/r/facepalm - please sir can I have some more?
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Redacting is easy with MSPaint!
Somewhat harder in android, using Photo Editor.
Plug-ins and Apps
This chrome add on allows you to take snapshots of facebook statuses, anonymize them, and upload them to imgur.
Social Fixer supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. It has similar functions to Status Snapper, asides from the automatic snapshot/upload. Please note while using Social fixer, that if you use the pseudonames, your post will be removed.
See all of the /r/facepalm submissions, formatted as a gallery.
Why is the non-elected billionaire seriously having any say in this?
This is hilarious lol
No offense to womans in this ofc
Have you seriously never looked at a website from another country before?
With all these house bills rolling in I couldn't help but have a feeling of de ja vu.
Supportive article: https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-government-young-engineers/
More in depth info at r slash somethingiswrong2024