A place for people who cycle in Maryland
Visit these other cycling related pages!
Earlier today, the Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advocacy Committee (MBPAC) published a few documents pointing to what we have done last year (an annual report) and what we are advocating for in this year’s legislative session. Here are the links to both:
2024 Annual Report: MBPAC Annual Report - 2024
2025 legislative recommendations letter: .MBPAC 2025 Bicycle & Pedestrian Legislation Recommendations
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) is hiring a Community Outreach & Coalitions Coordinator to focus on engaging with and responding to community members’ inquiries and requests and on coordinating the Capital Trails Coalition. The community element of this role will be concentrated on building and strengthening partnerships and relationships in Washington, DC, with a focus on Ward 7 and Ward 8. Visit https://waba.org/2025/01/10/were-hiring-community-outreach-coalitions-coordinator/ for information and to apply.
Pasted from the announcement in my email
Join Us for Our 2025 Transportation Open House
Please join us, other County departments and offices, state and local agencies, and our partners to learn more about the planning, design, operations, and maintenance of the County's transportation systems on Thursday, January 30th (inclement weather date is February 6th) for our second annual Transportation Open House.
Set to take place from 4:30 to 7:30PM at the North Laurel Community Center, this event is an opportunity for attendees to learn about and ask questions regarding the multitude of transportation options, modes, agencies, and projects in Howard County. It incorporates our previously held Active Transportation and Transportation Priorities Open Houses and includes additional topic areas including transportation safety, transit and regional planning, roadway maintenance and operations, and more. It will also provide attendees with the opportunity to comment on the County's overall transportation priorities and approaches to solving common transportation challenges.
Additionally, the Department of Public Works (DPW) will highlight information on projects including:
Just made aware of this little bit of items which might make it into the legislative session's round of things to consider:
Vehicle Laws – Electric Bicycles – Certificate of Title, Registration, and Insurance https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/sb0014?ys=2025RS
Got me wondering, at least from the lens of those who are on Reddit, what might be some upcoming legislative topics which might grab positive, negative, or needed view from your point of view?
My daughter’s bike was stolen off our doorstep this past weekend. It is an older (18 year old ) bike and not high value. However, it’s not the cost that is upsetting. My daughter (13) uses it as her primary transportation to school. She is upset over the loss. We reported it to the Sykesville Police but I have little hope it will be recovered, and none by the time classes resume.
Any suggestions for a quick/low cost replacement? She rides a 26” or 700c. She used the old bike because I didn’t want to put a new bike in the elements (uncovered at school in rain, snow, all weather).
Meet up Location: 39.151688, -76.616952
Take off: 9:01AM Sunday Dec 29th Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49179091
Weather: 56 high (Subject to change) 10-15 mph winds
Pace Avg:16-18
Miles: 50 Miles
Cafe: Rise Up Severna Park
Ride will Start behind Bruster's Real Ice Cream building off Aquahart Rd our ride will end at Rise Up Cafe in Severna Park where we can enjoy some coffee and chat for a bit. After Cafe break leader will ride back using the B&A Trail for a easy ride back. Hope to see you all for an awesome ride!
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) is hiring a Maryland Organizer to advocate for safer roads, more and better trails, and improved policies for people biking, walking, and taking transit in Maryland, with a focus on Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, and state roads and policies. This work will focus on supporting community members and community-led campaigns, monitoring and providing input on priority infrastructure projects, and engaging with key decision-makers.
Visit https://waba.org/2024/12/19/were-hiring-maryland-organizer/ for information and to apply.
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) is looking for passionate and energetic trail champions with a wide range of skills and experiences for our Trail Ranger Team. This winter, we are looking to hire a dependable and thoughtful person who can grow into their role and join our existing field team. Visit https://waba.org/2024/12/12/64214/ for information and to apply
This morning the League of American Bicyclists published its 2024 Bicycle Friendly States ranking and report. Report cards for every state are available here: https://bikeleague.org/bfa/states/state-report-cards/
The League ranked MD #9 (prior rankings were #14 in 2022; #14 in 2019; #11 in 2017; #10 in 2015; #7 in 2014; #11 in 2013).
Here's the MD report card.
As copied from website
Do you bike now or would you like to? We want your input on our Proposed Regional Bike Network, which will connect the region through safe and comfortable bike lanes and paths. This is the first time a regionally connected bike network has been identified for the Baltimore region.
Come to our virtual public meeting to learn about the Proposed Regional Bike Network and share your thoughts! Join us virtually on Thursday December 12, 2024 at 6 p.m.
More info at https://publicinput.com/BikeBaltoRegion#tab-58443
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) is holding a member holiday happy hour in Hyattsville, next Wednesday, December 11th, 5-8 pm at Old Dominion Brewhouse. RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/waba-hyattsville-holiday-happy-hour-tickets-1089911868739.
