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asking cause idk how the grind from dia to masters is currently post the Great Reset. I've been peaking dia2/3, getting back there after every loss streak, i vod review, play daily 4/5 hours, 2 mains and have a good mental. Is it doable? 😭 i wanna keep my expectations realistic. I remember people saying before the reset masters to gm is like bronze to diamond, and from what people are saying masters currently is like GM before the reset so
edit THX guys :D
Any console winston have any luck climbing with him or any advice for playing him in T500. I've had very mixed success trying to win with him in solo q consistently on console (especially compared to when play him pc where he feels much easier to play into his counters). Theirs alot of Dva and ximmers on console ladder and as much as I want to min max him and see how far can't get it's really discouraging since there's only like 10 players with him as their most played in the upper half of T500 and maybe at most 3x that if you include people that him in there top 3.
Honestly, I am kind of tired of Blizzard treating its community like babies. I don't care if some person on my team was seen as "toxic" and now is forcibly muted. I want to be able to decide for myself if I want to hear what they say.
I think communication abuse reports should still lead to mutes (imo, never suspensions or bans except in extreme cases such as repeated hate speech / slurs, but I'm sure people will disagree with me here). However, if I have a teammate in my game who is muted, I should be allowed to unmute them at will. I think that's still a fitting punishment and gives me agency over my own experience. Everyone has a different threshold for what they see as "abusive" chat, so why not let me decide for myself? I don't get bothered if someone flames or calls me trash or w/e, I want to hear their callouts.
We have a *mandatory, on by default* profanity filter yet people get suspended for profanity. We have automated, AI-reviewed actioning that's solely based on numbers. We have a community who, especially at higher ranks, KNOWS you can get just about anyone suspended with enough comm reports. Anyone who has been in like the higher half of the SR pool has seen the classic "Player X called me this slur, report please" when you get a onetrick or something in your game. If someone says something you dislike, we have the option to mute text and voice. I want to decide for myself who I do and do not hear.
This whole system has gone way overboard and is why I am terrified to ever type or speak. I have seen some ridiculous cases of suspensions/closures over normal-to-slightly-heated communication, and as a "niche" hero main, I know I will get targeted.
TL,DR - comm abuse should only lead to mutes not suspensions unless extreme, and let me unmute my muted teammates if I wish
Before i say anything, what im gonna say WILL be taken the wrong way by people regardless of how i word it, but i have zero intentions for that and it is a genuine question.
How many top 500/pro AFAB women that play dps (specifically hitscan) are there?
before you downvote let me explain:
i’ve been playing this game from a very young age and i’ve always wanted to get better and make it to the top. when you’re a male playing an fps game, you have SO many people to look up to and inspire you because they’re just like you. since i started playing young i was influenced and told by many people that since im female i couldn’t ever compare to someone who’s male simply because i am a …woman. yes it’s a terrible mindset, i know. but when you’ve been told you couldn’t be as good as a man + evidence supporting that (way higher percent of pro male players compared to cis women) across your 3000 hours of playtime, it feels near impossible to think otherwise and that’s why im making this post.
i want to be able to watch other women that are good at this game and have the same goals that i do, so if anyone knows afab female hitscan players that i can watch please let me know
edit: i just wanted to say thank you to those who are being understanding and answering my question, it means a lot to me!!
edit: i took some advice/feed back on how i could change some of the wording in this post because i definitely came off as ignorant and uneducated! i’m sorry for any of the harm i’ve caused, and im grateful for the responses i’ve received!
I’ve been watching overtubers for a while now, and most of them have names that aren’t super odd. Flats being a reference to SpongeBob, DaFran being a portmanteau of his name (Daniel Francesca), XqC being the last letter of his name and his location (Felix, Quebec). But the only thing I can think of for Emongg is a niche character from Shrek Super Slam, called G-Gnome. Any insight would be very appreciated
Ive been playing sombra a lot today after the changes and having an absolute blast. the reduced translocator cd from last patch in combination with the huge reduction of downtime window between stealth and unstealth makes sombra feel incredibly fast paced and fun, especially using translocator to dodge abilities since the new windows can basically mean that you dont stop shooting between stealth and unstealth.
the only issue Ive been having is running out of ammo in engagements, but I think a slight reload speed reduction or an ammo refund mechanic on a virus hit / stealth activation could be huge
As title says, they had the OW1 team skins + the contenders and OWL skins for OW2 in the store so far, what are the chances we see the OW1 ones come back before the sale ends? It’s free money for blizzard right? Surely they do it. 😁😁
Hi all, a bit of a long shot but I am looking for a Geguri Shanghai Dragons jersey, I recently borrowed my boyfriends's and the lettering and number has worn off. I feel terrible and im hoping to buy a replacement for them. Any help will be greatly appreciated
Does anyone have any archives like screenshots, videos, or spreadsheets of top 500 leaderboards from OW1?
I found this one from season 4 OW1 NA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAdyItoxkjs
It is cool to see the names of those older players and what heroes they played.
(I should probably stress here at the start that this is *not* a suggestion that talents should should be added to competitive asap)
So Junkensteins Lab has been out for a week now and been very well received, 15% of the playerbase still playing an arcade mode with limited character is extremely succesful. Blizzard is also likely going to expand on the concept, because otherwise they wouldn't bother balancing the game mode with so little time left on it.
This makes me curious what this sub thinks in general about talents in OW? Random thoughts on things to discuss:
Can it be added to other game modes than those that can be split up in 5 rounds? My spontaneous thought is something like "you get a new talent every time an objective is captured *or* when X amount of time passes, whichever happens first" but there are issues with how to handle talents being earned outside of round changes. Not unsurmountable though as that obviously happens in various mobas with talents as well, including mid teamfights.
Can talents be a tool against counterpicking? You can already see that in the mode where you can build Genji to be less useless against Pharah for example. That is also how talents/items works in similar games. I am most familiar with DOTA so bear with this example: You pick a mobile damage dealing hero but the other team picks a lot of CC against you which makes you miserable. But to make this more manageable you can buy a BKB which allows you to become immune to most cc for a short duration of time.
The OW equivalent could be something like a talent for Wrecking Ball that makes him immune to all CC while in fireball and a short duration afterwards etc. (you likely have better ideas) Blizzard is not opposed to having talent like systems in the regular game afterall, they recently had that playtest where each role could pick one of 3 passives, essentially a basic talent system.
Can hero switching be compatible with talents somehow without being a complete mess?
Is the randomness of the talents good? Would a structured 'talent tree' with specific talents available be better?
Anyway, the reception for this mode has been surprisingly strong so I'm sure we'll see more of it either way. This makes it interesting to talk about and I'd love to see a discussion on various pros and cons here as this is one of the more 'serious' OW forums.
Long range hitscan poisonous smoke area and sight line denial on E, right click to lob a projectile non-lethal smokebomb.
Need to cross an area? Smoke screen the path! Widow on high ground? Smoke screen the widow!
Give the hero mobility like a Hammond/Widow grapple but make it momentum-based where you need to swing a little like spider-man (MHA fans, think Black Whip) and they can dive Widow too. And there's counterplay possible for the widow when infrasight is up.
This is coming from your below average widow main that understands she's a pain - so maybe not a big brained take but it's 9 on a Tuesday. Also reducing her bullet size too.
As a Support Main Its a Bit annoying is there a reason why queue times are that high ??
In short, 4 roles in total with 2 slots for the new role, so 1-1-1-2.
The first and most important question, how will this affect the queue times? Never forget the best lesson we learned from OW1 6v6.
From the current live 5v5 mode, to the proposed "Limit 2" and "Kingmaker" modes, one-trick players will be harder and harder to exist; while it sounds good on paper, those are actually the most loyal playerbase — playerbase is the root for any development of an online game.
And yes, 1-1-1-2 will allow one-tricks and flexible players to play together since role selection but not in-game hero selection.
We also have the dynamic players who keep switching and seek for the "correct" answer at the moment, so why not push it the max?
Since they do not enjoy any of the role passives, so options are low hp tank without CC resistance, support who can't self heal, and DPS without anti.
Without role passives, will DPS be more in line with the other 2 roles?
What do you think?
When 6v6 playtest came out, I expect people will go for Tank duos (e.g Rein + Zarya; Winton + DVA; etc) for nostalgia. Eventually, people will move on and go back playing their own mains. Just like in OW2 beta 1st phase, Tank queues were long because people were trying reworked Orisa + Doomfist; then Junker Queen in 2nd phase. When OW2 is on full release, most people have basically moved on and go back playing their mains.
As people move on, you also get people pick their own Tank character that they wanted to play and do their own thing instead of actually synergizing. Like Ball & Doom mains do their own thing by lurking around the map to perform crazy rollouts & finally dive the backline, while Rein & Ram mains were frontlining + brawling; poke Tanks endlessly shoot enemies; Hog / JQ just run and shoot; etc. The enemy team may run 3 Tanks, 1 DPS, 2 Supports while your team runs 1 Tank, 3 DPS, 2 Supports.
Tank players will stop bother about counter-swapping because they expect the other Tank to counter-swap and babysit them.
Hey freaks wanted to get this out before it flies outa my tornado brain.
With the imminent implantation of two-tank again, as well as even comps that have up to 3 of the same role, perhaps a worthwhile experiment would be to introduce a new Voice Chat option called ‘Role Chat’ which, as many would surmise, is just a chat option where you are automatically in a voice room ONLY with the people on your team of the same role (tank / dps / support, duh).
The potential value in this is several-fold. Firstly it’s a way to allow shyer and rightfully anxious solo-queuers to wade in the shallow end of voice-comming by having only 1 or 2 more in the room, rather than being overwhelmed by 4 or 5 people yelling over each other into their ears.
Secondly and more importantly it would allow for more potential role comradery and cooperation among the other 1 or 2 teammates of your role. Optimistically, the 2 or 3 Role-Chatters could vocally focus on just being the best of that Role of the team they could be, and keep the rest of the team going strong as they can, by compensating for each other, etc. Even with the state of high pathology among online gamers right now, I believe the common-role-ism would allow for more grace and patience given even when role-mates are exasperated. It would also obviously spare players role-based blame in losses and drawbacks (assuming text-chat was off too ;_;).
The only issue to look out for and require diligent reporting would be people in role-chat STILL insisting on being disparaging or abusive to their mates, which I still theorize would be less likely with a smaller voice room, especially only two, especially a fellow role-mate. Fortunately by design I think only the highest echelon of troglodytes would do this and get their due chastising in hopes of rehabilitation (lol?).
Please forward this to who the hell ever if you think it has merit. I won’t be that mad if they use the idea and I can’t sue.
Im really curious as to how you guys handle people who go afk or troll in ur comp games.
I played a handful of games today and i can confidently say that at least in half of them there was somebody who went afk or trolled (stopped playing or picked a troll hero). Im in low plat and been experiencing this in every elo before, but thought it would be better in the "higher" elos?
Realistically i know theres nothing i can do except look at my screen like a 🤡
The most troubling thing in the blog post is that the systematic changes they’re making are aimed primarily at lowering tank power/survivability.
We’ll also be implementing a series of balance changes that will apply to these two test modes only. The power and survivability of tanks will go down in these 6v6 formats, and we’ll be taking a look at whether we need many of the passives that we’ve added in Overwatch 2.
This seems to imply that they’ll be making a series of changes to the current state of the game, mostly hitting the tank role. As though 6v6 can be launched with 250 HP squishies. Obviously this simply is not acceptable. Very little of the OW2 balance changes are appropriate in 6v6. Not the s9 HP/Proj size changes, not the role passives, not any of the general nerfs to the DPS role. 6v6 built on top of this game would be legitimately worse than even double shield.
(You don’t have to read this unless it isn’t obvious why you can’t paste the DPS/supports from this game into a 6v6 mode: the tl;dr is that tankier squishies combined with an additional tank is both worse for tanks and unplayable for DPS trying to kill supports who now have an entire bodyguard.)
For example of what can’t stay: all role passives besides the universal regen, the HP/Projectile size changes, the armor changes (though it may be interesting to do flat -30% like early OW2), either of sombra’s reworks after season 6 (the early s1-6 version of sombra was an interesting change), zen discord nerf (both the CD and 30->25 nerf), all the random nerfs to soldier, echo ult being unable to copy full hp tanks (and the ult charge in ult nerfs), roadhog rework, the various nerfs to Ana’s CDs, genji damage nerf.
Or more simply the stuff that can definitely stay is the pharah, orisa, and bastion reworks. The more ambiguous cases are Cass (nade), Mei (freeze), Brig (bash - rally change is great), and doomfist.
Imagine playing against 250 HP Bap+Brig with an entire sigma/D.va babysitting them. Imagine playing the necessarily nerfed tanks into 300 HP reaper. None of this stuff is okay (frankly the HP/proj changes aren’t even appropriate in this game, but I choose my battles).
6v6 doesn’t work as a mode launched off this game with some light changes to the tank role. 6v6 doesn’t need balance changes starting from this game as a template. It needs balance changes starting from OW1, incorporating only the general lessons learned from this game (regen is cool, CC is not so cool).