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This question might be stupid, but I am genuinely curious. Let's say I have a static variable inside a function. According to my understanding, the static variable's lifetime is the program's lifetime. It is initialized only once(during the first function call), and every subsequent invocation of the function will modify its value (if the function has some operations modifying it). Now, let's say we have a static variable inside a function. We call the function every i
seconds. And we have 2 instances of the program running. Will the execution of the second instance of the program affect the static variable running in the first program?
The same question for a global variable, which is present in a header file and made extern
to be accessible across the project. The lifetime of a global variable, too, is throughout the program. Will it be affected similarly?
Example code 1:
/* File : example1.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void static_func() {
static int x = 0;
printf("%s: Value of x : %d\n", __func__, x);
int main() {
while(1) {
return 0;
Running the code:
$ clang example1.c -o example1
$ ./example1
# In a different terminal shell
$ ./example1
Example code 2:
/* File : example2.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
extern int x;
x = 0;
void update_func() {
printf("%s: Value of x : %d\n", __func__, x);
int main() {
while(1) {
return 0;
Running the code:
$ clang example2.c -o example2
$ ./example2
# In a different terminal shell
$ ./example2
I coded and ran a program similar to example 1, running two threads in the code. On running two instances of the code, I noticed that the variable count value started from 0 for both programs. But I would still like a clearer answer as to whether the variable will be affected or not and the reason for either.
Any help clarifying this is appreciated. Thank you!
can this code be made vectorizable?
a[i+1] = b[i]+1;
b[i+1] = f[i]+a[i];
My goal is to adjust the code in a way that still outputs the same arrays, but is vectorizable and performs better single-threaded. I am using Clang to compile/vectorize this.
My attempt to adjust is below, and it vectorizes but it does not perform better. I have a feeling that I cannot vectorize this kind of formula because it always depends on a previous calculation. Since it needs to be single threaded unrolling the loop would not benefit it either correct?
b[1] = f[0] + a[0] + 1;
temp = b[i-1] + 1;
b[i+1] = f[i] + temp;
a[i] = temp;
a[n-1] = b[n-2] + 1;
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I would like your advice on how to tackle new concepts as a novice to C who would like to build a solid foundation, note that I'm following the 42 school course and am currently on the project "Get next line" and "ft_printf", in the first project "Libft" I tackled memory management, string manipulation, linked lists, and glimpses of file descriptors. I noticed that the theoretical parts take time to understand and sometimes make me feel overwhelmed if delve deeper into them by curiosity.
My question for you is how you have dealt with it, and what approach would you recommend?
I'm running into a compiler error that has me scratching my head a bit.
typedef enum
} foo_param_type;
unsigned long foo(foo_param_type x);
unsigned long bar(void);
#define MY_FOO() ((uint32_t)(foo(FOO_TYPE_ABLE)))
#define MY_BAR() ((uint32_t)(bar()))
is an existing macro that has compiled and worked fine for quite a while now. I'm currently trying to get MY_FOO
working, but when I try invoking the macro in my code, e.g. uint32_t current_foo = MY_FOO();
, the compiler will return an error "expression preceding parentheses of apparent call must have (pointer-to-) function type".
Any idea why MY_FOO()
would not be considered function-like?
UPDATE: Solved thanks to /u/developer-mike - https://www.reddit.com/r/C_Programming/comments/1gv90nu/functionlike_macro_confusion/ly03f6d/.
