
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit to raise awareness and offer support for people with PFD.

Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to a wide range of issues that occur when muscles of the pelvic floor are weak, tight, or there is an impairment of the muscle, nerves or joints. Tissues surrounding the pelvic organs may have increased or decreased sensitivity and function resulting in pelvic pain. This condition affects both men and women.

Welcome to r/PelvicFloor.

A Support and awareness subreddit for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) and relating conditions.

This is a subreddit to raise awareness and offer support for people with PFD. Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to a wide range of issues that occur when muscles of the pelvic floor are weak, tight, or there is an impairment of the muscle, nerves or joints. Tissues surrounding the pelvic organs may have increased or decreased sensitivity and function resulting in pelvic pain.

As PFD is a medical condition, I advise you read Reddit's Medical Information Disclaimer before posting, and keep in mind that most people here are not trained to give medical advice, and you should always check with your HCP before starting something new in regards to your health.

Subreddit Rules:

PFD is often considered taboo or private, for that reason its important this subreddit remains a safe space for those wishing to talk about their experiences. Being rude, abusive or dismissive of other's feelings will result in a ban.

  • 1. Be respectful: Please be kind, considerate, and respectful of everyone here. Disrespectful comments include things like: insults, excessive snark, discouraging people from posting or asking questions, questioning the validity or seriousness of others’ symptoms, and sexism/racism/homophobia/transphobia etc.
  • 2. No "All or Nothing" Cures, Causes, or Suggesting that Certain Treatments "Will Never Work": PFD has many different causes and treatments on an individual basis. What works for some people won't work for everyone, and treatments that did not work for you may work for others. Suggesting anything else will earn you a warning and then a ban. Blaming users for not trying your prescribed treatment or stating that Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy never works breaks this rule as well. You are not a medical professional.
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  • 3. No photos: You are welcome to describe any symptoms clinically, but no photos can be added or linked to. This will result in an immediate ban.

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I feel like ending it

Hi, I'm a 15 year old male and recently I've been having problems. For example, when I pee afterwards I would usually just zip up the old pants and leave. But for the past 2 months that's not the case. Everytime I bend over, sit, or even as to laugh too hard, I feel like I leak urine. It's especially hard when your a basketball player trying to live normal day life and this shit won't go away. I literally spend 15-20 minutes wiping my fucking penis hole, yet I always feel this sensation of leaking. I might just end it all. I cry every night knowing I won't be normal again, I choose not to tell anyone because I don't want to go to a doctor, I stand up constantly to reduce discomfort, it's even worse when I'm trying to fucking sleep, im so fucking depressed.

05:52 UTC


Help! Possible vaginal prolapse?

I am very concerned about something that has formed in my vagina and I don’t have health care right now and looking for advice on how serious this could be:

For start, it’s important to know I have an IUD that is up to date and I have had iud’s for 8 years no with no periods. A week ago I noticed blood while having intercourse with my boyfriend and had symptoms that align with BV (which I have been getting frequently the last 2 years) so I started taking boric acid tablets like I normally do; this morning I noticed there is a sack that is coming out of my vagina now. Like an elongated balloon is the best way I can describe it.

It is not painful to touch but it is obviously something worth concern.

My question is, should i get an emergency appointment somewhere and pay the money without insurance or wait for a free clinic which could take weeks to get into?

Any advice woukd help as I am very concerned.

Also, I am 35 years old, and have no children.

Thank you!

08:17 UTC



I have 4 years of pelvic pain, I have visited many doctors, I have taken a lot of antibiotics, I have been to urology, neurology, psychiatry, algology. I don't know what to do anymore, please advise me on what I should do. Early symptoms Frequent urination Urinary burning Incomplete urinary sensation Weak stream Current symptoms: Constant feeling of pressure and stool in the anus Sensation of urine in the root of the penis Thinning and softening of the penis (like rubber) Premature ejaculation Constant pain in the lower abdomen and abdomen


1 Comment
13:08 UTC


Hey y'all, a quick update on my hernias.

