"Moral Orel is a Stop Motion animated show that first aired on Adult Swim from 2006–08 created by Dino Stamatopoulos. Originally conceived as a satire of sitcoms from The '50s and The '60s, and designed to resemble an Affectionate Parody of Leave It to Beaver (not Davey & Goliath, despite the art style), the show, despite copious amounts of Executive Meddling, ultimately evolved into one of the darkest pieces of Western animation." - TvTropes |
Snoo by u/BoringMemesAreBoring & u/Margot_The_Mage
For all things Moral Orel.
If you pray, you get your way; If you hope, the answer's nope.
Watch it on [adult swim], Amazon, Hulu, and iTunes
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My brother is dressing up as clay puppington for Halloween, what are some props that he can carry around? I thought of a bible, cup of alcohol, and a pipe. But I feel like all these just make him seem like a dad (lol)
what’s a prop he can hold that is specific to clay/the show?
Ok, basically i’m trying to get someone i’m showing the show through to Nature and then season 3 as soon as possible, but it’s been a while since i’ve had a full watch through, i know it’s weird to think of any episodes as ‘filler’ but do you think there’s any episodes that don’t involve the introduction or characterization of important characters?
So im from Bosnia and on English class my teacher askd if we know any cartoons on English i said i did and i found the show i playd nature part 1 evreyone was kinda bored at the beging but evreyone paid atention when clay said they were going hunting when we got to clays rant and the ending my teacher and my whole class were schockt and im probably in trouble tomorow (sorry if my speling is bad i dont speak english)
I think Orel would’ve become some sort of therapist/doctor. I’d imagine him working with kids and being a mentor. I also think that him and Christina would’ve been teen parents based on the timing of them falling in love. Maybe they ran away from their parents houses and went off to elope and started a family by accident.
If not running away, Bloberta ends up divorcing Clay and marrying officer Papermouth. (This is the canon ending for these two characters) They end up moving away from Moralton to whatever place Christina’s family moved to (I forgot what it was). There, Christina and Orel grow closer to each other and I feel as if Bloberta changes her views of her faith since a lot of the time it was mostly Clay influencing the family’s beliefs.
Clay is hard to predict, he most likely would’ve lost to Censordoll and I’m guessing he would move to Sinville or another city where he would live comfortably in his sexuality.
I also think that Nurse Bendy and Stephanie would end up together. Maybe it’s just me being annoying but I see Nurse Bendy being a lesbian/bi.
I would chose Easter the episodes where clay's dad moves in
I noticed during clay's rant in the bar with the reverend, cop, and dr the dart board was actually accurate so i looked at where the darts were placed and top to bottom it was one, 19, 7 and all i could find was
1 Kings 19:7 "The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, 'Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you'" (google)
dunno if that was intentional but pretty cool detail if it was. Any other possible things it could be?
Hey so I wanna make the claymation puppets and I’ve seen a couple people here make their own puppets themselves and I’d like to try to do the same for myself but I don’t know how to do it or if I have everything that I’ll need in order to do so can anyone please give me some advice thank you
I’m going to do a watch-a-long later with my friend and starting with episode 8 this weekend.
In the mean time I’m going to try and re-create Orel’s family in the sims 4
Also I should let you know Toddlers and Children get one personality slot (Children has access to most of the regular personality traits, toddlers get special ones such as Silly, Wild, Clingy, etc.)
Teens get two personality slots
Young Adults and over get 3 personality slots
What personality traits do you think each family has?
Does anyone know where I should start with Reddit I'm new to all of this and was wondering if there's anything I need to know
How do you all feel about Bloberta as a mother and a character in general ? There’s no right or wrong answers I’m just curious on what other people think of her.
How different would things probably be if Clay had just said "Uhhh... I'm not sure. I prefer to stay on my apple juice for now, thanks."?
I've been looking for this dvd for a year now and it's extremely hard to find in the uk it's on eBay but I don't want to pay over £10 on a second hand dvd