A sub for people who were never asked and yet, still explained far too much.
Rule 1: Featured person should offer way too much information for which they were never asked.
Rule 2: Censor personal information. This includes your own information, last names, and usernames. There is an exception for those who's profiles appear in a card at the top of google results or are verified on Twitter.
Rule 3: Provide context, whether in the title or in a comment.
Rule 4: Any form of sexism, insensitivity, racism, or intolerance will not be allowed. This includes posts and comments. You will be banned.
Rule 5: Follow site-wide rules.
Rule 6: No low effort titles. Examples: 'what?, finally found one, okay, nobody asked'
Rule 7: No politics whatsoever.
Rule 8: No reposts from the top 50 of all time or the last 3 months.
This sub was born from this comment.
Related subreddits:
• /r/thathappened
• /r/ihavesex
• /r/iamverysmart
• /r/iamverybadass
• /r/oversharing
• /r/cringe
• /r/sadcringe
• /r/insanepeoplefacebook
• /r/quityourbullshit
• /r/Unextexted
• /r/tbidgaf
• /r/yourpointbeing
No matter who wins...it will be historic. Americans either elect the first woman president or the first CONVICTED FELON president. VOTE accordingly!
The economists find Trump's tariff policies, "Off the Charts" - that would probably raise prices, hurt the stock market, and spark economic feuds with much of the world. Vote accordingly. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/off-charts-trump-tariffs-shock-013111202.html
The question was, “How did you all survive the newborn stage” ….
Liam Payne former member of one direction is dead and I honestly don't know how to feel granted I didn't know the guy personally But I grew up with him and the rest of 1D I literally had a fucking 1D shirt(my only real merch) after begging my mom to buy one when I was a kid. went through heartbreak when Zayn left and now this??? I just don't know what to feel over the past few months I had heard stories about how he was an attention seeking abuser and even The remaining 1D members didn't fuck with him anymore distanced myself from his content and now????? I don't know I really hope it's not suicide I heard he struggled with substance abuse before so maybe it was an accident j just don't know how to feel..I feel so bad for his family especially his son....my emotions are a mess I have work in like 6 hours and it's past midnight and I don't know if I should cry over a person I never really knew but technically grew up with....
I'm just remembering this post on Reddit I saw ages ago about how someone's friend went to therapy cos they were hearing voices and it was just their internal monologue or whatever it's called and so the friend just thought no one else could think and they were like 14 or 15. And I was just thinking about how nice living as one of the NPCs in their world it's like just going around doing stuff but not overthinking shit and worrying, like your body tries to do something and it does or doesn't and that's the end of it.
October has been a wild ride...the hits just keep coming. "Downers Grove Living Magazine" featured a local D.G. author for books that garnered best historical fiction recognition for 2024. The books are at Andersons Book Shops and AMAZON.
This was a comment on a meme. Just why?