Fun gun memes for fun gun people.
2) No Reposts - Feel free to cross-post from another sub but scan the recent posts and see if what you're posting has already been posted. This includes just copying another meme and repackaging it. This also includes reposting your own meme because you "made it on GMR." It’s ok for “classic” memes to be reposted once in a while but over-posted memes will be removed. Using Reddit's Cross-Post function is highly encouraged because it will tell you if a post has already been cross-posted but it is not fool-proof.
3) Be Civil - Attack the idea, not the user. If someone is being a troll don't engage, report. This includes trolling other subs. Posts of getting banned from other subs and “ban racing” are not allowed. No racist, homophobic, or general discriminitory posts/comments are allowed. Political parties are not an identity and are thus not protected under this rule, but don’t be an ass.
4) No Promoting Violence - No advocating for violence against others and no dehumanization. Nothing targeted. Also all posts including the name or face of a mass murderer will be removed to prevent their "glorification".
5) No Nefarious or Illegal Activity - No illegal activity or planning of any illegal activity. No doxxing, defaming, intentional spreading of false information. Remove other user's names from posts.
6) No Spam - No spamming or advertising. If you want to let people know about a good deal, go over to r/gundeals. This rule also applies to troll posts and karma-whoring. If your post involves a t-shirt or other apparel, your post will be removed and you will probably be banned immediately as a spam account. If this was in error, message the mods through modmail.
7) No Low Effort Posts - A minimum amount of effort needs to go into posts. Memes must be standalone, meaning the sole joke shouldn’t be in the title of the post. However, not all posts require words to be considered memes. The most common example of this would be “Cursed Gun Images.” Video game guns or guns from ‘gun builder’ programs are not “Cursed Gun Images”. They will be removed. Screenshots of Reddit Comments are also out. We also shouldn’t know what your battery level was when you stole the meme. Crop
8) Limit posts to 2-3 a day - No post dumping. Multiple memes in a single post only count as one post however. But if any of those images violate sub rules, the entire post will be removed.
9) Mod Discretion - The rules are not all-encompassing. Mods reserve the right to remove posts to maintain the integrity of the sub as they see fit.
10) Minimum Karma/Account Age Required - We require a minimum Karma limit of 1 and a minimum account age of 5 days. This is in place to filter out spam accounts, trolls, and ban evaders. There will be no exceptions to this rule so don't ask.
11) Follow Reddit’s Site Rules - Follow all rules found here: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy
12) No Boog Content - We're trying to keep this sub from getting banned. If it gets too spicy, Reddit will make it go away. So for now, no Boog content. This includes any variations like CWSQ or comments related to them. This also includes mentioning it in the comments.