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I need students

Hello guys, I am a rank 7.5k mmr player and looking for players to teach. I can play all roles.
I want to teach players whose ranks are 1k-5k. Hit me up we will discuss the rate.
Add me on discord neysidney#3339 or add me in steam 400919742 <-- Friend ID


1 Comment
07:04 UTC


Dota 2 insane candyshop got arcana in 6 rolls

06:42 UTC


Last pick AM mid

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/996886540

Matchid: 7710963620

Bruh at the draft said "damn I think we need another physical carry" then last picked am....

Was this just unwinnable? Im pretty bad at laning its my biggest weakness and I was just kinda clueless abt what to do against bristleback, most times if I get handed a easy lane I will outfarm and snowball the game but in instances like this where its not an easy lane I dont know what to do

06:24 UTC


“How do i improve” posts with no dotabuff linked should be banned

There is simply nothing to critique if people don’t link their dotabuff or game ids. Most of these posts are just people being delusional “i did nothing wrong” “my team is full of griefers” etc.

05:42 UTC


How does rank placement works?

Hey Guys I've reached around 75hours of Dota in unranked to play ranked I've to get 100 hours from starting I've been been focusing on a single role (offlane) and few heroes like axe,dk,bb I want to know when I play ranked and so does everyone has to start with herald 1 or can I be placed above Herald if my skills are better if yes so can y'all suggest how do I get placed higher? Than you

05:41 UTC


Why does Pugna not work as a mid anymore like it used to?

Afaik his skill set has remained untouched for the longest time.

01:54 UTC


Can you return an arcana?

I just bought the vengeful spirit arcana thinking that it's still good as a hero. It sucks atm in my opinion vs disruptor as 5 and as 4 it doesn't work anymore like it used to.

Can I return it and get my money back?

23:15 UTC


Herald match: what could we have done better?

I'm not sure how we could end this game sooner. It was a 60min game against the most annoying hero in dota2 (bristleback). Enemy was not particularly good but we barely won. I guess it was a lucky win tbh because we could easily lose this if they pushed together just ONCE.

Some points i think that we could improve:

  1. No break against huskar or bristle. We could buy silver edge or something. Bristleback really fked us. Or at least a hex?
  2. We often got caught off guard alone
  3. Didn't push towers fast enough?!
  4. Didn't pressure enemy from farming in their lane
  5. Wasted too much time in middle for senseless fights instead of farming
  6. Maybe pick different heroes?

Second question: Also at the end i had too much gold i didn't know what i could buy. Any ideas for that also? I was clinkz and tried to push towers (often) alone and run quickly away. Was Lucky that the enemy gave us often solo kills. Also our team flamed sniper but i thought he did well?

The game: https://stratz.com/matches/7710572359

22:19 UTC


Help me pick a few heroes to focus on.

Hey, so I've got an absolutely appallingly large number of matches because I started playing in 2012~ and peaked about 2015 somewhere in the highish 3k (Legend IV/V?) but from 2016 onwards I've only played sporadically without any real intention of getting better. After blasting through my Crownfall event I'd like to change that and go into ranked with a small selection of heroes for each roll so I can focus on getting better. My dotabuff is here: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/42412354

My current thoughts (definites are bold):

Carry: Weaver, Lifestealer

Mid: TA, Zeus, Leshrac

Offlane: Razor, ???

Pos 4: Bounty, Tusk ???

Pos 5: Silencer, CM, Ogre

Flex picks I'm comfortable playing in multiple lanes: Viper, Riki

I'll be honest, I've got boomer reflexes and never been very good at microing, so Meepo/Brood/Arc/Tinker cheese is out (and to be honest doesn't really appeal to me even if I could, which I definitely can't). I'm just looking for a more experienced set of eyes to look at my hero puddle and identify areas where I'm not leaving myself adequate options and suggest useful heroes (maybe not meta specific, but serves a specific purpose in a game I can't do with current heroes). Feel free to dig through my replays/dotabuff to see if you think I'm missing anything obvious. I most likely wont try and play every role at once, I'll try and stick to a couple of positions, but it's nice to have a list to help me start.

From my own analysis I think I'm particularly reliant on either invis or global spells to make up for my lack of map awareness so I don't contribute to the team as much as I should. I'm much worse at heroes like Luna (and to a degree TA, despite playing the hero loads) who rely on hitting a timing and exploiting it than I used to be, which makes me sad because I liked Luna. This probably stems from my bad laning and poor map movements if I had to guess. These are things I'd like to improve on rather than shy away from fixing.

22:05 UTC


Confused with venge arcana

I want to get the arcana but there are three options to pick, does this mean they are sold seperately or do I unlock them after buying the arcana and get all three? I'd like to get queen imperia so I don't know now if I should wait until act 4 or can I purchase it now?? isn't this confusing?

