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Welcome to the Legacies subreddit.

This subreddit is dedicated to the CW TV show "Legacies" that debuted on October 25th, 2018. Feel free to discuss anything TVD/TO/ Legacies related.



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Landon Kirby edit🖤

I don’t blame you josie for trying to hop on that as soon as Hope was out the picture (erased) because what is she gonna do now? it’s not your fault she was erased can’t really argue if you didn’t even know she existed. so perfect timing to shoot your shot with lover boy🌺🎶

20:07 UTC


Malivore and the Gods

Since Malivore was made by a witch, that means all his powers and abilities come from witch magic. Of which the Gods are immune to. So wouldn’t that make them immune to Malivore?

16:42 UTC


Landon mom shouldn’t have went to peace and the whole talking to Landon was pitty and guilt tripping

If she was really sorry for Landon and wanted to do right she should’ve stayed and took over for Landon and found a way to bring HER SON! back to the living as a “sorry I abandoned you TWICE! and knew you still had a shitty life and left again.”

That way her being the ferryman she could’ve found someone to replace her after all she is good at manipulating and stealing from people

Because I can’t take the things Landon tells her seriously.

Like: “ I don’t feel stuck here, I’m helping people.”

“I forgive you mom, I’m good, really Im happy.” I’ve known incredibly love.”

( your girlfriend dismisses and downplay everything you say/do) so that’s kinda Bs so I’ll take that more towards Josie.

“I known friendship and adventure my whole life.”

(you was running away from foster homes/abusers/school bully’s/monsters/ controlling gf/ your whole life so that’s more towards Raf and wade because the rest of the people treated him like SH*T!

then he want to end it by telling her

“you have not damaged me.”


now you have escapism responses

• Trauma response

• Escapist mentality

• Low self-esteem

( if she really cared she would’ve still been watching) over him. that way she can still be there and not be directly their as she doesn’t want to be a parent but you could still feel and see she ACTUALLY CARES! And she doesn’t know how to be their physically as she also got traumatic problems from malivore impregnating her and maybe her past life from running away with ptsd.

Like no wonder he left Hope and Josie and told them in his journal instead of face to face as his mom did the same by NOT EXPLAINING ANYTHING GIVING HIM ANY CLOSURE. Instead she tells Alaric.

1 Comment
13:52 UTC


I wonder what DRR is doing now.

It makes me wonder if DRR has given up acting. It’s over 2 years ago that Legacies was cancelled. You’d think she’d be hired for something by now. Everyone else apart from Jenny seem to be working. I really hope she hasn’t.

23:51 UTC


Cleo and Kaleb and J&B are so cute, I can’t 🥰

That’s all. I love these couples 😘🥰🥰

18:06 UTC


Can a witch use the gods Magic to create a new species of gods ?

I mean if human magic can create creature that can even go toe to toe with a god like klaus daughter imagine if a very powerful witch would have been able to done if she could manipulate the gods magic and we already saw that Lizzie Saltzman was able to siphon a little bit of gods magic

15:22 UTC


if it couldn’t be Raf and Hope…it shoulda been them

09:15 UTC


fury and oracles and their powers

Cleo's evolutions and her skill stages as Fury or Oracle were never explained, is an oracle basically a witch with psychic abilities who control gods and can enter their minds or is she literally a psychic? What about the Furies?, that story about the judgment of gods is that basically they could kill gods and have enough power to threaten and fight them physically? Or is it just to say that they have magical advantages over gods and can incapacitate them with magic? I saw that several users on Tik Tok and Twitter argue that oracles cannot cast magic but Cleo still had magic she only felt pain when using it, It's all very confusing.

21:37 UTC


Ted and Chad

They are so funny and adorable semi evil little dudes. They give me such ezma and kronk vibes. What did you guys think of them?

08:41 UTC


I dislike this scene and dislike how they don’t allow the characters to express how they feel mentally and emotionally instead they dismiss everything

It hurts to watch this part of the episode and how little she is comforting him and i don’t want to hear he ain’t no baby she shouldn’t have to baby him if it’s out of her control because yeah maybe not but the way she is going about it just feel so dismissive of his feelings and the respect is so low it hurts but what are y’all thoughts?

01:59 UTC


What did you think of Hope and Landon's last scene? of the words they said to each other

22:05 UTC


Idea for either a spin-off or Legacies with a time skip.

