
Photograph via //r/LandlordLove

The sub name is ironic. r/LandlordLove is a tenant-friendly space meant for posting about both the individual and systemic problems caused by landlordism or, simply put, shitty things landlords do and/or cause. Post memes, personal experiences, articles, etc. Additionally, this sub subscribes to the socialist ideal that housing is a human right.



The sub name is ironic. r/LandlordLove is a tenant-friendly space meant for posts about both the individual and systemic problems caused by landlordism or, simply put, shitty things landlords do and/or cause. Post memes, personal experiences, articles, etc. Additionally, this sub subscribes to the socialist ideal that housing is a human right.


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2. No Discrimination

This includes, but is not limited to, downward classism, racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and transphobia.

For the purpose of our sub, this also applies to tenant-bashing. This sub is for complaining about Landlords, not fellow tenants.

3. Left Unity

Leftist solidarity above all else. The development of class consciousness and communities of mutual aid should be the utmost priority of western leftists. We encourage friendly discussion of different leftist ideals on this sub, however, needless infighting and insulting will not be tolerated.

Furthermore, our subs focus is discussion of both the individual and systemic problems caused by landlordism. Debate should be good faith and kept to a minimum. Debate-bros will be banned.

4.No Landlords & No Bootlickers

This is a tenant space in which Landlords are not welcome. Bootlickers will also be banned. Landlords hold significant wealth and power in our society--they don't need you defending them. Furthermore, this sub supports housing-for-all initiatives and subscribes to the socialist ideal that housing is a human right.

5. No Trolling

No posting off-topic, inflammatory, or anti-tenant content. Do not link to reactionary troll subs in posts or comments. No bad faith or low effort arguments meant to sew discord among the working class. No trying to provoke people or starting comment wars.

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Landlord trying to give blanket notice for showings

I’m in Philadelphia PA and my landlord has been unresponsive when asked to give notice for when he shows the property. Right now he has given us a blanket notice for 6-8pm 3 nights a week, but rarely ever comes. Is that allowed? I feel like that is effecting my right to quiet enjoyment. Can I force him to give proper 24 hour notice? This has been happening since February.

15:56 UTC


Great new landlord diss track, Kay the Aquanaut - In the Name of Love


Listen until the end, Lee Reed's verse goes hard at the end, very cathartic

1 Comment
15:47 UTC


Short Term Rentals make more jobs because people who are typically doing jobs for those homes if people are living in them have a job to do for us and my profits!!!

15:35 UTC


Show some Love!

1 Comment
12:00 UTC


Landlord cut off the hot water.

I'm assuming the water heater broke but instead of fixing it the landlord does a patch job and just disconnected it. Guess I have to go shower at planet fitness now. Oh yeah and now whenever someone flushes the toilet the water pressure gets low.

07:59 UTC


Funny how landlords are refusing to take their own advice these days

23:59 UTC


T & R Properties of Dublin Ohio as of April 16, 2024 has only 123 review scores. They had 4 five star reviews posted today, which seems kinda sketchy in my opinion. Do you think these reviews are totally organic? I lived with this company and it was the worst rental experience of my life BY FAR.

