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Heavy Armor Versus Medium Armor

As a twilight cleric, with rolled stats of 16/12/16/11/18/9 I am trying to debate putting a 16 in either strength or dexterity.

For strength, as far as I'm aware, you get +1 AC and also able to carry more. I believe there is also just more magic heavy armor? Is this true or not? So I wonder if there is strong enough magic armor worth taking 16 strength into for. Granted, that would be a long term goal, while the +1 AC and more weight to carry would be more immediate.

For dexterity, you get more skills to benefit from it, better initiative, and it also seems like the armor costs less. So from what I can tell, is that you're losing 1 AC, less magic armor to use, and less weight you're able to carry.

I'm not quite sure on the math when it comes to losing or gaining 1 AC, but I do keep hearing that dexterity saving throws are pretty common, and better initiative is always great. More and better skills benefiting from dexterity over strength is also nice.

Do you think Strength or Dexterity is better in this situation for class and rolled stats? And if it's true that there is more magic armor for heavy armor, is that enough to warrant picking strength over dexterity? I'm not sure how strong those options of armor are, or how often you are to even get the chance at finding it. Probably depends on the DM

03:49 UTC


An Issue with The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan *Spoilers*

So I am running Tales of the Yawning Portal for my players and they've gotten to the part with the 5000 year poison. They managed to open the door correctly and disable the trap. I explained that the glass vial was very thin and the cork was different from other potions. They want to put it inside their Bag of Holding. I told them the vial would likely break.

The players then wanted to put the vial into another glass bottle. I told them that it would break inside said glass bottle. They got frustrated. I wanted to tell them that they were on the right track and they just need to pad the vial with some cloth or something but that would have taken away my players agency. In frustration, they threw the vial into the L shaped hallway outside the chamber effectively blocking their only exit. I asked for a Con Save (DC 10). One of the players failed, they went unconscious. They tried using a spell to remove the poison and it worked for an hour. Then this player fell unconscious again. My players got frustrated at me for running the this as written.

Sleep Gas

If the glass sphere breaks, it releases green, swirling sleep gas throughout the area. Each time a creature ends its turn in this chamber, the creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 5,000 years. While poisoned in this way, a creature is also unconscious, and it is unaffected by the passage of time or by other poisons. If magic is used to cure the poisoned condition, the recipient is immune to the poison for 1 hour. A casting of dispel magic using a spell slot of 7th level or higher can also end the effect. The vapors linger for a month unless they are cleared away by a strong wind.

I gave the players some of the meta information at the end of session and they feel like it was bullshit. The player that got affected has told me I've essentially killed his character. My position is they did a objectively stupid thing. I gave them signs that this thing was different than a normal vial of poison. Hells, they could have just laid it down and it would have been fine. They are now trapped in a room for the next month until the gas dissipates. I compromised with the player affected and we now have a solution.

My advice is not to run this Sleep Gas as written unless you have a chiller group of players.

03:09 UTC


Barbarian: Path of the Berserker - Reworked

The Path of the Berserker has great flavor for a barbarian, but it just does not hold up well mechanically compared to other Barbarian subclasses. Totem and Zealot are so superior that Berserker is just not worth playing. I aim here to bring the flavor of a terrifying, bloodthirsty, unstoppable killing machine to life in the mechanics of this reworked subclass.

There have been numerous attempts at a rework, from many different authors. Here is mine.

Barbarian: Path of the Berserker - Reworked

Mindless Fury

Beginning at 3th level, you can't be charmed or frightened while raging. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter your rage, the effect is suspended for the duration of the rage.

Additionally, while raging, you automatically succeed on all Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw to avoid being compelled to use or otherwise waste your own movement or actions against your will. (Examples of this include the spells Command, and Confusion.)


Starting at 6th level, you can go into a Frenzy when you rage. If you do so, for the duration of your rage you gain an additional action on each of your turns. That action can only be used to take either the Attack action (one weapon attack only) or the Dash action (towards an enemy creature only). When your rage ends, you must succeed on Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + proficiency bonus + maximum rages) or suffer one level of exhaustion. For every additional time you Frenzy without having taken a long rest, the DC increases by 5.  

Bloody Terror

Beginning at 10th level, your brutality terrifies friend and foe alike. Once per turn, when you deal a critical strike, reduce a creature to 0 hit points, or kill a creature outright, you can immediately choose to radiate a menacing presence across the battlefield. When you do so, every creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. You may choose to let allies make this roll with advantage.

