
Photograph via snooOG

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Welcome to the Adobe Photoshop subreddit. This group is for general questions, tricks, techniques, troubleshooting and so forth.

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Our Rules

  • No Photoshop editing requests. Check /r/picrequests or /r/photoshoprequest instead

  • No spam. Posting content with the sole purpose of promoting your YouTube channel / website is not allowed. No URLs or social media handles in post titles.

Don't post Photoshop creations that promote real brands or products (such as advertisements, YouTube thumbnails etc.)

  • Low quality content will be removed. Mods can and will remove content that does not meet our quality standards, such as memes, face swaps, beginner/low effort/unoriginal edits, low resolution images or questions like "is this photoshopped?" or "What font is this?". For image identification see /r/sleuths and /r/RBI, for fonts see /r/identifythisfont

  • You can post content you have made with Photoshop as long as you have actually put some effort in.

  • Don't use the subreddit as a personal art gallery You can share your creations, but you must wait at least 10 days before posting more. You can share several works at once by making an album.

  • Also consider being an active member of the community by commenting on others' posts and helping users solve their problems.

    Digital paintings should be posted on a more relevant subreddit, such as /r/DigitalPainting

  • When posting your Photoshop creations, explain the process and context. Leave a comment shortly explaining the process of how you created your artwork / edit. Posting before/after pics is encouraged.

  • Also explain the motivation or context behind your work, or what you were trying to achieve.

  • Use descriptive titles. Posts with titles like "A composite I made", "Made this because I was bored", or "what do you guys think about this?" will be removed.

  • Don't humble brag with titles like "My first try at Photoshop, It's not much but I'm proud.". UPPER CASE TITLES and "Urgent!" posts will also be removed.

  • No Piracy. Posts and comments about DRM circumventing / file sharing of Photoshop or any other commercial software will result in a permanent ban.

  • No document forgery. Asking how to alter official papers, screenshots, ID cards, licenses, masking signatures and removing watermarks will also result in a permanent ban.

  • No NSFW content.

  • Be nice. Don't be rude, period. Try to follow the reddiquette

  • NO PHOTOSHOP REQUESTS!!! in case you missed it the first time around.

  • General

    • The cheapest way to get Photoshop is with the Photography Plan, which includes Lightroom and costs about $10/month depending on where you are. And yes, it's cheaper than getting PS alone (long story, don't ask).

    • Photoshop CS2 is NOT (and has never been) free.

    • Message the mods if you think you are getting blocked by the spam filter or have any questions, comments or suggestions.


    1,070,504 Subscribers


    Laptop options for my budget

    I'm looking to upgrade my old XPS 8700 with a laptop. I do family/headshot/event photography, so I just use Lr and Ps. I haven't updated either program in a while because the newer features are a lot of work for my machine. I'm looking at a laptop now just so I can have a bit of portability around the house and not always be in my basement when editing. I feel like MacBooks are out of my price range (even refurbs are expensive in Canada).

    How do these options hold up when it comes to Adobe photo software? I've never actually owned a laptop before, and haven't shopped for a computer in years. 'Gaming laptops' seems to be the category with the most power, but should I even be looking there? I'd likely upgrade the RAM to at least 32gb down the road. The prices in the pics are Canadian dollars.

    Big thanks in advance!

    01:08 UTC


    Photoshop Request for Wedding Photos

    Hi! I was married last year in April. Our photographer was supposed to be professional and have good results, but a lot of pictures only had single takes and several pictures came out blurry.

    I also gave her a list that she didn't fully complete, either - when I asked she said she'd "get to them" but never did, so I don't have certain pictures of myself and my family members together that I'd like.

    How much would someone ask for a large request to photoshop some images of various family members and I (fixing closed eyes/adding family members in images/etc), and to fix some images so I can actually have the wedding pictures I've dreamed of? I want to cry every time I look at them. I paid over $900 for this photographer, so I'm pretty disappointed.

    I'll pay whatever someone would want - I just really want the specific images I have in mind, and to have the backgrounds changed in some images. Please let me know your thoughts!

    00:55 UTC


    hey whats up how do i to this sick effect i found

    00:46 UTC


    How to create this z-depth effect for a layer in Pshop?

    00:40 UTC


    Symmetry plugin recommendation

    I'm looking for a plugin that allows me to save multiple symmetries in photoshop. I use the built in symmetry tool which is great, but have to switch between different areas that all need their own symmetry, and it's a big waste of time to place a new symmetry everytime I need to switch between areas of the image I want to work on.

