A subreddit for all your silver-haired waifu needs!
A subreddit for all your silver-haired waifu needs!
Be nice and have fun!
Other hair colors (though they are inferior to silver) are fine, but all posts must prominently feature a silver-haired girl.
Quality over quantity! If you're planning on posting a large number of images in a short period of time, just make an album.
Anything up to /r/ecchi levels of lewd is okay, so nudity is fine. No explicit sex acts. Save that for the raunchier subs.
Mark your NSFW posts! Be liberal with what you consider NSFW. When in doubt, tag it!
If you have a small sub and you want to promote it here, feel free to do so by x-posting or commenting on relevant posts. As long as the content is good, we don't mind you wanting to share more of it.
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