If a creature succeeds on its saving throw, it is immune to this feature for 1 hour.

At 18th level, the radius of the ability increases to 60 feet.


Starting at 14th level, when you take damage from a creature that is within reach of a melee weapon you are wielding, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.


Mindless Rage is now Mindless Fury. Moved it to 3rd level from 6th level. It is now more robust, not only foiling charm and fear, but also all effects that might muddy your mind enough hinder your actions. You are just too angry to stopped.

Moved Frenzy to 6th level. It now functions like a weak version of haste, giving you not just an extra attack but a whole additional action that is limited to a single weapon attack or a dash towards a foe. You now have the chance to make a saving throw to avoid the exhaustion, but the DC gets harder each time. The DC also gets harder as you level up.

Totally reworked the 10th level ability. No longer charisma based. No longer an action. Now you are a terror on the battlefield - and off of it too. Now you can crush small animals just to frighten every single person in the room of a tavern. "Don't fuck with this guy. He is crazy."

Slightly reworded Retaliation so that it works with polearms. Previously only worked if you were within 5 feet. Now will work so long as you have a melee weapon within reach of the target.

03:08 UTC


I'm building a Fathomless Warlock that spams Eldritch Blast, and Agonizing Blast/Hex feel like my worst options.

So I've got a warlock. My core game plan is to spam EB with Lance of Lethargy and Repelling Blast, stacking the tentacle movespeed debuff on tougher enemies. I have Magic Initiate for Entangle so I can create difficult terrain on top of the movespeed debuffs. I also have Eldritch Adept for Agonizing Blast, via a campaign-specific boon that grants me a feat for a big debuff.

So, my holdup is with Agonizing Blast is this; it does absolutely nothing for my CC strategy. On the other hand, it adds so much incidental damage to what I already want to be doing it feels like a waste not to have it, plus death is the best CC. Still, it's part of my power budget that could be used on something that offers more control.

Next for Hex. On paper it seems like an obvious pickup because the tentacle procs it, so the spell is outputting more damage than it would for other subclasses on average, plus I'm using EB anyway in order to apply my invocation effects. Hex incentivizes the player to keep it up as long as possible to get the most mileage from the slot, but most decent lower level CC spells (Entangle, Cause Fear etc.) require concentration so I'm basically committing to damage rather than my primary strategy. If I want to be blasting every turn, should I be trying to apply "dead" vs Restrained?

I've played very little Warlock so I'm open to any input from folks who've spent a lot of time on the class. I think I may have talked myself out of those spells/abilities in the process of writing this, but I still want to hear tips!

02:52 UTC


There any problems with giving sorcerers arcane fusion back?

Noticed the lack of unique spells, considering giving them some of them back like the ability to summon a wyvern for a minute, though might need to bump the level on that to 6. Anyway, the one that I thought could break unexpectedly was arcane fusion - level 5 spell, as an action you cast a level 4 and a level 1 spell in any sequence without using slots for them. Can anyone think of a way it might be broken?

1 Comment
02:37 UTC


Power absorbing magical item

Trying to find a magic item were the characters gets a power from the absorbed soul but is random and is max a rare item. Is for a level 5 barbarian

Let me know what you think.

Rmg or Bracer of Soul Absorbing

You can only absorb one slain soul at a time but replace whenever an enemy dies within 30 feet

When you absorb: Gain one of the following - roll 1d10

  1. Gain the senses of slain
  2. Gain their highest skill or advantage on your rolls for that skill
  3. Gain a 1D6 bonus based on their highest attribute e.g. if they were very strong roll a d6 and increase your score for the duration
  4. Gain their damage roll die as a bonus die
  5. Gain temporary hit points based on one ŕoll of their hit die
  6. Gain the ability to ask them 3 questions they have to answer (like soeak to the dead)
  7. Gain them as a spectral familiar (treat like find familiar)
  8. Their reanimated body will serve you but they will only do half their normal damage as they resist your control
  9. Gain one of their special abilities. DM choice
  10. Choose one of the options

Duration - roll 1D4

  1. 1 minute
  2. 10 min
  3. 1h
  4. Unti next long rest

Side effects: - roll 1d8 During the duration

  1. Your hair colour becomes theirs
  2. Your eye colour becomes theirs
  3. You get their cravings for food
  4. You hum their favourite song while you don't speak
  5. You speak in their language
  6. Your race changes to theirs
  7. Change to the souls gender
  8. No Side effect
01:46 UTC


Imprisonment Question

When you use "Minimus Containment" from "imprisonment" on a creature, does it shrink along with its belongings? That is, clothes or any accessories that you wear?