As you might be able to see my code kind of works except for a crucial part, which is the snake growing, everything else kind of works. Ive kind of managed to made a dynamic list for the position of each of the snake segments, each segment is a node containng the snakes position in te console and the next nodes memories location , i only control the head of the snake (last element of the list) and update every following segment subsecentially, in other words if the head is x=5 y=5 and in the next game tick it becomes x=6 y=5 then the previous segment of the snakes head will become x=5 y=5, following that pattern until you have updated every segment on the snake. I also have a buffer that follows the snakes tail and deletes its trail, its all made using ansi code. everything seems to logically work but i cant find the problem and ive been stuck on this for 2 days and dont know how to solve it at all, so any help will be appreciated! Also i dont know if my problem is in memory management or on any other department. And so here it is the defformed child if you want to try it yourself bear in mind that your console supports ansi code! In windows most consoles that i have tried support it if you exectue the game as an administrator, i am deeply sorry for my shitty code, i am still a novice:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct snake
int x_pos;
int y_pos;
struct snake* next;
} snake;
int randomBetween(int min, int max);
void windowManagement(int wind_x, int wind_y, int wind_h, int wind_w);
void georginasCookies(snake** segmentPtr, int* x_food, int* y_food, int* snakesLength, int x_buffer, int y_buffer);
void addSegment(snake** segmentPtr, int x_pos, int y_pos);
void controls(snake* segment);
void drawSnake(snake* segmentPtr);
void updateSnake(snake* segment);
int main() {
//Starts random seed
//Manages console position and size
windowManagement(710, 290, 500, 500);
//Hides cursor
//Creates a snake
snake* segmentPtr = NULL;
snake* segment = malloc(sizeof(snake));
if (segment == NULL)
printf("Theres no space in memory to run the game");
return 1;
//Declares the head of the snake
segment->x_pos = 1;
segment->y_pos = 1;
segment->next = NULL;
//We get a pointer to the head for later use
segmentPtr = segment;
//A position buffer that will go behind the snake changing its trail back into air
int x_buffer = 0;
int y_buffer = 0;
// Random food position
int x_food = 5;
int y_food = 5;
printf("\x1b[%d;%dHX", y_food, x_food);
int points = 0;
//Program is running nonstop unless the user hits the esc key
while (1)
printf("\x1b[%d;%dH ", segmentPtr->y_pos, segmentPtr->x_pos);
x_buffer = segmentPtr->x_pos;
y_buffer = segmentPtr->y_pos;
//Game controls
georginasCookies(&segmentPtr, &y_food, &x_food, &points, x_buffer, y_buffer);
//Draws the snake head
printf("\x1b[%d;%dHO:%p", 10, 10,(void*)&segmentPtr);
// Controls game ticks
return 0;
void georginasCookies(snake** segmentPtr, int* x_food, int* y_food, int* points, int x_buffer, int y_buffer)
if ((*segmentPtr)->x_pos == *x_food && (*segmentPtr)->y_pos == *y_food)
addSegment(&segmentPtr, x_buffer, y_buffer);
*x_food = randomBetween(3, 47);
*y_food = randomBetween(3, 27);
printf("\x1b[%d;%dHX", *y_food, *x_food);
void addSegment(snake** segmentPtr, int x_buffer, int y_buffer)
snake* newSegment = malloc(sizeof(snake));
if (newSegment == NULL)
printf("Theres no space in memory to run the game");
newSegment->x_pos = x_buffer;
newSegment->y_pos = y_buffer;
newSegment->next = *segmentPtr;
*segmentPtr = newSegment;
//printf("\x1b[%d;%dHO:%p", (*segmentPtr)->y_pos, (*segmentPtr)->x_pos, (void*)segmentPtr);
void updateSnake(snake* segment)
if (segment == NULL || segment->next == NULL)
// Recorremos desde la cola hacia la cabeza
snake* current = segment;
while (current->next != NULL)
current->next->x_pos = current->x_pos;
current->next->y_pos = current->y_pos;
current = current->next;
//Draws the snake recursively
void drawSnake(snake* segmentPtr)
if (segmentPtr == NULL)
// Base case
// Draws this segment
printf("\x1b[%d;%dHO", segmentPtr->y_pos, segmentPtr->x_pos);
//printf("\x1b[%d;%dHO:%p", 10, 10,(void*)&segmentPtr);
// Calls the function recursively on itself to draw the snake
void windowManagement(int wind_x, int wind_y, int wind_h, int wind_w) {
//Set console size
HWND consoleWindow = GetConsoleWindow();
//Console window x position , y position, height and width
MoveWindow(consoleWindow, wind_x, wind_y, wind_h, wind_w, TRUE);
//Set the buffer size with the same rate as the window
HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
COORD coord = { wind_h, wind_w };
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hConsole, coord);
void controls(snake* segment)
//Arrow keys are observed and whenever one is pressed it changes x and y coordinates of the snakes head accordingly
if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) & 0x8000))
if (segment->x_pos < 0)
segment->x_pos = 0;
if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) & 0x8000))
if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) & 0x8000))
if (segment->y_pos < 0)
segment->y_pos = 0;
if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) & 0x8000))
// Press esc to exit the program
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) & 0x8000)
printf("Esc pressed, exiting program...");
int randomBetween(int min, int max)
int value = rand() % ((max + 1) - min) + min;
return value;
Hello, sorry if the answer is obvious here, but I can't figure out how to solve this issue. I am out of ideas on what to do. I am just toying around with WASAPI and want to play some sounds, but the linker cannot find the symbols IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator and CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator.
Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <mmdeviceapi.h>
#include <Audioclient.h>
int main()
uint64_t SuccessValue = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
if (SuccessValue != S_OK)
printf("Failed to initialize COM: %llu", SuccessValue);
return -1;
IMMDeviceEnumerator* Enumerator;
SuccessValue = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, &Enumerator);
if (SuccessValue != S_OK)
printf("Failed to initialize enumerator: %llu", SuccessValue);
return -1;
return 0;
This code is obviously incomplete, but I still cannot get an executable program out of it.
What I've tried:
#include <initguid.h>
at the start, that does not change anything.I am using the compiler which comes with Visual Studio.
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Trying to implement a BASH-like shell, if you have any tips about parsing shell input I would be very interested, or any good resources on the subject.
Critics often point to C’s manual memory management as a dangerous relic of the past, leading to countless security vulnerabilities and bugs. But others argue that this “freedom” is what makes C so versatile and powerful. Is there a way for C to adopt safer practices without losing what makes it special, or should we accept its trade-offs as part of its design philosophy?
I've been learning C and making a simple program of D&D character generation to test my knowledge as I go.
I have the following function that needs to be repeated if the user inputs anything apart from 1-4 but it repeats twice.
void chooseClass() {
printf("\n1. Fighter\n2. Thief\n3. Mage\n4. Cleric\nChoose your class: ");
char choice = getchar();
switch (choice - '0') { //Convert character to integer by subtracting 0's ASCII value from char's ASCII value
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
printf("Please enter a choice between 1-4\n");
chooseClass(); // this is wrong but how do I repeat the function ONCE?
I've been banging my head on the wall but no solution has arrived. :-)
I am beginner in C..just learning stuff... Can someone provide some codes so that I can practice them?
#define stream_read_array(stream__, type__, length__) \
struct { type__ data[(length__)]; } __array;\
stream_read_exactly(stream__, size_and_address(__array));\
I think returning the struct works, but does returning the data field work the same, or it does get dropped?
What do you recommend after:
C Programming Absolute Beginner's Guide Book by Dean Miller and Greg Perry
Good day everyone. Just joined this subreddit.
I'm a 3rd semester SWE student. Recently I started to grow an interest for Embedded Systems and Operating Systems ( I love GNU/Linux btw). The only course in my degree relevant to hardware and low level stuff is computer architecture and logic design which is a poor attempt to merge DLD and Computer Organisation and Architecture in some 4 month unified course. They added it as formality considering hardly 5% or so will go into embedded or low level side of software engineering.
My question is that how should I start diving into C . I have basic knowledge of C++ and somewhat C#. I tried to get into Rust as my first systems programming language but I gave up on it and realised it's not a good idea. Idc what rustaceans say. People around me mainly proud noobs have this idea that C is obsolete and C++ is some "new version or upgrade" to C. Who's gonna tell them . I use example of automatic and manual car to tell the difference (I hope it's not a bad example)
I have seen many people recommending K&R book as one of the main source. Don't want to get into YouTube tutorial hell as most of C lang tutorials I come across are repetitive introductory courses. They don't usually conclude till the part where real power of C has to be demonstrated i.e low level tasks and applications. If I manage to find one they're either too old or no longer continued.
Still I'd be grateful if a good YouTube playlist or channel which follows C language step by step till the concepts of embedded, operating systems, memory management or any related low level stuff expected to do using a systems programming language like C.
I was just thinking if we could just write a hashmap struct that stores void pointers as values and strings as keys, and use that for OOP in C. Constructors are going to be functions that take in a hashmap and store some data and function pointers in it. For inheritance and polymorphism, we can just call multiple constructors on the hashmap. We could also write a simple macro apply for applying methods on our objects:
#define apply(type, name, ...) ((type (*)()) get(name, __VA_ARGS__))(__VA_ARGS__)
and then use it like this:
apply(void, "rotate", object, 3.14 / 4)
The difficult thing would be that if rotate takes in doubles, you can't give it integers unless you manually cast them to double, and vice versa.
Hey is there way to make large numbers more readable? i search but I couldn't find anything, what I mean is separation of zeroes so instead of writing
int a = 100000;
I want something like
int a = 100_000;
Or whatever is available to make it readable in code, I tried spaces, '
and _
but got errors. I use gcc to compile
Hi! I'm currently job hunting and have some measure of spare time (and want to buff up my resume) so I'm looking for meaningful projects to contribute to.
So I'm screaming into the void hoping to find some projects to contribute to!
Do let me know, I'm happy to help (if my skills are sufficient).
I say meaningful because it's important to me that the project is important to you (or that you're passionate about it).