Maybe about 5 or 6 years in the future to Hope could take over the school and become Headmistress and Lizzy could either be counselor or a teacher. Hope finally let go of Landon after years of being obsessed with him and Lizzy really started to not be so aggressively vicious by season 4. Lizzy could help to students who are going down the same path she was going down in her early years in high school and Hope could start to come into her own as a leader of more then just a group of 6. It doesn’t need to try and top every previous season in terms of obscurely powerful villains but having an all powerful tribrid as the headmistress would be great for security. Yes people may want to come for her but she’s alarmingly powerful and unlike the originals she has a powerful witch side that will make it almost impossible for anyone to take her down.

Maybe for a first episode Lizzy could track down a witch who has been using dark magic and then maybe teaching her the dangers of dark magic. Hope can come into her leadership role and trying to recruit new students who are experiencing being kicked out of their witch family for triggering a wolf gene brought on from her mother’s affair. Either that or a witch being kicked out for being pregnant by a wolf (like 17 if that one’s the case).

21:38 UTC


Landon can easily get out of limbo just by giving his job over to Ethen, right?

Ethen already seemed up for it so if it was a s5 I’m sure they probably would’ve did that.

lol they wrong for having Ethen and Landon at a bar together without no knowledge of their history with Hope💀 not like he had anything with Hope anyway but still was a bit awkward for me utile hope summoned Landon😂

19:26 UTC


Why is Hope’s whole personality about being with Landon?

In the first season she has a decent personality and feels like a real person but after that basically everything is about either saving or protecting Landon. I get that he’s her boyfriend but does she really need to consistently put other people in danger to save her man? And once they know he’s a phoenix is it really necessary to baby him even when he consistently says not to. I know she is afraid he might get taken to Malivore but the best way to deal with that would be to train him to fight so he can at least hold off monsters until someone more capable can step in. He could’ve probably held Dorian off long enough for Hope to get there before the golden arrow was even fired.

19:05 UTC


Professor Vardemus

Is anyone else just seeing Wesley windham price if he hadn't left the watchers council? 😂

1 Comment
17:32 UTC


I hate how Hope interacts in her relationship 😭

Why Hope always talks about Landon cons but when she was missing him and talking to the astral projection. she talks so highly and kind about him and things she likes about him like his eyes, ( I loved that scene 2x1 it was SO WHOLESOME! It needed to be more of that) but in person she always criticizes him bringing up all of his cons in his face the only time she talked nice about him and their relationship was when she had a slug controlling her or when he literally spoke about how he doesn’t feel worthy of her but even then she didn’t tell him directly she had him read it instead of her reading it to him ( I found that cute having him read it but still)

She did say 1x11 “she wish she could just be happy like that all the time.” I just wish they would have just let her have a few episodes of peace. like OMG not everyone want to see drama after drama or chaos after chaos.”

00:50 UTC


Idc, they should’ve dated sense the very BEGINNING and ONLY then they could actually develop the relationship for Handon but I strongly agree that jandon made better sense

They knew better to not give them a lot of screen time together while he was with hope because Jandon made Handon look very toxic even tho it was already toxic but Jandon really showed the difference between each relationship.

I like Handon but Handon needed what jandon had and jandon needed more episodes to shine, both their characters deserved it.

I don’t blame “LANDON” for leaving Josie I blame the “WRITERS“ because first of all Landon had one whole season to develop and acknowledge hope and his relationship. this might be their first real relationship but he can acknowledge hope overprotectiveness, codependency behavior and Josie need for codependency, which lead to Landon telling Josie “ maybe you just never been in a relationship of what “YOU” want MATTERS.”

that’s obviously go back to Handon relationship so for him to straight up leave Josie i blame that on the writers because they wanted Handon in the spotlight but if it was done right they would’ve left him with jandon and that way they BOTH develop as characters and come back at the end after hope realizes and understanding their relationship wasn’t always healthy after seeing how Landon is with Josie and how open and less insecure and would’ve had had her deflect on how she handle their relationship while still shining light on her flaws.

16:29 UTC


Why do witches’ magic require such a long cut?

Whenever witches need to cast a locater spell, they cut so long. Is it necessary? 😂. Whenever I see it, I get worried for them. Also, don’t they run of blood with the amount of blood they pour out? 😂 Sorry, these are my inner thoughts when I’m watching the show

16:01 UTC


The way this show is obsessed with Hope, her virginity, her having anything to do with sex is creepy and insane!

Like seriously!