1 Comment
23:37 UTC


Druid or Barbarian?

I recently joined a new group, to play dungeons of Drakkenheim. Session 0 is coming up, and I wanna know what you guys think I would have the most fun playing. Every character can be fun playing, but I wanted to try something that wasn't the usual run of the mill gloom stalker ranger or twilight cleric.

I have narrowed it down to a "circle of the stars druid" or a "path of wild magic barbarian". Thoughts, comments, concerns?

23:34 UTC


Need opinions and additions to this cosmic table

Need opinions on cosmic table

Thoughts on This Ability?

Hi I’m playing a bard/warlock that plays eldritch melodies. She is cursed with some sort of cosmic coverings on her body, which seem to be sentient. I took a homebrew feature that, whenever I roll a natural 20 or 1 on an attack or saving throw, I roll on a table and that effect happens. It lasts for 1 round. My DM and I decided to edit the table to create new effects/abilities related to my character. So far, this is what we have. We are level 10. Other PCs have their own buffs of sorts, like Eldritch carvings or the ability to prophesies. I rarely attack or make saving throws since I stay back but my DM has cleared this list and I just want input.

1 - Minor Chord: You strike a minor cord releasing a force that drags all creatures within a 30-foot radius towards you on a strength save, preventing you and them from moving away until the effect ends.

2 - Distant Calling: A creature of your choice that you can see is filled with fury, tentacles cover its weapon(s) enhancing them. The creature has advantage on attack rolls and disadvantage on ability checks.

3 - Antigravity: Reverse gravity in a 15-foot radius, causing all creatures and objects to lose balance and float 15 feet into the air.

4 - Eye of The Storm: Howling winds swirl around you in a 60-foot radius. You and any creature in that radius are deafened and it is considered difficult terrain.

5 - Universal Order: You channel the harmonizing power of the cosmos to impose cosmic balance. Choose up to three creatures within 30 feet of you. Enemies must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become paralyzed. If they all succeed then you are paralyzed instead.

6 - Binary System: You create a twin star that mirrors one’s actions. Choose an ally within 30 feet for the twin star to mimic, but there’s an (still not determined)% chance it mirrors an enemy adjacent to the ally instead. The twin star echoes the action, dealing additional force damage equal to half your level to the same target.

7 - Cosmic Intervention: Echoes of the cosmos confuse anyone within 20 feet, causing them to have disadvantage wisdom saving throws.

8 - Supernova: You burst into the stars causing all creatures’ speed within a 15-foot radius to drop to 0.

9 - Dark Matter: Dark stardust erupts from the ground creating a 15-foot radius dome around you creating magical darkness.

10 - Hide Of The Unthinkable: All allies within 15 feet gain resistance to all damage as tentacles cover their skin, you instead gain vulnerability to all damage.

11 - Space Warp: When you move, you can use some or all of your walking speed to teleport once as space wraps around you, along with any equipment you're wearing or carrying, up to the distance used to an unoccupied space that you can see.

12 - Major Chord: You strike a major cord causing you and anyone within a 30-foot-radius of you randomly teleport to a space determined by the DM.

I wanted to post this to see others’ thoughts and inputs. We’re trying to make the too op ones balanced out by giving them a disadvantage of some sort. Are these too strong? Do you have any other ideas? Does anyone have any other ideas that are thematically cosmic/eldritch?

22:19 UTC


Teleportation Circle, does unoccupied space require there to be ground?

Teleportation Circle states the following:

"Any creature that enters the portal instantly appears within 5 feet of the destination circle or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied."

So my question is, If the destination circle is on a raised platform, and it is occupied when someone teleports to it, would it make sense to have the spellcaster and anybody else appear in the literal empty space (mid-air) next to this raised platform and fall to the ground, possibly requiring a saving throw against going prone, or have them appear on the steps going up to the platform?

I'm wondering because this exact situation may be playing out in my session tomorrow and just curious what people would say and I'm not sure how I'll go about it.

22:17 UTC


Completely locked doors, yay or nay?