Hi there, i think there should be a segmentation fault problem with my code, but i cant find it. Can someone help me? (the code should sort the arrey and delete all the duplicates)
#include <stdio.h>
#define N_MAX 1000
int main () {
int v[N_MAX], n;
int temp=0;
printf ("how many values do u wanna insert?\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf ("write your values:\n");
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &v[i]);
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<n-1; j++) {
while(i!=j) {
if (v[i]==v[j]) {
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) { //final bb sort
for (int j=0; j<n-1-i; j++) {
if (v[j]>v[j+1]) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
printf ("%d\t", v[i]);
printf ("\n");
For Python there is an IDE with a great visual debugger, named Thonny. You can see a very short and descriptive video with the debugger in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tehY3ZFVPmE
Is there a similar C debugger which shows you inline how things are executed?
Later edit:
At 0:50 in the video it shows exactly what I mean.
I will not use the debugger for actual development.
I'm searching for such a tool for teaching purposes, not actual development. I'm looking for a visual animated experience, which does not need to look elsewhere than the line the debugger is executed in order to see what's happening. The video I've provided is 1-2 minutes, and I've chosen it exactly because it proves what I'm trying to achieve with a quick demo.
This Web site Convert JavaScript to C using AI claims
Source-to-source code translation from JavaScript using AI involves utilizing natural language processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning algorithms to analyze and understand source code
And spits out C that works when compiled to achieve the same result (minus dynamic arguments passing) as JavaScript.
How would you go about achieving this locally?
define a recursive function that will print all possible
passwords from a set of characters in an array.
Example: if arr[]={‘a’,’b’,’c’} function should print
can someone help
Posting in this sub because I want to hear what C programmers think about Go.
Go is not sitting well with me as a language and I’m not sure why. On paper it is almost the perfect language for me - it’s relatively low level, it’s very simple to do web dev with just std libs (I do a lot of web dev), GC makes it safer, it values stability and simplicity, it has a nice modern package manager, it has a great ecosystem, and it’s designed to “fix the problems with C”.
But for some reason it just doesn’t give me the same joy as programming in C. Maybe I feel nostalgic towards C because it was my first language. Maybe I prefer the challenge of dealing with the quirks of less modern tools. For some reason C has always made me feel like a “real programmer”, more-so than any other language.
Obviously C is better suited to some niches (systems, etc) and Go is better suited to others (web dev). I’m interested in discussing the merits and values of the languages themselves. Maybe they are not even comparable. Maybe Go should be thought of as a modern C++ rather than a modern C.
Anyway, I would love to hear some thoughts opinions of others on this sub.
hi, i wanna start learning C to begin learning coding, but i read that the original "The C programming language" is outdated. does anyone know a good book thats to date to start? thanks
Hello everyone, I’m here to ask something that I’m really interested in.
So I want to make an AI that can work in forex, I mean like search for resistance/support, use VWAP search for trend etc.
And have a feature that he can talk like ChatGPT.
And he is integrated to its host computer, when you start the computer he start too, he has his application where you can talk with him, and you can give him orders , like search for viruses, start chrome with the title: best movies. He can search through the net, he can open apps and close them. He can use live forex charts..
I mean he is open for everything, in legal manners!!!
. (Little Jarvis, if you know what I mean)
Can anybody help me to build him? This ai would be very much help to me…
Thank you for your answers. Have a grate day.
Hello i'm on windows and I have been trying to code in c but i watched a YouTube saying I have to do the mingw process on sourceforge and it's been frustrating when I press next it just disappears can someone please help me I am very dedicated thanks
In Open-STD there's a proposal (N2895) for it, but did it get accepted? Or did the standard make something different for the same purpose?
double factorial(int n)
int i;
double result = 1.0;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
result = result \* i;
return result;
double everystep(int N, int M)
return(double)factorial(N) / (factorial(N - M) \* factorial(M));
int main()
double b;
int n;
int i;
double sum = 0.0;
scanf\_s("%d %lf", &n, &b);
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
sum = sum + everystep(n, i) \* pow(b, i);
printf("%.8f", sum);
return 0;
double factorial(int n)
if (n == 1)
return 1;
return(double)n \* factorial(n - 1);
double everystep(int N, int M)
return(double)factorial(N) / (factorial(N - M) \* factorial(M));
int main()
double b;
int n;
int i;
double sum = 0.0;
scanf\_s("%d %lf", &n, &b);
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
sum = sum + everystep(n, i) \* pow(b, i);
printf("%.8f", sum);
return 0;
Two different ways to show the factorial,but way2 didn"t work ,can you tell me the reason?Thanks!
The issue lies in the factorial
function that I've created.