
Photograph via snooOG

"Another World, Another Time... In the Age of Wonder. A thousand years ago, this land was green and good, until the Crystal cracked. For a single piece was lost; a shard of the Crystal. Then strife began, and two new races appeared: the cruel Skeksis... the gentle Mystics."

"Another World, Another Time... In the Age of Wonder. A thousand years ago, this land was green and good, until the Crystal cracked. For a single piece was lost; a shard of the Crystal. Then strife began, and two new races appeared: the cruel Skeksis... the gentle Mystics."

The Dark Crystal is a 1982 British and American fantasy film directed by puppeteers Jim Henson and Frank Oz, creators of The Muppet Show. Although still marketed as a family film, it was notably darker than previous material created by them. Characters for which they are famous do not appear, but some of the same performers are used. The animatronics used in the film were considered groundbreaking. The primary concept artist was the fantasy illustrator Brian Froud, famous for his distinctive faerie and dwarf designs.

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  2. All posts must be clearly related to "The Dark Crystal"

  3. No major "Age of Resistance" title spoilers! Put [SPOILER] in the title of your submission if it contains any spoilers.

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Jen was played by Jim Henson

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Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Thank you /u/coke_nose for making them.

Mystic Sites

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Real Life Skeksis



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We interview Beccy Henderson! (Deet)

10:20 UTC


Which one describes the dark crystal world.

03:14 UTC

22:37 UTC


Jim Henson Idea Man | Official Trailer | Disney+

16:55 UTC


I really wish we had more Gelfling language!

I think it is super awesome how Podlings and even Skeksis has some linguistic work done in the past, but i have remained more curious about what larger fragments of the Gelfling language would sound like.

01:34 UTC


Never forgive :(

Aww I just finished rewatching age of resistance first time since it came out by thra was such such good amazing show reminds me wen I was a child wen I watched the movie on video tape but then the darkening happened last episode and I remember why I haven’t watched it in a long time how Netflix ruined this masterpiece and we didn’t get a season 2 such a beautiful great show never forgive Netflix never forget or forgive dam bastards.

21:13 UTC


a thought experiment

17:08 UTC


Best Character in age of resistance?

Who do you think the best out of these character,s is in the age of resistance ?

View Poll

22:50 UTC


SkekSis Reborn: Warrior training

SkekTek’s experimentations yield fruits, from the wretched broods came the warriors, larger, stronger, more intelligent than their brethrens, one step closer to SkekSo’s dark vision. Worse yet, these creatures are “alive”, capable of calculated though primitive thoughts unlike the mindless Garthim, and display a vile lust for bloodshed and torment. They subdued their smaller brethren, made slaves out of them, something that intrigued the Emperor greatly. As the Garthim War raged on, so too SkekTek’s effort increased. Vast hordes of slashing talon and gnashing teeth were created in secret, hidden in the deepest corners of the sprawling catacombs, preparation for a final conquest that would bring all of Thra to its knees. But first, the warriors must be trained, fed. They must be blooded. Podling captives were sometimes smuggled away to the catacombs, tossed into the pits to be hunted and butchered, sharpening the killing instincts of the unnatural beasts and for the entertainment of the SkekSis emperor.

1 Comment
15:05 UTC


Just bought this at a thrift store for $2. Good find?

18:46 UTC


Imma just leave this here

16:32 UTC


SkekSis Reborn: the Prototypes

The first specimens to come out of SkekTek’s deranged experiments were twisted, weak, barely as intelligent as an average Spitter, pale shadows of what a SkekSis should be. But what they lack in strength and intelligence, they make up for with a low bestial cunning, viciousness and cruelty rivaling that of their masters, fast, agile, nimble, something the Garthim soldiers are not. Despite their lack of usefulness, SkekSo ordered the continuing creation of these creatures to serve as a foundation of power for the reborn SkekSis, for what good a lord without his servants

13:56 UTC


A fan project

In the apex of the Garthim War, the Emperor was driven to near insanity by the death of two of his kind, fearful of his own mortality should the worst come to pass, SkekSo ordered SkekTek to find a way to preserve them, a way to house their essence even after their bodies have expired. Thus started the SkekSis Reborn project, a twisted vision to create false bodies for the Lords of the Crystal, so that they may return and continue their terrible reign

1 Comment
03:33 UTC



21:03 UTC


Low Poly Castle of the Crystal

14:44 UTC


I just watched age of resistance, here are my thoughts.

Wow..... just..... wow.....