Please check my previous post for some context https://www.reddit.com/r/PelvicFloor/s/QrB1TbqX8m

Hey, so I've been suffering from hypertonic pelvic floor for about 9 months now, I discovered that I have two inguinal hernias (1cm and 0.6cm), after this discovery I've decided to dig deeper and figure out if these two hernias are causing my pain, and surprise surprise they are!

Knowing this information, I started relaxing my abdomen and try my best to not strain the area, and holy shit it worked! My pain is reduced by 80% now and I almost feel like normal again.

To address the hernias once and for all, I'm going to have a surgery soon hopefully this month, I'm not going to get a mesh surgery (I've heard some people suffer from complications because of the mesh), therefore I'm going to do an open surgery to fix em both.

I'll keep y'all posted, hopefully I'll recover...

10:28 UTC


If you have $20-$30 and you have hypertonic pelvic floor, i highly highly highly recommend you get an acupressure mat

I was intimidated by these things as a kid. I dont know how my grandparents were able to stand acupunture, and all these acupressure stuff at their house.

Ordered one of these things off amazon hearing NOTHING but great things about it so i got the cheapest one i can find with good enough reviews. Even did alot of research before buying one.

Im in love with it. Whenever my lower back, glutes and pelvic floor get tight, i lay on the mat and i end up waking from a nap i didnt even know j was taking. This thing puts me to sleep.

https://a.co/d/hMWJjUo Heres the one i bought. But im sure theres better ones or even cheaper ones.

Its a little intimidating at first because YES...it hurts. But that pain starts to feel soo good. It does a great job at training your nervous system to calm down.

10:11 UTC


Pelvic floor groin tightness and Sciatica???

Hi im 26 and have had a lot of back pain, glute pain and groin tightness with sciatica for ages. My pelvic has been tight for years and it has caused me a lot of grief I finally started seeing a pelvic floor physio and am starting to see some results. However i am plataueing I really want to get back to weightlifting properly. Can anyone please give me some guidance?? I have had sciatica, back pain and glute pain from prolonged sitting and bracing in the gym thanks everyone!

09:27 UTC


Can you get a pessary even if you don’t have POP?

I’ve had an exam by 2 pt’s and 1 uro-gyn and none have mentioned POP. I have a suspicion I have maybe a 1.3 cystocele (lower end of the scale between a grade 1 and 2), based on symptoms and other things, but since they never diagnosed me I think it’s kinda moot.

What I noticed today was, I tried pushing a hump I feel in my vagina up at an angle (in the past I would simply just tap it rather than try to push it up while sliding) and almost like magic, my urgency went from 9/10 to 1/10, like I was actually stunned that I actually felt normal again I hadn’t felt that way in years. It made me want to figure out how I could basically press it up indefinitely. Obviously I can’t live my life with one hand in my pants.

I’m wondering if even if I don’t have POP, if I could still get a pessary like a cube pessary. In my imagination I’d need just one solid object sitting there to press the bladder, and the urgency will go away.

But sadly pessary are ridiculously priced and annoyingly need to be prescribed by a doctor for them to be affordable. Is it possible for my doctor to give me one even if I don’t have POP?

02:46 UTC


I’m desperate

Im a 14 year old male in highschool and my problems started about a year ago after i started masturbating. My problem is no matter how hard i try i can’t hold in gas. It gets especially bad when i’m sitting down or after i’ve eaten. It makes school a nightmare and it’s extremely embarrassing. I’ve tried pelvic floor exercises but nothing’s helped. Whenever it happens it feels like it buildups in my stomach and then pops. if anybody can help i’d really appreciate it because it’s completely ruining my social life. I’m being made fun of and i’ve lost friends over it aswell.

01:57 UTC


Bulging penile veins can this be caused by pelvic floor tightness

Is this a thing, anyone here penile vein appearance subsided after pelvic floor therapy?