    If anyone knows a plugin that has that feature or a way to save multiple symmetries to be able to switch easily between them, I would love to hear about it! Thanks ^^

    00:34 UTC


    Is this a thing ps can do?

    My friend has a tattoo with his wife's name on his arm and he wants to get it etched into a coffee cup for a gift. The issue is that his arm is curved and so a photo of the tattoo will be distorted. Can he send it to a ps editor and pay to get it "flattened" or is that not a thing? Thanks for any help!!

    00:11 UTC


    How can I remove these rainbow banding artifacts without losing quality and the original color tone?

    23:18 UTC


    Help with creating a "Fake" youtube short screenshot

    Hi everyone,

    Searching for guidance on how best to create a fake youtube short screenshot.

    Effectively, I want to screenshot a youtube short on my phone. I want to keep the like icons, dislike icons etc, but I want to change the media that is being shown with a picture of my own.

    How easy would it be to accomplish this? especially with editing the title of the short, and the amount of likes and dislikes this "Fake" image has.

    Would there be any good alternatives to photoshop to perform the above?


    23:05 UTC


    How do i turn an image into low quality on propose?

    So i took some photos with my camera and i want to turn them into a low quality image such as it being taken with an old cell phone. I've tried to add some noise and gaussian, but it's not the same.

    1 Comment
    23:00 UTC


    How can i make to apply a mask in B/W


    Hi! im new at photoshop, I am trying to eliminate the background of an image and to do this I take the photos with a green background, now I select it by color range, and when I make the mask I see that it is not in black and white, but in a gray scale which gives transparencies partials, my question is how can I make the mask become pure black and white?

    22:53 UTC


    moving from procreate to photoshop

    hey not sure where I should ask this. im a digital artist and i really enjoy working on procreate and there isnt really a main reason for switching. Well actually I have a couple reasons they just aren't BIG that's all. Sooo i broke my iPad screen lol (i can still draw though), my mom told me I should make use of the Adobe subscription or whatever she has (shes a photgrapher), and I already have a wacom I bought years ago and never used it... soooo might as well make use of that too. Also it's industry standard and I might wanna become a professional artist (lowkey wingin it 🤑), so i guess I should start learning how to do tha Photoshop thing when I'm younger so by the time im older I can be the art god LMAO. I really love procreate's simplicity soooo I'll have to start with changing my work space to smth like that, right :| has anyone else done the switch and can give some advice?? Like what tools are needed and what can I remove? how can I make it simple for my Procreate brain to understand? stuff like that... ttthhhaaaaaannnkkkkksssssss!!!

    22:30 UTC


    I upgraded my photoshop and it is not working now

    Not upgrade...updated...thats what I meant....all my old files I open is a blank page now...I can't open any image as well...how can I fix this, I really need to get some photos done today....sad face


    21:49 UTC


    How to do this effect? Please ;u;

    Hello! ~ So photo #1 is what I'd like to do, but that's just a screenshot of how it looks in the low res view of InDesign. I really liked it but I tried the mosaic pixel effect in photoshop and it didn't come out as I hoped. Does anyone have a trick to achieve this? Photo #2 is the original. (I got the image from unsplash) Thanks!



    21:17 UTC


    Help with enhancing an image to get back a stolen camera

    Can anyone reccommend image enhancing tools or would anyone be willing to help enhance a photo or two of mine? I am not a photographer or any good with photography or photoshop whatsover so this might be a long shot.

    Context: I had thrifted a Canon digital camera and it went missing over the summer and I had accepted defeat. Today however I saw someone post the same exact model of camera with the same colors on fb marketplace in the same town I "lost" it in. Pretty sure he stole it now but I cant be 100% sure. The thing is the camera is thrifted so I have no owners manual or paperwork. Also I was not thinking and didn't write down any serial number or ID features of the camera when I bought it unfortunately (and stupidly) . The only thing I have is some photos with the camera in the background but the writing is too blurry for me to make out and get any ID features from. If anyone has any suggestions or can help me that would be awesome. I need to zoom into the photo to read the writing but it's too blurry to make out anything.

    I really loved that camera and also would just like my SD card with all of me and my friends photos on it back! Thank you to anyone who has any suggestions or help ideas at all.

    20:48 UTC


    How do I add images to my library of replacement skies?

    Do I have the ability to add any photo I want to my library of replacement skys to be used with the Edit>Sky Replacement tool? If so, can you tell me how I add the new photos?

    1 Comment
    20:42 UTC


    Cant seem to Ctrl+Click to jump between layers like i used to, help pls

    Hello, im a 2D artist and used to use Photoshop a few years back, i remember being able to do this:

    With the brush tool selected, you hold ctrl, which brings this temporary move tool, now i click pixels that are in another layer, and it jumps to it(makes it the active layer, not multiple selected), so i can draw there and switch back and forth efficiently, that is very important in my workflow.