Title. I've noticed in some published adventures, there will sometimes be some kind of door that is completely unopenable, unless you have a certain key or overcome some sort of challenge.

Off the top of my head, Rime of the Frostmaiden has a door in Auriel's abode that will only open once the party completes a set of trials, and Tomb of Annihilation has a door that needs a set of skeleton keys found throughout the dungeon.

Both these doors explicitly say that no amount of power or magic the party has access to can open these doors, forcing them to go through the intended path.

How do you all feel about that as a DM? Is it fair game to occasionally have an obstacle that needs to be tackled in a certain way? Or should everything be at the very least able to be Disintegrated through?

Personally, this is one of those things that's okay to include like... once per campaign, but not all the time. The Rogue in your party is probably gonna be annoyed if every single lock the party comes across is sealed by divine magic and unable to be picked in any way.

22:02 UTC


Dive into the Heart inspiration for warlocks.

I was listening to a Kingdom Hearts retrospective on YouTube and thought the Dive into the heart could be a really fun way to describe a warlock picking their patron/pact. When Sora decides between the dream sword, shield or staff those could be replaced with the Tome, Chains and Blade options. Has anyone ever done this with their game?

21:16 UTC


Vecna's Secrets as Adventures is now available on DMsGuild!

Vecna's Secrets as Adventures is now available on DMsGuild!

You can find it here: https://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/489318

While playing Vecna: Eve of Ruin you can discover many secrets that you can spend to the Lord of Whispers to gain some advantages.

What if those secrets would lead you to new adventures?

Vecna's Secrets as Adventures is the perfect tool to quickly create short or long adventures based on the secrets of Vecna Eve of Ruin.

Through some random tables, you could flash out the core elements of an adventure and add fun to your gaming table.

1 Comment
20:52 UTC


I would appreciate feedback on my homebrew monster.

20:47 UTC


Are Wizards lacking identity mechanically?

After reading 2024 changes for spellcasters, i have the feeling, that Wizards are lacking some core feature, unique to their magic. Like, Clerics have Channel Divinity, that reflects their Deity, Druids have Wild Shape, which allows them to shift between being caster and somewhat martial, Warlocks have customisability with Invocations, Sorcerers can change spells on the fly and buff their Spellcasting. And Wizards can... what, exactly? Change one cantrip every long rest and one spell every short rest?

Even spell slots replenishing is not so unique — Warlocks and Sorcerers can do it too. With Tasha in 2014's — Clerics too. And Circle of the Land have exactly the same feature!

Largest number if spells? It's a nice feature, but heavily depends on DM — you need gold, spell books/scrolls and time to benefit greatly from this.

I love the fantasy of being Wizard, woelding forces beyond mortal's grasp, but mechanically it feels like you are just some kind of magic caveman, with all other classes having the same features as you and little extra. You got small features here and there, like Ritual Casting without having spell prepared, but are those enough to make Wizard stand out?

So what do you think? Maybe my point of view is too grim, and Wizards have enough going on for them? I mean, they might have at least more spells prepared in 2024's

Edit: Thanks for your answers! It seems like things are not as dark, as i envisioned

20:01 UTC


Vicious Mockery vs Elditch Blast?

I'm playing a bard and I just got to lv 4 and I chose the feat that gives me 2 cantrips and a spell from Warlock because I saw that Hex + Eldritch blast does a lot of damage, but now I'm doubting if it was worth it:

Right now my eldritch blast would do by itself 1d10 damage, and vicious mockery does 1d4 but adds disadvantage. Should I mostly use one or the other? I don't know if the damage is more worth it than the disadvantage.

19:30 UTC


Ideas for a mad wizard tower?

Crafting a dungeon for my next session, concept is a wizard's tower in an ice landscape, the wizards were trying to create a philosopher's stone type thing and the result was the tower collapsing agetting time fucked. My idea is to have heavy gravity and time themes with crazy magic stuff, nothing is off-limits. The tower is supposed to be in a time loop moments before the collapse. I like timing dungeons so in this one they have to retrieve the stone before the inevitable fate of the tower, 4 hours or so.

Right now I have made 4 rooms, reverse gravity room, stupid gas room with the time-space clown(this one is just a joke) and real sized Archon board room(a take on the classic real size chess board), and the classic room with the canvas puzzle where you have to go back and fourth in time to figure the puzzle out. What cool room can I put in this dungeon?

