OldSchoolCoolNSFW. Like /r/OldSchoolCool, but...NSFW
OldSchoolCoolNSFW, just like /r/OldSchoolCool except... NSFW.
Please familiarize yourself with Reddits Sitewide Rules.
1. Photos and videos must be over 25 years old.
Please include the date in your title.
2. Every individual posted here must be 18 or older at the time the picture or video was taken.
No sexualization of minors whatsoever. This applies to the comment section as well. You will be banned if you do this.
3. No fake pictures or videos allowed
Do not post deepfakes or A.I. generated images. Do not photoshop someone to be nude. Just find real images to post. There's no need to fake things.
4. Consent & Permission: Everything posted here must be from official sources or have been taken in a public setting where the person photographed was aware photos might be taken.
What this means:
You can post pictures and videos from official publications such as Playboy, other adult magazines and photoshoots.
Pictures of celebrities in movies, television or at concerts, parties, etc.
Public OldSchoolCool NSFW such as pictures from Woodstock, festivals and other historical events
What we do not want is:
Random solo photos you took of your wife, girlfriend or partner from 25+ years ago. We have no way to verify whether or not the person photographed gave you permission to post these. Therefore it could be considered involuntary pornography which is against Reddits Sitewide Rules. Basically if it's a picture of a random person in a bedroom or it looks sketchy, we don't want it here.
Not every post here needs to be a celebrity or playboy model. For example, if someone went to Woodstock in 1969 or some other public event, they're in public among many people so there is the presumption that they could be photographed.
5. Porn scenes are allowed, but may be limited if they start taking over the sub.
6. Your image or video must be hosted on reddit or redgifs. Imgur no longer allows NSFW uploads.
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