
Photograph via snooOG

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Welcome to the Adobe Photoshop subreddit. This group is for general questions, tricks, techniques, troubleshooting and so forth.

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  • No Photoshop editing requests. Check /r/picrequests or /r/photoshoprequest instead

  • No spam. Posting content with the sole purpose of promoting your YouTube channel / website is not allowed. No URLs or social media handles in post titles.

Don't post Photoshop creations that promote real brands or products (such as advertisements, YouTube thumbnails etc.)

  • Low quality content will be removed. Mods can and will remove content that does not meet our quality standards, such as memes, face swaps, beginner/low effort/unoriginal edits, low resolution images or questions like "is this photoshopped?" or "What font is this?". For image identification see /r/sleuths and /r/RBI, for fonts see /r/identifythisfont

  • You can post content you have made with Photoshop as long as you have actually put some effort in.

  • Don't use the subreddit as a personal art gallery You can share your creations, but you must wait at least 10 days before posting more. You can share several works at once by making an album.

  • Also consider being an active member of the community by commenting on others' posts and helping users solve their problems.

    Digital paintings should be posted on a more relevant subreddit, such as /r/DigitalPainting

  • When posting your Photoshop creations, explain the process and context. Leave a comment shortly explaining the process of how you created your artwork / edit. Posting before/after pics is encouraged.

  • Also explain the motivation or context behind your work, or what you were trying to achieve.

  • Use descriptive titles. Posts with titles like "A composite I made", "Made this because I was bored", or "what do you guys think about this?" will be removed.

  • Don't humble brag with titles like "My first try at Photoshop, It's not much but I'm proud.". UPPER CASE TITLES and "Urgent!" posts will also be removed.

  • No Piracy. Posts and comments about DRM circumventing / file sharing of Photoshop or any other commercial software will result in a permanent ban.

  • No document forgery. Asking how to alter official papers, screenshots, ID cards, licenses, masking signatures and removing watermarks will also result in a permanent ban.

  • No NSFW content.

  • Be nice. Don't be rude, period. Try to follow the reddiquette

  • NO PHOTOSHOP REQUESTS!!! in case you missed it the first time around.

  • General

    • The cheapest way to get Photoshop is with the Photography Plan, which includes Lightroom and costs about $10/month depending on where you are. And yes, it's cheaper than getting PS alone (long story, don't ask).

    • Photoshop CS2 is NOT (and has never been) free.

    • Message the mods if you think you are getting blocked by the spam filter or have any questions, comments or suggestions.


    931,109 Subscribers


    Photo editing software

    I’m trying to make a graphic for my NCAA 25 team and I’m wondering what’s the best software to use for sports logos and things like that. Any suggestions/ answers are really appreciated thank you 🙏🏽.

    23:22 UTC


    Why i cant download Creative Cloud?

    Hi everyone, maybe this is not the right place to ask about this but i really need help.

    Like two months ago i cleaned my laptop because i didnt have enough space, when i tried to download creative cloud from the website of adobe, it doesnt download it as executable or ".exe", it was donloaded like a blank file (Pic below) and it was weird becauses before to clean my laptop i was able to downloaded and use photoshop.

    Now supposedly my laptop is not compatible and it won't let me download the executable, what can i do? I have a "Asus Tuf Gaming F15" if it helps.



    1 Comment
    22:15 UTC


    Is there a better and more accurate way of aligning the ellipses around this block, instead of having to do it manually?

    21:36 UTC


    Tutorials for experimenting with house paint colors?

    I’ve always found it difficult to experiment with paint colors for interior and exterior scenes in photoshop. I find it’s hard to give it a realistic look so I can actually try out color schemes. Do you have any tutorials or resources you personally like or helped you crack the paint color code?

    1 Comment
    21:19 UTC


    Help enhance this photo of my late mother.

    Hi all. I've never done this before and not sure how it works.

