
Photograph via snooOG

A community for fans of the Delta Green RPG and related fiction. Feel free to discuss anything pertaining to Delta Green.

A community for fans of the Delta Green RPG and related fiction. Feel free to discuss anything pertaining to Delta Green.


Please read the Guidelines for Post Submission before making a post.


Useful links and resources:

Delta Green Official Website

Delta Green: Need to Know (Quickstart Rules)

Delta Green: Handler's Guide

Delta Green: Agent's Handbook

Delta Green Character Sheet (PDF, Fillable)

Drip for Dennis Detwiller

Patreon for Dennis Detwiller

Fairfield Project (Fan-made but extensive wiki)

Hundreds of Pre-Generated Characters

Green Box Generator

Name Generator (People, Places, Things)

Black & White Maps (Search any location on Earth and export as an image)

Arc Dream Publishing

The Unspeakable Oath

Chaotisch Neutral (German Localization, Blog)

Delta Green (Reports, Characters, Blog)

TV Tropes DG Page

1d4chan DG Page


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Is the blurb about a mask on pg 41 of the Agent's Handbook a published case?

On page 41 of the Agent's Handbook there is a scrawled notebook paper talking about an incident with a mask. I found the hook compelling and wanted to know if there is anything more about it somewhere. Thanks.

14:13 UTC


New handler question.

Hi all,

I’m a new handler starting to go through the rules etc. I’ve ran a fair amount of CoC so it’s generally familiar to me.

I would just like to know if the WP points spent to use hypergeometry are regained or permanently lost?


13:05 UTC


Convergence part 2

I ran a bit more yesterday. and today im dming to a vtuber group (twitch.tv/joekerr019).
So my group is actually hunting down billies friends to see if there was a drug connection, as well as ordering protection on the families of the individuals involved.

when one of my players picked up the phone to do a call, i asked him for a signit roll. letting him hear 3 clicks before the line started to ring. that told him that the phone was being pinched. they skipped town and by the edge of it they tried calling again, failing a roll and getting in contact with their handler, not knowing the call was being recorded.

they decided to go to the local dive bar to see if they could find info on the group of friends of billy. only for merle to let them know that they usually hang around these parts, but being underage they ask for others to buy beer for them. and that they hangout at the reservoir.

I realized the players weren't asking enough questions to the locals so, once they arrived to the reservoir they found a beat up van. they took the road to the spot where the teens hangout only to notice a bonfire and three people with folding chairs, smoking weed, looking through a telescope and drinking beers while arguing who would win in a fight "Freddy or Jason." Making hot dogs on the fire and playing loud music (went with Human by Elastica due to how haunting it sounds).

the leader of the group introduced himself as Richard Langley (Yes, from the lone gunmen, cut me some slack.). one of the guys ran away as soon as the players mentioned they were feds. the third member of the group was looking through a telescope and gave little to no shits to what they were discussing.

Richard mentioned that this was a sweet spot on the town to see the strange shit happening in the sky. when the players asked more details, they mentioned that they belong to an UFO magazine called Saucer Watch, not related to that "phony bullshit of Phenomen-X". They mentioned that they came after a friend of theirs called Allen told them about the hotbed of weird stuff in town. but in the last couple of days Allen was dodgy at best. Soon after a chick joined the group bringing a six pack of beers (cassey). when hearing that the players were feds, she mentioned "is it because allen was with a minor was it?".

they explain that allen is a colleague of them in the UFO research stuff, and that last time he saw him he with an underage girl, not in the flirty way but more like hanging out with a girl called "Jane."

The group left saying they wanted to skip town before Phenomen-X made this place a media circus, but they handed the pcs their contact details for future games.

The pcs were feeling tired, but agent Lydia decided to watch the sky for a bit while bonding with agent Hacker. she saw a light on the sky going behind a hill. but paid no mind to it.

The next day they got in contact with their new party member (agent violet) who was the forensics who developed the liquid. they decided to put an APB on allen while driving again to the reservoir with hopes to find billy and their supplier (since it was discovered that billy had taken a lot of weed to deal with the pain, and to see if they knew anything about jane).

While giving the APB on Allen, one of the deputies mentioned on the radio that Allen was in town. he mentioned his light rep sheet and that he had a Red Pick up truck (the one they always saw at the motel). the players turned the vehicles around and went back to the motel asap.

The scene pretty much played the same except that they found neately folded towels with glass inside (lightbulbs), in a similar way on how jewish people break a glass for a wedding.

The scene played exactly the same, except that the party decided to split, Violet was attacked by the protomatter on the shower. she got injured but survived. Hacker found Jane and her water was already broken and was in severe labor pains. while Lydia went to check the pick up truck and tell the police to call an ambulance to do body recovery. she missed to notice a black car with tinted windows passing by.

