
Photograph via snooOG

A community for discussing about CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Web Design and surrounding relevant topics. Feel free to discuss, ask questions, share projects and do other things related to CSS here.

About CSS
  • CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is used almost universally across the web to affect the design and appearance of every website you visit. Here in /r/css, you've got a place on reddit to talk about CSS, whether you're new to CSS and want to learn, or a pro wanting to discuss the engineering and usability reasons that all modern browsers ignore

  • We welcome all CSS discussion here. If you need help with styling your website or your reddit, or want to share a neat trick you cooked up, it's welcome here!

  1. No spam. If you've developed a neat CSS trick that you want to share with others, make sure you share the trick, not your website. In other words, feel free to post something like "Isn't my 404 page neat?" with a link, but avoid posts like "Hey look how cool my site is!" that link to a storefront. This reddit is a place to learn and show off CSS, not sell your products. If your CSS helps sell your product, great, but make sure your post is about the CSS, not the product.
  2. Be nice. Not everyone is a fantastic designer. If someone posts their work here and you don't like it, give them objective feedback about ways to improve it, not "it's ugly." Likewise, CSS newbies often have the same questions as they grow and learn, so try not to be mean when they post a question we've seen a thousand times before. It might be old news to you, but they wouldn't ask if they hadn't already sought an answer, and there might be other people too afraid to ask for themselves.
  3. Don't use link shorteners (bit.ly for example), because they are automatically marked as spam.
  4. Try to use descriptive titles (not 'I have a question.'). I won't enforce this, but it'd be nice if you'd follow it.
Related subreddits
Useful Links
  • Inspire, a collection of all kinds of useful links.
  • /r/csshelp and /r/reddithax are the places to go for questions relating to Reddit's stylesheets. Techniques differ a lot between formal CSS development and subreddit stylesheets, so you'll often get better answers there.
  • Use Codepen or jsFiddle to provide working code samples.
  • Mozilla Developer Network is your one-stop shop for detailed information on CSS properties. Formal specifications for everything CSS can be found at W3.org. Don't go to W3Schools - it isn't a wiki maintained by real developers like MDN, so it's often out of date and prone to significant errors, and it has no relationship with the W3 so they have no special or insider knowledge.
  • CanIUse.com has 99% of the information you need on supporting different browsers.
  • Codecademy can get you started from 0 knowledge of web development in mere hours.
  • Learn Layout will teach you advanced techniques for designing modern sites.

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122,567 Subscribers


CSS for Vtubing - How to make one image display another image with Discord Streamkit

13:32 UTC


CSS Scrollbar styling not possible

The (w3schools lol) documentation stated you can customize your scrollbar like this:

/* width */ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px; }

/* Track */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #f1f1f1; }

/* Handle */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #888; }

/* Handle on hover */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #555; }

But for me it doesn't do anything (Sorry that it's no codeblock, reddit is bugged)

12:29 UTC


what the name of this animation ?


I want to implement this font animation in my project but I don't know what animation is this since I'm not a CSS master please someone can help me in that

Thanks in advance

12:09 UTC


How Do I Remove Horizontal Image Whitespace in HTML Table?

Each image is rendered at 50% of its 1050 x 600px actual size within an HTML table of unspecified width (see HTML code). I would like all table images to be horizontally separated only by the cellspacing amount, with the rest of the whitespace shifed to the right. Instead, images are separated based on the entire table width.

  • style="border-collapse:collapse;" CSS didn't remove rightmost space.
  • style="margin:0; padding:0;" CSS didn't remove rightmost space.

Any spacing tips appreciated. Thanks.

