A place to post SFW pictures of ourselves.
This is a subreddit for SFW pictures only. NSFW (Nudity, lingerie, your butt, your underboob, etc) pictures WILL be removed. If you wouldn't want it to pop up when your boss was walking by, it probably doesn't belong here. Post in /r/dykesgonewild instead!
Submissions MUST contain your face (Your foot, your tattoo, your phone covering your face, etc) do not fit here, even if said foot or tattoo is attached to a dyke.
Submissions must be of just you, not you and your girlfriend, not you and a famous person, etc. Public spaces with others in frame and pictures of you with your pets are of course allowed.
No advertisements, no self-promotion, no memes. Accounts focused on promoting onlyfans via copious NSFW posting fall under this rule and are also not allowed.
Please be civil and kind, any posts or comments that are offensive or hostile will be removed and continued hostility will result in a ban. Disagreements are allowed, but as soon as it turns hostile it will be removed. Any trolling, baiting, or participation in said activities will result in a ban, no exceptions.
It is recommended that you host pictures on imgur.
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