21:40 UTC


How to itemise Abaddon ?

I have been stuck in Herald hell for far too long. My MMR is around 100. But now I plan to play abaddon only for the time being.

I need guidance on how to itemise abaddon as per different situations?

Here is my dotabuff where I have bought these items in last two games:- https://www.dotabuff.com/players/169752058/matches

I usually struggle in the lane when there are tow ranged heroes. How to counter them as well?

19:24 UTC


How come I haven't climbed despite having improved a lot?

I started out around 1k MMR, I player consistently about 2-3 games every day for 5 months, I watch youtube, I ask questions, I read threads, I implement it in my games and I can definitely feel that I am a much better dota 2 player. I never feed the matches, we never lose because I fuck up, I'm definitely a driving force towards winning in almost every match but yet I haven't climbed a bit. I've jumped from 800 to 1200 and now I'm on a losing streak back to 1k.

I'd say about 50% of matches are COMPLETELY out of my control. Either I have a DC'er, the enemy has a smurf, our draft is useless, my team has NO idea what they are doing, and it feels like no matter what I do I will not win the match. This is AT Least a factor in half my matches.

I'm kinda at the point now where I'm thinking why am I feeling that I'm a much better dota player than I was 5 months ago being new after several years of break and quite honestly sucking at the game, and yet it doesn't reflect AT ALL in my MMR?

19:10 UTC


How to increase my MMR?

I'm playing almost 4 months Dota 2 and after 100h i got herald 2 since then i didn't go up or down. I don't have friends always playing alone and ofcourse im playing like 2/3 games a day. In free time i watched alot of guides and pros playin my heroes. i love playing support but im flexible to change possition. I have patience but i do not have expierence in time how long i should be as herald 2 and guys almost every game i am in the top 3 players but because i lose alot games can't go up and i learnt to do small details good and to escape meanless death/fights. So my question is how can i get better with my MMR when almost every second or third game i lose? what to do better or maybe some tipps ?

17:10 UTC


dota2 crownfall hidden secrets 2024

1 Comment
14:01 UTC


14 days ago i posted how i lost 16 games in 20 games and wanting to know where's the problem... Now i have 1k mmr more , from 3.4k to 4.4k. AMA

So 14 days ago i was hit by a wave of griefers and overall really bad teammates and i wanted to post here to also see what you guys think cause i was going insane and thinking that maybe im just trash and dont belong at the rank i am. I fell down to 3.4k and all the games were so bad, and then when i posted here almost everyone was calling me the problem and stuff but i still felt that i wasn't , i was feeling it's just an unlucky wave and it will go away soon, which it did :D . Also doubling down the mmr helped really much too . https://www.dotabuff.com/players/162955289 here's my dotabuff for people who want to see it

12:48 UTC


Build recommendation against a lot of attack damage.

Hello everybody,

I'm pretty new to the game (54 hours) and was playing Lina for the first time. We lost and I feel like my item build was not good.
Most teamfight, I was doing alright (because I was arriving after people had blown their CD), but I still feel like I was wasting potential. I recognized that their team was heavily reliant on Attack damage, but beside building armour, I didn't know how to effectively counter them.
The last teamfight though, Juggernaut was invisible (not sure how actually, maybe a rune?) and he simply pressed R on me and I died. That was it. That was game.

So, I would be glad if you can give me some item recommendations against this team and specifically to not get killed by juggernaut without counterplay.


Edit: thanks a lot for all your insights!

11:07 UTC


Dota Required IQ Test for Matchmaking

Please Please Please

And have people with similar answers match together.

It’s a 5v4 and we have the lead:

A. Push then Rosh B. Everyone goes back to farming C. I should let my team push and I should go farm, they can handle it themselves (support) D. Perfect time to afk to get more chips and soda

08:31 UTC


Immortal gameplay

Hello guys! I need a bit of help in analyzing my friends safelane gameplay and explaining what an immortal safelaner should look like.

I have a bit of a problem that some of you may also recognize. I have a friend who has become really egoistic with ”immortal” medal and anything i say to him, turns into an argument from his behalf.

He wanted to play sniper mid, but our safelane said ”Sniper mid is bad go top i take mid with meepo”

I said to my friend do not go safelane , because you do not understand the role.

We end up horribly losing and he kept blaming the meepo for ruining his game making him be safelane. I tried telling him that ”ok i understand that it pisses u off being safelane, but there is really no excuse for immortal player to have that networth on 50min game as pos1”

Anyways, below is the dotabuff link. Could anyone explain or provide some reasonable advice that i can show him and maybe I get him to listen? In this game im rubick.



https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7708784806 Here im sand king 4 and hes phoenix 3. Again tried telling him, that even though we have a good game going on, you need to focus on how to scale. During the whole game i had more gold and xp than him and still somehow in his head i am wrong because no immortal medal.