01:55 UTC


trying to sort out a weird font-related bug in my infinitely scrolling marquee

Hi, CSS novice here. I've been building a website for myself which has an infinitely scrolling marquee on it. I originally had the text in courier new, which worked fine, but I recently decided to switch a different font I found online (it's a pixelated version of times new roman but i called it 'Times-New-Roman' for the font family). When I did this, I began having issues on mobile display. What's happening is that a segment of text on the left side of the screen will periodically get deleted, replaced with empty space. Each time this occurs, more text is removed, until the entire marquee is deleted. Keep in mind, text will keep scrolling in and replacing it, so its not like the animation stops. Its not removed by letter either, its by pixel, because sometimes half a letter will end up cut off. I thought if I made the text monospaced that would fix things, but it has not, so at this point I'm a little lost. If anyone has any tips, it would be greatly appreciated!! Anyway, here is the relevant CSS:

.marquee {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 30px;
  overflow: hidden;
  background-color: #eabcff;
  white-space: nowrap;
  bottom: 0px; 
  line-height: 30px; 
  font-family: "Times-New-Roman", sans-serif; 
  font-weight: bold;
  user-select: none; 
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  -moz-user-select: none; 
  -ms-user-select: none;
  font-feature-settings: "liga" 0;

.marquee span {
  display: inline-block;
  padding-left: 0%;
  animation: marquee 90s linear infinite;
  animation-delay: 0s;

@keyframes marquee {
  0% {
    transform: translateX(0%);
  100% {
    transform: translateX(-85%);

.marquee span:hover {
  text-decoration: underline;
.marquee {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 30px;
  overflow: hidden;
  background-color: #eabcff;
  white-space: nowrap;
  bottom: 0px; 
  line-height: 30px; 
  font-family: "Times-New-Roman", sans-serif; 
  font-weight: bold;
  user-select: none; 
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  -moz-user-select: none; 
  -ms-user-select: none;
  font-feature-settings: "liga" 0;

.marquee span {
  display: inline-block;
  padding-left: 0%;
  animation: marquee 90s linear infinite;
  animation-delay: 0s;

@keyframes marquee {
  0% {
    transform: translateX(0%);
  100% {
    transform: translateX(-85%);

.marquee span:hover {
  text-decoration: underline;
18:45 UTC


How to overlap flex items in a fix width?

The final result I want is in this codepen and the result I am able to obtained is in this codepen.

Basically I want the cards to overlap in a fixed width, when it is overflowing its parent. And when it is not overflowing, I want them to retain the width according to aspect ratio. I have fixed the height, so width also should be constant.

You can click on each card and it will be deleted in each link. But in the second/not working link, the card becomes too big which is also a problem.

How can I solve this?

17:25 UTC


Wordpress Additional CSS Header Trouble

I am feeling like a crazy person that I can't figure this out. I'm working in Wordpress within the Astra theme. I wanted to add a margin and border radius to my header wrap. In "Additional CSS" I added this code:

.main-header-bar-wrap {
margin-right: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
overflow: hidden;

Worked great, however my dropdown menu is now, understandably, hidden because.. overflow.

Anywho, I cannot find a fix for this and I have lost my will to keep looking. Images for reference.



14:29 UTC


How Do I Achieve This Effect? I Set The Background Image To Linear Gradient {-webkit-mask-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, black 60%, transparent); } But The Thing Is Entire <div> Fades Away, Including The Elements If I Place Them At The Bottom

13:55 UTC


Need help with hover effect.

Hey, so I'm trying to have the following hover effect.


When hovering a card, room is being added to accommodate the button. WITHOUT moving the cards underneath.

I managed to achieve this effect but the entire row underneath is being moved down. I guess i'm doing something wrong with "position:".

Thanks in advance for all the help!

12:18 UTC


Please Help Me Out

so, guys I was just creating a replica of an ecommerce website and the problem that has occurred in is that even if I try to add images in my code, they are not showing up on the front end that is Firefox browser.

do tell me you guys need images or screenshot of the problem

11:59 UTC


Is it worth learning Sass? I never learned Sass and have always just used Tailwind instead

Above ^

01:46 UTC


Figuring Things Out

I've started Web Dev (Non IT Background) and currently covered a lot of CSS. But I don't understand how to deal with complex things. Like placing a paragraph(with a shadow box) in an image without using Absolute and Relative ( Because they aren't responsive.). I could ChatGPT but I don't think there's any learning like that. Or copying code from Google. How do I figure things out and is it okay to copy styling at times when you can't find your way around stuff?

23:53 UTC


Learning CSS from the Odin Project, 1st CSS project. Feedback?