    On Clip Studio Paint that is something i can do by holding Ctrl + Shift and clicking... But cant seem to do it anymore in PS, been searching everywhere, cant find it.

    Anyone can help me ?
    Thank you

    1 Comment
    20:23 UTC


    Help please with Amazon code for Adobe subscription

    Hi everyone. I have only just discovered that you can buy a code from Amazon for a year’s subscription to the Adobe Photography Plan, and that this weekend it is half price, £62.99 ( instead of the full price about £120). I read a lot of the reviews on Amazon, not about the software, but about the code. I haven’t bought one yet. Apparently Amazon sends you an email with the code, and a link to an Adobe site where you put in the code and Adobe adds it on to the end of your existing subscription. But sometimes this goes wrong at some stage and people have advised that it is better to use the code on your own Adobe account. That sounds sensible. However I’ve looked on my account and I can’t see anywhere that I could add a code, and I tried deleting my credit card details to prevent automatic renewal but it won’t let me. I’m sure some of the lovely people on here will know all about what I’m trying to do, so please could you explain more about how exactly to do it. I understand that you have to be careful to buy the correct code, for a one-off year’s subscription, not for auto renewal. And that you can actually buy more than one code so you can extend the Adobe plan for more than one year. This offer runs out tomorrow! so please reply soon! Thankyou so much 🤔

    19:47 UTC


    Remove Reflected Background Color

    Is there a quick way to the modify the pink around the edges of this image? The background was pink, I was able to remove that fine but I can see pink reflected back on the the purse edges.


    19:43 UTC


    How to centre text within boxes and align them?

    19:42 UTC


    Text Animation Help Please!!

    haii so ive been trying to get some help with creating an animation in photoshop i have a video of the effect id like to create however this reddit wont allow me to post a video so i tried to post a link and i think my post got taken down anyways i have both a video and photo of my project but im trying to create a youtube intro and im trying to custom animate the text for the intro

    19:37 UTC


    Strange notice when I re-opened PS window

    "Composting preferences auto-set to CPU due to an unexpected error. You can re-enable GPU compositing in your preferences if needed."

    This showed up after I woke PC from sleepmode and reopened PS. I'm using the latest version of PS, and it's a pretty new PC, so I'm not sure what I'm being told here. What does it mean? Should I be changing any settings?

    19:37 UTC


    How to create text behind subject in photoshop

    19:20 UTC


    The photo is saved differently compared to how it is in photoshop

    I don't know what do, my only "fix" to this problem is to save the photo by screenshoting it but without it's original quality. I'll show you the photo in photoshop and how it's saved, maybe someone can help me

    In photoshop

    and Saved

    If i'm not wrong, the noise I added is removedafter I saved the photo, that's the difference I see so.. I don't know, I'll wait for some help

    19:01 UTC


    Resizing art, need gift help!

    I'm trying to have some paintings printed and framed but sadly I don't know how to use Photoshop. Not able to go above like 5x7 etc without it getting blurry or a border error (uploaded on shutterfly, snapfish, dakis photo app). Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Is there a way to easily resize any photo so it can be printed larger? I'm not trying to make a poster, just regular 11x14 or 11x16, 10x10, 7.5x9.5 and other non-standard sizes.

    Please point me in the right direction if you can! I don't know anything about pixels, only what google says the size should be and mine aren't adequate. I can include links to images, just didn't post here because NSFW/art boobs. A desperate girl begs.

    (X-posted in photoeditingtips, got no response so trying here)

    1 Comment
    18:57 UTC

    1 Comment
    18:39 UTC


    How come in photoshop you can't fine adjust pen size properly? I want to get 2.0px but it always skips between 1.9 and 2.1px

    So I have to type it in, a total pain in the you know what when you're changing brush size every minute and moving between your drawing tablet and the keyboard all the time, infuriating.

    15:30 UTC


    impossible to open Photoshop on MacOs Sequoia


    im having trouble since yesterday, photoshop would not open, it says "Adobe Photoshop 2025 quit unexpectedly.".

    i tried everything, full removal of all my adobe products, tried the adobe cleaner tool, tried other versions, etc.

    nothing is working, can someone help me ?

    14:52 UTC


    Is this analogue scan reparable?

    No request, just to ask your opinion: will this scan of analogue film be reparable and how would you go about it? Unfortunately the camera had a light leak :-/


    1 Comment
    13:06 UTC

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