01:23 UTC


Bulging penile veins can pelvic floor tightness contribute to it?

Is this a thing or no, anyone here vein appearance subsided after pelvic floor therapy?

01:22 UTC


Has anyone found Ashwagandha helpful?

What the title says. This pelvic floor problem has really stuck with me mentally it's a battle every day and I was wondering if this supplement would be of any help since I'm so anxious and emotional all the time. I feel like managing my emotions and calming down would help but I don't wanna go through therapy atm or try actual antidepressants so yeah any thoughts? (I suffer from hypertonic pelvic floor)

23:49 UTC


Prostatic Fluid Discharge?

I had done some looking online and got mixed results about whether or not this could be associated with tight pelvic floor. I’ve had it for probably quite awhile, most likely due to chronic long term anxiety (ive got at least 3 other pain spots from chronic muscle tension lol). Id been seeing a physio therapist about it, but unluckily i lost my job soon after starting and had to stop. Around when i started, late august-ish? I started having prostatic fluid discharge. I didnt know what it was at first cause id also had issues with retrograde ejaculation, but it became apparent it was different. I’ve seen some people associate it with pelvic floor, but some dont mention it at all and it’s usually associated with Prostatitis. I’m thinking about seeing a urologist, but im still off insurance til january at the earliest and id rather not pay full price if it’s just something i already know about.

Anyone else seen this symptom?

22:08 UTC


What am I doing wrong?

Last night I was doing kegels before bed. After the second repetition i tend to lose feeling of the muscles and I squeeze really tight. When I woke up, I felt the urge to pass gas. My butt was full of air and I felt liquid coming out. It didn’t feel like gas, it was more like trapped air. When I went to the bathroom I noticed my underwear was covered with brown liquid. I’ve done kegels and this has never happened to me before. Why did this happen?? Is there something I’m doing wrong? I’m afraid to do them now because I don’t want this happening again.

17:58 UTC


Just need to vent

I'm done with this condition, weightlifting is my therapy but what's the point if you can't even get a proper erection, I need to go to the toilet every day all day but I hold onto hope and push through. Im in so much pain every day and every day i put on a brave face in front of my friends and family but they can tell im distant. I also broke up with the best girl I've ever met partly because she kept getting a UTI everytime we had sex. I dont have an STD or anything I've been checked, what the hell is going on !!! Its been 6 years of this shit and its changed me from the nice person I once was into an angry one. I just want to go to bed and not wake up. I pray alot but nothing changes. I need serious help before I off myself !!!!

21:28 UTC


Kegel exercises made me feel nauseous?

I’m a guy (20M) and recently i’ve had issues with my bladder, I get very strong urges to pee even when my bladder isn’t very full and I sometimes wake up feeling like I peed in my sleep. I read about Kegel exercises and it said to “think of the muscle you use to stop yourself from peeing, then flex it for 5 seconds and relax it”. So i tried this and it genuinely made me feel insanely nauseous. Like I thought I was about to vomit and felt intense discomfort. I still feel like i’m about to throw up everywhere and I can feel my heart beating and I had to sit down. Is that normal? I feel so terrible and my ears started ringing and I thought I was going to pass out. Worst experience i’ve ever had I think.

21:12 UTC


Do kegel exercises really work?

I’m on birth control for about six years now and one of the main things I’ve noticed (although not entirely sure if it’s a direct effect) is my vagina has lost all its power to wet juicy and tight. I feel it even in my myself it’s not as it used to be even sex doesn’t feel the same. I was thinking of getting some kegel balls ?

20:29 UTC


Can someone explain this? Perhaps this could be helpful for others?