23:45 UTC


Landlord wants to keep part of our deposit for 2 weeks vacancy between tenants

My bf and I lived in this unit for a little under 2 years. We signed our first year lease to start July 15, 2022 and around the time to renew we let him know that we would like to stay with tentative plans to buy a house at some point during the next year. He was chill with that and told us as long as we gave him enough notice to find a new tenant it would be fine. We closed on our house Feb 15th and gave him notice that we would like to be out April 1st. He told us we'd have to go through the 15th because our lease terms land on the 15th. That ended up being fine because we needed the extra time to move our stuff anyway. We are just finishing up cleaning everything out and yesterday he said that he's going to keep the next 2 weeks of rent from our security deposit because we broke our lease early and the new tenants lease doesn't start until May 1st. Meanwhile he's letting them start moving in their stuff next week. I went back to check the lease to see if there were any specifics about him being able to keep our deposit for something like this and realized the lease we signed for our renewal he fucked up and didn't change the date on the termination so it was for August 2023 - July 2023, so technically we haven't owed him shit since last August, let alone paying out for 2 additional weeks of vacancy that he should be using to prep for the new tenants but instead he's going on vacation and letting them move in early. We've given this guy over $25,000 and between us and our upstairs neighbors it was over $60,000 over the last 2 years on a house that he paid $118k for with zero updates over the course of our tenancy. I am just appalled at how petty he's being over keeping another $575 from us after all of that. We're also worried that he's going to try to keep more from us for scratches on the wood floor that he clearly made when moving the dishwasher that we told him needed a replacement back in October... conveniently he just got one last week. Should I bring up the lease typo to him and ask for our full deposit back? I'm worried it'll backfire and he'll just try to keep all of it.

19:20 UTC


Property Manager Lying about Lease Violation

So i rent in a 4 bedroom with three roommates, we’re all in college and have part time jobs. We move out in july so the property manager has been sending people out to ours for tours, but the house is so run down that nobody’s wanting to rent it, and the property manager is getting mad about it. Whenever people tour we’re allowed to stay in the house and answer questions, and we’ve seen over twenty tours so far which is annoying.

The latest tour was at 10am this morning, and they had asked about pet rent. The agent that was giving the tour gave a half assed answer about it depending on the vaccinations and breed and so i said how much I paid for my pet deposit; 400$. Then, the people asked my roommate how it was like living here, and she answered honestly, saying that things take a while to get fixed, but overall it isn’t bad.

Well after the tour my roommates and I received a message from the property manager (attached). The yard does need to be trimmed, but we weren’t aware of any lease violations or late payments as we have always paid everything on time. So my roommate called them and was told (by the same person that sent the message) that there were no lease violations, and there had been no late payments.

Additionally, we haven’t given any prospective tenants any false information- we’ve said how it’s been to live here and have answered any questions they’ve asked, even if it makes the house look bad for sale. Are we supposed to lie to them? Is that what the property manager is expecting?

Idk what to do about this and it feels like the property manager is just trying to find ways to keep our deposit or fine us for extra things. What should we do?

18:57 UTC


my landlords chickens are driving my family insane

yes. the titles correct. my landlord owns chickens and doesn't allow us to keep them in a coop under threat of eviction. when we first moved here, there were only 4 chickens so we didn't really care, even though they ruined our garden. fast forward a few years, we now have around 15 chickens (there will be more as one of the hens is currently laying on eggs) and we are at our limit. we can't have any kind of outside furniture or gardens because they ruin them, they regularly run into the grounds of a local high school because our YARDS ARE CONNECTED (they almost get hit by students driving daily, my friends send me photos of them) and they make everything stink. like, look, they're re hilarious and i love them. but not when they're free range like that. my landlord used to have a fenced in area for them and i know that for a FACT because i used to play golf near them in gym class, for gods sake he still has the outlines of it! the last time my mom and i asked about getting them a fence/fixing ours our landlord yelled about "wanting them to be happy" and the next day he ran over my mothers flower garden, our fruit bushes, and my younger brothers toys over with a lawnmower "accidentally". i literally feel like i'm on some form of sick, demented form of a prank show. i refuse to believe he's a real person. 😭 my family and i just want to have a nice garden man. hes at our house twice a day to check on the chickens and its genuinely maddening. he also kinda just... throws piles of seeds/random fruits in our driveway for them. it attracts all sorts of animals and i found that out the Hard Way after coming face to face with a black bear who was eating from it. he's .... somewhat chill other than that but some of the bolts in my head are slowly coming loose.

14:18 UTC


They're running homeless encampments for profit now

12:29 UTC


Landlords using AI software tools to help drive up rents

'Big-time apartment owners, it turns out, also had a secret weapon: a Texas company called RealPage, which sells software to property managers to help them set rents and juice their profits. Its algorithm tells landlords exactly how much rent they should charge for units in their buildings, based on a potent mix of both public and nonpublic data that property owners supply to the company.

