Who wants to watch some Who? Weekly episode discussions, Whoniverse nitpicking, and general nerdiness. Join us!
Each week, a new posts is created for discussion of the latest episode: it will contain links to each episode, and to the BBC Episode Guide.
Please feel free to make your own more specific discussion posts.
Thanks to /u/TheMechanoids for subreddit logo (inspired by titles of the episode under discussion), and /u/DuncanPS and /u/jdp407 for incorporating it into the CSS
No discussing of or specific references to episodes we have not watched yet in the stickied thread. Many people here will be watching these stories for the first time, and won't expect to run into spoilers in the main discussion. Reference to previously watched episodes and doctors are absolutely encouraged though.
It is not appropriate to post gifs or images unless they directly concern the content of this sub. YouTube clips are fine if they are a review or discussion of the particular story we are discussing.
Please try to keep things civil!
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Holy crap! Is that even more Doctor Who?!
Who Back When - A podcast hosted by our very own /u/Leonponken in which they talk about the classics
Sidebar art by Matt Ferguson
Flairs by Carnivac
I’ve never been able to find an online place for me to easily access Classic Who and here it is!!! Y’all are amazing
Starting with the 3th doctor’s first story ‘spearhead from space’ With every sunday from that day on a discussion post about the weekly episode.
Join us in our journey across time!
if we would somehow revive this sub and go trough classic who again, what would your ideas be? Would we start from the very beginning again or start from the third doctor?
I'd love to hear ideas and maybe volunteers who'd love to help revive this sub!
In case anyone arrives here after the fact, we did watch through the entire run of classic Who. If you look through the sub history you will find all the episodes that can be presented in any form although the links may decay in time. The most recent posts are a second run that was started but didn't progress beyond series two.
the rescue part 1 and 2
[episode 2] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBbVJKM2J1aXhhMXM/edit)
the dalek invasion of earth episodes 4-6
[episode 5] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBdkxGS2RTVnpHc1E/edit)
[episode 6] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBVUVHZlJfY2tRdlU/edit)
The dalek invasion of earth episodes 1-3
[episode 2] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBTEtKelcwSFdsWGc/edit)
[episode 3] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBVGQ1ZkU5T3cwdVE/edit)
It's been well over a week since Planet of the Giants. I'm already two thirds of the way through this story and it's one of the best so far. What's taking so long?
My gosh, I'm so sorry everyone, I thought the daily discussion posted, but it didn't and I have been incredibly busy, so I was just going to log in today to post this week's and then I realised. So, so sorry everyone!
The guard left the keys, but instead of unlocking the door right away, he just took the key for his cell and waited 'till later to unlock it. Why?
planet of giants
[episode 2] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBbjJoRENSU0lCLU0/edit)
[episode 3] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBdTAtRk9aWGNBU0E/edit)
I ask because r/gallifrey is going to be rewatching each Doctor's first, last, and best story. The Tenth Planet will be on December 16, so I was wondering if that would line up with when we'll be watching it.
So sorry guys! I had them all ready but I forgot to edit the post! Here are the questions for The Sensorites
The Sensorites were bulbous-headed telepathic creatures…
What did you think of the Sensorites, and how do you think they would fit in the new series?
How frightening were the Sensorites for you?
The Ood were based of the Sensorites! Which design is better-looking?
Furthermore, the Ood Sphere and the Sense Sphere are in the same star system. Do you think that they are relatives or evolutions?
The story was set in six parts! Would you extend or shorten the story?
the reign of terror part 1, 2 and 3
[episode 2] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBYkhlclcwaXk0YTQ/edit)
[episode 3] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBN3UwTkdQYUh3MDg/edit)
I’ll post the discussion questions later today after I have finished watching so that they are more relevant!
We are limited from the get-go by the number of subscribers, but if they were active enough, we could still get good discussions. Should we add discussion questions?
the sensorites part 1, 2 and 3
[BBC episode details] (http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/episodeguide/sensorites/detail.shtml)
[episode 2] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBSUhYVmVYQmo4REE/edit)
[episode 3] (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4KdUA49ObIBUmxzTjUzZWZ6MGM/edit)
fun facts
In episode one, as the Doctor ponders 'or to kill us?' the camera hits the desk in front of him.
In episode two, the Sensorites stand on each other's feet.
I know i'm a bit late with this but I really think the voord would be a really cool enemy to include in new who. They are really creepy and mysterious enough. And i would Love to learn more about the voord and marinus.