There should be a flogging for ending this show. It was a bit hard to get into at first, but after 2 episodes, I got into it. I read the myths comics before this, and the context of that I felt completely enriched the show. There's some philosophy stuff you might not catch without it. And the special affects are amazing. There's some moments where my brain goes ".... I'm just watching fuzzy, but gory", but I just chalk that up to being raised with puppets as a kids art form (even the original dark crystal and labyrinth when you think about it). But the horror i felt from this..... my god the horrors from this. >! The scene where the seladon goes to try and make good on the skeksis, only for the emperor to say "no" and all of them laugh at her was actually horrifying for me. !< there were scarier moments than that, but I never had a movie scare work on me the way that one did. Really feels like a self made hell.

My one criticism I have of the show is.... it's pretty heavy on melodrama? Not that it's necessarily bad, and it worked on my heartstrings the way it was intended, but I could tell it was there, and I know people who wouldn't appreciate it. That being said, I can't really tell right now if this is even a flaw or not for me.

All things considered, I think it's the second best show I've watched on Netflix. Right behind arcane, right in front of midnight mass. It had no right being cancelled. In fact, I don't see why they push for this show more in marketing. I didn't even know it came out when it originally did. I do hope they get picked up again, some way, some how. Or at least some comics. So of anyone knows if Jim henson studios is still pushing for this, I'd really like to know :)

03:51 UTC


Is power of/beneath the dark crystal any worth reading?

I read somewhere that these comics are pretty bad relating to the main material, so im wondering what's the overall quality of them. I'm also considering getting fully into the reading material for dark crystal, so if anyone knows any other dark crystal material that should be less of a focus, please let me know.

I've read throughout here that creations myth is a must read, so let it be known I already read them :)

04:01 UTC


Low poly gelfling model, daydreaming about making a fan game

02:04 UTC


What if the gelfling won the garthim war?

I have always wondered what if the gelfling won the garthim war would what would have happened if the war went the gelfling way? Or what could have been different in the aftermath i don’t know but what do you guys think would have happened ?

21:55 UTC


Read Dark Crystal Novelization or Watch Original Film First?

Newby on the forum here. Been extracting lots of great info from past posts, such as "Canon of the Dark Crystal Guide" (https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkCrystal/comments/cxo4k0/canon_of_the_dark_crystal_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).

From this link I was able to get:

Creation Myths (comic)

  • Shadows of the Dark Crystal (book)
  • Song of the Dark Crystal (book)
  • Tides of the Dark Crystal (book)
  • Flames of the Dark Crystal (book)
  • Age of Resistance series (tv)
  • Original Film (film)
  • Power of the Dark Crystal (comic)
  • Beneath the Dark Crystal (comic)

*Legends of the Dark Crystal no longer canon

Not really sure about the last item regarding "Legends" because I read conflicting posts here. Please let me know your current beliefs if you think "Legends" is canon. From what I read on this forum, it seems like it is. I was hoping I would not interpret it that way because that will be 2 more books I'll need to get on my limited budget.

************MAIN QUESTION************

I ordered the Dark Crystal novelization book by A.C.H. Smith. I realize this is basically like the original film, but from what I researched, it contains some things that are not in the film (not much though from what I gather). Anyway, since I'll be getting the book, do you recommend I read it BEFORE or AFTER watching the original film? And why? I've seen the movie maybe over 2 decades ago, so luckily I have forgotten a lot about it. Please no spoilers with responses. I've been trying to stay away from reading posts and online information that might spoil my future reading/re-watching of the 2 films. I watched AOR in 2019 and have also forgotten a good amount of it (thankfully). Thank you in advance for any and all your feedback.

10:56 UTC


The most underrated character in age of resistance Hup

Hups story in the age of resistance is truly an underdog story from becoming a cook to trying to become the first podling paladin hups story dosent get the credit it desveres. What describes hup is a warrior, a fighter, and a hard worker. hup dosent get the credit like Rian brea and deet does but Hup is probably one of the greatest characters in the season unfortunately though he never really interacted with Rian or brea that much except for when Rian calls him friend when hup is trying to recover but that’s it. I think hup is probably the best character besides Rian and he is deflntly one of the most hardest working. Let me know what you think

02:57 UTC



Just wanted to talk about this as it recently sprung in my mind.

So in the show and other cannon material it’s often mentioned the Skeksis “reigned for a 1000 trine” and I honestly could never really grasp that number. I mean the US and the UK haven’t even existed that long if you put it in that context!