Part 3 will be this sunday. when hopefully the players will wrap the scenario.

like i said, today ill be running Convergence to a bunch of vtubers, and this report was to another group of players so i could work the kinks of the game. what really excites me is that one of the vtubers has audio engineering background and they will likely download the voice message and decipher it themselves.

21:16 UTC

22:01 UTC


Playing With Madness Podcast- Whimsy

20:45 UTC


Convergence and M-12 questions

So ill be running the game today, would it make sense that if the pcs use the phones A lot, they eventually see black vans or black cars following them?. or having some of the previous interviewees mention they were asked question by MIB type of guys?.

Also. so lets say the players gun down the few Mi-Go theres there, would it make sense that M-12 doesnt know what a Mi Go is (only knowing the Gray) and or that a member of the biohazard team freaks out when they pick the remains by the end of the scenario?

20:27 UTC


Convergence Part 1 Report

Hey everyone, so yesterday i Dmed convergence for the first time ever. and on saturday ill be running it to a group of Vtubers.

So based of the first group, Spoilers alert.

I added a few changes to the scenario itself, first of by setting it between late 89 and early 90s. mostly because im thinking of doing a run that will end with Operation Southern Hospitality.

When interviewing billy, they found out that he had sex with his girlfriend prior to dissapearing (hinting at what happen to her).

when the players arrived to the town, the first thing they noticed was a funeral procession for a little boy. they havent investigated it yet but its about the death of a young kid (Carl Wilks) who was runover by a Drunk Driver. So the pcs will consider it incidental, for now.

When arriving to the motel they have found that theres only two vehicles parked outside, one of them being the Phenomen-X van and a Red Pick up Truck thats been there for the longest time (wink wink nudge nudge).

another player wished to join in, so she was the medical examiner in billy's autopsy, determining a few things about the protomatter.
one, is a memory matter, so it always goes back to its original shape

two: is similar to a newtonian liquid, so it can get hard or soft depending on the impact

three: they determined that billy hadnt sleep ever since the events started and that he hasnt used the toilet ever since he went missing.

fourth: the player created the chemical which detects the protomatter

fifth: due to my love to UFO phenomena, the player also found an alien implant on billy's hand. which im teasing that all the abuctees have implants in game.

we coudnt advance much so , heres all i got to report for now, thoughts?

16:17 UTC


Scenarios w/ Opportunities to Learn about DG Lore

Hi all! I’ve read a ton of Delta Green scenarios, but after a while some of them blend together, and there are obviously more shotgun scenarios than someone could read in a lifetime. So I’m hoping you all can help me out. What are your favorite scenarios (both official and not) that provide opportunities for agents to learn about the broader Delta Green lore? I’m thinking current leadership and structure, the org’s past, interactions with other organizations, etc. Thanks in advance for the help!

14:59 UTC


Delta Green vs Fall of Delta Green?

I'm aware that FoDG uses the Gumshoe system. What is the difference in the feel between the two games? My players are asking for a X-Files-ish investigator game with the supernatural turned down but always lurking at the edges.

I immediately thought of Delta Green but haven't played either version to know which fits best. Thank you.

13:53 UTC


Useful resources for a GM binder?

Hey there, I’m prepping for my upcoming short campaign of DG and as always I’m assembling a binder/notebook for “useful stuff”. Being very accustomed to the OSR scene I was looking for random tables, inspirational docs, lists etc that fit the theme, but I don’t know where to find them. Do fellow GMs have a binder? Can you suggest me any resource you found useful at the table? Thanks :)

12:50 UTC


A new campaign coming soon from the Nature of My Game podcast 👀

13:21 UTC


May Calendar now live at Delta-Green.com

The May promotional calendar is now live at Delta-Green.com. Find out what streams, podcasts, actual plays, and reviews are scheduled for May. https://www.delta-green.com/2024/04/this-month-in-delta-green-may-2024/

If you’re a Delta Green content creator, be sure to email Rachel about Operation: GREEN BOX, our free support program for streamers, podcasters, actual players, and reviewers. Info@ArcDream.com

17:38 UTC


Delta Green Mini-Campaign Jam ends in one month

Inspired by the annual Shotgun Scenario contest and the disproportionate lack of fan-made campaigns, the Mini-Campaign Jam ends at the end of May.

One month is juuuuuust enough time to write a campaign. All you need is to write three or four Shotgun Scenarios (one per week), and connect them with the same threat/faction/plot.

If you want to participate (or just see the submitted campaigns at the end of the month), check out the jam document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qZwMopl-8UnbHvBtp44kNjn77xpBrurCGsqI-PiEjfE/edit?usp=sharing

Submissions close at 9pm PDT on Friday, May 31st 2024.