    My mother passed away in 2019 from leaukima. (AML)

    She loved cycling on her schwinn bicycle. Unfortunately this is the only photo I have of her. Can anyone help me enhance it?

    1 Comment
    19:17 UTC


    Is there any AI or method to identify if photos have an orange, red, blue, or purple tint?

    Sometimes I have a tough time detecting/identifying tints, especially red tints in dark areas (for example, dark grey with a slight red tint) during my editing, due to tight deadlines on every project. Sometimes I miss checking those parts. So I was just wondering if there are any AI tools that can help me instantly identify tint colors in my images.

    Thank you!

    1 Comment
    18:43 UTC


    Where can I ask for help with photoshop

    I asked for some help doing something with photoshop but was downvoted. Are there other forums where people can ask for help? Thanks!

    18:02 UTC



    Glad tobe a member. Hope this first post is not too lengthy but I thought I should provide a bit of background so that whomever can assist me knows a bit about my "computer past and present." I have fairly strong PC software skills. (Guess this is telling my age, but worked with computers when personal computers first became popular. Also, use to train CEOs and others to use DOS. Despite having strong PC skills and the ability to quickly grasp new concepts, I am having difficulty grasping basic elements in Adobe Photoshop. In the past, I was proficient with PageMaker which years and years ago Adobe acquired from Aldus.So, graphic software is not foreign to me. I also love tinting and painting with Photoshop. (I am an Assemblage/Collage artist.and this feature works wonderfully for some of my projects.) I am an extremely quick learner. That being said, I've always been the type of individal who can tackle more complicated things easier than basic things as I tend to over think the basics. Bottom line, despite YouTubes, Photoshop Classroom in a book, I am having a difficult time grasping the most basic of basics that one must know - layers! Again, I think I am overthinking it. If I was six-years old, I'd have nailed Photoshop by now ... lol! So, I am desparate for any assistance. I have a current Microsoft Surface with Photoshop 2024.

    17:58 UTC


    help with photo removal

    how would i remove a logo from a photo?

    17:29 UTC

    17:03 UTC


    Howto> Automated Extend Canvas with Edge Colors for Bleed

    I’m looking for some help with automating a process in Photoshop. I need to extend the canvas of 100+ images without scaling it, and fill the new canvas area using the colors from the outer edges of the image. This is essential for creating a bleed for printing purposes. I tried with an action, but fail to select a thin strip of pixels from each of the 4 outer edges at every step, so i guess this is not the right approach


    1 Comment
    16:08 UTC


    Took this photo at a bird park and want to remove the fence. The generative fill and masking/content aware fill won't work. My question is is there maybe another way because the fence is blurry and the color behind it is pretty visible.

    15:29 UTC


    Is this PC enough to run PS for web design asset creation?

    Hey all. I'm trying to get back into web design and want to use PS for creating assets. I haven't done much in this area for around 10 years or so, but life hasn't gone how I had planned and, due to medical issues, this area of employment seems to be my best option moving forward. My PC was beefy back in the day, but it's been 12 or so years. I've installed PS, but I receive a message that my GPUs are incompatible with DX12. I can access the program and it seems I can do basic stuff like cropping and such, though it is much slower than I remember it being. I haven't tried anything more advanced than that.

    Is this hardware enough to do what I need it to do? If not, what are my least expensive options? (broke and unemployed, so when I say least expensive, I really mean it) I've tried PS alternatives, but struggle with adapting. It may have been a decade, but I guess it's like riding a bike in a way. I find myself trying to do things as I would in PS, but they don't work the same in these alternatives. Since I'll be digging in for the next 6 months to re-learn HTML, CSS, JS, and other web design stuff, I don't want to have to add in dedicated time to learning PS alternatives too. I want to be able to just utilize what I already know in PS.

    Thanks much in advance!


    14:11 UTC


    How do I get Photoshop 2024 to not pre-crop my RAW/RAF images?

    I noticed today that when i open RAW (FujiFilm RAF specifically), Phtoshop pre-crops the image. Not like it scales the image, but it's actually cropping them. The color data is also vastly different from when I open up the RAW in windows.

