
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is for posting screenshots, pictures, or stories of people who are being way too picky when begging for things.

This subreddit is for posting screenshots, pictures, or stories of people who are being way too picky when it comes to who they beg for a relationship or any other matter.

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  1. Blur out identifying info (Age, Name(s), Location, etc). This includes OP's info.

  2. Please use Imgur or Reddit for image hosting.

  3. Please be nice to other users.

  4. Don't link to other sub-reddits (You will be banned)

  5. Don't incite others to visit the page a given post pertains to. Additionally, refrain from enquiring OP for the underlying source(s).

If you ever notice brigading, please report and message the moderators

  • Person must be a beggar, such as:

    • Person seeking goods or services at a reduced cost, for free, or for a laughably lopsided trade
    • Person using social media, dating apps, or otherwise to seek out a specific type of relationship
  • Person must be choosy, as in:

    • Person must have unreasonable standards or have a comical sense of entitlement. Someone who is entitled but not choosy or begging is not a CB.
  • No reposts from top 100, front page or last 12 months.

  • Moderators may use discretion to upkeep the quality of the subreddit. Obviously fake or otherwise unsuitable content may be removed.

  • Please make an effort with your title. "Found on Facebook", "This belongs here", "Saw this on snapchat", "🍆💦" etc are hard to find later, give at least a little bit for us to go on, thanks.

  • Here is what is NOT a ChoosingBeggar:

    Unattractive people seeking a normal relationship and having reasonable standards is not a good fit for this sub. Ugly people are allowed to want a partner with a job, or no kids, or anything else we would consider reasonable for the beautiful people.

    A person asking for help with life's necessities out of desperation is not a choosingbeggar

    • If someone ran out of money and needs gas money to get to work and the only thing they can think of is to make a status update on Facebook asking if anyone can spare them some money, they aren't really being choosy. They got the beggar part down, but this sub is not /r/beggars so that post wouldn't fit. If that same person turns down someone offering to give them a ride to work because they don't want to be seen in a PT Cruiser, then that post would fit.

    • A parent asking for handouts because their kids want an Xbox for Christmas and the only way that could happen is if someone donates one, that isn't a choosingbeggar. That's someone begging, but without a sense of entitlement. If that person is offered a Nintendo and they scoff at the suggestion, then that would be a good post.

    The person begging must be at least in the gradient of being an entitled jerk, this sub is not a place to mock poverty

    Be sure to check out our new sub for ChoosingBeggars memes and other stuff:


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    Why not ask for a house too?

    Even if people can help, she’s across the border. Also she just deleted her post after this screenshot.

    03:45 UTC


    Pay me to clean up my mess and also do it quickly!

    01:37 UTC


    Please give me a $1000 of baby stuff

    20:29 UTC


    work as a nanny for me below federal minimum wage

    18:16 UTC


    Very Reasonable too

    23:58 UTC


    Latest post on our local neighbourhood app

    20:24 UTC


    She can’t imagine why $3 an hour isn’t enough

    12:06 UTC


    We now have 2 refrigerators

    A few weeks ago we moved. Our new house already has a fridge so we listed our fridge for sale on various online sites.

    The fridge is less than 3 years old and in good condition besides one of the door shelves is broke. This is a full size (not huge) stainless steel insignia fridge. I included that in the posts. We paid $650 but listed it for $350, pick up only. Since we already had a U-Haul rented, we would have delivered it within a reasonable radius for a little extra.

    We really didn’t want to take the fridge with us but we weren’t getting any real offers. Everyone kept low balling us and we were getting annoyed. Finally we dropped the price to $300. No real offers. Then $200. No real offers. Moving day was a few days away so we listed it for $100. So it sold after that right? Wrong. We kept getting even lower offers.

    Right after we moved and no longer had the U-haul, we were no longer offering delivery. So pickup only for $100. Firm. $100 brought out the beggars. One guy that really irritated me wanted a “senior discount” because he couldn’t afford $100. He wanted it for free and he also needed it delivered ASAP. I told him $100 and pick up is the senior discount.

    We just said fuck it and deleted the posts.

    We now have 2 fridges in our new house.

    23:41 UTC


    Some people are nuts

    19:11 UTC


    Unfortunately met a CB today

    I was walking to the bus stop after getting my son from daycare and a lady with a baby asked if i have any money. I never bring my wallet out the house because im prone to losing it. But i keep a bag of quarters because my son likes the little quarter prize machines. So i offered it to her and she asked if I could go get cash back. When i told her i don’t carry cash or card she told me to go buy size 4 pampers. My son is in size four so i offered the diapers in his bag but she said she only uses pampers brand.

    21:12 UTC


    Come watch my kids, full time, for $300/week

    14:58 UTC


    The first real life one I have seen! And I am floored

    14:05 UTC


    Kids are her life

    Nanny/housekeeper duties for about 25 hrs/we for two kids. Pay set at $200-$225

    13:37 UTC


    Lasagna Love CBs strike again! This time with an added bonus of being an EB as well.

    Made this post a few months back. Recently, I encountered another CB who also happened to be an EB (entitled bitch). Why do some people think the world owes them anything?

    For those who aren't familiar with Lasagna Love, here's how it works for volunteers: you get assigned requests by your city/county/state's "Local Leader" based off of how often you choose to volunteer. Each assignment will give you the contact info of the requester and also tell you how many adults/kids are in a family, and the volunteer is then responsible for contacting the requester to work out the details.

