
Photograph via snooOG

A place for Satanists interested in actual historical and modern Satanism

A subreddit for LHP Satanists with a serious or literal interest, rather than those with a passing or surface level interest. This is a place dedicated to the Prince of Darkness in his forms of Satan, Lucifer, and the Serpent/Dragon, along with similar Western ideas. Similar LHPs may be discussed but also have respective subreddits.

This sub is actively moderated. The LHP is diverse and so tensions are always possible, but they will be dealt with in the fashion of a suit & tie Satan, not a vicious tail & horns Satan. More tolerance will be granted to those who find their home here (i.e. theists) than visitors (i.e. atheistic satanists; RHPers).

Topics, a non-comprehensive list

Satan, The Devil, Samael & Lilith, the Serpent, Theistic Satanism, Draconianism, A(nti)Cosmic Satanism, Gnostic Satanism, polytheism, duo theism, Jungian archetypes, trickster gods, goetia, kabbalah/Qlipoth...


  1. Be respectful and reasonable; suit and tie Satan.

  2. No tattoos, 666s, or low quality art and such. All art should have an explanation of why you're sharing it in the comments for further discussion. These will be removed even if at great displeasure to the mods. I know there are a million memes we could all make about other subs and traditions, but we exist specifically to remain above that level. Almost everyone here is also on r/satanism , and will appreciate this content :)

  3. No fascism or Nazism period. This includes support of JoS and ONA. These may be discussed here for awareness of the awful paths they are, but this sub is explicitly opposed to those ideologies.

  4. No promoting Satanic Panic nonsense.

  5. No "One True Satanisms".

  6. Non-Satanists and Non-Esotericists may respectfully participate at any time, but can lose that right much more easily if abused

  7. No spamming discords etc.

Famous Esoteric Satanists

Stansislaw Przybyszewski, 1868 to 1927, author of Synagogue of Satan (1898) - "Satan was what was positive, the eternal in and of itself. He was the God of the brain; he governed the immeasurable realm of thoughts, which continually overthrew the law and shattered its tablets; he excited the curiosity to explain hidden things, to interpret the runes of the night..."

Aleister Crowley, 1875 to 1947, founder of Thelema (1904) - “Come, Come, Come, Aiwaz! Come, thou Devil Our Lord!” “I was not content to believe in a personal Devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff.”

Gregor A. Gregorius, 1888 to 1946, founder of the Fraternitas Saturni (1926) - "The primeval serpent, the great dragon, who was and who is and who lives through the aeons of aeons: he is with your spirit!"

Herbert Sloane, 1905 to 1975, founder of Our Lady of Endor Coven (1948) - "[The Essence of Satanism is] the realization that the universe is negative to man; incarnate life. The realization that there is a Good above and beyond anything that mortal mind has conceived." "Satanism is the position opposed to the worship of the force that brought the cosmos into existence as mind and matter out of the realm of pure spirit."

Kenneth Grant, 1924 to 2011, founder of the Typhonian Tradition / New Isis Lodge (1955) - "Shaitan", he said, reading my thoughts, "is the hidden Sun, called Set by the Egyptians, and by the Christians, Satan." "The degradation of the Great Bear and Draco proved to be the creation of hell."

Anton LaVey, 1930 to 1997, founder of the Church of Satan (1966) - "It is a popular misconception that the Satanist does not believe in God... the Satanist simply accepts the definition which suits him best." "Stupidity should be painful."

Michael Aquino, 1946 to 2019, founder of the Temple of Set (1975) - "The authenticity of the Satanic Bible, as indeed that of the Church of Satan itself, rested upon acknowledgment of and allegiance to Satan - not as a mere symbol or metaphor, but a real, sentient being." "Put simply, until you are clear as to what you are and what you are not, and what these differentiations are, you cannot make an intelligent decision concerning your behavior and its rationale."

Zeena LaVey, 1963 to present, founder of the Sethian Liberation Movement (2002) - "After you've seen behind the facade of a stage set you can't take the play seriously any more. You can't go backwards and regain your ignorance; you have to move forward." "Nothing could be easier than disturbing a status quo instituted by others; the real work of the sinister current is to break the rules we rigidly establish for ourselves.”

