
Photograph via snooOG

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reddits created by One_Giant_Nostril


14,384 Subscribers


Hey CBC how about a article on how the Liberals don't care much about the poor.

1 Comment
01:14 UTC


$313 Million In Government Funding Drives CBC Stability Despite Advertising Slump In First Quarter

The first quarter of the 2024-2025 fiscal year has presented CBC/Radio-Canada with a mixed bag of financial results, posting revenue of $115.7 million, which is a 3.0% decline from the same period in the previous year, when revenue stood at $119.2 million.


18:05 UTC


Ontario Today Complaints

I am new to this subreddit so apologies if this has been talked about already but this was bothering me so much I had to make a post.

Does anyone else find this host almost impossible to listen to? I looked it up and I believe it is Amanda Pfeffer. I find her extremely aggravating to listen to. The way she talks, she says umm and uhh every 2 seconds. I find the questions she asks to the callers are very weird as well. She also has a very annoying voice in my opinion.

To give context I was listening to the Paralympics episode today in the car and had to turn it off because of her. She sounded like she had no idea what she was talking about or what to say.

I am wondering if it is just me that thinks this?

17:46 UTC



So it’s the first day after the traditional holiday season and the first segment on q is an interview with Ethan Hawke and his daughter about a southern American writer, Flannery O’Connor. Why sooooo much non-Canadian content on CBC so-called flagship CBC shows? Why sooo much content on racism, the Jim Crow era in the US? It just seems endless.

I understand that there is merit in discussing theses issues and learning about some American history is important in general but this is not the mandate of the CBC.

The problem with interviewing Americans is that they talk in their own context and from their own experience, naturally, and there are assumptions about collective understandings and misunderstandings about their history that would be fine for NPR but not on CBC without effort to link to Canadian experience, with Canadian commentary.

Here is a reminder of what the mandate of the CBC is:

The Act further states that our programming should:

• Be predominantly and distinctively Canadian; • Reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions; • Actively contribute to the flow and exchange of cultural expression; • Be in English and in French, reflecting the different needs and circumstances of each official language community, including the particular needs and circumstances of English and French linguistic minorities; • Strive to be of equivalent quality in English and in French; • Contribute to a shared national consciousness and identity; • Be made available throughout Canada by the most appropriate and efficient means and as resources become available for the purpose; and • Reflect the multicultural and multiracial nature of Canada.

I love the CBC. I want the CBC to succeed in achieving this mandate but their whole programming effort needs a shake up, a wake up call, that recalibrates the current offers to to focus on our selves. The national programming is terribly Toronto-centric and focuses on a few boutique issues endlessly from any and every possible angle. I listen to the call-in shows, Under the Influence, the early morning weekend show from Halifax, The Current (a bit). Otherwise I find and choose the best programming from other international public broadcasters, podcasts and music streams.

I joked with my son this summer about listening for key words during random CBC programming around the clock. Difficult for an hour to go by without checking off four or five key words and ideas no matter the subject. This included some late night and early morning content from the international broadcasts. We were on the road early to go fishing in NS and to get to do various airport runs. It’s just ridiculous.

Perhaps people are listening, perhaps audiences are growing, but I think the word on the ground is that they are absolutely not. Happy to hear otherwise.

13:35 UTC


Off on AIH

Carol Off talks about her new book and all that is news. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/carol-off-loss-for-words-1.7311255

00:25 UTC


Are regional programs available as podcasts on Spotify?

Hi, I'm wondering if regional programs are available as podcasts on Spotify or not. I listen to On the Coast while driving on 88.1 and wonder if I can access a podcast of it when not in the car. I know national programs such as Quirks and Quarks or World Tonight are on Spotify.

1 Comment
04:35 UTC


Former Jeopardy! champion Mattea Roach to host new CBC books radio show

Former Canadian “Jeopardy!” champion Mattea Roach will a new books-oriented show named “Bookends" that will replace “Writers & Company” on Sundays at 1:00 p.m.

Eleanor Wachtel will host a final episode of “Writers & Company” on Sept. 1 to discuss Roach’s new role and show.

13:20 UTC


Any possibility this is a step toward an Irrelevant Show revival?

03:32 UTC


Podcast about St. Michaels on the Current

Is anyone else riveted by this Podcast? The past few days, the Current has been playing episodes of the podcast about abuses at St. Michaels residential schools. It is so well done but so abhorrent. Tomorrow is the last (I think) installment of the podcast. I am on the edge of my seat.