20:40 UTC


Set Up Recurring Payments in a Squarespace Store

Set up recurring payments in your Squarespace store + use this CSS hack to alter ‘subscribe’ text.


18:10 UTC


is using nested css classes allowed like this?

.big {
  width: 500px;
  height: 700px;
  color: #242424;
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px gray;

  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: auto;
  justify-items: center;
  text-align: center;
  border-radius: 10px;
  padding: 20px;
  gap: 20px;

  .prod-title {
    font-size: 50px;

  .prod-img {
    width: 350px;
    border-radius: 10px;

  .prod-desc {
    font-size: 25px;

  .prod-price {
    text-decoration: line-through;
    text-decoration-color: red;

  .prod-new-price {
    font-size: 50px;

.small {
  width: 300px;
  height: 325px;
  color: #242424;
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px gray;

  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: auto;
  justify-items: center;
  text-align: center;
  border-radius: 10px;
  padding: 10px;
  gap: 7px;

  .prod-title {
    font-size: 25px;

  .prod-img {
    width: 175px;
    border-radius: 10px;

  .prod-desc {
    font-size: 15px;

  .prod-price {
    text-decoration: line-through;
    text-decoration-color: red;

  .prod-new-price {
    font-size: 25px;

Edit: Thank you everyone for the prompt and informative responses! As a new and eager web developer I really appreciate it!
17:17 UTC


Permanently altering webpage's CSS

Hope this is the right place to ask this. If not, I'd be happy if anyone could point me in the right direction :)

To keep things short, I am trying to edit an element on a page by adding a background color to it. While I can easily do it using Firefox's element inspector, I would like for this change to be permanent.

I tried using the Stylus extension, which lets you edit a page's CSS, but the page uses scripts and by the time I get to the point where this edit is necessary, the page's html code has been altered enough that my custom Stylus script is not having any effects anymore.

Does anyone know of a way to achieve what I'm trying to do?

13:00 UTC


Hide vertical scrollbar but keep functionality

I want to hide the vertical scrollbar, but keep the functionality. I know it's possible, but only for all the scrollbars in the container. But in my case I want to keep the horizontal scrollbar as it is (overflow auto). Is there any way to do that or is it just not possible?

12:31 UTC


CGPA Calculator

🎓Yesterday, my semester 2 results were out, and I was curious about my 1st-year CGPA. As a fun project, I created this CGPA calculator, and it turned out awesome! 🚀

Check it out:

04:02 UTC


justify content not working

Hi, I have a container "textbox" and I've been trying to align the text to the left side of my container.

Here's my code-

 <div className='textbox'>
        <h1 className='shoottothrill'>WHY BUMBLEBEE?</h1>
        <h1 className='shoottothrill1'>More bang for your buck</h1>
        <p1 className='shoottothrillpara'>Find deals on all kinds of drives — from the everyday to the extraordinary — complete with a better, more convenient experience versus rental car companies. Find the perfect vehicle for your budget, starting at $25 per day.</p1>

CSS code-

    position: relative;
    border: dashed red;
    display: grid;
    /* padding: 2%; */

    position: relative;
    font-family: "Anton SC", sans-serif;
    font-weight: 400;
    font-style: normal;
    font-size: 45px;
    color:  #030100;
16:47 UTC


Need help

currently have 12 products and their images on the website but i want a hover effect of when i hover over one of the images that text pops up ontop of the image but how do i do that ? https://github.com/20oddlion/testSite.git

16:27 UTC


Sass question regarding mixins and parameters/variables

Hi all!

Learning Sass in class this week and I went ahead and watched some videos on it beforehand to prep.

I was watching a video by developedbyed and understood everything up until he added parameters (variables) within a mixin.

For example:

@mixin flexcenter($direction, $background) (first line in the pic).

I understand how those variables pass through the code to give you different styles depending on what you declare for the variables. I do know a bit of Python and JavaScript so declaring variables, passing them and such aren’t new to me.

I just can’t wrap my head around why he added the variables in the parentheses with the mixin. Maybe I’m overthinking it.


Ps, I love sass!??!?!!!!!!!

