A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating to general fitness; with an emphasis on barbell & dumbbell lifting, as well as calisthenics (bodyweight movements).
Welcome to /r/GYM, a community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating to general fitness; with an emphasis on barbell & dumbbell lifting, as well as calisthenics (bodyweight movements).
You can share a gym PR, request feedback on a lift, post your progress and ask any gym-related questions. Remember to click that subscribe button!
You should refer to the complete rules for further reading.
Rule 1: No Selfies.
Rule 2: Be civil and respectful to other redditors using this sub.
Rule 3: No Self Promotion.
Rule 4: No Program revising.
Rule 5: No Natty Policing.
Rule 6: This is a SFW Sub.
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Rule 8: Don't be whiney.
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Rule 10: Do not make posts asking if a particular lift is good for your age, gender etc.
Rule 11: For your own safety and getting good advice, don't ask for or offer DMs for specific subjects.
Related Subreddits:
Fitness - For discussion of fitness goals and how they can be achieved. Ask in the Daily Questions Thread.
Bodyweight Fitness - Calisthenics-centered training. A Recommended Routine can be found in their WIKI.
Lose It - Whether you need to lose only 2 lbs or 200 lbs, you are welcome here!
Gain It - For those trying to bulk up. How to eat to prioritize Lean Body Mass gain.
Progress Pics - This is the subreddit to post your awesome before/after pictures.
Eat Cheap & Healthy - A subreddit for eating healthy while on a cheap budget.
HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training
Hey guys, I just switched from PF to a real gym and want to make sure my bench form is correct.
in the video, I use the first grip for almost all my bench sets. Multiple people have told me to use the second wider grip.
any tips would be helpful!
New rep PR, who would’ve known eating more food means more reps
I let out the longest fart on this attempt but i think my friend motivating me covered it. Also id appreciate any tips
On the second note, I've seen people tell me "just pull yourself up and the scaps will take care of themselves" and I've also seen people say "try to pull your scapulas first and the rest of the pullup, that way you will engage more back muscles"
Though actively pulling the scaps first, makes them more difficult, I don't know if it's any helpful or not
Hello I’m not new to the gym but have always walked past this machine not knowing what it is. Can anyone help me out? What is this?
Quick question gotta ask if my form is good btw I used closer grip because I wanted to be triceps dominant
I would gladly take advices on this exercice I would like to progress on it. Should I stay in the 4-6 rep range ? How about the carryover to the bench ?
Right quad had some annoying pain during warm-up but glad everything moved well.
I have nothing to say right now
“It’s strange…Such a little thing. In the end It all comes down to one little thing” -Nicole Brennan
Hoping for a 60kg Christmas miracle, but here’s a smaller weight for now.
Was buzzing the rest of my session lol it's such a silly pursuit chasing arbitrary numbers but as a milestone I feel like I have hit a good one. Wishing everyone a happy festive season 💪🏻☺️✌🏻
it’s not much and there’s lots of form breakdown, but it’s nice to hit a new pr after a devastating couple of days
Learning this movement sucks lol. Attempted it last ye@r but ended up power cleaning in comp as I didn't get the hang of it. Picking it up again but it's really not my cup of tea, this is the heaviest I've done successfully though.