08:00 UTC


What makes HG so powerful?

Everytime we have huge advantage in pub matches, we struggle to go hg. You really need to take down one guy then go in, otherwise it's always risky. Even in pro matches, they have 30k+ lead still hard time with hg, IG vs XG match for example, they even lost the game because of hg.

I would understand if the lead is not high, like for example 25k nw vs 35k now. You still have lead but not much so hg is powerful and you struggle to win the fight there sure that's acceptable. But why would u still lose with 30k+ lead, isn't that making hg way too powerful than it supposed to be? All the same in pubs as well like I said. We have 35 kills, controlling whole map enemy have 5 kills. Yet we trade 3 to 3 or sometimes even lose the fight. This does not happen everytime but happens often.

So what makes hg this much powerful?

07:23 UTC


7K MMR Immortal looking to help people learn!

I feel like the best way for me to continue to improve would be for me to help others! So feel free to DM me some match replays and/or any questions you have and I'd be happy to drop some notes/give feedback!

06:28 UTC


Video Replay

Hi everyone, in this game i played as AA, and the game quite even until around 40-50 minutes mark.. What should I do as AA in this kind of game? In term of itemization i think i should buy ethereal to protect my carry if he get chrono by Void.. Other input feel free to add..


Match ID 7708319376

1 Comment
03:41 UTC


Windwaker on lasso'd unit doesn't work?

So I was playing techies (match id 7708916977) and at min 38:00 I used windwaker on lasso'd ally Clinkz, but it was nowhere to be found and it went on cd.

Combat log says Clinkz gets the buff and loses it but nothing ever happened and I don't believe there was any dispel on the enemy team.

Then I tested in demo and windwaker in general doesn't work on any lasso'd hero, why is that?

I found out on google only one thing about it (https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/5951) where someone reported it as a bug and someone replied that "this is intended, Flaming Lasso overrides nearly every Forced Movement related ability, which includes Euls Scepter’s cyclone as well."

Can someone explain this to me a bit in depth, it's a bit confusing as I never seen this in dota and there is nothing said about this in tooltip, are there other examples? Also if Windwaker doesn't work on lasso'd unit, why does it go off cooldown then?.. kinda not fair.

Thank you.

01:39 UTC


Crownfall Items Trading

Hi guys ? Happy grinding. Hope you're having some good games. I would like to ask if the items from the candy caravan are ever gonna be free for trade or giftable ? Like I'm offered Eyes of Forsight which costs 23.26€ but I would only spend my candy on it if I can trade in after 1 year. Picked up a Lycan skinns and realsied non tradeable giftable. Does it stay that way or 1 year ? I asume the regular event skinsnare tradeable after 365.

Hope someone knows. Thank you for listening.

23:30 UTC


When to go midas? 7.35d


22:17 UTC


How to counter drow ranger

I play carry and I lose every game against drow ranger. She have too many damage and I dont know how to deal with it

20:48 UTC


Bounty Hunter build Confusion

Hello everyone, I recently have played a few games of bounty hunter and really enjoyed him. After boots, Phylactery and blood thorn I am lost as to what is a viable build path for him. Should I build more agility or is it better to go aghs. I know each game is a case by case basis, but I am just wondering what are the good item options for bounty is all.

19:46 UTC


Detailed analysis of all game mechanics?


Is there anywhere all of the game mechanics are detailed?

I've heard people say read the patch notes but that's almost impossible with the amount of patches.

One thing I've noticed but haven't seen explained, fir example, is free TP scrolls (could be a turbo thing)

Also with all the new map changes I'd like to know what all these new changes are.

Thanks in advance for any help.

18:51 UTC


When i should i buy the Aghanim Scepter/Benediction?

Last time i opened a thread here, you adviced a lot of interesting heroes, and i'm happy to say, that now i'm completely hooked to the game. Seriously, i tried this game 4 times and it never stood with me, but now, i simply like it too much.

I'm slowly understanding, thanks to guides and a little of improvisation, what items to buy depending on the situations i'm in. Every hero of course has it's core items, which synergyzes too well with their kits and are pratically a must have. But what about the Aghanim? It's a pretty unique item, that i never saw before in any game. It gaves you 10 points in every attributes but most important it will improve your basic abilities and in some cases (like Clinkz) it will unlock entire new abilites. In every guide i checked is almost always listed in the situational items, but i didn't manage to figure WHEN and in WHICH cases should i buy the Aghanim. Maybe it's a dumb question but there are some general advices you can give me?

18:18 UTC

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