This sub is all about spotlighting the best and highest quality art pieces from other redditbooru network subreddits.
This sub is all about spotlighting the best and highest quality art pieces from other redditbooru network subreddits.
Only cross-post. Since this is a best-of subreddit, we aim to only cross-post stuff from other subreddits. In case you find a really good art from site like Pixiv, go to redditbooru to check if it's already on another subreddit or here. If it's already posted on other subreddits but not here, you may post it here and link the original post in the comment.
Only high quality art. Even if you want to hug her, if the art is not good, better not posting it. Head to /r/awwnime which generally accepts almost everything as long as it is moe (doesn't mean all art there are bad). This kind of moe is considered as HQ.
Regarding cross-post titles; Use Link Flairs Instead of putting (x-post /r/reddit) on post title, use the provided link flairs to indicate which subreddit the post is being crossposted from. If the flair is not available in the list, select 'other' and manually type in the subreddit being crossposted from.
No porn or nudity. Light ecchi is allowed so long as they are tagged NSFW (Light ecchi like this is fine). More than that go to /r/ecchi.
Include the name of the source anime in your title. Label characters not from an established franchise as [Original]. Use correct title, if the title is The iDOLM@STER, then use it, not Idolmaster (use MyAnimeList for reference).
Link the official source as a comment. If you can't find the source, use SauceNAO or IQDB.
Quality over quantity. Use albums instead of making multiple similar posts. No more than four posts per 24-hour period, and no more than twelve pictures per album.
Check for reposts using Redditbooru The Redditbooru Repost Checker works with /r/MoeStash. Please use it! (Don't forget to change the filter to MoeStash).