Welcome to r/WorkersStrikeBack, a leftist, anti-capitalist, socialist subreddit that is dedicated to support worker strikes, protests and unions all over the world, address the obvious problems related to an average worker's workplace, offer advice to a fellow worker struggling with their workplace problems and mock or satirize any kind of anti-worker sentiment. Workers may also share stories related to their workplace problems.
This is a subreddit focused on supporting workers on reddit with organized action in order to achieve better unionization, workplace democracy, and labor rights as we move towards a post-capitalist society. We are a leftist community and align with anyone from an economic-left perspective that eschews private ownership of capital and labor exploitation.
No anti-collectivism sentiments (e.g. anti-Socialism and anti-Communism).
No capitalist apologia.
No debating-- this is not a sub for discussion regarding the aforementioned socieconomic systems. Check out /r/CapitalismVsSocialism or /r/DebateCommunism instead.
No fascists under any circumstances-- they will be immediately banned.
No leftist infighting. We want the same outcomes and focusing on idiosyncratic differences between leftist ideologies diminishes our collective power.
No racism, sexism, bigotry (including anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia etc), or classism.
No spamming referral links, affiliate services, crypto currency sign-ups etc.
Assume positivity and good-intent among the other allies in this space. Please be civil and respectful.
About 1200 Workers from the Samsung Consumer Electronics Plant in Chennai, Tamilnadu from South India walked out from their workplace from 09.09.2024 announcing an indefinite strike due to the fact that the management doesn't want its workers forming an union and it has been 5days since and workers are in solidarity and fully determined to form an union whatever it costs. It is an abomination that the management doesn't want its dignified hard working individuals who want to form an union and it is highly condemn able that the management is doing this, so my dear dignified workers strike back till the capitalist scum pays you a decent wage and treats you with respect, also this strike is not reflected in international media outlets as other strikes, so I humbly respect all of u to share this news this with your media friends and also to your worker groups and make this strike a massive success for our worker community. Wages are shit low compared to other companies in this region and ordering workers to do mandatory overtime even during holiday season, this capitalist scums deserve hell!!
News articles about the strike:
Hey everyone! Coquí Workers Union is looking to raise funds for our union as we continue to negotiate our first contract! In exchange for your generous donations, we plan to release a comprehensive handbook that will guide others on how to create their own independent unions!
As an independent union, we understand firsthand how challenging it can be to find resources for building a union from the ground up. To the best of our knowledge, there isn't a comprehensive guide available for creating your own union in the United States and jurisdictions governed by the NLRA. That's why we are committed to publishing a thorough handbook designed to empower fellow workers in their organizing efforts. This resource will cover essential topics such as basic labor law, workers' rights, effective organizing tactics and strategies, guidance on filing for elections, addressing unfair labor practices, and navigating the NLRB. Additionally, we will provide templates for constitutions, bylaws, collective bargaining agreements, and more. Our goal is to equip workers with the knowledge and tools they need to successfully advocate for their rights and build strong, sustainable unions.
Stay updated by following us on instagram and check out our fundraiser link for more on our history!