
Photograph via snooOG

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Rooster problem

Hello there, I wanted to ask you guys for help, we had few chickens before moving out, now in the new house only one remains out of the original bunch. We bought more chickens after some time of more breeds, most recent we bought a rooster and he is awesome, he is pretty and non agressive,hes 7 months old I think. Then we bought another rooster that I realy wanted and becouse I heard 2 roosters are ideal for 20 hens. The second rooster is 3 months old and got his sisters too, this started around this week or more, the second rooster started to be dominating our first one and was rude to other hens, we thought he was going to be rude for while before becoming alpha but things went bad today, he started attacking our... Bald..hen to the point she had bloody stains on her neck, his sisters are agressive towards her too but he attacks almost every hen except our og one. Also the first rooster has stoped crowing about 2 maybe more weeks ago and he is always outside kinda sleeping. Can anyone help?

1 Comment
12:18 UTC


Artificial lighting

Does anyone here use artificial lighting?

I see they sell $60 kits with timers and everything on Amazon for this, but I wonder if it produces enough light for my space. I also wonder if I could maybe just put a regular light in the coop and hoop it up to a Christmas light timer.

Does the shade of light matter? Just how illuminated does the space need to be?

Interested to see what setups if any you might recomend.

12:06 UTC


Saw this on Facebook šŸ˜

1 Comment
09:55 UTC


HELP! my few day old chick is sick!

We hatched three chicken a couple of days ago, one of them had trouble getting out and we had to help her out after waiting nearly an entire day for her to do it herself. She seemed okay after a few hours and once the others hatched and they were old enough we moved them to the cot we use to house baby chick's until they can go into our big pen. It's all set up and has a heater, bedding, food and water so they have everything they need as well as daily interaction.

All day my family and I have been out so once we got home we checked on the chick's only to find the one that had struggled to get out of her egg all sickly and doing this weird thing where she opens and closes her mouth (see the video to understand what I mean)

I've been syringe feeding her sugar water off and on as I read somewhere it might help as well as keeping her on a heating pack so she stays warm. Is there anything else I can do? Or am I doing something wrong?

We don't know what's wrong with her which is why I've turned to reddit as you guys usually have answers to things. Any helpful suggestions would be great! We aren't entirely convinced that she'll make it but i'm not going to stop trying to help her until she's better or has passed. Hopefully the people who's chick's are like this too can get some help from your answers as well. Thank you in advance <3

09:05 UTC


Please help what's this on my girl??

Just went to feed my girls their breakfast & my little pekins side of her face is all swollen. Very warm to the touch too. What is it?

09:01 UTC


Art for chicken coop? What kind of art do chickens appreciate?

I just got a lovely new big chicken coop for my ladies (and gentlemen, whoops), and donā€™t know how I should decorate it. Itā€™s just wood colored inside, so boring! Do they appreciate art? Should I put art of things they enjoy eating? Or perhaps pictures of chickens? Or modern art? Do they like specific colors? Should I just decorate how I see fit because chickens donā€™t care?

04:39 UTC


Rate this photo shoot

01:24 UTC


Why are my broody hens killing the babies?

I don't understand why they're trying to hatch them just to kill them? They seemed fully formed and that they fully hatched out. I feel so guilty... I don't have an incubator. I do have two of those brooder heaters from Tractor Supply. Is it possible to keep newborns under those? Is it possible to keep the eggs under those? How often would I need to turn the eggs?

00:08 UTC


Can I put a single duck with my chickens?

My friend has ducks and I really want a duck and I am just wondering if they can live with my chickens? Do they need anything different?

23:31 UTC


Double armored rooster tank squad

22:33 UTC


Rainbow chicken šŸ¤Ŗ

22:09 UTC


Got my first green egg at 17 weeks :)

21:44 UTC


What the hell

20:32 UTC


Possible Broken Leg in Chick

I just got this chicken, and it was on a whim. Big R told me her leg was broken and she was going to be fine health wise, but that if nobody adopted her she was going to be euthanized. Is there anything else I should do to help her? She hops around my room and doesn't seem to be in pain.

19:22 UTC


Coop Question

So I've raised hens for a long while in a ranch/farm setting but have moved to town and recently wanted to get some chickens for backyard hens. Mostly I'm just curious what options people have/might suggest for a flock of six back yard layers?

19:07 UTC


Can anyone guess how old these misri chicken look?

I was delivered a couple of misri (fayoumi) pullets today that are supposed to be 5.5 months and laying eggs. However they looked rather small, and I am a bit sceptical they are already laying eggs ( I could be wrong.) I wondered if they might be closer to 4 months. Can anyone familiar with the breed guess their age? I plan to keep them in quarantine for a week before I release them with my other birds just to be safe.

18:50 UTC


Coyotes Killed Our Flock

How do you cope after your entire flock is killed by Coyotes? I absolutely love keeping chickens, but my heart can't take losing any more chickens. We had a 4 month old male/female pair of turkeys too, of whom I diligently conditioned to be gentle babies. This was one of those things that you hear other people talking about happening to them, but you never think it's going to happen to you.

18:47 UTC


Advice for Enclosure

We just got this coop but will need to create more of an enclosure so the chickens can roam around. Would netting work or should we use chicken wire? Trying to think of what would be best so any advice would be appreciated.

1 Comment
18:30 UTC


What type of hen is this?

I found her wandering around in my neighborhood last night so I brought her to my backyard to keep her safe.

18:11 UTC


I'm so proud of my mama hen

I only got her this year (she's some sort of Brahma) and couldn't break her broody spell this summer so got her some fertilised eggs. She's been the most amazing mum to them. They're only two weeks old but are growing so fast, she's teaching them all the chicken stuff! I didn't know it was possible to be proud of a chicken, but here I am, very very proud of her šŸ˜‚

17:10 UTC


Polish chicken comb sexing

For the polish experts: I have one bearded polish chicken, 12 weeks. It hasnā€™t gotten any reddening, completely yellow, both comb and wattles. It does though, have some feathering that looks like saddle feathers, long but rounded.

  1. Can polish hens have saddle feathers?
  2. Can polish roos combs stay yellow this long?
16:22 UTC

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