High quality images of interesting designs, including architectural, graphic, industrial, furniture & product design.
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Creative, period! Found on the mademesmile subreddit. Credit to u/cardiologistsweaty25.
Even though it's been painted over, I absolutely adore this window latch. It's just a lever to push the locking bars up/down, but they made it look so nice!
It is a sound card made in 2013 that continues to be sold with the original design
54” long this butcher block as made from two tone oak and trimmed with Purple Heart. The base trunk is made from steel. CNCed base plate with 360 degree heavy duty caster wheels.
Designed by Samantha Yatovitz (Hershel’s wife). I thought it was really cool how she used the top part of the Stratocaster guitar to symbolize a breaking wave. Narrabeen is a popular surf beach in Australia, where Samantha is from.