
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is for posting screenshots, pictures, or stories of people who are being way too picky when begging for things.

This subreddit is for posting screenshots, pictures, or stories of people who are being way too picky when it comes to who they beg for a relationship or any other matter.

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  2. Please use Imgur or Reddit for image hosting.

  3. Please be nice to other users. No political bullshit, this is not the place.

  4. Don't link to other sub-reddits (You will be banned)

  5. Don't incite others to visit the page a given post pertains to. Additionally, refrain from enquiring OP for the underlying source(s).

If you ever notice brigading, please report and message the moderators

  • Person must be a beggar, such as:

    • Person seeking goods or services at a reduced cost, for free, or for a laughably lopsided trade
    • Person using social media, dating apps, or otherwise to seek out a specific type of relationship
  • Person must be choosy, as in:

    • Person must have unreasonable standards or have a comical sense of entitlement. Someone who is entitled but not choosy or begging is not a CB.
  • No reposts from top 100, front page or last 12 months.

  • Moderators may use discretion to upkeep the quality of the subreddit. Obviously fake or otherwise unsuitable content may be removed.

  • Please make an effort with your title. "Found on Facebook", "This belongs here", "Saw this on snapchat", "🍆💦" etc are hard to find later, give at least a little bit for us to go on, thanks.

  • Here is what is NOT a ChoosingBeggar:

    Unattractive people seeking a normal relationship and having reasonable standards is not a good fit for this sub. Ugly people are allowed to want a partner with a job, or no kids, or anything else we would consider reasonable for the beautiful people.

    A person asking for help with life's necessities out of desperation is not a choosingbeggar

    • If someone ran out of money and needs gas money to get to work and the only thing they can think of is to make a status update on Facebook asking if anyone can spare them some money, they aren't really being choosy. They got the beggar part down, but this sub is not /r/beggars so that post wouldn't fit. If that same person turns down someone offering to give them a ride to work because they don't want to be seen in a PT Cruiser, then that post would fit.

    • A parent asking for handouts because their kids want an Xbox for Christmas and the only way that could happen is if someone donates one, that isn't a choosingbeggar. That's someone begging, but without a sense of entitlement. If that person is offered a Nintendo and they scoff at the suggestion, then that would be a good post.

    The person begging must be at least in the gradient of being an entitled jerk, this sub is not a place to mock poverty

    Be sure to check out our new sub for ChoosingBeggars memes and other stuff:


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    Cheap Photographer + Free Lunch

    When she wrote "event" something told me it had to be a wedding. A little scrolling and YEP! Oh, and she wants someone to buy her lunch too.

    PS - It's never "just an hour"


    21:57 UTC


    Why is it always broke people who MUST HAVE the most expensive brand of baby stuff? Are they reselling it?

    The comments aren’t satisfying so didn’t post…Just know she doesn’t respond to high chair offers that aren’t 400 dollars and just know only the 750 dollar stroller would work.

    07:12 UTC


    Did anyone see this? I thought it was satire but sadly it seems serious

    00:05 UTC


    Pay me in cash to live on your property. High values and morals required. But, don’t judge me.

    22:08 UTC


    not covering hotel stays is bad, but figured maybe not if the job paid super well... psych lmao.

    20:35 UTC


    Needs access to a Private Beachfront Property to connect with "the aina"

    11:20 UTC


    But no free breakfast?

    Almost a decade ago there was a polar vortex. The Hawthorne Hotel had empty rooms and offered them for $20 to anyone struggling with housing or heating.

    So not free but still pretty generous considering how expensive and hard to book the Hawthorne can be.

    My mother read about the offer and her first reply is, “But they don’t offer free breakfast?”

    The Hawthorne always had free coffee and cocoa in the lobby for literally anyone. I’m sure they would have offered continental breakfast to all guests, but the fact that it was all my mother could think of labeled her a choosing beggar in my mind.

    08:51 UTC


    Live-In Nanny needed almost daily. Must have Car. Your payment is your room!

    Also, you may work 7 days a week sometimes, but you do get a private bathroom in a “pretty quiet house.” Food and other “personal expenses” are to be covered by you…real deal.

    07:51 UTC


    Please deliver free coffeemaker, again

    Long time lurker first time poster. Lmk if I am doing something wrong.

    23:05 UTC


    "I want you to pay me for you to look after my kid"

    7 hours a week but it's evenings, bedtimes, and weekends

    Rest of the ad cut off for identifiable info reasons

    19:23 UTC


    Cb don't know when to stop

    A couple of weeks ago I had saw a homeless man with a small chihuahua, he was asking for food and I decided to actually help someone out today. I asked him first if he had any allergies/diet restrictions because while I understand he is homeles, he still should be able to eat what he can digest. He told me he was allergic to peanuts, okay no peanuts got it. Went inside Walmart got him one of those popcorn chickens that were near the rotisserie chickens, got him a drink. When I gave it to him, he asked if I could go back inside and get him some chips. I should have honestly said no, but I went inside and bought chips.