    How do i get it to not do this? It's messing with my compositions.

    Photoshop RAW editor (left) vs Windows Photo (right) Note the large leaf in the upper right and the shark's nose.

    10:42 UTC


    Just Started and need help!


    how do i change the name on this banner?.iam a total newbie and just bought photoshop and this pack today any help is appreciated

    1 Comment
    10:33 UTC


    Adobe Camera RAW misbehaving

    What is this and why does it happen? The file looks fine in the left panel (thumbnails), and also all good when saved, but on the working screen looks corrupted/artifacting. How do I fix it? It started happening yesterday - first few photos are ok, then it starts and it's every single photo thereafter. Photo in comment.

    10:15 UTC


    Does the Adobe Portfolio stops working after the subscription expires?

    What happens to the portfolio if the subscription expires?

    07:52 UTC


    'Generative Fill' is continually blocking results incorrectly

    I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but as of the last few days, it seems like Generative Fill is constantly blocking results. Before it happened every so often, but now it's happening almost every single time. Perhaps it has something to do with the latest update? Has anyone else been experiencing the same issue?

    06:10 UTC


    Hey guys. How do I fix this shit? I've got everything fine with the internet

    02:25 UTC


    Creating Video Collages?

    Hi all, odd request: I'm looking to cut up a variety of videos into shapes, and then arrange those shapes into a kind of video collage. So, like, textures of water running in the shape of a circle, placed like eyes over textures of sand in the shape of a face. Something like that.

    Are there any good tutorials for this technique? What is it even called? I have tried working with masks, but I am not sure that would work for multiple video sources. I know I can do it with images, but video seems to have different rules. Help appreciated! Thanks!

    01:48 UTC


    How to practice making style and getting better and

    I am sorry for this post but I was just wondering how would I start practicing and getting better. I’ve watched some YouTube videos and follow tutorials but I just wind up using the same PSD for other designs I make sometimes and don’t really learn anything from it and can’t really use anything just rewatch the video and can’t really make my own flair.

    Thank you guys in advance!

    01:09 UTC


    How can I fix this please?

    00:40 UTC


    Am I going to keep seeing this shit every time I have Photoshop open?

    00:12 UTC


    Hallooo, still a beginner finding my style. U like?

    Basically took 3 knights cut them out, found a castle background, changed the two swords, added a crow to the hooded Knight, added a portal. Now fun part begins, colors, the middle Knight was legit black and white so had to kind of blend it in. The one on the right was much more vibrant had to tone it down so it fits the environmental, added a ray of sun, 2 textures, some haze and voila oh and also podtsl was green so chait to that color and had to color the crown as well.

    22:06 UTC


    Is it impossible to import images without adding them as layers (similar to import in premiere)?

    How can I import a load of images without having them become layers? I just want them to be stored as references in the photoshop project without actually placing them in the project, similar to how I can have a folder of videos and audio and whatnot in an "assets" area if you know what I mean... I can't find anything like this in photoshop and I really don't wanna keep having to go back and forth between my file explorer and photoshop to decide out of the 200+ images which ones I want to use for which prototype projects...

    22:00 UTC


    Does anyone know how to fix these gradient lines on layer masks when painting with a feathered brush tool? Just after a nice blur when blending photos etc but can't seem to get rid of them even when blurring the layer mask over and over. Any ideas?

    1 Comment
    03:59 UTC


    can someone undo a markup on a screenshot (iphone)?

    so i’m trying to sell tickets and the interested buyer asked for a screenshot of the tickets just with the barcode and confirmation number scribbled out which i did. i screenshotted the picture and used the iphone markup tool to scribble out the barcode with red then sent her the first copy. im a little worried she may have scammed me and found a way to remove the scribbles because she’s no longer replying to me. i just wanted to know if this is possible and if i messed up lol (rookie mistake lol). pls lmk!

    19:57 UTC

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