"Moral Orel is a Stop Motion animated show that first aired on Adult Swim from 2006–08 created by Dino Stamatopoulos. Originally conceived as a satire of sitcoms from The '50s and The '60s, and designed to resemble an Affectionate Parody of Leave It to Beaver (not Davey & Goliath, despite the art style), the show, despite copious amounts of Executive Meddling, ultimately evolved into one of the darkest pieces of Western animation." - TvTropes |
Snoo by u/BoringMemesAreBoring & u/Margot_The_Mage
For all things Moral Orel.
If you pray, you get your way; If you hope, the answer's nope.
Watch it on [adult swim], Amazon, Hulu, and iTunes
Friends outside of Moralton
This show was loaded with heavy themes/topics. The main ones being abuse and religious trauma. Ethel Cain's whole album Preacher's Daughter is about those things specifically. Therefore, I couldn't stop thinking about that entire album (particularly the song Sun Bleached Flies) while watching Moral. Anyone else relate?
WTF. I went into this show thinking it was gonna be a silly Robot Chicken type of humor but then by the end of season 2 I was emotionally SMACKED??! Making me sob like a baby was the last think I was expecting a fucking Adult Swim cartoon to do. 10/10 show. Ahead of its time. I was meant to see this masterpiece
It is impossible to blame Bloberta for Clay's alcoholism. That is a very black-and-white way of looking at the series. It removes Clay's autonomy and deep-seated issues such as; internalized homophobia, daddy issues and inability to healthily process his emotions. Overall it oversimplifies his character and motives. Furthermore it nullifies the most symphathetic reason for why he is the way that he is; his childhood.
I feel like people are always saying she's not textually trans or the creators said that wasn't their intention. But I call bs. While, yeah the show never outright says it, it also never says "Clay is gay." It shows us. And, while yeah, she doesn't get as much screen time as other characters, pretty much all of it suggests she is trans. This is definitely more than a fan theory.
If anyone knows an interview or panel where they say otherwise, I'd accept it (and still stan her), I just think it's dumb (get it, "Dumb") how some people pretend the show not explicitly saying the word "trans" means she isn't.
I have yet to meet a moral orel fan other than myself irl AND IT'S GETTING LONELY I'll be there in a full clay cosplay and I'm 100% sure absolutely no one is going to recodnize me.
Im so desperate for moral orel friends that I made my English teacher watch the show.
Does anyone know where to find a PDF of the script for sacrifice? Or does anyone have it,,, I am a desperate gal. A friend and I would like to act it out in competition and are in need of it.
Hello, so during the Episode ,,Pleasure” Orel goes to the Glory Hallelujah Hole and a certain song plays during the sequence.
I’ve been scouring the internet to find any info about it but been unsuccessfull :(
Maybe someone here can help🥲
We know nesting would be after sacriface but would nesting and honor still be the finale i heard a video whre orals granpas death would be the finale but i dont think it was comformd (sorry if my speling is bad i dont speak english)