Every mods of /r/GMOMyths are either shills or highly mentally disturbed - u/They_Wont
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Welcome to /r/GMOMyths! This is where anyone can point out how uninformed the average interweb denzian is about biotechnology, farming, Bayer or other basic science facts. Sit back, relax, cook yourself a batch of GMO popcorn and enjoy the ramblings of the misinformed!
Submit glaring inaccuracies of GMOs, Biotechnology, Bayer, farming/agriculture from either Reddit or any website. Remember that no matter what you actually know accusations will be made that you work for an agribusiness giant.
“Every mods of /r/GMOMyths are either shills or highly mentally disturbed” - u/They_Wont
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What are GMOs?
Why? Why do we need them?!
Are there health risks associated with GMOs?
GMOs are not safe and cause liver/kidney/brain/stomach/intestinal/whatever damage.
Bayer has a monopoly on the seed market.
RoundUp is Agent Orange
RoundUp is super toxic
Patenting seed is bad
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I have a science projest on genetically modified squash plants and there's one question on if modifying a squash will affect it's nutritional value and I cannot find the answer on any websites (yes i know how the question was worded weirdly)
I have struggled with my digestion. I know if I avoid corn syrup I remain well. I also struggle with some coffee, some popcorn and some chocolate. My physician listed my allergy as GMO. But I don't understand why? Why would my system react so negativity to GMO. Are there GMO chocolates and coffees? Anyone else experiencing this? Anything insights?
Is EWG data credible when it comes to food and the score they give??
I just watched an eleven year old Youtube video entitled GMO Foods: Safe to Eat? Playing God? It was almost entirely favorable to genetic engineering in agriculture, and it knocks down a few of the myths.
There was one myth I had never heard of before, about a startup company called Epicyte, which was said to have patented a gene that lets a plant or animal produce an antibody to human sperm, and which was developing a drug to make human beings sterile, and that Monsanto and Dupont had formed a partnership to purchase Epicyte and promote that drug. It was supposedly put into corn.
It shows up very close to the end of the video, at 35:40.
I came upon a YouTube video by Annette Reeder, about two years ago, and another just a few days ago. Both were about GMO food, both described very negatively, but as you might expect, her objections were mixed with religious beliefs about what God meant for us to be eating.
But in both videos, and in a third that I found afterward, she claims that there is a genetically modified salmon which was given a gene from a mosquito, so that it could live in ponds. I was pretty sure that there was no such salmon, but I used the comment section of YouTube to ask if she could tell me where that claim came from. And she was nice enough to answer, giving me the name of her source, Dr. Richard Brouse, a biochemical wellness coach and a retired chiropractic physician. She said she would ask him, but she never got back to me. I emailed Dr. Brouse and never got an answer. To skip right to the mosquito salmon, go to 1:47. Right after the salmon, there's the obligatory hypodermic syringe injecting an apple.
Is NHP's Purple Tomato related to the "Purple Galaxy"?
We have received many questions about the purple tomato marketed by Baker Creek as “Purple Galaxy” in their 2024 catalogs. We understand from Baker Creek that they will not be selling seeds of this variety. Given its remarkable similarity to our purple tomato, we prompted Baker Creek to investigate their claim that Purple Galaxy was non-GMO. We are told that laboratory testing determined that it is, in fact, bioengineered (GMO). This result supports the fact that the only reported way to produce a purple-fleshed tomato rich in anthocyanin antioxidants is with Norfolk’s patented technology. We appreciate that Baker Creek tested their material, and after discovering it was a GMO, removed it from their website.
Hello, I am a high school student in need of responses for my google form for capstone research, please, if you have time, take part in my survey. Your response is anonymous and there is always an answer to not respond to an answer you are uncomfortable with.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
This account poses as educational, but the presenter, Barbara Swanson (Nutrition Consultant and Author) is so confused that she mixes one myth with another as if they are the same thing. Example - the tomato with a fish gene and the Flavr Savr tomato are treated as one GMO event. A gene gun is mixed up with CRISPR, she mixes up herbicide resistance with Bt, and thinks that GMO rice is a Bt crop, etc.
At 2:15 she actually says that high fructose corn syrup is made from GMO sugar beets.
I saw this youtube video with the whole anti-GMO rhetoric squeezed in. The teaser was that if you watched enough of the video you would be told which GMO food is the worst, they all being bad, for diabetics.
I skipped ahead and it was sugar beets. Now how hard would a diabetic have to work to avoid sugar beets. Nobody eats sugar beets. They are used only by sugar companies to extract sugar, which is identical to sugar from non-GMO sugar beets, or GMO or non GMO sugar cane. I think every diabetic person knows how to manage his sugar intake, but should know that all kinds of sucrose are the same.
It was also intriguing to see the endless arrays of hypodermic syringes, which must be very familiar to many diabetic patients, but not injecting fruits.