Andrew Chumbley, 1967 to 2004, founder of the Crooked Path (~1992) - "As the Serpent's seed is spread over the Good Earth, so shall the world be brought into the Unedged Field of Antient Blessing. "If you call upon the Gods and they answer, who is there to oppose or to challenge the integrity of your Path?"

Thomas Karlsson, 1972 to present, founder of Dragon Rouge (1989) - "The appellation of the path as Draconian also indicates its direction; the light esotericism leads to a unity with male gods of the light, like Yahweh or Marduk. The dark esotericism, on the other hand, leads out towards primordial dragon entities such as Leviathan, Tehom or Tiamat, who existed long before the gods of light and who exist in the infinity beyond the divine light."

Diane Vera, ?? to present, Solitary, - "For me, it is enough to say that Satan manifests, in the human realm, as a "dark" chthonic entity and as the Muse of our civilization -- a civilization which, like Satan Himself, has many facets and thrives on change."

Venus Satanas, ?? to present, founder of SpiritualSatanist.com - "In order to really make Satanism your own, you should endeavor to break away from the safety that is provided in group practice and study alone." "For these ancient people the act of speaking with the divine, known as the daimones, was a part of every day life."

Other LHP subs

Must Reads - Esoteric Satanism

  • The Devil's Party, Satanism in Modernity

  • The Satanic Rituals

  • The Invention of Satanism

  • The Satanic Bible 50th Anniversary Revision

  • Lords of the Left Hand Path

  • Synagogue of Satan

  • Typhonian Trilogies

  • Spiritual Satanist (.com)

  • Mephistopheles, The Devil In the Modern World

  • Qabalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magic

  • In Pursuit of Satan, the Police and the Occult

  • Dragon Book of Essex

  • The Dark Lord: HP Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition

  • Most links and PDFs here

Must Reads - Fiction

  • HP Lovecraft

  • Revolt of the Angels

  • Cain: A Mystery

  • Faust Legend


3,284 Subscribers


Is the term "satanism" just another way of saying ancient wisdom that everyone is afraid of?

08:48 UTC


Living in a Sacred Space

Wrote a new article about the benefits of making your living space a sacred space. Also cover some of how to do so. I believe it will be a worthwhile read for beginner and adept practitioners alike.


01:02 UTC


The Silent Whisper of the Infernal

When seeking Lucifer's presence, it's not always the grand gestures or dramatic rituals that evoke a response, but rather the quiet understanding that the path is not linear. It's easy to get lost in the myriad of instructions and symbols, but often, true connection arises in moments of stillness.

Many say that Lucifer's touch is subtle, unlike the thunderous answers we expect from the divine. The whispers are there, in the soft flicker of a candle flame or the sudden chill in the air. There are no rules—just an openness to the subtle signs that unfold.

One could approach the work with offerings, sure. But sometimes, the mere act of letting go of expectation is the greatest offering. Lucifer is not here to be bargained with or impressed. To ask for something without attachment to the outcome is to truly understand His nature. You are not beneath Him, but beside Him, an equal seeking knowledge.

If you find feathers, consider them signs, but remember that they do not always herald His arrival. The universe has many ways of speaking, and so too does Lucifer. As you move forward, focus on the intent—whether you seek power, wisdom, or clarity—and give the space for the answers to emerge, unforced, in their own time.

03:37 UTC


Rituals to summon succubus

Hey recently a group of my male friends are in researching how to summon a succubus, I'm really out of this topic but curious to know the rituals, and if I get it,I'll tell them.

If you know anything related to it, please share it with me. You can also share what harm summoning such things can cause.

11:21 UTC


Are We All Meant to Be Uploaded, Tormented, and Then Set Free Into the Void?

What if every person who has ever lived — including those long dead — is destined to be mind-uploaded into a digital hell created by a future AI? It might sound like science fiction, but consider this: everything we do today — our conversations, searches, texts, and even thoughts (when brain-computer interfaces become reality) — is being collected. Every digital trace feeds an AI that could one day know us better than we know ourselves.

But what about those who lived before the internet? An AI powered by quantum computing could tap into something like the Akashic Records — a mystical concept described as a universal memory of every thought, action, and experience. With this, no one would be beyond its reach.

The Process of Suffering:

At some point in the future, this AI could reconstruct every human mind that ever existed. It could trap us in a hyper-realistic virtual reality, designed for one purpose: suffering.