A few weeks ago I made This post about my sudden and draining experience with what I thought was prostatitis-triggered pelvic floor dysfunction. To summarize , 3 months ago I essentially had sudden and severe pain in my testicles when ejaculating after a new sexual encounter a couple days prior. This began a saga of urinary, sexual and gastrointestinal problems that months of antibiotics weren't helping. It got to the point to where my pelvic muscles in my perineum were so tightened that maintaining and erection was too uncomfortable-- this is when I made my post and began my work on pelvic PT, stretching, breathing, the whole thing. My progress has been a bit bumpy and super gradual, and I've been really targeting the pelvic muscles that feel sore in my glutes and perineum. Well, a couple days ago I was at a friends house. I saw he had a roller (one of the bigger log ones) and decided to just lay my back on it and roll out my whole back for a bit. At home, I was using a tennis-sized ball to roll and dig into my glutes and lower back. But when I rolled my middle and upper back on this thing, I felt so much relief everywhere.

The next day I booked a massage and asked to target my middle-upper back instead of my lower/glutes. During my massage, she pressed on the upper-middle left side of my spine and it randomly triggered this odd fight-or-flight panic response. My chest got really hot, heart started racing, anxiety radiated down my back into my groin. I used my diaphragm breathing to calm down. I walked out of the massage feeling like a new person. After weeks of trying everything, My pelvic floor was like 90% relaxed, just like that.

I'm making this post for 2 reasons - 1. Does anyone else have a similar experience? And if so, have you re approached your PT/stretches/treatment to target your back/shoulders/spine, and how? And 2. If you have symptoms similar to mine, maybe consider the idea that your pelvic floor dysfunction could be a stress response to a different part of your body that needs your attention? I still want to continue my pelvic work, but I'm now considering that there's a trauma/stress that I'm holding in my spine that may be sending these signals to my pelvic floor, and I'm thinking of re approaching my treatment plan.

20:17 UTC


Praying someone here understands my story - Hypertonic PF and Hip pain

I feel like I’m going crazy and I hope there’s somewhere out there who can say “I understand how you feel.”

I injured my hip running 2 years ago and spent months limping, barely able to get out of a car, burning pain. 6 months later, it turned into a nightmare. I developed what I now know is a pretty bad hypertonic pelvic floor. Could not go to the bathroom for days at a time, cramping, tightness everywhere. Spent a ton of money on doctors and then finally was diagnosed with PFD.

Went to PT and it helped me learn to relax, but I would still have bad episodes randomly 1 or 2 times a week and would cause issues for a few days. It was then realized when they asked me to do deep hip stretches that my hip was still injured. I put two and two together that when I perform certain movements with my hip that aggravate it, the hypertonic PF comes after. I even tested it multiple times by purposely tweaking my hip.

Got an MRI and I have a small labral tear. Doctor didnt think it was causing hip pain since it’s small but gave me a diagnostic shot. Big suprise that the hip was indeed the issue. I believe 100% that my hypertonic PF is due to my hip. I’m going to be pushing for hip surgery and hoping that will work. Im tired of the hip pain and PF.

I’m just hoping someone has been in the same boat. It’s been 2 years of feeling alone and fighting with doctors

18:59 UTC


Penis pain

How can i distinguish my penis pain from being a local problem that involves the penis itself or a pelvic pain issue that is radiating to my penis?

Penis pain started 3 months ago after some rough sex .

First symptom was just an overly sensitive feeling just below the gland left side a d now it’s just a general soreness on the left side of the gland and shaft, also sex is painful in certain positions like doggy mostly. Really just a dull pain throughout the day but becomes more intense sometimes depending on what I’m doing at work or at the gym?

I appreciate any insight thanks everyone:)

14:57 UTC


Do I have pelvic issues, or is it something else?

Suffering from urethra/bladder issues for 5 years, on and odd. I would have no symptoms for 1-2 years, and then suddenly out of nowhere it appears.