11:14 UTC


Uding span to modify text that doesn't obey

I've seen that trick at least twice

(where you need to align your text to a list image for example)

Like that : <li> <span position:relative;bottom:10> Text </span> </li>

Can you recall where did you use such a workaround ?

00:28 UTC


Why does this code fix a background image on the screen like this?

This code makes a background image appear on the back of the screen and stay fixed there. (This is what I want) I mostly copied the code from stack overflow and would like to understand how it works. Specifically I am wondering what the "top", "left", and "right" does and why the screen goes white if I remove one of them.

Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CdCux8YbLlo3MRk2zx7YC9Y3ZfWiwUaH/view?usp=sharing

  position:fixed; /* stretch a fixed position to the whole screen */
  height:100vh; /* fix for mobile browser address bar appearing disappearing */
  z-index:-1; /* needed to keep in the background */
  background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 30, 0, .5), rgba(0, 30, 0, .5)), url("https://cdn.outsideonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/15/camping_fun_h.jpg");
  background-position: center;
  -webkit-background-size: cover;
  -moz-background-size: cover;
  -o-background-size: cover;
  background-size: cover;
18:40 UTC


Child Element Made 1) Bigger Than and 2) On Top Of/Overlay Its Parent Element

I'm creating a list app that displays the images you've selected. I'm trying to get it to where the image you select will overlay the entire box AND its dotted border. I can't seem to figure out how to do this, though; the image either stays within the dotted box or it'll randomly overlay only the top/bottom lines if its a tall image.

Any tips?

Feel free to look at the code I've got, note that "tour_numbers" is the class of the parent elements/numbered boxes and "saved_img" is the class of the child elements (i.e. the images being appended to each number).



1 Comment
17:48 UTC


wordpress css issue with the events calendar

i am not a professional, but i designed a fair amount with wordpress 10+ years ago. i'm definitely rusty. i'm stuck on what seems like a silly css problem, but i just am not familiar enough nowadays to troubleshoot this one on my own.

i'm using "the events calendar" plugin, but the current month button and text alongside it are not readable no matter what i've tried. i'm sure i'm missing something so simple, so i would appreciate any advice!!


when clicking an event, the event description and "<< All Events" button needs to be changed to a lighter color as well.

here's what i have in the custom CSS file:

/* Targeting event titles */
.tribe-events .tribe-events-event-title a {
    color: #ffffff !important;

/* Targeting event dates */
.tribe-events .tribe-events-event-date-start {
    color: #ffffff !important;

/* Targeting event containers */
.tribe-events .tribe-events-event {
    background-color: #333333 !important;

/* Targeting venue details */
.tribe-events .tribe-events-venue-details {
    color: #ffffff !important;

/* Targeting event meta details */
.tribe-events .tribe-events-event-meta {
    color: #ffffff !important;

/* Targeting navigation buttons */
.tribe-events .tribe-events-sub-nav a {
    color: #ffffff !important;
    background-color: #333333 !important;

/* Targeting event descriptions */
.tribe-events .tribe-events-content {
    color: #ffffff !important;

/* Targeting all links in event listings */
.tribe-events a {
    color: #ffffff !important;

/* Targeting calendar day numbers */
.tribe-events-calendar-month__day-number {
    color: #ffffff !important;

/* Targeting events in calendar view */
.tribe-events-calendar-month__calendar-event-title {
    color: #ffffff !important;

/* Targeting event tooltips */
.tribe-events-tooltip h3,
.tribe-events-tooltip p {
    color: #ffffff !important;
17:20 UTC


Selecting based on the adjacent element's child

EDIT: Solved. Thank you sheriffderek and kynovardy.

I'm wondering if it is possible to produce my desired here result with CSS. Take the following HTML snippet:


Would it be possible to select the h2 element only when it is preceded by a div whose immediate child is an h1? Obviously the below CSS snippet is invalid (can't nest pseudo-selectors as far as I know), but I hope it illustrates what I am trying to shoot for:

// or maybe `div:has(+ div > h1) > h2` if they are synonymous (albeit still invalid)
div:has(+ div:has(> h1)) > h2 {
    color: red;

Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you :)

14:58 UTC


Newton's Cradle Animation

14:19 UTC

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