00:47 UTC


Default to Kelowna for World Tonight? Am I thick?

I have tried to save the World Tonight to my favourites on the CBC app. For whatever reason it defaults to Kelowna and I don't seem to be able to chose a different the city. Nothing against Kelowna, but I don't live there, it's not even in the right time zone. Is it me? Is there some way to do this?

1 Comment
23:57 UTC


Long shot - help me!

Yesterday I was driving and listening to CBC in the evening (7pm??!) and whatever show I was listening to had an adorable segment where they featured some group randomly calling east coasters and seeing how long they would chat with them on the phone. It was heartwarming. I want to find this segment if possible - it was so lovely. Anybody have ANY ideas what I was listening to or where I can look? Thanks!!!

01:03 UTC


Finding A show I havent seen in a while

what is the french show that is in cancada i dont know but the show used to be or is still on cbc gem there is a family that speaks french they have a big modern home in and it is an almost bald father a mother a younger son and older daughter and in one of the episodes the father goes outside with the son becuas ehis son is playing soccer and than he purposley hits his soin with the soccer ball while his son cries and in another episode the kids are at home with their grandmother and the son finds a tape and he puts it in the tv and accidently finds an innapropritte video and the gandmother is shocked and their big modern home is surronded by trees i think it is taken of of cbc gem

20:33 UTC


Any Radio 3 listeners in the 00s?

Does anyone remember a show in the early oughts that played on Radio 3 after midnight (BC time)? I think Sook Yin Lee was a host. They usually played a lot of experimental music - I remember specifically being a teenager, playing my stereo as quiet as I could so I wouldn't wake anyone in the house, marking down the name of noise musicians like Julien Ottavi, way past the time I was supposed to be asleep. I would love to know the name of the show. It completely blew my little teen mind at the time, and I'm not sure if anything like it now exists.

19:52 UTC


Jayme Poisson - Buffoon

Just listening to the new episode of Front Burner and wow, does she ever suck. She really shows her anit-Isreal bias and really wanted us to suck down the Hamas lies, thank you to Dominic who clapped back with the truth. For the most part it's a decent podcast and I like the range of issues and topics it covers, but today's edition was pathetic and Jayme Poisson has lost a lot of credibility in my eyes.

00:29 UTC


Did cbc music just censor Joel Plaskett?

On the morning show, the following lyric was just censored from Through and Through and Through:

“You be Israel, I will be Palestine”

Wondering what the intent is - the conflict doesn’t exist? Artist directed edit? Let’s not inflame people?

13:04 UTC


What is left to listen to on CBC Radio?

Under the Influence

The World This Hour (or whatever they renamed it)

The Current

Ideas (hit and miss)

As it Happens

ETA: Commotion is kinda decent

09:20 UTC


Did anyone else hear The Current rerun bugging out?

(Sorry for the bad audio it was like 10) Anyone else hear the current bug out? I could hear multiple takes all being played at once including bts audio of Susan Bonner recording the ad segment.


05:37 UTC


Where can I listen to old shows? Afghanada, DNTO, .... ?

I recently tried relisting to DNTO - Definitely not the Opera, but am dead-linked within podcast players and the CBC player

Furthermore, why do they keep removing older episodes of... Everything ? The Debaters, Spark, cutoff at 10 or 20 past episodes when there are hundreds

I want to hear Cows vs Chickens or For vs Against mall food courts again! Great episode that are just... Gone

Any ideas?

Thank you !


13:42 UTC


CBC Gem - Ads during the actual games

Just saying that playing ads while a competition is going is just bad service. I missed 3 skaters bc of ads… wth?

12:00 UTC


Cbc x today at 4:30pm (help)

There was a great program today with a ton of beautiful oldies. However one somg really stood out that i want to send to somebody.

It was seemingly the only french track and it played at 4:30pm here in Calgary, which i assume was half way through that specific program.

If anyone could link me to that specific program or find the name of that track for me, i would be greatly appreciative!

Edit** ici radio

01:15 UTC


Frontburner is basically an American politics podcast now

It's getting more and more American focused as time goes on. Yes, American politics is particularly newsworthy right now, and I know it's probably better for listener numbers, but is this really CBC's mandate? There's 100000 politics shows covering the same US issues.

Can we not get more of a focus on canada? Shouldn't a public broadcaster be bringing us the news stories that wouldn't necessarily be profitable to be produced by a private media org?

I don't understand their insistence on being a a third rate NYT The Daily. The hosts/producers have no interest in Canadian issues.