I wanted to talk about it because I feel for me it puts the gelfling’s action into perspective waaaaaay more. The thing that was holding me up, for example, was about Gurjin’s hesitation to go into the catacombs. In the moment I was like “dude, there’s a flesh eating spider down there I don’t think they’ll care if that’s the reason you’re going down,” but then it hit me how truly and utterly the gelfling were indoctrinated and how much the hesitance showed it.

Just prior to that scene we saw him singing about how if you’re loyal to the Skeksis, you get rewards. I don’t think it truly sunk in how intertwined both cultures were. Often we think of the Skeksis as these aliens to Thra, but undoubtedly through the alliance and subsequent takeover they left a big mark on the Gelfling population.

Now, obviously this isn’t some huge revelation, anyone who watched the first episode could tell you that. I just think some in the fandom tend to overlook that when talking about the Gelfling and their actions. Of course that isn’t to justify bad actions, but just to say that I didn’t realize things like Tolyn warning of the guard’s revolt or Seladon’s spiral to madness as much as I thought I did.

I mean 1000 years ago we were in the ages of knights and kings. Knowing that, it’s not as hard for me to see why the gelfling were so dedicated and willing to defend their lords especially after they had the crystal. Even down to minuet things like Rian being convinced by SkekSil to go back with him and not flee, or Gurjin’s trepidation to going into the catacombs when it’d probably be fine. But the Skeksis said no, so if he wants good things to come to his clan, that means no.

I was wondering what you guys sort of thought of the Skeksis control? Like anyone have any real opinions on this? I could be stating the obvious but I feel in the fandom a few characters get flake for falling into the trap of trusting the Skeksis even when it’s reasonable to do so/any normal person in that situation probably would.

02:33 UTC


The connection between Stephen Garlick, Jim Henson Company, Muppets and Christmas Carol

You realize that Stephen Garlick play the boy in the movie Scrooge, Which One with Alec Guinness(because George Lucas said that Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Space Marley and even Mickey Mouse's Christmas Carol and Return of Jedi were release in 1983 while Fox and Hound was release in 1981), twenty-two years before Muppets Christmas Carol and eight years before he play Jen in Dark Crystal

1 Comment
13:33 UTC


Best gelfling clan?

I was wondering who you guys thought the best gelfling clan was. I personably think it is the stonewood clan but who do you guys think?

01:31 UTC


Anyone know what's happening with the franchise?

Not active in the community or anything, and just rewatching the Netflix show and wondering what's next? I know it wasn't renewed, the props were sold, and Boom! Got I think merchandizing rights? But any rumours about how they're finishing the Age of Resistance? I recall soon after the Netflix show cancelling that the Jim Henson company claimed they weren't done with the story yet.

15:38 UTC


The First mentioned of Rian and Deet and the First appearence of Brea and SkekSo in Dark Crystal movie

First, Jen mentioned his parents Rian and Deet saying That the Skeksis(including SkekSil) killed them when he talks with Ursu, and then while Jen was dreamfasting with Kira, we see Brea for the First Time that She hidden Kira in the tree before She gets killed by Garthim in the end of Age of Resistance. Then we see too SkekSo dying, because Rian and Deet banish the Darkening. Rian and Deet are truely responsable to kill SkekSo because their love Always wins and Brea too was responsable to helped them, because Brea, Kira and their Vapra Clan are true Heroes and we know that Vapra Clan Is the leader of Gelfling Clans Just as we watched Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars the Clone Wars because he Is the true Hero that he made for the persons that he loves them, including Ahsoka Tano his formerly Padawan, Ezra Bridger, his Children Luke and Leia, Bad Batch, his droids R2-D2 and C-3PO and the Rebellion. In Rebels too, Kanan Jarrus mentioned the Bad Batch for the First Time in Rebels season two while Sabine Wren mentioned Tech and Qi'ra while She was fighting Arihnda Pryce and meeting Wedge Antilles in Rebels season three... You see? In the presence reveals the events rappresantion the Plot Twist

14:25 UTC


Jen sings on my FATHER'S wings After his parents Rian and Deet gets killed by SkekSil the Chamberlain before the movie Dark Crystal and After Age of Resistance

If you were with me now I'd find myself in you If you were with me now Your the only one who knew All the things we planned to do … I want to live my life The way you said I would With courage as my light Fighting for what's right Like you made me believe I could … And I will fly on my father's wings To places I have never been There is so much I've never seen And I can feel his heartbeat still And I will do great things On my father's wings

12:55 UTC

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