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Hey guys, I’m a freshly new EMT and I’m trying to find a job and it’s seeming to be really hard. I’m looking in the palm beach/ west palm area in Florida. Does anyone have any tips? Should I just go to a firehouse and ask if they’re hiring? I’m finding nothing on indeed and LinkedIn. Please help!!!
this is probably dumb and straightforward but when questioning the patient's A&O, do I have to ask anything for event?
I feel like I can already get that through C/C when I ask whats the reason for the call. I don't think asking events leading up to the injury would make sense since thats in SAMPLE, is there anything yall reccomend to ask for event or should I just use C/C for it. I appreciate yalls time and help :D
Please discuss, ask, and answer all things NREMT (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians)! As usual, test answers or cheating advice will not be tolerated (rule 5).
I’m active duty military(non-medical MOS) stationed overseas and not sure where to start on taking an EMT course. There are some pre approved courses the military will pay for but they’re all in the states and i’ll be in Europe for the next two years. If I were to take courses in Europe would I still be able to take the NREMT in the US? Or should I just wait for my contract to end? The only issue with this is there is a program that would let me start training for a new job in the last of my contract and by the time I get back to the states I will be in my last year if i don’t extend which i’m not too sure I want to do.
tomorrow, I start my FTO/FTR time and I’m super nervous. I’ve had my EMT for a few years now but little to no experience. They plan on letting me observe 1-2 calls and the rest sort of falls on me.. How do I get over the nerves of it all and better prepare myself? Is it normal to feel a little bit like it may be a mistake? (Not saying it is, but I think it’s the nerves). Any advice??
Anyone has any insight on how they work, are there are good managers, good benefits and pay, and if their CCT is a good program?
Has anyone purchased paramedic coach for EMT? If so was it worth it?
Okay so I get why oxygen is important, but the explanation says nitrogen is wrong....? The question says the patient has chest pain...so is nitrogen not valid? Sorry if I'm missing something here….
I recently passed my midterm and I'm super hyped to start my clinical next week or so. All my clinical and ridealongs are about 12 hours each. I have a constant fear that once I'm there I will be too nervous to do anything and was wondering if anyone has overcame that. What should I expect seeing out in the field.
So I live in CA and will be taking my EMT class there, but I want to work in Texas. Once I take my NREMT, can I just take my Texas Jurisprudence and apply for my Texas state license or will I need to get my OCEMS and then apply for reciprocity after?
I know there's so many questions on where to go and how the programs are but I haven't seen a lot for Weiss Hospital. Wondering if anyone could give me any insight? I've called but the lady seemed pretty overwhelmed so wasn't able to answer all my questions. What other certifications will I get with the class? What are the clinical hours like?
am a new medic, looking for decent 911 Ems-only position within MD, DE, PA, and VA. preferably within 4 hours of DC area. I would prefer to be with a county/city agency rather than private. I have several years of EMS experience as a basic in both IFT and 911.
Thank you!!
I’m a paramedic firefighter with 20 years experience in rural Colorado and in Las Vegas Nv. I’m moving to Palm Coast and wondering what’s my options for EMS. I’m looking for 12 hour shifts and not the typical fire 48/96 schedule ,
3 year EMT and baby medic here - anyone have any experience dealing with pet care on the job? I was thinking about maybe a cat, but I live alone and wasn’t sure if it’d be kind to leave one alone for 24/48/72 hours, even with a food dispenser. Anyone have any input on this?
I have been in EMS for 7 years. I am pretty confident in my ability. I really want to work for this service. I always get hung up on the do you have any questions portion of the interview. I will take any and all advice thanks.
Congratulations and welcome to Triumphant Thursday!
This weekly thread is for letting the community know you passed your EMR/EMT/AEMT/Paramedic/whatever class. Show off those new certs!
I get it, we should read the book word for word, front to back. Review the chapters that I'm weak on.
I'm guilty of refusing to read the book! I'M SORRY (to myself for not setting myself up for success).
I'm using Anki, Pocketprep and Paramedic Coach for content review.
I graduate EMT school in December and plan to take the NREMT ASAP. So about 2.5 months left to prepare.
Emergency Care and Transport of the Sick and Injured 12th Edition... most crucial chapters to go over?
I'd greatly appreciate the help. I've been studying flashcards like a madman, I know I need to do more to understand the concepts.
