r/DeTrashed - Saving the only planet we'll ever have!
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Hello everyone,
This is r/DeTrashed, reddit's premiere sub committed to cleaning up the environment one piece of trash at a time. Please post anything related to picking up trash. Anything from picking up a bottle while walking your dog in the morning, cleaning up a campsite or even organizing a clean-up event.
Remember although this sub was started on just picking up trash and cleaning the environment, it is so much more. Please share anything that involves taking an active step to improve the earth, like cleaning up trash, recycling, removing invasive species, green improvements on your house, magnet fishing, clearing gutters, etc.! Be creative!
Keep in mind the main point of this sub isn't about bragging (although you are allowed to), it is about encouraging others to help out and get involved. Although some people may say our actions alone don't make much of a difference, when there is an entire subreddit dedicated to it and encouraging others, then we can absolutely make a difference!
To everyone who has been spreading this sub by mentioning it in threads and such, THANK YOU! We have grown so much since our creation and we hope to become one of the largest, most engaging subs on reddit because that'll mean more people are DeTrashing the earth than ever before. Please keep it up and continue to encourage others to stop by for a visit (or, hopefully, to stay!).
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1,000 - 7/17/18
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100,000 - 8/25/20
4/20/19 - Shout out from Hulk
4/29/19 - Trending sub
7/17/19 - Subreddit of the day
8/25/20 - Trending subreddit for the day
UN Recognized International Days of Service
March 21st - International Day of Forests
March 22nd - World Water Day
April 22nd - International Mother Earth Day
June 5th - World Environment Day
June 8th - World Oceans Day
September 16th - International Ozone Day
Hey all, I’m wondering if this community has any ideas or suggestions for the topic of the bags to use when detrashing. It’s more of a thought experiment around the microplastic topic, plastic irks me, but it is probably the best material for bagging trash, are there any alternatives that don’t add more microplastics to the world that are also durable enough to not break or be an inconvenience when detrashing?
I know I’ve seen some people just use buckets and dump them, seems fine, but also feels just a tad more inconvenient for the process, wondering if anyone out there has ideas or knows of a process? anyways, thanks for any thoughts here
Here's the latest video from TrashMob.eco. Maintenance Pick on Home Interchange https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDyHED0a0kE
Has anyone organized a group clean-up day? I’m in the process of putting the details together and I want to make sure it goes smoothly. Anything I should be aware of? Anything to avoid? I want this to be a monthly project and I’m sure I’ll work out the bugs each time I do it. My city will provide bags, gloves and grabber sticks. They will also pick the bags up on the trail when we are done. Thanks for any tips!
Hello folks. I plan on posting here occasionally, but I have been picking up trash in Washington DC since I moved here in 2019.
I have advocated for and hosted cleanups in my area (SE DC, near Fort DuPont Park), and every day I pick up at least a bag of trash on my dog walks in the morning. Over the past week I have filled up about 2 to 3 kitchen garbage bags every morning.
This weekend I plan on spending Saturday morning picking up as much trash as I can on the edge of Fort Dupont Park (managed by NPS) and my neighborhood.
There is so much litter from both kids and adults. It’s crazy.
It’s amazing the work that one person can do walking the same area every day.
I wish more people would just pick up one bag of trash on their walks. I would like to challenge people in my community to pick up just one bag of trash a day even if it’s just a grocery bag.
In my area (southern Georgia, USA) Twisted Tea reigns supreme among our trashiest drinkers. Second place would go to Nestle water bottles.
Picked up 15 LB of trash during my morning walk today; 1.7 miles, 75 minutes of cleanup.