The subreddit for people who keep, or love, ducks. Geese also welcome. r/duck covers both domestic and wild ducks.
Ducks are commonly raised for meat and eggs.
This subreddit is pro-welfare. We believe that anyone who owns animals has a duty to research, and meet, their welfare needs. We have sidebar links to educational resources on duck ownership and welfare.
Posts about hunting wild ducks, or recipes that use duck meat, should be directed to other subreddits.
The subreddit for people who keep, or love, ducks. Geese also welcome. r/duck covers both domestic and wild ducks.
Ducks are commonly raised for meat and eggs.
This subreddit is pro-welfare. We believe that anyone who owns animals has a duty to research, and meet, their welfare needs. We have sidebar links to educational resources on duck ownership and welfare.
Posts about hunting wild ducks, or recipes that use duck meat, should be directed to other subreddits.
Rules can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/duck/about/rules.
Hello, my friends and I debating over whether these are Geese or Ducks, can somebody please confirm? (I am on side Geese)
They all seemed to be keeping warm despite the recent snow :)
If so, what do I feed it?
My family is looking to add a duck or 2 to our family. We narrowed it down to a welsh harlequin or a cayuga. My question is has anyone taken their duck to the lake with them and fish? I do a lot of fishing from my kayak in the summer and I had the idea of taking one out fishing with me sometimes. What would be some concerns with taking one out on the lake? My main concern would be not being able to retrieve the duck while out in the water.
Looking for a new waterer. Currently using a 2 gallon insulated bucked (diy) with a bird bath heater in it. Water never really gets warm, but never freezes. I’m looking for something with more capacity and won’t get so messy. I have to dump the bucket once or twice a week because all the mud they bring into it. (Going to be putting down gravel this spring to help with that issue). I’d like something that I can fill up once per week and that won’t freeze. I’m in northern Utah. 20° temps fairly regularly.
I have 4 Indian runner ducks.
Did a super cheap DIY muscovy duck house i came up with. Surprised i don’t see any examples of this. Waddya think? Nesting house on top, two sealed barrels below, and one drilled barrel on the bottom. Going to tie an anchor to the bottom one as well, rope & a cinderblock. Held together with two 15 foot straps, marine adhesive, and UV resistant silicone.
I would love to get some runner ducks for my garden. But I have cedar mulch between my raised beds and in some of my flower beds. I have heard it can be toxic for ducks. I obviously don’t plan on using it in their coop or run, but do I need to plan on replacing all the older cedar mulch in my yard where I plan on allowing them to wander and forage?
Wondering if anyone has any dosage suggestions for giving ducks oregano oil as an antibiotic? After multiple rounds of antibiotics, it’s the only thing my vet continues to suggest so I’ve been trying oregano oil instead to see if there’s any changes. Curious if anyone has used it before with success and what dosage was used. Thanks in advance!
She does it sometimes and
My duck feels bad nowadays. He has no energy and doesn't walk properly—he is so slow. He used to walk and run nonstop. I don't know what happened to him. Sometimes, his crop's side is swollen, but he has no swollen eye issues or bloody feces.
Have candled and there is still a lot of movement, why has my egg gone this colour ?
hi! i live in ga just outside of atlanta. i was wondering about the legality of taking muscovy ducks from a park since they are an invasive species however i cant find much about it online, does anyone know ?
Wife works at a vet and someone brought in a small Muscovy chick about a month ago, probably only a few days old at the time. We have kept him/her since then but we are trying to find somewhere to take him where he can be taken care of with more ducks. I hate that he’s alone, but I also can’t keep this duck in my house 😂 we have a pond in the back, and don’t know if we would be able to just release him when he’s big enough. Any help, info, or assistance would be appreciated!
These are feral domestic ducks i feed from time to time, to me it seems that one pekin is outcasted, because every other pekin bullies her
To be clear, I didn't cover the entire yard, just an area where I need to walk that had become super muddy and slippery. I cleaned their house today and threw the straw into the mud. I don't think any grass would have grown there either way, but is this OK to do?
I’ve had my little flock of ducks and chickens for just about 2 years. There have been lots of cases of avian influenza in neighboring counties. My flock hasn’t shown any signs of being ill at all. However, my parents who are my next-door neighbors keep telling me we need to kill them as recently apparently other livestock have been getting avian influenza as well. I really having a hard time with this and generally trust my mom as she was a veterinarian for 30 years, but I just don’t think it’s necessary if my flock is healthy and they don’t have contact with other ducks, especially wild ducks the closest thing they come to contact with our sparrows and sometime magpies that come in and take some of their feed. Should I cull my flock?
This duck sat next to me and my boyfriend for 30 minutes and was very sweet and friendly. Any idea why and what gender it is?