If you're not a current member, you can (re-)join at https://waba.org/join. Membership is pay-what-you-can; even a small amount is appreciated. Thanks!
This week, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) launched an online statewide vulnerable road user survey. MDOT is asking for public input through January 31, 2025.
Vulnerable road users are defined as individuals walking, cycling or rolling, who are at a higher risk of injury or fatalities in crashes.
According to the press release, the survey will be used to inform the State's Vulnerable Road User Assessment (a Federal requirement) and guide MDOT's future infrastructure decisions.
Most people find riding a bike on busy, multilane streets or roads without shoulders intimidating, but for many rides across the Baltimore region — from Columbia to Fort Meade, or Towson into Baltimore, or up past White Marsh into Harford County, for example — at some point, there’s no other option.
Regional planners are identifying gaps where better infrastructure could make the Baltimore region more bikeable — and they want public feedback.
The public can take an online survey regarding the plan or share comments directly on the online bike map by Jan. 10. They also can offer feedback at an in-person public meeting Dec. 10 at Baltimore Unity Hall or a virtual meeting Dec. 12. Both are at 6 pm.
Join Bike Maryland for a Webinar about Cycling Without Age this Thursday, December 5th @ 7 PM
Register here: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Sandy Bishop, BikeAAA Board member and program manager for the Anne Arundel chapter of Cycling Without Age (CWA) in Severna Park, will share the story behind those strange looking rickshaws with the red canopies on the B&A Trail. CWA uses trishaws to get seniors and anyone with mobility limitations out for a ride with volunteers. CWA also motivates people who might otherwise not ride a bike to enjoy some time in the saddle while sharing the experience with others. The interest for programs in more areas is growing, along with the need for more leaders and volunteers. Learn how CWA can complement your bike clubs and advocacy efforts while also making your communities more connected through slow rides.
WABA Advocacy has arranged a Zoom session on Thursday, December 5, 2024, 7:30 pm-8:30 pm to bring community members up to speed on WABA’s 2025 state legislative agenda and pro-cycling advocacy plans. Register at https://waba.org/event/waba-preview-of-the-2025-maryland-legislative-session/ .
We’ll be joined by a special guest, Senate Judicial Proceedings (JPR) Committee Chair Will Smith, who will join us to brief you on the 2025 legislative calendar, the state transportation budget outlook, and effective advocacy from a legislator’s point of view.
WABA's quarterly Prince George’s County Advocacy update covers events, advocacy opportunities, legislative and transportation priorities, and community activities, plus our 2024 Prince George's County WABA Award honorees: https://waba.org/2024/11/27/pgc-2024-advocacy-update-4/ .
WABA action: Ask the Maryland Department of Transportation to Fully Fund Bikeways and Complete Streets. https://waba.org/action-page/ask-mdot-to-fully-fund-bikeways-and-complete-streets
I often bike commute in Prince George's county. Some of the streets along my route have great bike lanes that are clearly marked, painted bright green, and separated with post dividers. But even so many cars park in the bike lanes. This is obviously less safe. I know Baltimore city uses 311 to report them. Does Prince George's county have something similar?
In 2022, three State Department employees and the husband of another, working at NIH, were killed while biking and walking in the Washington area. That year, FSO Dan Langenkamp, husband of mother and FSO Sarah Langenkamp, held one of the largest safe-streets advocacy bike rides the Washington area has ever seen, with nearly 2,000 riders and walkers converging at the U.S. Capitol to demand safer streets.
On November 17, for the third year running, he is doing it again, joining forces with Congressman Jamie Raskin, Department of Transportation officials, and activists from across America to press for changes to make our streets safer.
Join us! The Ride for Your Life 2024, marking World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, will be an 8-mile slow ride to the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall from Wood Acres Elementary school in Bethesda.
Rather walk? Join the Walk For Your Life one-mile from Freedom Plaza across from the White House.
The event is the only ride/walk in the nation’s capitol aimed specifically at reducing the record numbers of people walking, biking, and driving being killed in vehicle traffic in America.
The ride will retrace the route that Sarah Langenkamp took the day she died, continuing to the Lincoln Memorial where we will hold a rally to press for change on our roadways.
You're invited to WABA’s 5th Great Montgomery County Bike Summit, Sunday afternoon, September 29 in Wheaton. Maryland State Highway Administrator Will Pines will keynote. The full program is at https://waba.org/MoCoSummit2024.
We got out a note yesterday, with some background: Why attend WABA’s 5th Great Montgomery County Bike Summit? And what’s with the “5th”? Here's a short excerpt:
Maryland has experienced 410 road deaths statewide so far in 2024. Both statewide and local efforts are needed, to advance road safety and build out our bicycle network. Join us on September 29 to join us in our work: https://waba.org/blog/2024/09/5th-great-moco-summit/
Any suggestions for flat biking paths? I biked bwi trail but I’m a beginner and it can be quite hilly
You're invited: The 5th Great Montgomery County Bike Summit takes place Sunday afternoon, September 29, 2024 in Wheaton, Maryland organized by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA). This free event will advance the cause of safe biking for all, across the county. We’re excited!