    I recently got matched with a family with an HUGE number of people (20 adults/kids). Obviously, little kids eat much less than adults, so I contacted the requester to ask the general ages of the kids. I didn't ask for specifics, just wanted to know if the kids were toddlers vs. elementary kids vs. teenagers for the sake of planning. The requester got really snippy with me and told me it's none of my business. She then said "All I need from you is 3 full-size pans of lasagna. That should be enough to feed my family and have leftovers for lunch the next day."

    Yeah, that's not how this works, lady.

    The offer is one meal. I'm not a catering company. Not to mention that three full-size pans of lasagna is cost-prohibitive. I've been doing this for long enough to know that one pan usually feeds 10-12 adults, so 2 pans should be sufficient. When I tried to explain all of that to her and even offered to add a pan of ziti or mac and cheese, she snapped at me "I signed up for this program because I thought I was getting only high-quality lasagna, not other BS junk. If you can't keep your promise, then forget it."

    I contacted my Local Leader to see if they could put this specific family back in the queue because clearly I can't meet the CB's high high standards. The Local Leader agreed to do it, but also gave me an earful about how I shouldn't judge how much a family eats or have an opinion on how many people constitute a family.

    So after that fun experience, I paused my volunteer schedule. Undecided when/if I'm going to volunteer again any time soon. In other news, I recently found out about a program called Cake4kids and started working with them. SO much more fun. Would highly recommend for bakers out there!

    02:19 UTC


    I make funky clothes that celebrities enjoy. Every week or so I'll get a DM from a celebrity like this.

    21:39 UTC


    I need of “essentials” - oh and deliver for me

    21:03 UTC


    New member's first day in local buy nothing group and wants her home furnished, and decorated down to curtains, needs a camera doorbell, an electric fence for her "service teacup Yorkie," and more!

    "Hello new neighbors! I have some big asks. We just moved to the area and the precious family before us left us with… a disaster. So, during the move, things got broken or lost or we had to sell to finance the move itself. My biggest things at the moment are:

    Laptop. I work from home quite frequently and mine stopped charging. It’s not helping me financially provide for what we lost if I can’t work.

    Counter height bar stools. We don’t have a dining table and I can’t let my kids eat anywhere but the dining room… which is empty. I don’t mind standing, but they’re not having a good time. Sitting them at the counter would be so helpful.

    Biggest ask: washer and dryer. The ones I had before were my previous landlords. I have 5 kids and work in healthcare. We are cleaning and repairing 2 homes.. I don’t have time or fuel to sit at a laundromat. Pretty prettty please!

    As mentioned, a dining room table and chair would be fabulous. We need a decent size one… 4-6 seats if possible.

    My son is doing online school since we moved out of his district at the very end of the year. His card take he was using for his computer desk collapsed during the move and he’s sitting on his bedroom floor for hours trying to do school work everyday. He has a chair, just need a desk to put his tower and monitor on.

    Since I also do a lot of work from home, I could use a desk and office chair as well. I’m not picky.

    My 4 year old has an awful tattered twin mattress. Nothing else. I really need a twin bed for him. A new mattress would be great as well but I can make this one work as long as I get him off the floor so I can store his toys under his bed.

    My living room tv is broken but it kind of works. But it’s sitting on the floor. A tv stand that would fit a 60” would be appreciated. We aren’t allowed to mount anything in this house at the moment.

    And finally, I’m a nervous momma. We had a nest doorbell at the other house but I broke it trying to move. With my kids being in a new place and just for safety purposes, I could use a doorbell camera. My doorbell is attached but broken so it doesn’t always work.

    My daughter is coming home at the end of the month and she didn’t have a mattress or bed or dresser. She could do with a bed and vanity I think. I have all kinds of construction to do on these houses so anything you have I could probably use. We need curtains, a dog pen or wireless fence with collar because my service teacup yorkie keys escaping through the wrought iron fence in my backyard. Above toilet storage. I have an entire living space without any furniture. I need nightstands. A decent size kitchen garbage.

    Oh, and I have a lawn mower but my weed eater needs a new fuel injector. The HOA is after us because the prior tenants haven’t mowed in months.

    Thank you so much! As I get these houses squared I promise I have about 6 years worth of kid clothing and toys and books to share. Maybe some other valuables."

    That's her entire post. I had a lot of thoughts, and wondered what this group would think. One thing that was slightly amusing is that the only neighborhoods with wrought iron fences in our group are way more expensive than where the majority of the people live. I was waiting to see the request for anti-fatigue kitchen mats, stylish matching lawn furniture, and a designer dog bed but sadly didn't see it. So far the only comments have been recommending that they look for stuff that had been offered previously in a group, and one person offered two bar stools.

    19:13 UTC


    Legal tender in exchange for goods and services? Since when?

    03:38 UTC


    Choosing begging furry?

    06:52 UTC


    Homeless woman demanded eftpos transfer after I’d already given her $5

    I was walking back to my car after having dinner with a friend last week, and a homeless woman approached me for money for food. (Side note: She had a takeaway container with some kind of dumplings in it in her hand and was eating them in front of me while she made this request...)

    I looked in my purse, I had a fiver, so I handed it over, wished her well and made to walk away. She physically stopped me and asked for more money. I politely said no and tried to walk away again. She stopped me again by holding my arm, and asked me to transfer money to her bank account. There were a few back and forths of me saying no and her insisting before I finally just had to be rude and tell her to leave me alone.

    Not the most dramatic of stories, I know, but damn! I thought I’d already been generous by giving her $5!

    05:51 UTC

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