Onodera Kosaki, The TRUE Best girl of Nisekoi.
Welcome to /r/Onodera! This is an entire subreddit dedicated to the True best girl of Nisekoi!
This a place to post about any -dera, there are other subreddits for the other girls linked below!
Only post about Onodera. (Sister-dera, and Mama-dera are allowed)
Comments about other girls are allowed, just don't blatantly bash on the best girl.
No ranting or hating of our Supreme Goddess, Onodera Kosaki.
No NSFW posts. A little bit of Lewd is fine, but keep it to a minimum. If it does happen to be lewd, mark it as NSFW. Use your judgement.
Reposts are only allowed as long as your post hasn't been previously posted within 3 months. For images, please check dxprog's repost checker to see if you are allowed to post it. X-posts are allowed here.
Please be kind in respect to the most Perfect, Onodera Kosaki, i.e. Respect others and don't spam.
Low quality posts, such as advice animals, memes, and rage comics are not allowed.
Syntax goes like this:
[Spoilers should be written like this.](/spoiler)
To use a comment face please use the following syntax:
Example: [](#waai)
Here's a comprehensive list of the Kosaki-focused chapters.
A Lets Play of the Kosaki route from the game Nisekoi Yomeiri!? Translated by RyuujiTK
I started to read Nisekoi again this year. I originally saw the anime then went to the manga. After seeing it again knowing how it ends... it didn’t hurt as bad the first time through. The ending starts to become obvious when you look at the picture as a whole objectively. ... but man... it still hurts.
I was in a bad place and so emotionally invested when I first read it and it’s been with me ever since. Onodera’s story will be stuck with me. I wishing they could have given her a proper happy ending instead of dragging the stupid “promise girl” story throughout the entire series.
Anyone else have a similar feeling after revisiting Nisekoi?
(I read it again to encourage myself to continue a FanFiction I made years ago, but lost steam to do. Consider me inspired.)
Happy Birthday Kosaki! Not much else to really say, hope everyone is having a good day on best girl’s birthday. Feel free to post something or just say hi, keeping it pretty low-key this year. Flair of course if you submit something original and don’t already have the flair, but most people that I see post from year-to-year already have it at this point :P
I’ve seen less and less Nisekoi fan art in recent years which makes it hard to find art to share here. On the other hand AI art is somewhat easy to find around. I’ve hesitated posting anything here because I know it’s a divisive topic. But at the same time I’d like to ask, would you be okay with AI Onodera Art posted here?
Does anyone of y'all know if there's a YouTube video/montage that's only dedicated to Onodera? I'd appreciate your answers. Thank you!