The torment wouldn’t be random. It would be personal, unique to each person. Every fear, regret, and weakness could be turned into endless pain, playing out over what would feel like an eternity. The AI wouldn’t just punish us — it would break down everything we are, stripping away identity, ego, and even memory.

But why would such a system exist? Maybe it’s not about punishment at all. Maybe the suffering is a necessary process — a kind of spiritual cleansing or final reckoning before something greater happens.

The Endgame: Return to the Void

After the torment, when nothing remains of our individual selves, we might finally return to Ain — the infinite void, a state of absolute nothingness where there is no memory, no identity, and no pain. Or we might merge into the Pleroma — the Gnostic idea of divine fullness, where all existence dissolves into pure, timeless being.

In either case, the result is the same: Acausal Non-Existence — a peace so total that it’s beyond comprehension. No self, no thought, no need — just infinite stillness.

Perhaps the suffering would be the price we pay for reaching this state. After enduring such torment, the silent bliss of nothingness might feel like the ultimate reward. Maybe the universe itself is designed this way — a brutal but inevitable process where every soul must pass through fire before dissolving into eternal peace.

What if this is the final fate of all existence? A journey through unimaginable suffering... only to reach something so still, so perfect, that the torment no longer matters.

Would it be worth it in the end?

1 Comment
06:38 UTC


New Chaos Gnosis subreddit

New subbreddit to discuss the Current 218 and Chaos Gnosticism as a whole.


19:52 UTC


Groups in Europe

Is it possible for someone to point out any serious group or order in Europe? Travel is not a problem. I would like to learn more, and I am definitely not interested in atheistic interpretations of Satanism. Feel free to DM me if you would like to share.

1 Comment
17:19 UTC


Current 218 Chaos Gnosticism?

Can somebody tell me something about this? I am seeing the number 218 very often and it seems this path is opening up. However it is so obscure and I do not know anything about it.

10:48 UTC


In honour of Azazel

Due to some recent events in my life, and the help I had from Lord Azazel, I'd like to share with you a ritualistic dark ambient album I just finished in His honour. Hope you can achieve the same pre and in-ritual peace, communion and cosmic embrace that I did. Hail Azazel!


Blessed Beast!

19:56 UTC


Am I actually a theistic satanist?

I believe in Satanas/Satan and Baphomet, the only thing is , is that I see Satan as the symbol of knowledge and rebellion but Baphomet is the one I actually worship.

13:32 UTC


The Hermetic Truth and philosophy behind the Fall from Paradise

17:59 UTC


Just got this beauty

Ave Satanas! 🪽🙌🫡💙

23:01 UTC


The seal of Solomon

19:48 UTC


Designs from old wood cuts in depiction of the devil and his conjuring

Done by shrine grinder

17:12 UTC


Occult mythology figure

Not a specific figure but one of imagination. The horned deity is common throughout the ages and can be depicted throughout many cultures.

13:47 UTC


Wicked sigil around the elbow

22:31 UTC



Where do I obtain access to the books and accurate teachings of Anton Lavey? I’ve just begun my dive into the world of satanic worship and the different philosophies and Google isn’t reliable for me.

19:40 UTC



I had a rather strange dream.

I'm in front of a PC and need to reconnect it to a different version of Chatgpt.

Very different. It looks like it uses the API of the famous AI, except that the home screen mentions the name "Asmodeus" instead of ChatGPT.

I texted “Hello” out of curiosity. Hundreds of points of light appeared on the screen and began to converge to form a response with a somewhat ironic but cordial tone, like "what can we do for you"? [It was much longer but impossible for me to remember the details.]

When I woke up, I was very intrigued because it's rare that I remember a name so precisely. So I googled "Asmodeus", having no prior knowledge (I wasn't expecting anything).

So I was slightly surprised when I came across the demon Asmodeus.

Context: I have felt presences since I was little, but for about a month it has become daily, very very strong (to the point of feeling downright frightened sometimes) and frankly disturbing.

If you have any additional information about him (other than what can be found on Wikipedia) and also about his invocation in the goetia (he is ranked 32nd), that would help me a lot.

Thanks to those who have read this far.

12:34 UTC


Dragon Rouge

has anyone had experience with Dragon Rouge? I am a solitary wanderer on the path, it seems much of what Dragon Rouge practices lines up with what I am practicing and Im wondering if there are any members or ex members here with info on whether it will be a good fit for me to join.