15:52 UTC


Chaos Springs Eternal S01E41: Abaddon All Hope

The continuing investigation into the police chief's house while battling an invisible ghost leads to a big discovery and a harried escape!

Make sure to rate and review us on iTunes and then reach out on Twitter or to our email to get an NPC named in Carrefour

Make sure to check out our new website: QMtabletop.com and the new Delta Green Podcast Directory

The socials:


22:20 UTC


Incursions Book?

I was looking for copies of Convergence and Night on Owlshead Mountain for a campaign I'm planning for a few months down the line, when this book came up for pre-order on a British site that I've never seen before. Does anyone know anything about this including a release date?

18:44 UTC


Any scenarios about what happens to Majestic-12

Looking for anything specifically about their fall and dissolution in the early oughts. I don't think there's anything more official than a novel right?

16:01 UTC


Negative Modifier Presents: Lover In The Ice

All episodes of Negative Modifier's playthough of Lover In The Ice are now available

Episode 1
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-1/id1544684106?i=1000645400915
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1DnMB9m8qwvEGO3dwuHjc1?si=194c39b0f4bd4c65
YouTube: https://youtu.be/NI9_cbE2KZ4

Episode 2
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-1/id1544684106?i=1000645400915
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/04Gv936pOF4uPlOHYriIlE?si=270b390bb2334f13
YouTube: https://youtu.be/dqoZw0U_OAY

Episode 3
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-1/id1544684106?i=1000645400915
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6CB4yOAJhVpKbJnHTgebAn?si=191657f32198404c
YouTube: https://youtu.be/hC0lGJhJZmo

Episode 4
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-4/id1544684106?i=1000648301533
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/56wXzVEJH1AD6jf6jrPSkD?si=ef07f70c68e34075
YouTube: https://youtu.be/kpsiaoCrEWA

Episode 5
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-5/id1544684106?i=1000649142555
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5EIkK2gkPs5poX4YzIXAnO?si=00a97dde865c4736
YouTube: https://youtu.be/DjXKRFBdS-Y

Episode 6
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-6/id1544684106?i=1000649948835
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/36TGcFE9JFfZGDDcRWgyiT?si=039e13127e144f2a
YouTube: https://youtu.be/eRqYIiFnzT8

Episode 7
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-7/id1544684106?i=1000650681257
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6vARlNwHq79RznSzaDjEx8?si=e92eae85ec3f443e
YouTube: https://youtu.be/q50U0LG8WMY

Episode 8
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-8/id1544684106?i=1000651376610
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ipzSOPyV5Fh8GXJ2N8DW7?si=418c30087e4243a3
YouTube: https://youtu.be/FYwl_TpuTyE

Episode 9
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-9/id1544684106?i=1000652095979
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6MaUs1j3gDQ7cAW2qYt27o?si=b9f2bf1ae14d4979
YouTube: https://youtu.be/2QiBC_tubqQ

Episode 10
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-10/id1544684106?i=1000652802642
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4hmNuc037eO4VFpu2sBfA9?si=73298cc78bf04bb0
YouTube: https://youtu.be/1v-VF8qN5sU

Episode 11
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-lover-in-the-ice-part-11/id1544684106?i=1000653520522
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4fbzhbNKeePVn0pzAMMYeX?si=560c0c13e9454970
YouTube: https://youtu.be/qF2ZYN8pZR0

02:23 UTC


Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays - now on VTT for Roll20 and Foundry. (Direct Links in Comments)

23:34 UTC


Scenarios involving Karotechia?

So me and my players are going through a ghostapo spell and i been trying to find scenarios involving the hunting nazis.

any recommendation on such scenarios? im thinking on maybe letting the events lead the players to Operation Southern Hospitality

21:00 UTC


The Black Rainbow Society - Now in Kickstarter!

19:58 UTC


The Lonely before IL

I own both the Labyrinth and Impossible Landscapes, and while I love IL I don't feel like venturing into it immediately with some groups (I have two who play DG regularly), so I was thinking of running some more 'normal' campaigns. I really love the concept of the Lonely and CptnSnshn. Will running scenarios featuring the Lonely ruin some of the revelations and intrigue of IL? Any handlers here who have done this and have some advice?

18:54 UTC


For any Handlers interested in running Lover in The Ice, I've made a simple map of Lafontaine, there's another one floating about but I felt it lacked visual clarity and the two big points of interest agents would want to check out at the start of their investigation, hope this proves helpful!

17:56 UTC


New to the game, question on character build

Ok. So my son and I just got the delta-green books and I’m looking at building a campaign for him. He wants a game roughly based on the SCP universe. Maybe something similar to scp-610 “the flesh that hates”.

