
Photograph via snooOG

We are a community devoted to the musical comedian Bo Burnham.

All Bo Burnham. All of the time.


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120,171 Subscribers


Bo Burnham and Aaron Paul role playing in text based chat

13:03 UTC


Hell of a Ride Changed

Go listen to Hell of a ride. It sounds like a rerecording

07:30 UTC


I'm 3 months sober because of Bo Burnham

Inside opened my eyes, but his old stuff really humbled me. I love you all. Thank you for posting truth and fun ❤️

12:40 UTC


rad mail day ‼️

finally got a what cd 🙏🙏

18:47 UTC


Bo's early fixation on Oedipus

I noticed that he mentions him in Words Words Words as well as Rant. I was wondering if anyone knows why he brings him up multiple times? For contex, Oedipus is a hero in Greek mythology that murders his dad and unknowingly marries his mother.

Also, I'm not christian, so maybe that why I don't understand why he says "Oedipus was the first motherfucker", could anyone explain that to me?

06:07 UTC


Tony Hinchcliffe's GARBAGE, explained by an expert

Bo fans I think you'll appreciate this guy.

1 Comment
02:02 UTC


Single Every Single Day

A girl that I really liked and I thought I had a chance with just got a boyfriend. I was heartbroken when I walked away but then oh bo started playing on my headphones and I couldn't help but laugh. Thank you Bo for making me feel less alone.

16:52 UTC


Whats one bo burnham you would play at a funeral wrong answers only

16:06 UTC


Inside physical media

Is there a blu Ray or any type of physical media for Inside?

I know it’s a Netflix product but with streaming getting out of hand I was wondering if I can buy and keep forever!

01:31 UTC


Why is your child named Welcome to the Internet?

1 Comment
02:44 UTC


Need help finding a sample!

Hey this MIGHT be a shot in the dark but I'm currently on a sample hunt and I assume here would be a good place to ask.


These 2 songs have the same synth sound and drum sounds, no matter where I look I can't seem to find these samples.

If anyone wants to help look please do!!!

1 Comment
20:57 UTC


c. 2009

06:50 UTC


Inside: An English Teacher's Interpretation

Alright, so let’s first start with the title of “Inside.” A double entendre title (or moreso, even triple). The first, most obvious, interpretation is that the title acts as an obvious allegory for COVID-19 isolation–  how people were literally forced to stay inside. Moreover, he created this by himself during his time in isolation. The second interpretation is referring to this close-up, “inside,” look at his creative process and experience during the isolation period of the pandemic, alluded to in the “Goodbye” lyrics “How 'bout I sit on the couch and I watch you next time?” The third, more subtle and yet more powerful interpretation, is the “inside” look at his panic-disorder and struggles with anxiety. In saying that, what makes that mental health struggle even more nuanced is that while trying to overcome it, him (as well as so many other people with anxiety) are constantly being bombarded with information about the world, from the internet specifically, that rightfully makes someone anxious (mass shootings, pedophilic elite, the climate crisis, and now, at the time, COVID-19). You kind of have to be a fan to understand that part immediately, although in the later half of the film it becomes more and more implied throughout the songs. 

Something that is important to understand too, about Bo Burnham specifically, is that he became a famous comedian because of YouTube. So he grew up in that era where parents weren’t yet aware of the dangers of the internet, and he found great success through the internet at a very young age, which simultaneously contributed to a major panic-disorder. So he sees both sides of it: The dystopia, and the utopia, of the internet. 

Now, back to the actual film. It starts off somewhat light-hearted. The song “Content” refers to this major break he took from doing live shows, so he is finally giving his insatiable fans what they want. For example, in the lyrics “Daddy made you some content, open wide.” The first few songs are very old-school Bo Burnham. Light-hearted, funny, yet also a tad heart-warming. At the same time, however, are these political undertones (first becoming very visible in ‘That is How the World Works’) which continue to grow as he descends into a deep depression as a result of his isolation. 

Once he turns 30, all alone, the tone of the film really changes. Although it’s still comedy, it’s much more dark and vulnerable and you clearly see with the lyrics that he is being plagued and bombarded with anxiety-inducing information from the internet, especially having all this time alone to spend on it, and it is clearly triggering that panic-disorder again that he had tried for the past 6 years to overcome. Not only is he literally stuck inside, he is also metaphorically stuck inside his mind. 

In the song, “That Funny Feeling,” he is not only referring to the irony of how the world works (gift shop at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall) but is also referring to that funny feeling of feeling anxious, depressed, and hopeless. So, there it is again, so-to-speak. Moreover, there is an undertone of hopelessness in that song; a tone which is emphasized even more so in “All Eyes on Me.” When he does his stand up bit in that song, it is clear that the world-event irony from “That Funny Feeling” also applies to his own life, where when he finally gets better and wants to “come out of hiding” he is forced by the world to go back inside and recede into himself once more. 