19:02 UTC


D&D Beyond Digital + Physical (from LBS)

Hey all,

I was wondering if there was a way to buy the bundle on D&D Beyond of a physical and digital copy of the new PHB where I purchase the digital code to use on D&DB and buy the physical copy from a local book store. There used to be a way to buy the books from a local book store, if I'm not mistaken; I just don't remember how. I want to try to buy local if I can but I don't want to pay $80 instead of $60 for just buying straight through D&D Beyond.

If there is a way, does anyone know how to do that?


18:20 UTC


What are some play/build styles for combat that aren’t supported (well or at all)?

I add a lot of supplemental character options to 5e and am working on my own game system and am wondering if there are any ways that players might want to act in combat but aren’t supported by the rules.

Some that aren’t supported very well would be taunt/tanking mechanics to draw aggression of enemies. Another would be consistent “top-off” healing (don’t care much that healing isn’t supported in that way, but some people might).

One that isn’t supported is a non-magical support class (which you could accomplish with flavor but nothing official has really landed well).

17:54 UTC


Hi ! Need advice for my multiclass artificer/Rogue/ranger

Hi, I would like to make a special multiclassing that consists of making a kind of ambushed sniper. Who has mobility, very good vision, and who could use his impregnation and object in combat. Basically, make a class that allows you to play a somewhat special type of gameplay. So I thought of this build idea:

My character will be a rock gnome with a musket

14 lvl of artificer [BattleSmith]: In order to have good infusions (like night glasses, elven cape etc.), to master the tools well and to have a companion helping my group in melee, base my damage on intelligence and extra attack. But I'm open to any other subclass proposal here

3 rogue level [Thief]: To have expertise it's cool, a little bonus in sneak attack why not, but above all, to have the possibility of using the bonus action to "hide", "use an object", "disengage", "run". and other thief stuff. I would like to throw molotovs, spike traps, grease or support objects etc. as a bonus action, it can be very fun

3 ranger level [Deep stalker]:

Dark scout

At level 3, you master the art of ambush. On your first turn of combat, you gain a +10 bonus to your speed and if you use the Attack action, you can make an additional attack. You are also able to escape creatures that rely on darkvision. These creatures do not benefit from their ability to detect you in low light conditions. Also, when the DM determines if you can hide from a creature, the creature does not gain any benefit from its darkvision.

At 3rd level, you gain darkvision for a range of 90 feet. If you already have darkvision, you increase its range by 30 feet.

Possible feat: Alert, lucky, mobile, Sharpshooter, fade away (gnome), eldritch adept (for the things with invisibility in the dark)

So, what do you think? I don't want to create an overpowered, crazy optimized character, but I want to know if it would work well. If the 6 levels of multiclassing don't rub off too much on my main class etc.

17:02 UTC


What would happen if armour proficiencies are pushed to higher levels?

This is not a realistic change, but perhaps a fun little thought experiment. Right now, full spellcasters can take a single level of cleric or fighter to gain heavy armour and shield proficiencies. What would happen if you push those proficiencies to later levels? There is precedent for extra armour proficiencies tied to subclasses (e.g. the armourer artificer and heavy armour proficiency) and it would prevent these kinds of dips.

It would be a hit to martials at lower levels if you push armour proficiencies to subclass levels, but it would also mean that you can tailor subclasses more than you can now. For instance, does the arcane archer subclass need heavy armour? You can limit the AA's proficiency to medium armour proficiency instead and give a new feature or an improvement to their existing ones in return. Clerics on the other hand are strong enough at levels 1 and 2 that gaining their armour proficiency at level 3 would not hurt the class too much, while also preventing other spellcasters from taking a single level to nab that feature.

What do you guys think? Would this be a positive design change? I think it would lead to more flexible class design that is more multiclass-proof than it is currently?

16:53 UTC


Can a paladin use Divine Smite when attacking with the Wrecking Ball of a Demon Grinder?

Does the melee weapon attack of the wrecking ball make it valid to use divine smite or does a vehicle weapon not count?

Looking at divine smite:

"Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one paladin spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8."

The demon grinder stat block I'm looking at says:

Wrecking Ball (Requires 1 Crew and grants ½ cover). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 8d8+4 bludgeoning damage, doubled if target is an object or structure

16:25 UTC


Do half orc's relentless endurance and shepherd druid's faithful summons activate together?

