This is a subreddit for Marxists, Anarchists, and DemSocs, with only the most dank and most left memes. Proletarians of all nations, unite! Seize the memes of production! You have nothing to lose but your frown!
This is a subreddit for Marxists, Anarchists, and DemSocs, with only the most dank and most left memes. Seize the memes of production and redistribute them to the working class!
Make sure to visit our wiki as well!
1. No Reactionaries
No reactionaries, including nazis, fascists, nazbols, AnCaps, Trumpers, TERFs, bigots, anti-feminists, queerphobes, racists, ableists, speciesists, or brigaders.
2. Left unity is enforced here
No leftist infighting. If you're here to stir trouble or taunt the other side of the left, you're out.
3. Follow reddit rules
No personal information, harrassment, calls for violence, brigading, etc.
4. Only post memes
We only accept humorous image macros. No screenshots or videos. Exceptions can be made for very short videos or twitter screenshots with a picture in them & with a joke.
5. Only post leftist content
Memes must be about leftist movements, theory, societal issues, or political opponents. We do not accept right-wing memes, even if they are meant to be mocked. We also do not accept apolitical stuff.
6. No memes or advocacy for pro-capitalist ideologies, politicians, or parties, including progressives
Don't meme or advocate for liberal, social-democratic, and other pro-capitalist politicians. The Democrats are right-wing, we're not going to tolerate shilling for right-wingers.
7. Do not blame the proletariat for the manipulation and crimes perpetrated by the bourgeoisie
We don't tolerate blaming workers for "buying into" capitalism or blaming non-voters for bad election outcomes.
Join our DankLeft Commune on the NationStates webgame.
Also check out these subs:
"In many poor countries over half the manufacturing assets are owned or controlled by foreign companies. Even in instances when the multinationals have only a minority interest, they often retain a veto control. Even when the host nation owns the enterprise in its entirety, the multinationals will enjoy benefits through their near-monopoly of technology and international marketing. Such is the case with oil, an industry in which the giant companies own only about 38 percent of the world's crude petroleum production but control almost all the refining capacity and distribution.
Given these disadvantageous trade and investment relations, Third World nations have found it expedient to borrow heavily from Western banks and from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is controlled by the United States and other Western member-nations. By the 1990s, the Third World debt was approaching $2 trillion, and unpayable sum. The greater a nation's debt, the greater the pressure to borrow still more to meet deficits – often at still higher interest rates and on tighter payment terms.
An increasingly large portion of the earnings of indebted nations goes to servicing the debt, leaving still less for domestic consumption. The debts of some nations have grown so enormous that the interest accumulates faster than payments can be met. The debt develops a self-feeding momentum of its own, consuming more and more of the debtor nation's wealth."
"the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed and demand a rent even for its natural produce.” - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations