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Language confusion

Hey, not sure if this is the write place to ask but I want to get into coding however I have no idea which language to start on. I am looking for something that's not too difficult but I can make games or websites with it, something that will be beneficial in the future. Thanks

09:34 UTC


c# methods

Parent Class:

public class Rectangle{

public class Rectangle{

Console.WriteLine("Please enter the length: ");
String length = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the width: ");
String width = Console.ReadLine();

public virtual void getArea(){
double area = length*width;
public virtual void getPerimeter(){
double perimeter = (2*length)+(2*width);

Child Class:

public cpublic class Square : Rectangle{

Console.WriteLine("Please enter the length of a side: ");

double side = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

public override void getArea(){

	double area = side\*side;


public override void getPerimeter(){

	double perimeter = (4\*side);



The error in the parent class says that the name length and width does not exist in the current context, how can I feed the value of the length and width of the rectangle to the methods?

07:33 UTC


First line in external CSS never works.

Edit: This has been answered.

So this is my code.




<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles3.css">


<div id="test1">



<div id="test2">





CSS from styles3.css


#test1 { color: blue;}

#test2 {color: red;}


Unless I am mistaken, test1 should turn blue, test2 should turn red and control should remain black.

However, test1 is black, test2 is red and contorl is black. If I reverse the order in css, test2 works and test1 doesn't.

If I put another line in the begining of my css page, even if it's has nothing to do with the html, such as

h1{color: orange}

My code works exactly like I expect.

If I litterally just repeat the first line

#test1 { color: blue;}

My code works exactly like I expect.

What is going on?

22:44 UTC


External playlist embed - need search function

I’ve embedded a playlist from an external streaming provider but there’s no search function - tried a few different things but can’t for the life of me implement a decent search bar / function that pulls videos from the external playlist when searched for - any advice?

21:54 UTC


Are you looking for a challenge?

I've started learning C a year ago.
This is a project that I'm working right now and I kinda got stuck.
There's probably a issue in moves_cost.c, do you think you are good enough to fix it?

Everything you need to know is explained in the README.md

Here's my repo

1 Comment
20:29 UTC



Need major help with this assignment that my tech teacher assigned for a E-learning day, how should i start my program, He gave me Program languages: Phyton, JavaScript, Java and C++. my phrase is "Hello, World!!".

17:03 UTC


Want to make a network protocol over tcp, which language should I start with?

I want to make a protocol that can be used in a decentralized manner and centralized manner. I want it to be as efficient as possible and even allow for end to end encrypted communications, but starting off with a language like C probably wouldn't be a good idea. Ideally, it would be over TCP and be used for realtime communications. Like game servers, chat apps, notification services etc.

I can't decide what language to use though to start off with. Golang seems like a good candidate, but zig, r, vlang, Rust or others could also work. I'd rather make a simpler version first, then work on improving its performance.

It could also be used in apps to communicate with the backend servers. It should be essentially a really scalable tcp-based protocol that can be used for anything.

I'm not sure if this would really make a difference or if its even possible, but maybe I could scale the protocol with FreeBSDs netmap with intel or nvidia network cards.

https://discord.com/blog/why-discord-is-switching-from-go-to-rust Discord moved away from go bc of its gc, but Rust doesn't have native implementations of a lot of things, they're made by third parties which is a little annoying.

1 Comment
16:40 UTC


Need help with a “Should I” question

I know very little about computers & technology other than email, etc.

I’m naturally good at languages. I got all A’s in jr high & hs & college Spanish classes. Sometimes I watch stuff in Russian or Greek or Chinese to see what I can figure out.

For some reason lately I’ve had this recurring thought that I should learn to code. I’ve dismissed it—I’m old, I’m busy, I don’t even understand 90% of what my phone can do. Computer language isn’t the same as a foreign language (is it?)

I believe coding is the language used to program computers, but aren’t there lots of them?

All to say—should I pursue this reoccurring thought? And if so, how? Can I buy a book & do it on my own? Do I have to take a class? If so—which book? Which class?

Thanks in advance. I’m lost on this one.

It made me choose a flair so I chose html but I don’t have a clue if that will help anyone read this!

14:19 UTC


Do you need coding help?

Why not use https://autocodewizard.com?

You select your language from Bash, JavaScript, PHP, PowerShell and Python.

Select Script or Function

Define your inputs (e.g. firstName, lastName)

Enter the description of your code that you are looking to write: e.g.
create a script the outputs firstName and lastName to the console

You can enter whatever you like and as complicated as you want. If you add:
"please provide an explanation comment for each line" to your prompt it will provide you with a line by line guide.

Give it a filename e.g. myname.<file ext>

and click Generate code.

It writes the code for you. With that you can read through each line to work out what it does.

Prompt Header: Generate a JavaScript script based on the following inputs: firstName, surName firstName, surName firstName, surName

Prompt body: create a script the outputs firstName and surName to the console, please provide an explanation comment for each line

Prompt Footer: The expected outputs are: in JSON format

This is what it generated

You can also share this code - view it at : https://autocodewizard.com/view_shared_script.php?scriptId=21&hex=4d27306386bd6f6a

and raise a ticket to ask for help - any questions do let me know

// Define variables for first and last name
var firstName = "John";
var surName = "Smith";

// Create a function to output the first and last name in JSON format
function outputName(firstName, surName) {
    // Create an object to store the first and last name
    var name = {
        firstName: firstName,
        surName: surName
    // Convert the object to JSON format
    var jsonName = JSON.stringify(name);
    // Output the JSON format to the console

// Call the function with the given first and last name inputs
outputName(firstName, surName); // Output: {"firstName":"John","surName":"Smith"}
09:53 UTC


Why can't i replace these emoticons with emojis ["skill issue"]

Idk why i cant attach that image here.. can someone please help me.

09:31 UTC


Class or structure?in stack

Hello I have a question,in Stack implementation of array classes are used while stack implementation of the linked list structure are used ??

Plz guide me...

1 Comment
07:23 UTC


Can someone please help me find a better approach?(C++)

//it gives a lot of TLE
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int t;
    cin >>t;
    vector<int> n;
    vector<vector<long long int> > num;
    for(int i=0;i<t;i++){
        int m;
        cin >>m;
        vector<long long int> arr(m,0);
        for(int j=0;j<m;j++) cin >> arr[j];
    for(int i=0;i<t;i++){
        int cnt=0;
        long long int diff=0;
        unordered_map<long long int, int> freq_map;
        for (int j = 0; j < num[i].size(); j++) {

        for (int j = 0; j < n[i]; j++) {
            long long int num1 = num[i][j];
            // Count pairs with the same difference
            for (int k = j + 1; k < n[i]; k++) {
                long long int num2 = num[i][k];
                long long int diff = abs(num1 - num2);

                // Count how many times this difference can be matched
                if (freq_map.count(num1 + diff)) {
                    cnt += freq_map[num1 + diff];
                if (diff != 0 && freq_map.count(num2 + diff)) {
                    cnt += freq_map[num2 + diff];

        // Adjust count as each pair is counted twice
        cout << cnt / 4 << endl;
    return 0;
05:41 UTC


Is a dell xps 9350 a good enough laptop for CS

Incoming first year student, don’t really wanna buy a new laptop if need, is my laptop enough or should I get a new Mac or windows

06:57 UTC


H0w shouId l st0re this da+a?

If I use weird spelling, it’s because my post keeping getting taken down by the @utom0d and taking forever to get rev!ewed, so I’m trying to f!lter words that might be the problem. Anyways:

For the sake of simplicity, here's an analogy of what my situation boils down to:

I'm a talent scout who handles auditions, and I'm keeping a database of every person that has auditioned for my talent agency. Each person has a vocal skill level (0-4), a rap skill level (0-3), and a dance skill level (0-4); 0 being the worst, 3 or 4 meaning the best. There are a thousand auditionees, so I want to st0re this data in the most eff!c!ent way possible. This was my idea:

I would use an "unsigned char" variable type, (using C++ btw) which holds 8 bits of info. The first 3 bits are for the vocal score, the next 2 are for rap, and the last 3 are for dance. I think it's pretty obvious that this is the most sp@ce-eff!c!ent way to do it, but then I thought about it some more, and I think that I might have to use separate variables anyways due to the functions I need to write for the database. Like if I want to write the function "getVocalLevel", the return value would have to be an unsigned char with JUST the vocal level value, which would defeat the purpose of merging them together, right? As far as I know, there's no way to st0re a 2 or 3 b!t data v@lue. So am I overthinking this? Is my idea good, or will it give me bigger issues in the long run? Is having 3 unsigned chars compared to 1 really that b!g of a difrinse in the computer world?

There's also one more thing. If the auditionee is considered a professional, they get a star next to their skill level mark. For example, if I have an auditionee who has trained at the most prestigious dance school in the country, she'll get a star next to her dance level. I was going to store this information as 3 b00leans, one for each skill. So hers would be: proVocal = false, proRap = false, proDance = true. Is 3 separate b00leans the be$t way to st0re this new data? I just want clar!f!cat!on on these issues before I write my code.

And sp&ce efishency does matter to me, because there are a LOT of auditionees.

18:14 UTC


Am I using the struct function correctly here?

I'm very new to programming and I'm trying to experiment with the typedef struct function.

I want the user to input a number of votes each candidate has. Then the program calculates which candidate has the most votes and prints out who the winner is. I'm using the function like its a variable the user can set. I'm getting an error in my code, is there a way to get around this?

typedef struct
        string name;
        int votes;

    candidate president[2];

    president[0].name = "Carol";
    int president[0].votes = get_int("How many votes does Carol have?");

    president[1].name = "Xavier";
    int president[1].votes = get_int("How many votes does Xavier have?");
18:25 UTC


JavaScript file not applying to my HTML file using VS Code and Live Server

I'm beginner to using VS code, and I'm trying to develop a website (for school work – I'm a high school student). I wanted to use MongoDB, so I was trying to use require(), which did not work and made me switch to using Live Server instead. Everything works perfectly fine except for the JavaScript files. I have divided the files into CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, and CSS is working well on my HTML file. However, it seems like it is not reading my JavaScript file. It keeps saying this error

TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "express". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".

and when I click a button with onclick function, it says the function is not defined. I thought this is so weird because the file path for CSS and JavaScript files are written correctly, but it is only reading my CSS files. I searched up everywhere, but I couldn't figure it out.

This is a portion of my code including the button with onclick function and <script> tag:

                <span class="warn" id="fillAll">*Please fill out all the input fields.</span>
                <button onclick="signUp()" id="signUpB">Sign Up</button><br><br>

                <span id="bottomText">Already have an account?</span>
                <a href="login.html">Login</a>

        <script type="module" src="../js/script.mjs"></script>

Please, let me know if I have to add or fix anything. Thank you so much.

21:53 UTC


Combining Val and Fitbit

Okay guys, I've been having problem battling my gaming addictions. I do have some knowledge of Java from my AP comp sci course I took a few years ago. I'm aware of Valorant being coded in C++. So, my idea was to take my stats from my fitbit app(tracks health and fitness) and use the day's data to determine if I can even start up Valorant or not(for example if my requirement is to do at least 30 minutes of activity, then valorant will be able to open). I don't think the coding part will be complicated but I have no idea how to implement it. How will I connect to apps together and share information between the two applications? If you guys have any idea or suggestions, please let me know! (I know I could just stay disciplined and do my work beforehand, but I saw this as a great way to gain experience on how to code and apply my skills!)

00:19 UTC


Any differences on editions?

I just bought what I only assume because of the price I paid the first edition of "Programming: Principles and Practice using C++" just wondering if anyone has read it and also really is there any major differences in the editions that would affect my learning of it? Thanks.

22:39 UTC


Learning to about the different types of recursive calls:

After I botched an interview on dp, I started reviewing my foundations in recursive programming and try to get a deeper understanding.

For a good amount of problems, I can get the base case and the recursive call correctly. However, I'm having trouble thinking in some kinds of problems. For example, reversing a linked list recursively.

Before I start my question:

1: I'm not asking for a solution. There are very good solutions around, like the one below.

def rev(head):

if head is None or head.next is None:

return head

node = rev(head.next)

head.next.next = head

head.next = None

return node

2: I'm also not asking how it works. I already hand-executed the code many times to try to absorb the concept. However, I memorized the "recipe" and that isn't satisfactory; if the problem changes a bit I won't be able to adapt.

My question is about how to think about the base case and to reduce it to the subproblem. Again, in many cases, it feels simpler. For example, in the problem: swap nodes in pairs I was able to easily deduce the base case and the recurrency relation. Took my less than five minutes and, after fixing typos, working on the first run.

In reversing the list, I tried many things: used two and three nodes as the base case, tried bottoms-up and top-down approaches, tried to use the return call (head) in many ways, etc. but couldn't get it right in two hours. Then I referred back to the solution, it was ridiculously simple to do but very hard to think about it. The difficulty for me was, maybe, because the recursive call is done in the middle of the code, not at the end and that the recursive returned is used only at the end.

So, what I'm asking here about the resources to help me learn different types of recursions. There's plenty of information available around but it seems they don't really explain how to think about it and shows how to do it and why it works (It's not an exaggeration that I looked more than 20 pages about reversing linked list and none of them dived in the mental framework for it. Even academic explanations are not very good https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/JavaAndDS/recursion/recursionList.html).

One friend of mine suggested to start coding in lisp. While it could work, it's not a short or even medium term solution (he has 26 years of experience in lisp) and there aren't many lisp and lisp-like languages resources available to train.

Besides coding and coding and coding again, is there a way to learn how to think recursively (like some frameworks to know and train)?

21:59 UTC


How to properly set up Firebase for unit testing inside Flutter?

I would like to start writing tests for my Flutter project. For some reason writing tests in Flutter is really hard for me. I already have methods that are working on when I run flutter normally, but when I try to test the same methods using test, they aren't working as expected, I'm always getting some errors.

Could someone show me how to set up Firebase for testing, I would appreciate if someone could just give me a simple example of storing anything on my Firebase.

If someone wants to know what I've tried, here it is:

This is the Repository that I wanted to test:

class RoleRepository {

  final CollectionReference _rolesCollection = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Role');

  Future<void> createRole(RoleModel role) async {
    await _rolesCollection.add(role.toMap());


This is the test:

void main() async{
    late RoleServiceImpl roleService;
    late MockRoleRepository mockRoleRepository;

   setUpAll(() async {
      mockRoleRepository = MockRoleRepository();
      roleService = RoleServiceImpl();
      await Firebase.initializeApp(
        options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,

  group('Role Tests', () {
    test('createRole()', () async {
      final role = RoleModel(role: 'Admin', user_id: 'user1');

      await roleService.createRole(role);


When I run the test I get:

package:firebase_core_platform_interface/src/method_channel/method_channel_firebase.dart 195:5  
package:firebase_core/src/firebase.dart 79:41                                                   
package:cloud_firestore/src/firestore.dart 33:21                                                FirebaseFirestore.instance
package:bee/Repository/RoleRepository.dart 6:66                                                 new RoleRepository
package:bee/Service/Impl/RoleServiceImpl.dart 6:45                                              new RoleServiceImpl
test\role_test.dart 20:21                                                                       main.<fn>.<fn>
[core/no-app] No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp()MethodChannelFirebase.appFirebase.app

Sometimes this:

Firebase initialization failed: PlatformException(channel-error, Unable to establish connection on channel., null, null)

As the error says the Firebase isn't set up properly but the same code works in main.dart when I run the app inside my web or android:

await Firebase.initializeApp(
  options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,

I've tried creating Mocks as well, here is how I generated them: (but that also didn't work)

import 'package:bee/Repository/RoleRepository.dart';
import 'package:bee/Service/Impl/RoleServiceImpl.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

  customMocks: [MockSpec<http.Client>(as: #MockHttpClient)],
void main(){

21:31 UTC


Web Facial Recognition

I am a junior CS student and I am really interested in Facial Recognition. I have no Idea how to go about this project but I essentially want to make a software that will search the web for a match of that persons face. I got this idea from a website that essentially does this and I was intrigued. How would I start and structure this project?

1 Comment
17:58 UTC


does anyone have any notes on Microsoft Access database?

Hello All,

I am a college student who hasn't worked with database in a long time and I need for a group project in a college course. any notes that anyone has or a link to database notes would be appreciated.

17:33 UTC


Why is my approach wrong?

Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station

Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station

Difficulty: HardAccuracy: **38.36%**Submissions: **57K+**Points: 8

We have a horizontal number line. On that number line, we have gas stations at positions stations[0], stations[1], ..., stations[N-1], where n = size of the stations array. Now, we add k more gas stations so that d, the maximum distance between adjacent gas stations, is minimized. We have to find the smallest possible value of d. Find the answer exactly to 2 decimal places.