Relentless endurance lets you go down to 1 hp when you should go to 0, while faithful summons conjures 4 beasts when you're incapacitated or reach 0 hp. Do they both trigger when a hit is supposed to bring you to 0hp? One could argue that you reached 0 hp and only then relentless endurance activated. Also RAW it seems faithful endurance also triggers when the enemy's attack is strong enough to deny death saving throws, which doesn't make sense...

13:33 UTC


200 Underdark Noncombat Encounters and 200 Dungeon Encs on DM's Guild (Two example tables)

Latest two entries in noncombat encounters for your Dungeon and Underdark adventures are on DM's Guild (two example tables below)

  • Dungeon Noncombat Encounters has 200 prompts in d20 tables, for passages, doors, empty rooms, features, traps, fringes, humanoids, loners and 4 dungeon types.
  • Underdark Noncombat Encounters covers the caves and tunnels below the surface. 200 prompts for caves, large caverns, fungal caves, enchanted caves, underground lakes, near the surface, tunnels, chasms, populated areas and wanderers.

All tables are visible in the previews and there are bundles for noncombat and dungeon & ruins encounters.

Example Table 1 - Dungeon Features (d20)

Tables, levers, shelves, art and torch brackets give a dungeon life and context. Use these features in a room or corridor.

  1. A voice calls for help from inside a book (or chest), asking for release.

  2. A wood golem (animated armor, doesn't fly, AC 14) turns into a chair when seen. Will become other wooden furniture as requested.

  3. A door plays a jaunty tune for a minute when opened; or roll on Doors

  4. At a writing desk a floating magical quill writes a history of the world.

  5. A tapestry has a crowd of people on it, pointing at the sky. Any who look at the tapestry appear on it within a few rounds, in the crowd.

  6. A tacky wall trophy, a stuffed shark (or elk) head, doesn't fit decor at all.

  7. A hatrack has three hats. If one taken, a replacement appears in an hour.

  8. An iron cauldron bears pictures of creatures cooking in it, emerging as skeletons. Writing notes that this is a replica of a magic cauldron.

  9. A shelf contains a collection of jars. Each contains a different insect.

  10. A grinning idol is home to a curious specter, who is easily frightened.

  11. A simple shrine has two wooden statuettes of dedicated deity. Each is finely detailed with details of crafter on base, and how to contact them.

  12. A chest of clothes, costumes for characters of a famous historic story.

  13. A mirror contains a storm. Breaking mirror releases storm for 1 hour.

  14. A bronze torch bracket has a minor enchantment, doubling burning duration of torches it holds. Only functions while attached to a wall.

  15. Many iron spikes have been hammered into wall, making interesting art.

  16. A table (animated object) tries to carry goblets of liquid without spilling.

  17. An intelligent mimic (speaks Draconic, Goblin) is helpful to the group, becoming any object they need it to be. But unwilling to leave area.

  18. A sign warns of traps, mold, shapechangers and oozes; or roll on Traps

  19. A metal lever is covered in decorations, but seems only to open a door.

  20. A lit brazier shows visions of nearby rooms, changing room every minute. Then one of the creatures in a vision looks back at watchers.

Example Table 2 - Large Caverns (d20)

Some caverns are large enough that a lantern won't reveal all. Some are home to hamlets, large creatures or old ruins

  1. Two dwarf veterans use lanterns to exchange messages across a cavern.
  2. A trio of enterprising lizardfolk have set up a simple bar. Group are first customers and are asked to tell others of it; or roll on Populated Areas
  3. A calm aarokcora lives on the ceiling and offers to guide group nearby.
  4. 4An angry cyclops confronts a stone statue, accusing it of unlikely crimes. Ask group to watch the statue while they visit a friend.
  5. An odd windmill has been built here, and there's currently a chill breeze.
  6. A lazy adult copper dragon offers a minor reward to explore a nearby area, map it and report back. Gives a prioritized list of what to look for.
  7. A stone giant is cajoling a pair of galeb duhrs into making a ritual dance.
  8. A group of renegade duergar are racing domesticated carrion crawlers. There's lots of betting and want help altering the race course.
  9. A saddled and muzzled bulette has a harness, waiting calmly for its rider.
  10. The drow assistant of an umber hulk cries out a warning before a tunnel is carved out. Available for hire, currently carving a particular pattern.
  11. A druid collects statue fragments, forming into a marriage proposal.
  12. A nothic is organizing its third picnic at a large rock and invites group. Has invited nearby creatures, and hopes it goes better than the last one.
  13. A few kobolds train giant bats here as mounts. Keen to show off tricks.
  14. A few singing flying swords (Int 8, Cha 10, Perform +2) love to perform together, asking others to join in. Resonant crystals here hum loudly.
  15. A workgang of skeletons focuses on constructing a building from bones.
  16. A few competitive hobgoblins mounted on giant lizards are hunting cave beasts (or bubbles). Invite group to join them on their sport.
  17. A group of giant fire beetles dance in synchronization, to a drow piper.
  18. A caring ogre farms cave rothe (giant goats), obsessing about their health. Is Interested in surface herding songs; or roll on Fungal Caves
  19. A wight moves a mound of rocks, one at a time, to a new location.
  20. A group of quaggoths are friendly to outsiders. They have some valuable gold items they want to trade, but value furs, hugs and bright colors.
1 Comment
13:27 UTC