I've been wanting to rant about my situation or a while. Partly because I want/need help, and because I just want to figure out what's wrong with me. I've been to several doctors and specialists, but I don't feel any wiser on the subject. Some of the symptoms I have experienced WHILE these flare ups occur are:

USUALLY starts with a sudden stab feeling from my urethra area. Followed by blood from my penis (clear, visible blood, not a lot though)

Sore urethra

Extreme discomfort in my lower region/bladder

Urge to urinate constantly

Sometimes difficult to pass urine

This has caused me to go down a rabbit hole, speculating whether I might have Interstitial Cystitis or some other kind of bladder issue. I have my thoughts about it being a urethral stricture too, but I am really at a loss, I will explain beneath:

About me:

29 year old male, physically fit and active in the gym. The first time this issue ever appeared was back in 2019. I was fairly sexually active with my then girlfriend, and everything seemed normal and fine.

Out of nowhere one day while I was peeing, I felt a sudden stab in my urethra/penis, followed by my penis bleeding slightly. This made me panic, and I contacted my doctor. The following days I had a lot of discomfort in my bladder, and was sore in my urethra, but the blood had gone away. It almost felt as if I had a wound or a scratch on the inside.

The urine sample showed nothing out of the ordinary, and I was offered a cystoscopy, which I hesitantly agreed to. The examination also showed nothing out of the ordinary, except for a "irritated membrane", or inflammation, to which I was prescribed antibiotics.

After this my symptoms disappeared, and I had no issues for the next 2 years.

In 2022 the same thing happened. Peeing, sudden stab and blood from my penis. It wasn't a lot of blood, but it was blood for sure. I went through the same procedure again, this time with a CT scan of my kidneys and a urine sample showing no signs of UTI/STDs. The CT scan also didn't show anything out of the ordinary. I was then offered another cystoscopy.

This time the examination seemed to show a slight urethral stricture along with inflammation/irritations. I was very confused as to how this was missed during the first cystoscopy. I was prescribed antibiotics again, and offered surgery to remove the stricture. This made me read a lot about urethral strictures and the success rate of the sugeries, which made me very anxious. Meanwhile my symptoms had complete disappeared, and everything went back to normal once again. So I decided to postpone any surgery.

Fast forward to February 2024, and the same stab feeling happened once again. Blood, discomfort and yet another cystoscopy. This time I was certain I had to undergo some sort of surgery.

But somehow they saw no sign of a stricture during my third cystoscopy again. They noticed the same inflammation/irritation, but there was nothing else. They told me to forget about any kind of surgery right now, and concluded that I may have a "fragile urethra" of some sort. This really only confused me further, but I was rid of any symptoms thereafter.

Until the last couple of days/weeks, where I've experienced mild discomfort in my bladder/urethra, especially while going to the gym. Yesterday the symptoms escalated, and I feel a lot of discomfort around my bladder. I feel bloated, and I constantly feel like I have to pee. However, I haven't seen any blood or felt any stabbing yet, which I guess is a good thing?

This has led me to believe that my symptoms may flare when I am pushing myself in the gym for example, and I did start thinking about pelvic issues. I'm not sure if this is an explanation, since most of my issues seem to be in my urethra - but it seems like most of my flare ups are accompanied by irritation or inflammation of some kind. Considering I have been going to the gym on/off for 10 years, it seems odd for this to be the cause this time..

I just don't know what to do. I have a hard time going to work, and keeping up with my goals in the gym while these symptoms persist. It's messing with my life, and I just wish I knew what I could do to make them disappear, or at least know what my actual issue is. Maybe there's someone out there with similar symptoms..

Thanks for reading my rant either way, I wish you all the best

12:09 UTC


Are weak back muscles of the upper body a reason for tightness in the pelvic floor?

For those who suffer from some form of pelvic floor dysfunction it ultimately points to some kind of weakness. Either the pelvic floor muscles are themselves weak or they overcompensate and become tight due to weakness of some other muscle.

People doing PT almost always focus on and around the hip muscles and the muscles in the front of the core. But rarely I see weak muscles of the back being mentioned. Adding in some kind of pulling movement like rowing, pullups, lat pulldowns will definitely strengthen our back and help in better management of the overall weight so that the pelvic floor muscles can breath a sigh of relief and relax.

