Mesoamerica, mesoamericana, Pre-Columbian South America, precolombina, Aztec, Huastec, Mixtec, Maya, culturas
Olmec, Toltec, Teotihuacán!
Totonac, Zapotec, Quito!
Cueva, Diquis, Inca Empire, Olmec.
Lista de las culturas mesoamericanas (precolombina).
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HistoryNetwork (Check it out!)
I'm curious about these two gods' relation. I heard that Itzpapalotl is one wife of Tezcatlipoca while also heard that Itzpapalotl is one division od Tezcatlipoca. Can anyone pls tell me more about them?
Although his Moctezuma looks a little Roman, Thevet travelled to the Americas and likely saw Aztec authentic weapons like the ones depicted.
What are some differences between the two?
My biggest interest is in the shapeshifting aspect of mesoamerican religions and its been pretty hard to find non-aztec (mayan) results everywhere I search. Did both of them practice the use of nagualism in black magic?
New research on Zapotec sites resisting the expansion of the Mexica Empire:
It dates to 1580 and I ordered a print out. Does anyone have any other ideas of how to display it in my house? Or decorate it? Or any other ideas of how to go more in depth with this map.
An Invocation to Ometeotl (ENGLISH TRANSLATION)
Ometeotl, we thank you for allowing us to have this meeting.
We beg you, Ometeotl, with all our heart, that you illuminate and clear our thoughts, because we want to honor you with this work.
Notice that not all of us have forgotten what you have given us; the beloved Earth, the beloved Sun,
the beloved Wind, and the beloved Water.
Thank you so much for all of that.
We want to be better, that is why we are here.
We want to learn a little more about how to care for
this Earth that you have given us.
Thank you so much.
Nahuatl Version... Is this right?
Ometeotl, timitztlascamatij,
Otitechmokawili, tik chiwazke inin zentlaliztli,
Timitztlajtlaníaj, Ometeotl, ica nochi toyolo para techtlahuilis huan techtlapajpacchihuas totlalnamiquilis, pampa tijnequij timitzhueyichihuase ica ni tequitl.
Xiquita para amo nochi tojuanti tiquelcajtoque catli techmacatoc; nopa tlasojtlalistli Tlaltipaktli, nopa tlasojtlalistli Tonati,
nopa tlasojtlalistli ajakatl, uan nopa tlasojtlalistli atl.
Tlaskamati miak ika nochi nopa.
Tijneki ti itstosej más kuali, yeka ti itstokej nikan
Tijnekij timomachtisej se kentsi tlen kenijkatsa timomokuitlauisej
ni Tlaltipaktli tlen techmakatok.
Miyaj tlaskamati.
What is the name or the type of headdress that Tezcatlipoca is often depicted as wearing, with feathers or some other objects protruding forwards?
According to some people, there were a group of people in Mexico post-conquest that continued to honour Tezcatlipoca under the name of "St. John Telpochtli" or St John. I can't seem to find any information of this online, so could someone confirm or disapprove this, or give some more context?
Disculpen, alguien tiene conocimiento de alguna persona que hable chichimeca? En especial, chichimeca jonaz?
Es para un proyecto de la escuela 🙏🏼
Since some Mexica gods and goddesses have been "converted" into Christianity, most notably Tonantzin into the virgin Mary, how did or how could Tezcatlipoca be fit into Catholicism?