Another fun experiment: check how many episodes Frontburner has done on the US Supreme Court vs Canada's Supreme Court. Embarassing.. I love the idea of a strong public broadcaster but it's really hard to justify the amount of money they receive if the result is rehashing whatever the talking heads had to say overnight on CNN.

12:53 UTC


CBC x Grateful Dead logo

Saw a news cameraman Toronto today with what looked like a Grateful Dead-inspired CBC patch sewn to his Porta-Brace. It was a black and white ‘gem’ CBC logo but the bottom half had skulls in place of the geometric sections. Didn’t have a chance to ask him about it or snap a pic.

It’s also possible it had nothing to do with Grateful Dead and was just an un-related skull design as I didn’t get the best look, but I’m wondering if there’s something there.

Does anyone have any information on it? Google Images seems to be a dead end.

01:36 UTC


Is it me, or has CBC _really_ lowered the bar for Commotion?

I just cannot help but thinking while listening to the show just how incredibly stupid everyone sounds on it. They’re attempting to perform some type of cultural criticism, but the qualifications of the critics seems only to be that they binge-consume their preferred media. The only position anyone seems to occupy is that they had some ’feels’ about some things, but they seem to have nothing to offer except a frothingly rabid enthusiasm for some shallow artist they prefer, or a vague sentiment that things are ‘problematic’ because they don’t conform to the politics of sterility that many seem to be peddling.

Almost all of their content is American, taking up space for the promotion of Canadian talent that seems to have fallen to the wayside of the public broadcaster’s agenda since we lost the last generation of superstar radio talent, including Laurie Brown, and even Tim Tam, Randy Bachman, or Gian Gomeshi.

I appreciate their ambition to target a Gen Z audience, but does this tepid nonsense appeal to anybody? One used to rely on the CBC for the curation of arts and entertainment that was pertinent and unique to Canada as a nation distinct from others and by artists and intellectuals who were defining our role and reputation in the world through its broadcasting. Even Ideas has often dumbed itself down to the point of unlistenable.

Am I missing something here? Is there something so appealing to this show that it warrants airing twice in a day? Is CBC even aware of its audience?

I consider myself the Broadcaster’s number one fan, who has been listening every day for decades. Did I just tune in during some sort of golden age, when every day one could be exposed to new Canadian music that was cutting edge, when Patti Schmidt had Brave New Waves, the Signal shaped the meaning of our northern sound, and Sook Yin introduced me to artists that shaped my youth? I mean, Nightstream still plays all of the amazing Canadian content, but we used to hear much of it throughout the course of a day. What happened to all of these knowledgeable heads who drew out the best of our talent and promoted it to the status it deserved?

Or, is this just what happens when you reach middle age, and your favourite broadcaster resembles more and more each day a bunch of windowlickers trying to keep up with trends rather than having the wherewithal to set them?

Fans of the show, please tell me what I’m missing. I don’t mean to rant, but the CBC used to turn me on to all sorts of content, and this show can’t seem to stop talking about some American artist manufactured by Disney. Has conservative appointments to the CBC board done to the broadcaster what conservative governments have done to provincial health care?

Someone explain it to me, please. Or at least loudly declare your discontent with this contentless show so that the broadcaster plays it in the key of G, for Garbage.

00:12 UTC


Is Raffy Boudjikanian trolling us?

I love his reporting and think he does a really great job, but I his sign off/outro has some “spice” to it, for lack of a better word. The “CBC News” part some times gets extended to “CBC Neeeeeeeews” and I am wondering if I am the only one who has noticed.

14:26 UTC


Does anyone have a copy of the episodes of CBC's Tapestry?

Zero episodes are available on the podcast's RSS feed and only a few dozen episodes are playable (and are not downloadable) on the show's webpage. Does anyone have a copy of the back catalogue of episodes?

05:34 UTC


Summer's here and it's time for "Sunny Days and Nights"!

"Sunny Days and Nights" was a 10-part summer replacement comedy show from 2004.

It stars Mack Furlong, reprising his role of Paul Moth from the CBC Radio satirical comedy, The Great Eastern. Paul Moth, unemployed since leaving the BCN, Newfoundland's coal-fired public broadcaster, takes the opportunity to be a replacement host on "Sunny Days and Nights" in the "Hundred Lakes" region of Ontario (think Muskoka). This very clever, very funny series makes for great listening on any summer road trip, not just to the cottage!

Listen to all 10 episodes here.

You can find the original web site here.

Thanks to gporter.net for keeping this content up and available!

1 Comment
18:40 UTC

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