The summit will feature presentations and panel discussions with policy-makers and advocates. We’re looking forward to the program including a keynote from Will Pines, Maryland State Highway Administrator, and also particularly to a planned panel on Effective Community Advocacy.
Learn more and register (free!) at https://waba.org/blog/2024/07/mocosummit2024/.
Join the Garmin group ride if you’ll be at DC Bike Rode tomorrow.
Pasting from their flyer announcement
You are invited to Cycling Without Age – The Movie, featuring participants from the CWA Santa Barbara chapter. The movie introduces you to the “wind in your hair” joy of Cycling Without Age for both the passengers & the volunteers, as they spend 1me together in their local community sharing smiles and stories.
The 30-minute movie will be followed by a panel discussion with local participants and a chance to ride one of our trishaws. Cycling Without Age Anne Arundel provides free rides on the B&A Bike Trail in Severna Park and is run entirely by volunteers.
Please join us
Thursday, September 19th
11 am – 1 pm (Light lunch provided)
Hosted by: Woods Memorial Church
611 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Severna Park, MD
RSVP By Friday, September 13th - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLUDOsFc24_p3sct6FNiw4uMMGXXR5Ac4RaEYN3muFFrdPrg/viewform
Movie Trailer: https://youtu.be/0ggeqOvygEY?feature=shared
Learn more about Cycling Without Age
The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) State Highway Administration (SHA) announced community workshops for five priority Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP) corridors. Attend and participate if you're nearby and able.
From the press release:
(August 20, 2024) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration will host public informational workshops this fall to provide updates and receive feedback on initiatives to improve pedestrian access and safety along five key corridors as part of the agency’s ambitious Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. The corridors targeted for improvements are in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Howard, Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.
Through the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan, the State Highway Administration reviewed existing conditions across the state, identified areas of need and prioritized corridors for pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements. The plan was published in May 2023, and the first five corridors were announced late last year.
Workshops to discuss safety projects will be held for the following corridors:
“The Pedestrian Safety Action Plan is critical in our strategy to provide safe, accessible and equitable transportation options for all customers, no matter how they travel,” said State Highway Administrator Will Pines. “We are excited to host these informational workshops to share our thoughts with residents and get feedback on ways we can improve safety and accessibility throughout our communities.”
Working with community residents, officials and other stakeholders, the State Highway Administration is developing strategies to enhance safety for all roadway users along these corridors by increasing safety and mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists. The agency is making recommendations using its Context Driven Guide – a toolkit that considers the “context” of an area to determine what countermeasures are most appropriate. Depending on community needs, land-use and other factors, solutions may include speed limit reductions, protected bike lanes, high-visibility crosswalks, signal timing adjustments or a host of other strategies.
During the informational workshops there will be no formal presentation. State Highway staff will be available to discuss project-specific details, and those attending may arrive at any time to view the displays, ask questions and provide feedback. Materials also will be posted on the State Highway Administration’s Project Portal website.
A Spanish-language interpreter will be available at each of the meetings to assist with communication and respond to questions. Others seeking an interpreter for hearing or speech difficulties or assistance with the English language may email SHATitleVI@mdot.maryland.gov in advance of the event. Please indicate the desired language in the subject line. Maryland Relay Service can assist teletype users at 7-1-1. Questions about the informational workshops or general inquiries may be directed to State Highway Administration Senior Safety Officer Joseph Moges at jmoges@mdot.maryland.gov, or Community Relations Manager Holly Pearl at Hpearl@mdot.maryland.gov.
The Pedestrian Safety Action Plan is a key component of the implementation of the Maryland Department of Transportation’s new Complete Streets Policy, which prioritizes safe, reliable, equitable and sustainable travel across all modes to make roads safer and connect Marylanders to jobs, education and economic opportunity. Projects under the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan also support Maryland’s Vision Zero goal, which seeks to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries on state roadways by 2030.
For a list of all major State Highway Administration projects, go to Project Portal, or visit the homepage at roads.maryland.gov. For a look at real-time traffic conditions, go to md511.maryland.gov.
We hope your summer is going well. WABA’s Advocacy team has been busy! Here’s our latest quarterly Prince George’s County advocacy update, #3 for 2024. https://waba.org/blog/2024/08/pgc-2024-update-3/
You're invited: Join the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) in Gaithersburg on August 21 for our next Montgomery County bicycling advocates meetup. Info & RSVP at waba.org/blog/2024/07/meetup-8-21.