He has also talked about a themes similar to resident evil. Zombie/viral outbreaks kind of thing.

I’m leaning more for an outbreak and multiple government agencies/groups all vying for different resolutions and having control. If I go down this road I’d like to make a competing antagonist similar to HUNK or Wesker that he would be fighting against. I’m still in my first read through of the books but wanted to put the idea out and see what more experienced gms and players thought. As well any recommendations on builds for a uber/augmented agent to fight against.

I’m mostly used to D&d style games, and this is my first time running a more lethal rpg.

14:32 UTC


Is there a “Monster Manual” or similar publication that I can mine for ideas?

I hope this is the right flair, as I wasn’t sure which category this comes under, but I’m part of a DG group with rotating Handlers that do short stories and one-shots in an episodic style with the same cell. We have a rotating cast of characters, so not every PC needs to be on each mission, which explains the absence of each character when that character’s player is running an operation.

So I was wondering if anybody had any good ideas for inspiration re: scenario seeds? I like to write my own rather than use ‘out-of-the-box’ scenarios and for other systems I will usually go to an antagonist book (E.g. a monster manual) and look at some stat blocks for inspiration. However, besides the stuff at the back of the Handler’s Guide, I’m not aware of anything else.

Am I missing something that the rest of the community uses? Are there any other useful but less common resources? Can I take things from other systems and port them into DG with a little legwork?

Note: I’m currently working on a scenario involving a tainted batch of illicit drugs that has found its way into the parties of the rich and famous, although I’m not yet sure what it is tainted by, who has done it, and what their motivation is - other than it results in sudden eruption of unnatural horror (either spontaneous mutations into horrific monsters that cause carnage, or making the drug users vulnerable to the attentions of some unnatural entities - maybe the creatures from the H.P. Lovecraft story “From Beyond”, for example. Would be cool if other people could perceive the effects of an attack, but not the monsters themselves!)

14:10 UTC


Do You as a Handler Roll Publicly?

Hello everyone,

Do you roll on the table or behind the screen? As someone who has be GM for years of other games, mostly OSR, I roll all my combat dice publicly. Personally, I do it for 2 reasons.

  1. Makes damage/ combat feel impersonal. This is a big one for me, as I used to legitimately struggle to kill players. Once I started rolling openly, I embraced the “if he dies, he dies” approach. This mostly applied to OSRs but I found it’s a been a standard of the way I present combat.

  2. It adds a fear to my players when they see me roll a 70% and it still hits. Sure, a little metagamey, but my group is very mechanically strong in most systems and really enjoy rules.

Looking to have a discussion here, and I want to make sure I am not stuck in a rut/ missing out on anything by rolling privately. What’s been you experience, and why do you do what you do? As an Agent, do you like to see the handler roll open?

13:42 UTC


Tweaking Future/Perfect part 1

Okay I'm writing down more concrete stuff for my collection of scenarios I'm making into a campaign and one of them is the first part of future perfect, which I'm planning to run as one of the earlier ones. I really like the concept of the threat being a time traveled dinosaur, and I know that the later parts of it are a bit not favored among the general fanbase, and they don't really interest me in general so I want to run it as a disconnected scenario.

However I think maybe due to it's age I feel like it could use some tweaks so I would like to hear some suggestions.

  1. The whole section with the portal feels a bit too unfair, it's pretty hard to figure out how the cube works and I would like to make it a bit more forgiving, the fact that they can't come back from the portal is also a bit sad, as I think it could lead to some fun scenarios, but I understand that replacing that could potentially be making it too safe. (maybe it could just have a huge sanity cost loss or adverse health effects or smth)

  2. The whole ending bit with Grunning feels a bit tacked on, though I think it's there to connect the parts more closely together, I'm honestly down with just cutting it entirely but curious to hear your suggestions.

  3. This one isn't really a change but more so advice on when to use the dinosaur, in your guys' opinion which would be the best opportunities to have it attack the agents.

03:05 UTC


The Corpse City

Does anyone have any info/idea about Cthulhu’s prison that they could supply?

  1. Is there any official Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green data about the location outside the Handlers guide?
  2. Is it possible to predict when it rises & for how long using previous accounts of people that visited the island?
  3. Who built it and could humans using Hypergeometry / tomes / weird AI etc boost its power to prolong Big C’s slumber?
  4. All info or theories are welcome.

I’m writing a long campaign were it ends with a suicide mission to The Corpse City to recharge it after global cultist events have created enough bad juju to bring the awakening closer. The theme is Sicario meets Beyond the Black Rainbow via Re-Animator/ The Mist.

21:17 UTC

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