03:19 UTC


Questions Regarding Sending Pixiv Requests

Ho'kay... so...

Wanting to keep my options open as opposed to just Skeb or VGen, I as a commissioner want to keep scoping around different websites. Pixiv has me curious as with Eastern artists, there is a lot of overlap and I notice that some of them do take requests. But I want to ask how this is gone about and what's different as opposed to other sites and whether or not this is ideal... especially as a Western client, from what I've been seeing and observing.

How does one even send these requests in? Do they take any means of payment such as credit cards or PayPal?

Do they even allow NSFW requests from anyone outside of JP?

Are artists allowed any communication during, before, or after any projects?

What even is fanbox? Is it an alternative means of supporting an artist and gaining exclusive content like with Patreon or Kofi?

Those are the biggest questions I have in mind whole considering Pixiv as an option for commissioning. It looks like I have a bit to figure what's going on.

1 Comment
18:11 UTC


How do i pay for NSFW pixiv fanbox outside of japan

i have been trying to pay for a subscription but after i try to pay it says payment failed and i dont know what to do

13:06 UTC


Pixiv won't play videos

As the title says, it loads pics but doesn't play videos

1 Comment
16:43 UTC


Can we change the language in pixiv app for iPhone ?

I downloaded pixiv with appstore but i could’nt find a way to change the language from japanese to English in the settings.

11:23 UTC


Frist time joining Pixiv as an artist, i have a few questions, could anyone help ?

  1. I heard some people said Japanese userbase is HUGE compared to anywhere else, is it ok to post titles + captions in Japanese using google translate for more engagement ?

  2. Some of my friends wanted to support me via Pixiv request system, i wonder is that consider artificial boosting or violated any unspoken rules (as far as i check Pixiv doesnt care because they get 10% cut anyway)..

Appreciate any answer, first time joining the platforms and i don't want to step off the wrong foots, if you had more DO and DON'T , please let me know, Thank you.

09:32 UTC


Cmoa.jp annoying mobile redirections

Since a few weeks ago there some issues in the mobile versión of pixiv such as the web contantly redirecting me to this cmoa.jp website and its very annoying Is someone having this problem too? I used to be a able to navigate freely without annoying redirections.

05:11 UTC

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