RealPage openly brags about its ability to help clients "outpace the market in good times and bad." In a new lawsuit against the company, Kris Mayes, Arizona's attorney general, offered a translation: "'Outpace' is code for charging higher prices than what would be charged in a market untainted by collusion," the complaint reads. "This is price fixing, and it is illegal."

The lawsuit is one of dozens that accuse RealPage of operating a vast conspiracy to overcharge renters via its prized algorithm. Critics say the cooperation between RealPage and apartment managers has emboldened landlords to raise prices even if it means more units are left empty when tenants are forced to leave. Without RealPage, the plaintiffs argue, landlords would be hesitant to jack up rents; instead, they'd focus on keeping their buildings full.

The cases offer a revealing glimpse at how corporate apartment owners rely on technology to wring every last dollar out of tenants, who often have little idea how their rents are calculated or why a double-digit annual percentage increase is justified. But a win for the plaintiffs is far from guaranteed. Without hard evidence of shady dealings in a smoke-filled backroom, they'll likely have to prove that use of the algorithm, and the cooperation it facilitated among apartment-owning competitors, unfairly pushed up prices and ultimately did more harm than good.'

Full article: https://www.businessinsider.com/apartment-rent-increases-landlords-antitrust-lawsuits-real-estate-software-realpage-2024-4

05:45 UTC


Question for private landlords

I’m about to move into an apartment owned by a person and not a company. I want to update the lighting fixtures in the home and am happy to pay someone to install them! Would you be offended or have any issues letting a tenant do that? I have only rented from companies in the past and I want to make sure I’m not overstepping any boundaries I’m not aware of!

06:30 UTC


Late for Aprils rent

I am late for April’s rent and I am afraid about what my landlord might do. My wife and I rent a house and I have heard that landlords have different rights when it’s a house compared to an apartment. We have actually never met him and we have been here since mid December. He is very dishonest as well. He claimed the realtors told us about this window needing to be replaced and a different window needing to be repaired. (They told us no such thing.) He has texted me about being late twice so far. I am just afraid he might do something insane and illegal like try to lock us out or threaten us. I won’t be able to get the rent money for at least another week unfortunately. Any advice or insight is appreciated, thank you!

06:19 UTC


$600 to share a 1-br apt with 3 other people.. but hey at least you get your own casket to sleep in

21:40 UTC


How can I proceed with my landlord regarding obtaining security deposit?

I currently have an illegal room lease in a house with my landlord, I paid 1st month rent, last month rent, and the security deposit at initial signing. The last month of rent is determined upon when I notify him that I would be leaving with a 1-month notice. I notified him that I would be leaving March 10, 2024, but he is pro-rating me for the month for the month of April and asking $275 when I pay $600 each month for rent. He said that the security deposit consists of 2 months of rent and that he was not given the last month of rent at initial signing.

He stated that he would write me check for the security deposit within 1 month to determine if any deductions need to be taken from the deposit and states that I have to pay him in cash as per the contract. He also will not provide me an additional copy of the contract because he said I was provided one at the initial signing.

In addition, he calculates the utility cost by charging a specific renter $75 each month and just rotates who pays that $75 each month.

How do I proceed with additionally explaining that I already paid the last month of rent in the beginning and that I should not have to pay him rent for the month of April? (He disagreed with me during our first interaction).

Do I have legal power to leverage against him since it is an illegal room rental and does not meet minimum size requirements?

*This is on Long Island, NY and I have stayed there for approximately 2 years.

*He initially was evicting me because I broke the contract rules of leaving clean dishes on the kitchen countertop and heaving a guest over. I then decided to find another place due to all the rules he has in the contract.

12:50 UTC


Water pressure issues slumlord dragging feet doesnt consider it

A emergency and basically anything that is needed they refuse to care etc


1 Comment
22:52 UTC

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