Hi guys, Is it possible to use Dispel Magic on an invisible creature?

13:05 UTC


Optimizing a Halfling CR-Gunslinger?

I would like to play some kind of Halfling inspired by the lucky poker playing gunslinger archetype (for example Maverick in Halfling shape). It was suggested that with Halfling Luck the Mercer Gunslinger from Critical Role could be fun. Are there any builds you recommend? Any suggestions on how to build up the lucky gambling side of things?

It would be a point buy game with free feat at lvl 1, multiclassing and all books - except Dragonlance - allowed (except no Strixhaven Ravnica Backgrounds). Tasha's changes allowed. Play mostly tier 1 and 2, not likely to go much beyond lvl 12...

12:48 UTC


What kind of 3rd party supplement would you most likely buy

11:31 UTC


Arcane Shot Options as Metamagic Options

In the game I DM, I like to cook up character-specific special abilities or magic items. The sorcerer PC in the party is very "archer" themed: he conjures a magic bow out of his arcane focus crystal...most of his spells are flavored as special shots from this bow.

I am considering having him find "tome of arcane archery" soon, which will basically add the Arcane Shot options as Metamagics for him to choose from in the future, with him picking one to start with. He's level 7 now, if it matters.

In practice, the Arcane Shot's will apply to his spell attacks. He is built as a quickened Eldritch Blast (Eldritch Adept) machine, so he already typically uses spell attack spells over Saving throw spells.

I'm trying to figure what is a good sorcery point cost for them. Two points seems reasonable, but I'm honestly not sure. Three seems like a lot, but then again, the arcane shot options are filling a different need (extra damage, control debuffs) than the existing metamagic options (action economy work-arounds, dice manipulation).

My assumption is that they should all cost the same since Arcane Archer treats them as equivalent, but I'm not sure how they actually stack up to each other, power-wise.

If there are any unexpected edge-cases with the Arcane Shot options, please let me know.


Arcane Shot Options as Metamagic Options:

How many Sorcery Points should they cost?

Any weirdness to keep in mind?

11:25 UTC


Whats with the insane love for the new Druid

I know Im like weeks too late, but I just want to discuss the new druid.

Druid was allready a well established and great class. Why did it work and why was it good?

It played on a theme that you are this protector of Nature who can transform into an animal and use nature magic to heal and harm.

Unlike some other classes the flavor is richly enchanced by its usefull, fun and versatile class features. It also had some great thematic subclasses that captured the essence of being in person in fantasy world.

However the new Druid seems like they took a class who only needed a little nudge and cranked it to a thousand. Somehow we got a class that is almost like two classes stacked on top of eachother with its insane new versatility.

When I watched Jeremy break down the new Druid my jaw dropped to the ground. Newer before have I seen a DnD class packed with so much flavor, power, fun and opportunity for great roleplay. I have played 3,5, 5e, Pathfinder 1 and 2 for over 12-13 years now.

Watching the reveal of other classes felt like they belonged in a totally different game in comparison.

I hope that the final product for the other classes will be much much more improved than the result we got.

09:06 UTC


Pack of minis for official modules

Hi all, I've been looking for fan packs of 3D miniatures based on the official modules (Lost Mines of Fandelver, Curse of Strahd, Rime of the Frostmaiden) but haven't found much. Has anyone done this before? Or is it too risky to get them from Wizards Of The Coast?

Share your experiences if anyone has looked.

I'm considering doing one myself because of this.

07:53 UTC

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