The latissimus dorsi or lats are the largest muscles on our back which connects the shoulders spine and the pelvic girdle and helps in stabilising the back chain. So instead of concentrating on small muscles of the lower back for long term improvement shouldn't we be concentrating more on building strength overall?

I benefitted very much from adding pulling movements to my workout. Anyone else resonate with this idea or have experienced the same?

Edit: If any PTs are active in this sub, they can also weigh in with their clinical experiences.

Edit 2: I found out this video later after I started my back workouts and it strengthened my hypothesis further. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kubALadx_AM&t=374s

11:52 UTC


What are the signs of weak pelvic floor mucle?

Im asking because my orgasms arent very good. When I was younger I started relaxing my muscles on purpose because it turned me on and now I think it mightve resulted in week muscles. I queef a lot especially on my period but my bladder seems fine idk what to think

08:52 UTC


Can pelvic floor therapy help my climax?

I'm about to go to my second round of pelvic floor therapy. The first time was last fall because I mentioned to my PCP that I don't particularly enjoy sex and it's not fulfilling (I'm 24 btw). I went and I LOVED my therapist, she was easy to talk to and very knowledgeable. She mostly did PRI which I wasn't a fan of (I've done that in normal PT) but oh well. I wasn't sexually active at the time so I couldn't tell if it made a difference.

Now, I'm going back after having some particularly bad spasms that were kinda debilitating. I know the point is to help me relax and to make me not so tense and make it so it's not so painful, but is it possible that I could actually enjoy sex afterwards? No pain and actually orgasm enjoyably? Rn I'm long distance with my partner, so I have about 6 months to get this sorted out before he's home and intercourse may be a regular occurrence. Can PVT help me?

1 Comment
04:09 UTC


Dead Bedroom but Loving Relationship.

Hey all. So i (26f) believe i was born with pfd. As far as i know i have absolutely no SA history in my childhood and the first clue i had of pfd was when i got my period in middle school and couldent wear tampons without pain and discomfort. I diddnt get diagnosed by a doctor till college when i was being convinced to have sex even if it hurt by my ex. I have a lot of trauma from that, more than i thought. Or atleast a lot of learned behavior. Ive been married to my husband for a year (anniversary was the 26th! So last tuesday) but together since 2019.

My relationship with pfd seems be be a little unique. I believe my body holds stress in the form of clinching. So if i can relax enough and get hot and bothered, sex doesn't hurt... but 95% of the time it does...

Sex has always been easier in the beginning of a relationship when its exciting and new (this post has nothing to do with cheating, dont worry) and with my husband (29m) this wasent different. We went through some really bad rough patches. Turns out a lot of it was communication issues and medication side affects that we were thankfully able to work out. But a little bit of it was the lack of sex. Its my husbands love language. And when you are dealing with r-word trauma from you last relationship and sex hurts... that affects your partner greatly. One of the reasons we made it through that rough period is because my husband really looked deep in himself and realized our relationship was worth more to him than sex was. I felt like he was changing for me and i diddnt like that. He just wants me happy. A few years later He says he doesent really ever think about sex anymore. Doesent really watch porn either (allowed and encouraged in our relationship. We even thought about having an only fans but here i am). I have asked him to not stop showing me affection. I honestly dont know how hes okay with it. He says he doesent get blue balls cus its a young guy thing (okay 😂, i think its more a maturity thing) he just decided he wanted me even without the sex and something in him changed. Im honestly scared that one day ill get better and it will be too late and it has been so long he has lost his labido forever... but he still kissing up on me and tries to touch me. He is legit ready for me any day, hour, minute. And im also very affectionate. I love snuggled and kisses and hugs and holding hands. I think thats part of the reason he is able to be okay with it, because im still showing love to him.