    Then he asked if I had any money on me, I told him I wasn't carrying cash on me at the moment. He asked me if I could get $50 at the ATM, I told him I had to leave. He then followed me and asked for my phone number in case I "changed" my mind, I told him sir I have to go somewhere. Finally he left me alone.

    18:35 UTC


    CB begs for free thumbnail in a general chat, ghosts me after my offer and tries to pay low prices to other artist before coming back to me

    06:48 UTC


    “Better than nothing”

    I manage a higher end retail business and I received a call for a donation last week. Our primary business is lighting but we sell all kinds of furniture and accessories. I said I would be happy to donate an item to their auction and the lady came to pick it up yesterday. I brought out a $300+ mirror for her and she said ohhh…did you run out of lamps? I told her I didn’t have lamps to donate at the moment. “Are you sure I can’t trade it for a lamp?” I told her very politely that this was the donation being offered but if it didn’t work for her I would hold on to it for the next donation request. Her response was a long sigh followed by “well it’s better than nothing, I guess” and then asked me to carry it to her car.🤷‍♀️

    02:32 UTC


    Give Me Expensive Baby Stuff and Cast Iron Cookware

    Found this CB on a buy nothing group for the next city over. At least she didn't say all this expensive stuff has to be delivered.

    Halo Bassinets start at $100 and go up, their sleep sacks are $30 each.

    The snuggle me feeding pillow is $65, and their lounger is $109.

    Dock a Tot loungers start at $200 and go up.

    A decent baby dopler is between $40 and $75. (she added a check mark because someone actually gave her one)

    Around here even a small 6-inch USED cast iron pan from a thrift store will set you back $25, and that's for the low end brands.

    19:12 UTC


    I saw the light and returned with the realization that living in tornado alley is dangerous like cholesterol.

    Nobody has commented :(

    02:46 UTC


    I can't pay, but it needs to be good

    Got to love free loaders who demand specific free stuff and only want the good stuff.

    21:49 UTC


    NYC Panhandlers are a Different Breed

    This was about three years ago, while I was finishing up my degree. I used to work early mornings in the Greenwich Village neighborhood when I wasn't in class, and back then I was a lot more of a bleeding heart than I am now (I was still fairly new to the city). I had a number of nutty interactions with homeless and begging folk, but there's one story i still tell on occasion that sticks out.

    One early morning, I'd stopped at Starbucks before work to get some coffee and breakfast, and was walking my way to work when a fella approached me while I was stopped at a red traffic light. He explained to me that his young daughter was waiting for him a few blocks away under some warm scaffolding (it was winter), and he was trying to find some help to get her some breakfast. I offered him the banana bread I'd gotten from Starbucks, but he rejected this, saying it would be "too hard for his daughter to chew". He then proceeded to ask if i would go with him to a McDonalds a few blocks away to buy food. I had to get to work, and didn't have time to go on an excursion, so I told him I couldn't do that. The man immediately changed his demeanor, became angry, and said, "Oh, it's because I'm Black, right??", and i was like, "Dude, I'm leaving now", and crossed the street and made my way to work.

    In retrospect, I doubt there was a "daughter". Cuz, like, wtf could she have eaten at McDonald's that would have been easier to eat than my banana bread? Lmao

    05:10 UTC


    Just needs a few groceries…and delivery

    02:31 UTC


    Another list

    02:00 UTC


    Short & sweet

    00:16 UTC


    I need Dr Pepper, bread, hotdogs, baloney, miracle whip, Queen size blankets, sweet tea, lemonade, and I need it delivered

    It's for a church, NEXT!

    23:51 UTC


    Give me one more-an irl beggar experience

    Okay, so I had to go to the courthouse downtown last week.

    When I got there, I had to bring something back to the car they wouldn't allow me to have inside the courthouse so I'm making my way across the street to the public parking lot the car is in.

    As I'm walking a homeless man asks me for fifty cents. I kinda shook my head "no" and walked right past him. But as I'm walking I'm like you know what I probably have fifty cents in my car. I'll check and if I have it I'll give it to the man. Whatever I'm in a good mood today why not.

    So I checked and I actually had 3 quarters! Cool. So I hurry back to where the man was and hand him the 3 quarters. (25 cents more than what he was asking for btw. )

    Well he looks at the coins. Looks at me and goes:

    " You ain't got one more quarter?".


    I wanted to slap that money right out of his hand. Lol.

    The end.

    19:36 UTC


    $200 per week to be a nanny

    11:40 UTC

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