They keep talking for Hope about how she won't be able to have children when not a once in TO and Legacies has she expressed a desire for kids to begin with! She hasn't even expressed a desire for a picket fence life much less kids.

And it comes out of nowhere!

It's like they were looking for a reason so Hope would resist turning into the full tribrid and this is the best they could come up with and frankly it's so ugly because again, she has never expressed any desire for it.

The whole thing is so forced!

Especially since this didn't even have to be the lore. Klaus could breed, so why wouldn't Hope be able to? It's so insane.

For a show that was very pop culture savvy and 'in with the kids' or was at least trying to be, this is such a huge mistake. No young woman who has had a life like she's had would want children. And she is only 19!!!! I cannot stress this enough. She is 19 years old. Why would she be thinking about kids and not partying? Or killing monsters? Or just having sex???? Why would that be a thing that she would ever consider???

And they messed with the other characters too for this stupid thing. The only person I can see saying something about this is Rebekah. Because she has spent her immortal life looking to be human. She is the only one who would say anything and she would have been overruled. (No hate to Becca, I love her.) But they had Alaric worried about this? Alaric? Their teacher. That is so creepy. And whatever the issues the actor had Alaric was never written to be like that.

I can't. I love this show but that part bugs me.

08:32 UTC


Landon Character Overhaul

I feel like I’m in the camp of Landon being my favorite character but the writers dropped the ball with all his character potential. So I wanted to a little story change with the character.

Leaving a lot of season 1 intact, I’d pick up where season 2 started but instead of just getting food with Alaric; Alaric would also be training Landon sort of as the stand in for Hope, the romance with Josie can still happen but he spends most of his training and he’s a capable phoenix puts him at baseline brotherhood hunter strength.

School starts back again he’s looked at as a hero but feels like a fraud, because of his newfound he starts to bound with Jed as a replacement Raf. He also hangs out with MG as he’s the few people MG can nerd out with. His life is semi-perfect but he feels something gnawing at him, after noticing a cyclops he starts using what Alaric taught him to hunt and track it. Finding it fighting Hope and after arguing a bit, they fight together(like in 3x13 only it’s actually Landon) and they make a good team. But Landon takes a hit for Hope dying in the process and Hope defeats the Cyclops with magic while is resurrected, he doesn’t remember her so he doesn’t know she’s a part of the supernatural community and tries to not freak her out. Hope not being new to this, suggest they go get a milkshake; Landon immediately saying Hope’s signature shake not knowing why he said it, and Hopes smiling as they walk to the grill.

I just wrote the changes I’d make in the first two episodes after I realized how long a whole season would be, but definitely open to continuing.

20:41 UTC


Can I skip season 3 without confusion?

I was on here a few days ago talking about liking legacies which I didn’t expect. Now season two I liked even more until the finale. But anyways, I decided to look past it.

But season three. I CANNOT. It icked me out so bad that I stopped watching for a few days. The gremlin thing was just too much for me and we are at it since season ONE like end it please😭.

I love Cleo tho but even she couldn’t get me to continue and after Rafael went to the prison world and all that I was already not that interested anymore.

Okay I’m ranting. My question is if I can just skip it or if season 4 will be too confusing for me if I do so?

16:31 UTC


What were y’all thoughts on him playing Damon salvatore

15:32 UTC


MG is so adorable but gullible

I love MG so much but why did they write him to be so gullible? He’s always been used and I hate it. He trusts so easily and gets double crossed in the end. Someone save my boy

14:40 UTC


For some reason I can’t stop thinking about how the salvatore boarding school would’ve be cool if it was like after high but like dark theme 💀

Hear me out… I feel like it would have been so cool if the salvatore boarding school was treated as a private high educated school for supernaturals as of family history and their species is well known and seeing hope, Lizzie, mg, etc with paparazzi and school news and the drama basically if it was ACTUALLY treated like a teen show..I mean it’s literally called LEGACIES… and we barely know anything about most students family/ Legacie backgrounds we only know hope,Lizzie,Josie. for a school for all students it’s so disappointing 😭

(If it was another season they probably could’ve did that in collage as they would’ve been more mature and had character growth )

Lizzie posing for the paparazzi and catching up on the supernatural articles Hope hiding from paparazzi and interview about her famous family history while still trying to shine light on her family and still let people know everyone can change, Mg and Kaleb watching girls fan over him and other people asking about his vampire control etc

03:06 UTC

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