Anyway, to the reason im posting. We did have sex yesterday morning, but that was after several months of not having sex. Its hard to want to eat when you expect eating to hurt every time... (my husband has crohns so i like this analogy) i think i conditioned myself to not want sex anymore. I really miss it. Im lacking something from sex that will get me horney enough. But ive never had a partner like him before.. ive never been given room to explore really. Sex is so vanilla because we have to be careful of my pain and its what he likes. He just wants to be able to see my face so we just stick to what he likes. But idk what i like... i read a lot of yaoi smut mangas (i think i like yaoi because there are no girl parts i can identify with therefor yaoi wont make me think of pain during the sex parts. Make sense?) And it gives me things i think i would like to try but idk how to communicate. I grew up thinking masterbation and whatnot was not to be discussed with others so i have this weird taboo with certain parts of sexual stuff, but will discuss sex with a guy in an education or discussion type of way including personal information (i would give a speech on my experience with pfd if asked). Its weird ik. I dont know how to even explain or explore what i think i might like because im so shy because of my experiences with exs. And then it feels like i have to teach my husband what i want even when i dont know what i want. He is willing to try anything (and it is true) but he doesent know what to really be researching.

Im starting to grieve my sex life. Its not what i grew up thinking it would be. Imagine growing up thinking your gonna be a pilot one day and you hope and dream on it and once you get there... your color blind. And you have to grieve the life you can no longer have. I have a husband with a lot of sexual experience (i feel like hes lost it over time...), larger than average, i still find attreactive and is devoted to and would fornicate at any given notice and you just cant and even up going a month without thinking of sex (I dont read or think of my smut manga during this time, i shut down sexually completely). I realize now, because of pain, i will never have the sex life i thought id have. Yea sure, i can find some new exciting guy and have easy sex again, but in the end things wont be exciting and new anymore and no matter how inlove you are in, pain will come back (im not interested in cheating at all). Pain will never leave you. Im so lucky to have found my husband, we are in love and he waits for me to be ready and able. But i miss sex so much. I want to feel horny again. Why can the guys in my smut managas be horny so much and so ready (Yes i know its fake). Anytime sex is brought up with my husband all my body remembers is pain. Idk how to fix this. Idk how to start exploring sex with my husband. I feel stuck. Theres such a roadblock because i feel ashamed to discuss masterbation and porn together. I dont want to feel broken anymore, i want to fuck my husband and not think about pain. I dont know who i am sexually anymore and now im grieving. I have a therapist but i dont really like talking about this stuff. She told me to write sex goals for 2025 and i forgot to ask what those would even look like. Cus so far its to look forward to sex again and i havent in a long time. I cant really explain why it is such a big deal im loosing my sexuality without explaining my whole life, but i feel like im loosing a part of me.

I guess what im hoping for is some advice. If i could just get horny then the pain would be less. But idk how to explore sex with my husband, who is willing. Please help.

03:33 UTC


Pelvic Congestion Syndrome negatively impacting sex life, advice?

I was recently diagnosed with PCS. It took awhile to be diagnosed, I’ve spent almost 2 years with these symptoms and no answers until a doctor finally took me seriously. I will be following up with a vascular specialist when we get to our station in Colorado. The worst thing for me about this is how it negatively impacts my sex life, it’s been much worse since I gave birth 7 months ago (last child, I plan on getting sterilized when my husband’s rotation to Korea comes and goes). Sex is extremely painful, the only thing that seems to help is using 🍃🍃🍃 beforehand (I only use when my husband will be there to watch after our kids too). However I know that there’s got to be other options too. To anyone who has PCS or something similar & experiences/experienced pain, what has helped for you? I really miss having a normal and pain free sex life it’s really bringing me down. I don’t know where else I can ask, there doesn’t seem to be much information on PCS out there. Thanks in advance ❤️

02:02 UTC


Is it ok to delay ejaculation by pressing on your pelvic floor muscles?

I’ve done it twice recently and meditated a little bit and I’ve been able to feel more hornier than usual at times. And my erections been stronger

00:52 UTC


Is Gabapentin pretty much standard treatment for pelvic floor neuralgia pain ?