Example 1:

n = 10
stations = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
k = 9
Each of the 9 stations can be added mid way between all the existing adjacent stations.

Example 2:

n = 10
stations = 
k = 2 
Construction of gas stations at 8th(between 72 and 89) and 6th(between 44 and 67) locations.


Your Task:
You don't need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function findSmallestMaxDist() which takes a list of stations and integer k as inputs and returns the smallest possible value of d. Find the answer exactly to 2 decimal places.

Expected Time Complexity: O(n*log k)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)

10 <= n <= 5000 
0 <= stations[i] <= 10^(9) 
0 <= k <= 10^(5)

stations is sorted in a strictly increasing order.Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station

This is the question . I employed the logic that lets store the gaps between adjacent stations in a maxheap. we have 'k' stations ,so i poll the first gap out from the heap and try to divide it into segments until their gaps are less than the next gap in the heap,when it does i just insert the formed segments gap into the heap(for ex: if i break up 6 into 3 segments of 2 , i insert three 2s into the heap). If at any point we exhaust all 'k's we break out of the loop. I know this is a binary search question and all,but will my approach not work? If anyone can confirm or deny this it'll be great great help!

1 Comment
16:41 UTC


API keys

I want to learn the concept of API keys. Can someone guide me as I have to use API key in my c++ project. I have watched many YouTube tutorials but still I don't know where to start......

14:50 UTC


Converting Binary to Decimals. I get really close to the answer but there's something I'm converting wrong. Help?

I was asked to convert 1101 into a decimal...... ELi5

14:10 UTC


Inspiration needed for a multi-app music player

Hello coders. I was always bothered by how i cant reliably play songs from multiple sources, such as youtube and spotify, without downloading the songs. I am thinking about creating an app that could possibly take songs from multiple platforms into one queue and then play them. I know very basic stuff about coding but im willing to learn about all the required stuff. I might be wrong but since spotifyApi (which im still learning what it is) is free to use i figured why not try it and learn something in the process.

I know it's a big project probably far beyond my skills, but any tips are welcome? How would one approach this problem? What language should i use? Anything constructive. Thanks!

12:49 UTC


Function in Express Always Returns UNDEFINED When Called in React

I'm building a React application and using an Express backend to handle routing and dynamically set an assistantId based on URL parameters. However, when I import and call the getAssistant function in my React components, it always returns UNDEFINED.

The assistantId is being set correctly within the Express route handler, but when I try to retrieve it in my React component using getAssistant, the value is not updated and remains UNDEFINED.

Is there a better way to dynamically retrieve and use URL parameters directly in React, or is there something wrong with my approach using Express?


import { getAssistant } from '@/app/config';

function test() {
  console.log("getAssistant is: ", getAssistant())

let assistantId = getAssistant();


// install npm install express
import express from 'express';

const app = express();

let assistantId = "UNDEFINED";

app.get('/categories/:url', function (req, res) {
  const urlParam = req.params.url;
  console.log("urlParam:", urlParam);

  // Update assistantId based on URL parameter
  switch(urlParam) {
    case "first":
      assistantId = "123";
    case "second":
      assistantId = "456";
      assistantId = "UNDEFINED";

  console.log("assistantId is:", assistantId);
  res.json({ requestParams: req.params, assistantId: assistantId });

export function getAssistant() {
  return assistantId;
11:46 UTC


Lost on what to do for this assignment

Hello everyone, im stuck on a question and wonder if I can get some pointers for it.

I have to declare and initialize a string called name, and then initialize it into a literal called "CodeGrade".

To me it sounds like I'm supposed to intialize the string called "name" twice however I thought you can only intialize it once. So I'm not sure how that's supppose to work.

I have been attempting to write the code in various ways for the past 4 hours or so. However, nothing I've attempted has worked.

04:41 UTC


Need help with identifying the encoding


here's the encoded text
looks like base64 but it's not

wanna mention that im really dumb at programming

01:42 UTC


How to tell what the big O notation of a function is

Hiya all

I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell what the big O notation of a C function is but honestly i’m so lost. I KNOW what each of the notations is etc and i just keep finding things on that and not on HOW to tell.

22:40 UTC

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