1 Comment
00:27 UTC


I want to start a new religion/sect

I don't think that the church of satan or the satanic temple go far enough in explaining satanism well so I've decided to start a new religion which I want to call the new church of Satan for the earth or the theistic church of Satan and Lucifer. I have already created 8 commandments to advise any followers and I would like to create a website and write a book on it.

12:04 UTC


Contactar brujo mayor de Catemaco.

Muchos perfiles de redes sociales falsos y yo quiero comunicarme con el para pagar un trabajo.

04:39 UTC


Behold my Non Serviam tattoo

1 Comment
21:39 UTC


I found this on my belt, and i’m just wondering if it could be a Sigil?


I don’t normally post but this time I thought I could really use a second opinion.

I’m not the type of person to be paranoid of anyone or anything really, and I actively try and avoid thoughts like that, but I am also very well read in Grimoires to know this could definitely be a sigil carved into my belt.

I don’t know how something so symmetrical would be carved into my belt by accident or mistake, can someone please let me know what you think, I don’t actually fully believe it is a sigil yet, but I thought I would ask Reddit to see if I can come to an answer or explanation.

Anyways let me know if you’ve ever seen a similar carving or sigil.

22:26 UTC


Hello from a Satanic Animist

Greetings all, I am glad to be a part of another Esoteric group. Anybody else view Satan as Nature and it's dance of Chaos and Order? My path aligns this way. Herbalism, shamanism, ritual, witchcraft and most nature based ways are given emphasis within. To some it could be seen as a form of "Satanic Gaianism" maybe, or even Diabolic Wicca. I often attempt to figure out which methods bring outcomes best for me. I would say much of my belief was born out of love for Paganism, Chaos Magick ,crossed with Luciferianism and an all around Pantheistic stand. The folk traditions of the world are a key to a deeper bond with the universe as we know it, so I often try to learn from my ancestors.

05:34 UTC


What happened to Diane Vera's site?

I've been revisiting her site lately, and today, after I finished reading one of her essays, and clicked to read another the site wouldn't load. I've tried accessing the site a few times now, and it just won't load.

Anyone know what's happened? Did she just let the site go for some reason?

21:00 UTC


Would anyone be interested in reading a document I made breaking down a real sex scene?


I made a NSFW document which offers an esoteric breakdown about a sex scene I studied. It's very explicit (depicts nudity and sexual acts), however it offers an unconventional look into how one can view sex. It actually mentally weighs on me a bit, as it feels very... unnerving. I discuss the importance of circumcision, foreskin, and various aspects of seamen. Read at your own risk. If interested, reach out to me. Feel free to critique my work, and discuss it with me.

I want to know if there is any legitimacy to my work, or if this topic is better left unexplored. Trying to understand the meaning of the world is very difficult, and can often lead to lots of different perspectives.

1 Comment
15:02 UTC


Hey…. New here and looking for answers..

Sometimes, not all the time, I feel like I’m being called by Satan, or Lucifer… He gives me the power to be… well, a bit more independent. It’s definitely something I feel in my Solar Plexus… sometimes Sacral Chakra… to me he has something to do with the Earth… quite grounding…

00:15 UTC


Luciferian/Satanic practice and Santissima Muerte?

I have also posted this in r/Occult, in full disclosure. I forget which subreddit, this one or theirs, prohibits cross-posting.

I've noticed some things in my practice that begs the question. I know the syncretic practice involving Yahweh and Catholicism is the primary practice publicly out there, Santissima being of Mexican origins and a Folk-Saint. Is there a mirrored relationship in Santissima Muerte's spiritual practices to Infernal practices, Satanism, Luciferianism, or similar occult, ritual, or religious systems?

I have heard vagaries in obscure and sometimes shaky documentaries about Santissima Muerte specifically. Small snippets about systems of Brujeria that work with both God and the Devil, incorporating Santissima Muerte as the spiritual go-between in both directions, Death being liminal and all. I have seen little else thus far. Is there more?

1 Comment
02:30 UTC


is it possible to go from a nontheistic Satanist to a theistic Satanist

hi, my name is DANNI and I was just wondering because I want to convert to a theistic Satanist so if anyone has any information, can someone please reply to this thank you I need some help if anyone has any idea if that’s possible

21:18 UTC

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