I am fairly early on in my EMT Basic courses. However, I’m looking to utilize an app or two that will help me to prep for the NREMT. Most of them I’ve looked at require payment, which I’m willing to do as long as it’s worth it. What’re the best apps, or even websites, to use in addition to class to prep? Thanks!
I am currently taking an EMT certification course and we have our midterm on Tuesday. I’ve felt pretty confident so far with most of what we’ve covered in class. Today my instructor told me that he thinks I am behind in comparison to the rest of the class. This has made me incredibly stressed out and nervous for next week’s exam and I don’t even know where to begin studying. He didn’t elaborate why I seem to be behind, which is why I’m asking for any advice on how/ what to study or any tips and tricks I should know. Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated!
to preface: I JUST turned 18 and the ambulance company I’m riding along with only accepted people over 18 blah blah not that big of a deal. But I scheduled a ride along tomorrow without thinking “Halloween- weird shit is going to happen” I know you can’t really predict what will happen during a shift but does anyone have any experience working Halloween?? What kind of stuff usually happens? What do I need to mentally prepare myself for?? My ride along is in a college town with roughly 200k people. I’m really excited however I’ve not seen a lot of gorey goopy stuff and I’m nervous I’m going to freeze up or something lol
I take my NREMT tomorrow morning and last minute tips and tricks?
Hi! So I'm aware of what supine hypotensive syndrome is, and the way to relieve it is to make sure the patient is no longer supine so the pressure is not on the heart. So what would the difference be if the patient is sitting up or leaning the left?? If anything wouldn't sitting up be better? I get that elevating legs wouldn't make sense cuz it's counter productive in terms of reliving pressure.
Any knowledge would help!! I failed my NREMT the first time 3 weeks ago, and I need to get it done and over with so I can start studying for my MCAT😭😭
Hi! I recently just completed my EMT-B training this summer, but it's been super hard to get into the field. I go to UIUC so already not a great start as being a pre-med student and the only option being a full-time job don't go well together. However, I loved every second of being an EMT and I really really want to continue that this summer. Do you guys know of any companies that take summer part-time emts or even how to become one at festivals like Lolla? I'll really take anything I just want to get back into it, I miss it.
Like the title says I'm an RN to paramedic. I took a CCT class, which in my state, allows for me to practice as a paramedic. I'll be working casual for a decent sized agency in the county I work as an RN in. I'm looking for some advice on how to navigate the transition.
I do not want to be seen as entitled/snobby/better than anyone. I know nurses I work with think very little of EMS and I am the opposite. On the contrary, I think their is no comparison to the field. On the inpatient side, I work in an ED/ICU resource pool. While I have a lot of clinical experience, I have zero field experience.
Any helpful tips would be appreciative.
Hey I am currently working as volunteer EMR in Australia and looking for sources preferably video for various emergency response cases where they go about how they got the call, patient conditions and decision making etc. I like paramedic coach but was wondering if there were more out there with a lot more case studies TIA
Had a question about AVPU, A&O, and GCS
It seems when doing AVPU and A&O, you can also do GCS at the same time. Essentially if the person is A for AVPU, then they are most likely AOx4 to person place time and event, and if they are AOX4, then more likely when we do motor test of GCS, they should be able to follow my commands for 15/15 GCS?
Hi all! Took my NREMT for the second time yesterday and didnt pass, so Im really motivated to pass the third time!
Does anyone have any tips on how/what to study? I use the PocketPrep app and Paramedic Coach, but I want to make sure Im super prepared this time. I know I need to put more study time into signs and symptoms of diseases and such.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated, thank you!!
Is it easier/ better to move and then do emt and paramedic school? Or would it still work to do emt school and work as an emt for a bit then move and do paramedic school? I'm still figuring out where I want to move but I live in a small area with only volunteer fire departments (I also just really want to move out of the state I'm currently in). I want to know if it would be a setback to move - because I want to do emt school fall of 2025 but I wouldn't be in a situation where I could move at that point... I would need a little bit longer before I feel financially stable enough to move. I'm 21 and just want to start my career and since I'm going to be the first first responder in my family I don't have anyone I can go to irl about this to ask for advice. I hope this made sense.
Hey! I am moving out of state in late January/early February, and am currently in education to prepare me for the NREMT. I graduate said education next week. I didn’t know I was moving so soon until AFTER I had payed, btw. Other info:
My questions:
Thanks for your time, folks!