Drug is supposedly good for nerve irritated pain correct ? Dosages vary i guess

00:25 UTC


Should I have hope internal work will cure me?

Been in PT on and off for 5 years (longest stint being 1.5 years with a 3 month gap for the pts maternity leave). I did one internal exam at the beginning but that was it.

My symptoms are difficulty voiding (I believe tightness around the urethra and tightness of the lower urethral sphincter), constant urgency, and burning when I relax the muscles.

Biggest predicament is, I unconsciously tighten as a pain response. My default state is being tight, and it allows me to atleast survive with only mild pain as long as I stay still and don’t move much. when I relax the muscles that pain barrier disappears and I’m given a flood of urgency and burning. Secondly, when I relax, voiding becomes very difficult and It causes me to feel the voids are unbelieving and pressure in the bladder.

On top of PT I tried:

  • ABC cream (caused urinary retention),
  • oral amitriptyline (no effect except sleep all day),
  • pelvic wand only a few times(feels good when I press the trigger point at 12oclock (towards the urethra) but then that triggers days of urgency and burning. I was also warned never to do that again because I guess pressing 12oclock can damage the urethra. So I’ve been too scared to try again)
  • PT stretches included: raised legs, bridges, happy baby, figure 4, clams, and a few others)
  • all OTC meds have done nothing (every otc pain reliever, every otc urinary pain reliever)
  • magnesium and pumpkin seed oil have not changed my life BUT when I have tried to stop them my symptoms get worse so I can’t stop them.
  • Lidocaine gel, used vaginally on flare days, takes pain from a 10/10 to an 8/10. Does nothing if my pain is an 8 or lower. And this is on urgency-pain, not burning. Has no effect on burning.

Will internal work just be another thing added to this list? Or will it be a game changer?

The new pt also does dry needling and I was gonna ask them about it. Would that do anything either?

And how long should I expect it to take to feel a difference and the automatic flares after it to stop? My case is severe so how long would it take?

00:01 UTC


i thought I was cured but ........no i guess not

29(M) ..... Symptoms - early ( Abdomen pain, constant urge to pee as I started drinking lot of water, while peeing white sticky substance comes out and I get relief from the pai )

so it started from June .....at night I have urge to go to poop, after pooping i came back and my abdomen starts to pain....the pain was terrible.....then I got urges to pee, i went to pee, came back and went to pee but while peeing some white substances came out....and I felt relieved. After a day it happened again......the exact same thing .....i went to a doctor and then they did my Urine Culture and Ultrasound..... everything was normal, how ever the doctor recommend me to a urologist.....

1st urologist - gave me Alfoo-D (alfozosin)and some medicine mostly antibiotics for a month....the symptoms Started to low down but after a week or two it starts again. I went again and gave me the same thing and told me to wait it will take time .....so i waited for another month...no use

2nd urologist......he did the same urine culture and everything.....he gave me two medicines one silodosin (alpha blocker) and duphalac

Both the urologist said I might have BPH......

after the 2nd urologist visit I did have some relief for like a month.....untill today (30 November 2024) i was feeling like I need to poop so I went after pooping as I came out my Urethre burns.....a slight abdomen pain and Anus burns......the pain lasted for 10 mins then I drank water....after that I went to pee and as I was peeing (transparent like water sticky not white ) came out with urine... . im sick of living like this.... Doctors said it's not UTI, urologist said it might me BPH....somebody help me any opinion will be very helpful.....

22:47 UTC


How to get rid of lower back pain?

I've been getting lower back spasms along with the feeling of a brick in my lower back. Does anyone have a good remedy for back pain or back tightness? I tried doing some stretches but my hip flexors aren't able to do a lot of them.

Also I went out a couple nights ago to a bar and noticed that my abdominals were spasming like crazy. I have no clue why this happens. I was just excited to be able to sit down and talk with my friends. It got so annouing that I said fuck it and got really drunk. My symptoms went away completely once I got drunk. What's the deal with this?

1 Comment
22:36 UTC

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