That final song, “All Eyes on Me” is a culmination of all of this. That’s what makes it so beautiful in my opinion. It starts with him stating he is not well for the audience, and then sobbing into his hands– however, the camera isn’t even centered on him. So, visually, you’re immediately called to take an ironic interpretation of the lyrics “all eyes on me” because no one is actually watching, not even the camera. It captures that invisible feeling you get when depressed; the fact that you’re so alone and that no one has ever, or will ever, see you– again, a feeling that is completely intensified when you are literally being forced into real, tangible, isolation by world events. There’s an endless amount to say about the music, lyrics, and cinematography in this particular song, but I think the simplest way to understand the meaning is to view it as a culmination of everything he has expressed in the previous songs, and to view it as the climax: an overview of how depression and anxiety, all intensified by the forced isolation and really overwhelming world events, has now successfully, fully, and unfortunately, encompassed Bo. It’s an acceptance of a sad truth– that evil wins. That depression wins. That the world will end, and that everyone, including him, should now and forever not only stay inside their houses, but stay inside the internet itself and to (continue) to never actually take an active part in positive change. Everyone should keep their heads down, avoiding what’s happening in the real world, and continue to provide useless online “prayers.” The distortion of his voice implies that this view is distorted by the mental illness he is experiencing, yet still is very real and all encompassing. Furthermore, the distortion also lowers his voice, further highlighting that this particular moment is an all-time-low. 

Most people really connect with the part where he sings “you say the ocean’s rising, like I give a shit. You say the whole world’s ending, honey, it already did. You’re not going to slow it, Heaven knows you tried. Got? Good. Now get inside.” I think a lot of people Bo’s age have climate change related hopelessness as we grew up being told the world will end, so that part of the song captures that feeling in a lot of us. What I also love about this particular lyric, though, is if we look at how he has set us up to take a more ironic interpretation of this song, when he says “heaven knows you’ve tried,” it is clear we are not meant to take that literally. No one has tried. Everyone has kept their heads down, and have only offered useless prayers over the internet. This inaction also plagues him. 

I also love the lyrics “it’s almost over, it’s just begun.” Again, playing with that double entendre of the actual film being almost over, but more importantly, speaking to how the world is almost over and the horrific events that will lead to it have just begun. 

It’s ominous, heart-wrenching, haunting, and completely mesmerizing all at the same time– which is very comparable to what the internet is too. 

There’s so much I love about Inside. One of the final shots where “the voice” is taunting Bo, “Well, well, look who's inside again” when he’s completely naked and vulnerable at the piano. My god. There’s so much to say. There is so much to analyze. I hope that it will continue to get the credit it deserves as a masterpiece, not just a comedy special. I hope someone doing their masters in English grabs this by the horns, haha! 

Thank you for reading my boring English Teacher interpretation! I’d love to hear different thoughts or interpretations, too! 

02:23 UTC


What is Bo’s sense of humor called in Ironic?

10:50 UTC


Art Is dead (cover)

1 Comment
04:20 UTC


What's your favourite part in inside?

What's your favourite part in inside or inside outtakes or both?

One of mine would be in the outtakes there's a part where Bo is watching how the world works and it skips to the song content And the line goes like "this isn't about, content" and I like to think that shows that bo didn't do it for the content, he did it to distract himself. I think it's a very cool detail

20:54 UTC


Hey everyone, it's Socko!

I just got a spam text and hit 'em with the old Socko sunshine ✨

20:34 UTC


Found this on my YouTube feed, I need context?!?

19:19 UTC


that funny feeling (rewrite/cover)

Just gunna leave this here. Absolutely incredible.

06:26 UTC


what is good writing?

hello! i have a project for one of my education courses (i’m in school to be an english teacher) called “good writing,” where we have to do a presentation on a piece of media we consider good writing, and defend our position. i’d love to do a song from inside, but i’m having trouble narrowing it down.

i thought i’d reach out on here and ask what you guys consider to be the best writing bo’s done, whether on “inside” or another special, and why? thanks so much!

01:25 UTC


'Love Somebody'; the epitome of both 'Repeat Stuff' and 'Pandering'

Has anybody else thought that 'Love Somebody' by Morgan Wallen is the perfect example of what Bo sings about in 'Repeat Stuff' and 'Pandering'?

I like the song - but it just hit me the other day, which I found quite funny.

1 Comment
21:35 UTC


Merch Question

I’m looking to buy one of those “don’t panic” sweaters for myself. Does anyone know where I can get one? I googled Bo Burnham merch and I just found a site selling his vinyls and CDs.

19:53 UTC


Remember going to this booksale thing and saw something very familiar on the cover of a book

11:29 UTC


Why do so many of us have a burning desire to know whether or not Inside was “real” or “fake”?

Just like the title says: why do we need to know whether or not Bo was acting/performing during Inside or if it was "real"? And if it was real, which parts? All of them, just some of them?!

I've spent so long pondering and reading others' opinions, but now I'm getting more meta and wondering, "What difference does it make?"

I suppose that to some extent, by creating his art and leaving it up to his audience's interpretation, without offering any interviews, Bo has essentially answered our question, though not necessarily with an answer that satisfies: "Real? Staged? What difference does it make? Consume my content, consider it, digest it, and then move on."

So again, why do we all need to know whether it was real? Because IMHO, the most important thing is that his art's impact on us is real and that's what matters most.

Like Bo first asked us, "Wanna guess the ending? If it ever does?" In the end, we decide where performance and reality collide or diverge.

09:27 UTC


What Song/Joke/Moment got you into Bo?

For me it would have to be either “From God’s Perspective” or “Left Brain, Right Brain.” I just couldn’t stop lis

1 Comment
08:00 UTC

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